Chapter 1223 Will die

"...Am I too tired?"

Shaking his head slightly, Emiya Shirou allowed himself to wake up.

Then, I walked towards the school building where I always felt that the students in the corridor were all lethargic.

School ends early on Saturday.

The class ended in the morning, and when I was helping to finish the work, the sun was almost sinking into the horizon.

"Okay, it's almost time to go back."

Emiya Shirou packed up his things and left the classroom.

At this time——

"Why. You're still in school, Emiya."

Suddenly met Shinji.

There were several female students behind Shinji, who seemed a bit noisy.

"You have nothing to do and you still stay in school? Oh, by the way, you are trying to please the student council again. Emiya is really good. You don't have to join a club but you still have internal paperwork!"

"I'm not helping the student union. As a student, it's natural to repair school equipment. Because we are the ones using it."

"Ha, that's very well said. Let Emiya take everything for granted. Didn't I say before that your way of pretending to be a good kid makes me unhappy?"

"Huh?...Sorry, I don't really remember. Because I think that was Shinji's catchphrase, and I seem to have forgotten it after hearing it."

"────! Humph, that's it. Then you can fix everything in school, right, Emiya."

"It's impossible to fix it all. At least take care of it."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you then. Our archery dojo is in a mess right now. The strings are just left unwinded, and Azuchi hasn't cleaned them up. If you have time, can I ask you over there? You are a former archery dojo. Club member, right? Don’t just follow the student union, but come and help us sometimes?”

"Eh? Senior, wait a minute, isn't that what Mr. Fujimura said to senior?"

"Yes, if you don't do it well, she will be angry tomorrow?"

"But, if we start cleaning up now, the store will be closed. Can't we just let the guy over there do it?"

"That's not good. And we can't let people who are not members clean..."

"It's not like that, is it? Shinji said that man is a former member of the Kyudo Club, so just leave it to him!"

There seemed to be a commotion behind Shinji.

Although they seem to be members of the Kyudo club, there are none that I have seen. They must have been recruited by Shinji recently.

"Then, please leave it to me from now on. The place where the key is kept has not changed, so just go in by yourself. Is that okay with you, Emiya?"

"Ah, it's okay. It's okay anyway, it's not bad to do this once in a while."

"Haha, thanks! Let's go then, I'll leave the boring chores to that guy!"

"Ah, wait a minute, senior! Ah, I'll leave it to you from now on, senior."


Because I knew the method, the organization of the kyu dojo ended easily.

Although it took a lot of time to make the dojo that was so vast a year and a half ago clean, Emiya Shirou was happy.

On the way, I thought it would be okay once, so I picked up a bow, but it was rude to pull someone else's bow, so I gave up.

And if you want to draw a bow, just bring your own bow.

"...However, there are more carbon rod bows. A year ago there was only one."

Unlike plastic or wood bows, carbon rod bows are very convenient in many aspects.

The biggest drawback is that it is very expensive, and it is not something that can be bought with social fees.

At that time, only Shinji was using it, but the new member seemed to be rich unexpectedly?

"...It's a pity. Wooden bows can be processed a lot."

Never mind, this is personal preference.

Look at the clock, it's already passed the threshold.

It was just past seven o'clock. This way the school gate should be closed, there is no need to force yourself to go back early.


Is this dojo that dirty? There is also a club classroom where the bows are placed, and the dirt in the small area is very conspicuous.

"...Forget it, it shouldn't be over for an hour or two."

Don't give up halfway. Anyway, let’s do the whole cleaning.

The wind picked up.

My cheeks were frozen because of the cold.

...Even in winter, Fuyuki nights are not very cold, but today is the only time it is particularly cold.


With a sigh, the white sigh remained.

Emiya Shirou huddled up and endured in the cold air that even seemed to freeze his fingertips.

"...Why. No wonder it feels dark. It turns out the moon is covered."

Looking up at the sky, there is no white light.

