Chapter 1224 Hunting


"...No way. Why, would you..."

A grunt.

While hearing the unwilling gnashing of teeth, the visitor touched Emiya Shirou who was soaked in blood without hesitation.

"...Forge damaged internal organs to replace them, and completely repair the heart within this period of time... Like this, if you can succeed, you will be qualified to go directly to the clock tower..."

A vague voice muttered something.

Taking this as the limit, Emiya Shirou's gradually weakening consciousness suddenly stopped.


I don't know how much time passed, but Emiya Shirou's consciousness gradually returned to his body.

Slowly, bit by bit, like water droplets dripping from the leaves, the body's functions recovered.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock...

what are you doing?

The figure leaning next to Emiya Shirou had sweat pouring from his forehead, and he was concentrating, putting his hand on his chest.


When she came to her senses, she noticed that the place where her palms were placed was very hot.

It must be the heat that scares the dead body and makes the frozen blood start to flow again.


In his vague consciousness, Emiya Shirou felt that the Taoist image sat down with a sigh of relief.

"worn out……"

she complained.

There was a click and something fell.

"...Forget it, I can't help it. I'm sorry, dad. Your daughter is a very ruthless person."

That was what the last figure said mockingly.

After this, the man simply left.

“Dong dong dong────────”

Emiya Shirou's heart began to move again.

Then, his consciousness completely fell into coma.

It is not a sleep leading to death.

But the restful sleep necessary in order to wake up again.


I don't know how long time passed, Emiya Shirou opened his eyes blankly.

He felt like vomiting deep in his throat. My body ached everywhere, and with every beat of my heart, I had a headache as if I had been stabbed.

"What happened───?"

The headache was so intense that he couldn't remember exactly what happened.

Is it because I slept in the corridor for a long time? My body is trembling with coldness.

The only thing that was certain was the uniform that was partially torn on the chest and his own blood that was sticky on the corridor.


Emiya Shirou stood up holding his confused head.

The place where he just fell was as serious as a murder scene.

"...Damn it, really..."

───Was his chest penetrated?


Emiya Shirou resisted the rush of things and walked into the classroom next to him.

He opened the cabinet with unsteady steps and took out a rag and bucket.

"...ah...what am I doing..."

My head is still in panic.

You obviously encountered something very dangerous and were suddenly killed. Why do you have to deal with the aftermath at this time, idiot.

"...Haah...haah...damn it, it can't be wiped off..."

He kept mopping the floor with a rag.

My hands and feet were still weak, but I finally wiped away the scattered blood, picked up the garbage that fell on the floor, and put it in my pocket.

...Maybe this is called destroying evidence, right?

Maybe he did such stupid things because he was confused...


Finally, Shirou Emiya put away the rag and bucket and left the school with zombie-like steps.

…The further I walked, the warmer my body became.

Although it was so cold outside, only my body seemed to be burning.

...When I got home, it was already past twelve o'clock.

No one was in the house.

Needless to say, Sakura, Sister Fuji has also gone back.

The same goes for the man who came and went without a trace.

"...Ah...Haah, haah, ha──ah!"

There was a thud, and Emiya Shirou sat down on the floor.

Just lying down like this, he finally calmed down.


He took a deep breath.

When the chest swells up, it hurts like a slit in the heart.

...No, it's the opposite.

In fact, it was not the heart that was cut.

It's because the hole in the heart has just healed, and if it expands, the wound will open.

"...It's true that I almost got killed!"

Not right?

Not that he was almost killed, but that he was already killed!

And being able to live like this now is because of someone’s help!

He remembered that someone did appear to save him when he was unconscious.

"...Who is that? At least I want to say thank you..."

Since that person was staying at that place, he might be their relative.

But the matter of being rescued remained unchanged. One day, I have to thank him properly.


While I felt relieved, the pain returned.

The feeling of vomiting came up at the same time.

"Ah...ha, Gu...!"

Emiya Shirou pushed himself up and barely resisted vomiting.


He touched his chest where the uniform was torn and bare.

Although he was saved, a hole was still made in his chest.

That feeling...

The unpleasant feeling of being pierced through the chest by the tip of a spear like a kitchen knife will never be forgotten in a short time.

"...Damn it. If you do this, it will appear in your dreams for the time being."

As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt like my chest was pierced by a gun again.

Putting aside that illusion, Emiya Shirou decided to calm down and collect himself.

"...Okay. Calm down."

This is the result of exercising every night.

Just taking a few deep breaths can clear your mind and reduce body heat and nausea.

"Then, about what I saw..."

The red man and the cyan man.

Although it looked human, he didn't think it was.

It should be some kind of ghost, right?

But he had never heard of a ghost that had an entity and could directly interfere with living humans.

And the cyan man who was chasing him to kill him had spoken. Now that it has a will of its own, it's harder to think it's a ghost.

...Also, I heard that the only type of spirit with a physical body is elves, but elves shouldn't be in human form, right...?

"...No. The problem is not that..."

There should be other, more fundamental problems.

...two people who killed each other.

...The robbers who broke into a nearby house committed murder.

...Fuyuki Town, where ominous incidents continue to occur.


After thinking so much, Emiya Shirou finally understood that this matter was just something he couldn't handle.

"...At this time, if dad is still alive..."

Emiya Shirou said frustrating words that he shouldn't have uttered.

"──Idiot. Didn't you decide to do what you can do even if you don't know?"

Speaking of frustration will come later.

First of all, yes──you have to choose whether or not you want to have anything to do with this──


The bell hanging from the ceiling of the house rang.

Although this place is abandoned, it is also the home of a magician.

So at least there is a barrier that will sound the alarm if someone you don’t know comes in.


