A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1225 1218 Coming in response to the call

...that's right.

If you really want to fight, you should miraculously dodge the blow to the head and then run towards the window without looking at the person next to you...!

"I thought you were just an ordinary kid, but it turns out you're like this...Although it's weak, you can feel the magic. You're still alive after being pierced through your heart. Is that what it's like?"

The tip of the spear was pointed at Emiya Shirou.



A flash of light like that was unstoppable.

If this man is good at swords, he can at least be prepared no matter how fast he is.

But that's a gun.

There is a sword whose trajectory is a line, and a gun whose trajectory is a point.

How can you defend against a blow that you can't even see through the initial action?

"Very good──you can enjoy it a little bit, right?"

The man's body was lowered.

In an instant────

Not from the front, the spear was swung from the side.

Relying only on reflexes, Emiya Shirou blocked the gun aimed at his cheek.


"Good boy, come on, the next one is coming...!"

The whirling whirlwind.

How was it done in this narrow room? The spear drew a graceful arc without touching the wall.


This time it was from the opposite direction, making a big curve and swinging towards Emiya Shirou's body...!


The makeshift sword used for defense was bent.

Monster──Is this guy holding a hammer?

Damn it, this numb feeling, the bones in both hands must have been crushed──!

"G-this guy───!"


Emiya Shirou swung his sword reflexively.

He must be underestimating himself, then bounce the gun you haven’t withdrawn──!


The hands that hit the spear were numb.

The makeshift sword bent more sharply, and the man's gun was only slightly off track.

"...It can't be used anymore. I gave you a chance but it was all in vain. Forget it, it's useless to expect a magician and me to kill each other──"

What the man did just now was just playing.

If you can block two blows, you will be rewarded and let you strike in. Men can do it with ease.

...The only and absolute opportunity was wasted by Emiya Shirou on the spot.

So──this man doesn’t think he is worthy enough to fight with him.

"──I'm disappointed. It's better to die immediately, kid."

The man readjusted the gun he had just thrust.

“You name it—idiot!”

In his unnecessary movements, Emiya Shirou jumped out of the window from behind without looking back!

"Haah, haah, ha───"

He smashed his back through the window and rolled into the courtyard.

After rolling around like this for a few times, I stood up───

"Ha, ah───!"

Without any evidence, Emiya Shirou turned his body and struck a blow in the back based on his intuition!


Seeing that the stabbing spear was bounced away by Emiya Shirou like this, the man hesitated a little.

However, all this was expected by Emiya Shirou.

He knew that if he jumped out of the window, this man would chase him.

And if the man caught him before he stood up, he would be killed for sure.

So───believing that the killing blow would come, he swung the sword with all his strength!

Although it is a reckless strategy that if you are too late, you will die immediately, and if you are too fast, you will be killed due to the gap in the air. But judging from the difference in strength between him and this man, he can only take this gamble and use it. Stand up as quickly as possible with all your strength, and then fight back with all your strength.

Fortunately, I knocked back the man's gun with one blow!


Emiya Shirou immediately rearranged his posture.

Then just take advantage of the man's fear and find a way to run to the warehouse──!



The man whose gun should have been deflected approached him empty-handed without holding a gun.

He spun around with his back to me and performed a roundhouse kick.


The surrounding scenery is flowing.

The chest that had been kicked away was numb and I couldn't breathe.

No, what should be more surprising than that was the fact that he was flying in the air.

Just a roundhouse kick, and his body was kicked away like a ball. This was something he didn't even expect.


Emiya Shirou fell to the ground on his back.

Hitting the wall and suffering an impact that nearly broke his back, he fell to the ground.


can not breath.

Blurred vision.

Wall── Emiya Shirou supported himself on the wall of the warehouse at his destination and finally stood up.

"Ha--ha, ha--"

With blurred vision, he caught the man's figure again.

He found that he had really been kicked away, and it was nearly twenty meters away!

The man picked up the gun again and charged forward in a straight line.


Will be killed!

Will definitely be killed!

That man will be here soon! ?

Before that - if you don't want to die, you must stand up and fight!


The tip of the gun shoots out.

Emiya Shirou couldn't even turn back to the man, and faced the tip of the spear with his body that was about to collapse.

"Tsk, if you're a man, just stand up...!" Another thrust into the air, the man complained unhappily.

This time it was really luck.

Unable to support his body, his knees bent. It was Shirou Emiya's luck.

The spear was on his head, slamming into the warehouse door, popping the heavy door open.


So, this is the last chance.

As long as you go to the warehouse, there will be something that can be used as a weapon!


Emiya Shirou crawled into the warehouse on his hands and knees.

At this time────

"Hey, it's over now───!"

There was no way to avoid it, and the fatal gun was released.



Emiya Shirou spread out the stick-shaped poster and used it as a shield that could only be used once.


A loud impact.

Can’t the open poster be as hard as it was before?

Although it blocked the gun, the poster was penetrated and returned to its original form.

"Ah, Gu...!"

Emiya Shirou was blown away by the impact of the spear and bounced against the wall.

"Ah────, Woo────"

He sat on the floor and struggled to get up.

Then, when I raised my head with the intention of grabbing something that could be used as a weapon——

"It's over. What you just did shocked me, kid!"

In front of me is a man with a spear drawn out.


Already, there is no next step.

The man's gun was aimed squarely at the heart.

Emiya Shirou knew that the pain he had tasted just a few hours ago, the taste of being pushed mercilessly to death, was about to come again.

"I really don't understand you. You are quite smart, but you are not good at magic. Although you are talented, are you too young?"