Is it because of the strong wind? Clouds are flowing in the sky.

There is nothing to radiate heat in a school that has passed the threshold and is deserted.

There was no sound at all, and this place was more air-conditioned than the rest of the town.


Just now, what was it?

It seemed that I heard a sound.

"───I did hear it. Over there in the school courtyard?"

On this night.

Under the frozen night sky, Emiya Shirou was very concerned about the sound that broke the silence.

In order to confirm the authenticity of the voice, he walked towards that place.


At first, only shadows are visible when looking from a distance.

Dark nights, in the darkness without light.

If you want to see more, you have to approach the school courtyard.

The voice sounded louder and more powerful.

It was the sound of steel colliding with steel.

In this case, there must be someone over there who is cutting each other with blades.

"...How is that possible? What are you thinking about?"

I smiled bitterly and denied the imagination that came to my mind, and my pace quickened.

───At this time.

Was it because he instinctively sensed danger? Emiya Shirou suddenly felt uneasy and considered whether to approach secretly.

In short, first approach the trees where you can hide your body, and then go closer to see where the sound is coming from.


Then, consciousness completely froze.


There is something inexplicable...

The red man and the cyan man.

Beyond anachronisms, the two men were armed so gorgeously that it didn't look like they were joking. Just like his ominous imagination, they were actually hacking at each other.


Can't catch up visually.

Emiya Shirou felt that his mind could not function normally due to their unrealistic actions.

Only the sound of the collision of murder weapons forced him to know that the two men were killing each other.


However, he knew it the moment he saw it.

That's not human. Probably something similar to humans.

I didn’t know it just because I was studying magic.

Anyone who looks at something like that will know it’s not human! ?

Humans are not creatures that can move like that!

So that is something that cannot be related!


Suddenly, Emiya Shirou's heart tightened.

He felt murderous.

The murderous aura is felt even from a distance.

……will die.

The body knew faster than the mind that it would never survive if I stayed here any longer.

The same goes for the faster heartbeat

It was also a creature, and he felt that it existed only for killing.

They wield kitchen knives or daggers, weapons that can reliably kill humans without even being touched by their heels.

Suddenly, the murder incident yesterday flashed through my mind.

The family members who died were said to have been killed with a knife-like weapon.


I can't look at it like this anymore.

But I couldn't move my body, and I couldn't breathe.

Thinking about the mind that must escape.


and the judgment that if you escape you will be discovered.

...More than that battle, what paralyzed Emiya Shirou's hands and feet was that even though he was forty meters away from the two men, he felt as if he was about to be penetrated by the spear from behind, making him unable to breathe smoothly.


The sound stopped.

The two of them stood facing each other at a distance.

The moment he was relieved that they would stop killing each other, he suddenly felt a stronger murderous aura.


The heart is shrinking.

The numbness in his hands and feet turned into spasms. Emiya Shirou gritted his teeth and suppressed the trembling of his body.

"That's a lie──that guy, how───!"

The green one had so much magic flowing into it that it made people want to vomit.

Kiritsugu once showed me how to absorb magic power from the surroundings.

That's something I, a newbie, would admire when I see it. It's accompanied by a kind of beautiful magic.

But that one is different.

A simple act like drinking water will look ugly if it exceeds the limit.

What that guy did is something that anyone with magic would find disgusting. It was a huge act of gluttony.


will be killed.

The red guy will be killed.

A blow using so much magic power. There is no possibility of defense.

will die.

Although not human, the guy with human form will die.

That is……

That is……

Is that something you can ignore?

Because of this confusion, Emiya Shirou's consciousness turned away from the two fighting men.

The moment he could finally move his body and take a deep breath——

"Who is it───!"

The green man seemed to be aware of Emiya Shirou's presence and stared at him who was hiding.


The cyan man lowered his body.

Just like this, Emiya Shirou realized that this man's target had changed to him.