"There will be thieves at times like this───"

Emiya Shirou whispered, then gasped at his own stupidity.

How could he be a thief?

At this time, after that abnormal thing, how could it be a thief!

There are indeed invaders!

That was not a thief, nor an assassin who took away objects, but an assassin who took away lives!

Because, didn’t that man say it?

"If you see it, you will only die. 』


The house was enveloped in silence.

In the darkness where there was no sound at all, indeed──the murderous aura felt in the school courtyard was approaching step by step.


Gurgling, a sound coming from the throat.

There was a chill on my back as if I was being pricked by needles.

It's not an illusion, it's nothing. As soon as you leave this room, you will be penetrated immediately.


Emiya Shirou tried his best to hold back the screams that were about to escape.

The moment he screamed, the assassin would happily rush in and kill him.

...If that happens, the same thing as before will happen again.

Without any preparation, he would be penetrated by the gun again.

"────Ah───Haah, ah────"

While thinking this, my breathing became abnormally irregular.

The mind is confused.

It’s so ugly to feel intimidated and to simply give up on the life I saved.


Emiya Shirou gritted his teeth and grasped the chest that had been penetrated, trying to restrain himself from boredom.

It's almost time to get used to it.

This is the second time.

This was the second time someone had come to kill him.

He clearly said that he should never show that ugly look just now. Isn't Shirou Emiya a magician?

So, if you can't even protect yourself at this time, what have you learned in the past eight years──!

"...Very good. Don't you want to do it?"

Don't think about hard things.

All I need now is to fight away the guy who comes over.

"...First of all, we have to find a way to use weapons."

Although I am a magician, all I can do is "strengthen" things that can be used as weapons.

Fight with weapons.

Although there are many things that can be used as weapons in the warehouse, it is far from here to the warehouse.

If I were attacked while leaving the living room like this, I would end up in the same situation as before.

...Although it is difficult, weapons must be prepared here.

A long, thin stick would be just fine. What the opponent is good at is guns. There's no comparison with a short knife or a kitchen knife.

Although it would be best to have a wooden sword, of course there is no such thing.

In this living room, there are things that can be used as weapons───

"Wow...there are only posters left by Sister Teng..."

My shoulders couldn't help but feel weak.

However, in this absolutely helpless situation, Emiya Shirou calmed down.

Now that we've reached this worst situation, it won't get any worse.

Then──just keep going until your strength is exhausted.

"────Synchrony, start."

At the same time as switching his own cues, magic is injected into the approximately 60 cm long poster.

In order to make it something that could deal with that spear, it was necessary to imbue the entire poster with magic power and solidify it into a weapon.

"───Constructing materials, explain."

Focus your awareness.

Like letting my own blood stain the poster through my skin, I allowed the touch of magic to penetrate.

"───Construction material, reinforcement."

There is a feeling of hitting bottom.

The magic reaches the corners of the poster, before spilling out.

"───The entire project is over."

Emiya Shirou cut off the contact between the poster and himself, and his body shook with the feeling of success.

The hardness of the poster is now as hard as iron.

And it's as light as before, which is an impeccable result for a makeshift sword.

"Smoothly, completed──"

I haven’t successfully completed an enhanced magic spell in a few years.

It was ironic that magic, which had not been formed even once since Kiritsugu's death, was successfully carried out under such circumstances.

“But, in this case───”

Maybe there is a way.

When it comes to using swords, Emiya Shirou also has some experience.

He held the poster tightly in both hands and stood in the center of the living room.

Anyway, he would be killed if he stayed here. Even if he ran out of the house, he didn't think he could escape.

Then, just run straight towards the warehouse and make stronger weapons───


Come if you want, he won't be like that just now, when he thought about it and put on a posture.


The cold hair on my back stood up.

Did you come here before?

The figure appeared from the ceiling and fell straight down towards Shirou Emiya.


The silver light slipped from the head.

I can only think that the guy who came through the roof was trying to stab him through the top of his head───

"This─── guy...!!"

Shirou Emiya single-mindedly dodged forward as if he were falling.

With a slight soft sound, he fell to the ground and rolled unsightly.

But he immediately stopped and stood up with his makeshift sword in hand.


The visitor looked bored and slowly turned towards him.

"...It's all in vain. I was worried that it would hurt if you saw yourself killed."

The person holding the gun was very weak.


Although I don't know what's going on, the guy now doesn't have the domineering power in the school courtyard.

In this case, we can really take advantage of it...!

"...Really, I ended up killing the same person twice in one day. Has the world become completely bloody?"

The man acted like he didn't take Emiya Shirou seriously at all and said bad things.


Emiya Shirou stepped back little by little.

It was about three meters away from the window.

If you run that way, you will be less than twenty meters away from the warehouse when you reach the courtyard.

So, even now and immediately───

"Goodbye. Don't get lost this time, kid."


As if sighing, the man said.


There was a sharp pain in my right hand.


It was a split second.

The man thrust out the spear too naturally and without any reaction time.

...Originally, Emiya Shirou should have welcomed his second death like this.

What stopped the spear was the makeshift sword in front of him.

The guy thought it was just ordinary paper.

The gun that stabbed the poster as if it didn't exist was bounced off by the paper sword and grazed his right hand.

"Oh? A very strange skill, hey."

The expression disappeared from the man's face.

The carelessness just now disappeared completely, and he observed Shirou Emiya's movements with eyes like a wild beast.


Emiya Shirou was wrong. He actually had the arrogance to deal with this man.

──What he saw before him now was an evil spirit that was out of touch with common sense!

He fully understood his own foolishness in confronting that guy while still being a little relaxed.

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