"..." Emiya Shirou could no longer hear the man's voice.

His consciousness was only focused on the murder weapon in front of him

Of course.

Because as soon as that one is thrust out, he will die.

So everything else is redundant. That's it, what else is there to think about now?


"I don't think so, but you might be the seventh person. Forget it, even if that's the case, it's over."

The man started talking to himself.

The movement that he had never seen before now looked like slow motion in Emiya Shirou's eyes.

The silver light of Mercedes-Benz.

Like the tip of a spear being sucked into his heart.

Will blood spurt out in a second?

He knew it.

The feeling of steel piercing your body.

And the taste of blood rising in my throat.

There is also the feeling of the world fading away.

I just tasted it not long ago.

...then again? real?

Can't understand. Why did this have to happen to him! ?


Can't agree with this kind of thing. You can't die meaninglessly here!

He had been saved.

So, since you have been saved, you cannot simply die!

He must fulfill his obligations while alive, but he cannot fulfill his obligations if he dies!

However, the tip of the spear still penetrated into the chest...

If the tip of the spear penetrates the skin, will it cut off the ribs and pierce the heart?


Emiya Shirou felt extremely unwilling and angry.

It was just a joke to kill someone so easily!

What a joke, he will actually die!

It's just a joke again. He will be killed twice in one day. There is such a stupid thing! ?

Ah, really, everything is a joke, so he shouldn't be afraid! !

"Don't be ridiculous, how could I───"

It's meaningless like this!

By guys like you! ! !

Kill them────! ! ! ! !


That, really is...


Like magic, it appeared.

In the dazzling light, a figure appeared behind Shirou Emiya!

Emiya Shirou couldn't think clearly and could only judge that the one who appeared looked like a girl.

A clang.

As soon as the figure appeared, he deflected the gun intended to penetrate his chest and moved towards the man without hesitation.

"───Is it really the seventh Servant...!?"

The man holding up the deflected spear looked at the girl waving "something" in her hand in surprise.

Sparks exploded again.

The sword flashed.

After receiving a blow from the girl who just appeared, the man with the spear took a few steps back.


Knowing his disadvantage, the man flew out of the warehouse with the agility of a beast───

After forcing the man back, the girl slowly turned her head.

Today is a very windy day.

The clouds moved and the moon peeked out slightly for a while.

The silver moonlight that shines into the warehouse shines on the girl dressed as a knight.


Emiya Shirou couldn't make a sound.

It’s not chaos that happens suddenly.

However, because the girl in front of him was so beautiful, he was speechless.


The girl stared at him emotionlessly with her jewel-like pupils.

"Let me ask you. Are you my master?"

She said this in a solemn voice


Emiya Shirou blankly repeated what she asked.

He didn't know what she was talking about or who she was.

What he knows now──is that this petite, slender girl is the same as the man outside.


The girl said nothing and looked at him quietly.

───How should I describe that posture…

She was so special that he forgot that in this situation, the man outside would attack him as soon as he found a gap.

It was as if only his own time had stopped.

The fear of death that had occupied his body just now completely disappeared, and now, only the girl was in his sight.

“Servant, swordsman, I come to obey your call. Master, please give me your instructions.”

The girl spoke for the second time.

The moment this voice reached his ears——


Pain came from his left hand.

It was as painful as being pressed with a branding iron.

Shirou Emiya could not help but press the back of his left hand.

Was this action a signal? The girl quietly nodded her cute face.

“───From now on, my sword will be with you, and your fate will be with me────Here, the contract is completed.”

“What, contract, what────!?”

Shirou Emiya is also a magician. He can understand what that word means.

But the girl did not answer his question, and turned away gracefully as she nodded.

────She was facing the door leading to the outside.

Outside the door was the man with the spear.


No way, it happened earlier than he thought.

The girl in knight's outfit jumped out of the warehouse without hesitation.


Emiya Shirou even forgot the pain in his body, stood up and chased after the girl.

That girl could not defeat that man.

Even if she was dressed dangerously, he thought the girl was younger than him.


Emiya Shirou was about to shout, but was blocked by that voice.


He doubted his eyes.

This time, his mind was blank and he couldn't think of anything.

"What, that guy────"

The sound of weapons clashing echoed.

The moon hid in the clouds, and the courtyard returned to its original darkness.

Steel and steel exploded in it.

The man with the spear attacked the girl who jumped out of the warehouse without saying a word.

The girl swung away the spear with one blow, and then deflected the spears that continued to stab, and the man was forced to retreat each time.


I can't believe it.

The girl named Saber really has the upper hand over the man.

─── The battle has begun.

The exchange between him and the man just now was not a battle.

A battle is a fight between people who can give each other a fatal blow.

No matter how big the difference in strength is, as long as there is a way to defeat the other party, it is called a battle, right?

Even in this sense, the fight between these two people is a battle.

The spear of the man who Shirou Emiya couldn't even identify continued to stab the girl with more momentum.

The girl used the "something" in her hand to reliably deflect the spear, and stepped forward with a hair's breadth.


The man retreated slightly with a disgusted sound.

He straightened the spear in his hand to defend his flank from the attack────!


In an instant, the man's spear burst into light.

It was like a blow that threw out explosives.

The moment the man blocked the "something" swung by the girl, the man's gun glowed as if it was electrified.

Why was that? Not only the man, but even Shirou Emiya could see it.

That was powerful magic that could be seen!

Every blow the girl swung out easily contained incredible magic!

That magic was so powerful that it could penetrate the opponent's weapon just by contact!

If you just block something like that, you will get a lot of impact, right?

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