The feet start running on their own.

When he finally noticed that it was an act of avoiding death, he focused all his body on the act of escaping.

I don't know how I escaped, but when I regained consciousness, Emiya Shirou had already run into the school building.

"What are you doing─── something stupid!"

While panting hard, he was stunned by his behavior.

If you want to escape, you should go into the town.

What's the point of running to a place with no one like this?

And it’s still a school. Even if you have to hide, there is a better place to hide, right?

And why does he have this dangerous illusion that he will be killed if he doesn't run away───

"Haah───ha, haha───ah——"

Running beyond the limit strains the heart.

Looking back, I didn’t feel like I was chasing him.

The clicking footsteps were only those of Emiya Shirou himself.

"Ah───Haaah, haah, haah——"

Then, we can finally stop.

He stopped his feet that could no longer move, supplied oxygen to his heart that was about to break, opened his mouth wide and let out a haha, feeling as if he had been saved.

"...Haah...ah...what was that just now..."

Emiya Shirou adjusted his disordered breathing while recalling the scene just now.

In short, it is certain that it is something that cannot be seen.

In the schoolyard at night, something resembling humans was fighting.

That was all I could remember.

However, in the corner of my sight was——

“…There’s another person, I feel like there’s someone else…”

I couldn’t remember what that person looked like.

To be honest, Shirou Emiya had no energy to pay attention to anything other than those two people.

“But, this is finally────”

“The game of hide-and-seek is over, right?”

The voice came from right in front of him.

“Wow. I didn’t expect you to run so far.”

The man who suddenly appeared seemed to be very intimate with Shirou Emiya, saying these words.


I couldn’t breathe.

I stopped thinking, even though I couldn’t think of anything.

────I just had a vague feeling that I was going to die.

“You should know better than anyone that you can’t escape, right? Why, the one who gets defeated often gains something. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

With a whoosh.

He raised his gun naturally, just like that.

"You are unlucky, kid. But since you have seen me, go die."

Without mercy or emotion, the man's spear pierced Emiya Shirou's heart.

There was no time to dodge.

The results of past training were useless.

He was killed.

Although I knew I was pierced by a spear, I couldn't even move.


The world was distorted.

The body became cold.

The feeling began to disappear from the fingertips and the end.


Only once, blood spit out from the mouth.

I should have spit out more blood, but only once.

The man's spear might be specially made.

The blood slowly settled, and the heart that should have spurted blood stopped moving after just one stab.


I can't see clearly.

No feeling.

Like the moon floating on the sea in a dark night.

I can no longer feel pain.

The world is white, and only I am black.

So it's not that I am dead.

It's more like the feeling that everything around me has disappeared.

Shirou Emiya knows.

I also experienced it once ten years ago.

This is the feeling of a dying human being.

"The dead can't talk. It's natural for a weak guy to say something when he dies, but


Consciousness can no longer reach vision.

"─── What a nasty job. It's too funny to call him a hero."

Only, I heard a voice.

"I know, no objection. I saw the girl's servant. I will go back obediently."

A voice with hidden anger.

After that, there was the sound of running in the corridor

"─── Archer, huh? I was thinking of competing with him, but I can't go against the Master's policy... What a nasty Master."

The voice suddenly disappeared.

Did he jump from the window?

After that.

The running sound stopped.

A strange interval.

... There are footsteps again.

Already, I can't hear clearly.

"Go after him, Archer. Lancer should have returned to his master. At least you should get a glimpse of his face."

... Whose voice is that?

Shirou Emiya tried to remember with all his gradually blurring consciousness, but nothing came to mind.

Now there was only a loud breathing sound.

Is the lung still alive?

The sound of his breathing leaked out of his mouth, like a typhoon, very loud.

"But he is not dead yet, it's amazing."

The feeling of someone watching him.

The guy also thought his breathing was noisy, and stretched out his finger as if to close his mouth.

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