"? Will Tohsaka do something in school? How is that possible? This is something that won't happen."

That guy is a real magician.

She has always been inspired by the association's policy of "not getting involved with irrelevant people", and besides, she is still wearing the sheep's clothing of an honor student.

If we met in school, she might even say hello and good morning.

"...If that's the case, that would be great. Rin is not the type to let other people's opinions affect her judgment. And she is also hostile to Shirou. You will never suffer if you are careful."

"Okay, okay. Although I think this is just unfounded worry, I will be careful."


The time is after seven o'clock in the morning.

Although it is a little later than usual, at this time, you can make it without rushing.

Seven forty.

There was plenty of time, so I strolled through the main entrance on the way to the teaching building.


Suddenly, a strange feeling of disharmony came over him, and Emiya Shirou stopped.

"...What? There's nothing strange about it..."

No one was watching, and the surrounding scenery was no different from usual.

If I have to say something, I always feel lifeless about——.

This does not only refer to the students walking towards the teaching building, but the trees and the teaching building itself give people the illusion of fading.

"...It's just an illusion. Maybe I'm too nervous because I've encountered too many things."

Emiya Shirou closed his eyes and his shoulders creaked.


Even after taking a deep breath, the feeling of disharmony that came from nowhere did not disappear.

Go up to the third floor and walk towards the classroom.

At this time.

Suddenly I met Tohsaka.


After all, we knew each other, so we said hello lightly.


However, Tohsaka's whole body stiffened as if he had seen a ghost.

"Tohsaka? What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

Emiya Shirou wiped his cheek with the sleeve of his uniform.


Tohsaka remained silent.

He snorted, turned around and went back to his classroom.


What was the reaction just now?

He thought that Tohsaka was not the kind of character who would ignore other people's greetings.


Entering the classroom, I felt that sense of dissonance again.

Who brought snacks in? There was a sweet fragrance wafting faintly in the air.

"...Nothing, just the same classroom as usual."

While saying hello to the male classmates, I sat down in my seat.

There are still ten minutes until class.

I took this time to scan the classroom and noticed a seat without a school bag.

"Shenji, is he absent?"

Speaking of which, I didn’t come to the club activities yesterday.

Despite Shinji's appearance, he is a disciplined guy who follows the rules nervously.

Such a person did not show up at school for two consecutive days, which made Emiya Shirou a little worried.

It's lunch break time.

On days when I have lunch, I usually run to the student union office like this.

If you want to talk about why, it is that if he opens the lunch box in the classroom, the boys will pester him endlessly, and the girls will make fun of him.

"Why is it 10%? Don't you have lunch?"

"Ah, I've eaten before. I really want to sleep now. Wake me up when the lunch break is over."

Issei said while lying on the table.

"What's wrong, did you stay up late? Aren't you going to bed at eleven o'clock on the mountain?"

"Well...although that's the case, I haven't slept well recently. No matter how long I sleep, I can't get rid of my fatigue. As a result, I have been sleeping when I have free time in the past two days."

"...? What is this? If you sleep when you have free time, how can you still be sleepy?"

"Yeah, that's what it should be. But no matter how much I sleep, I can't get rid of my fatigue. I have to sleep in order to reduce my fatigue... I know it's contradictory, but there's nothing I can do about being sleepy all the time."

"————Yo ho. It's still early for spring, 10%."

"Isn't it just spring sleep without realizing the dawn? It's really harsh."

Issei was lying on the table with no thought at all.

……no solution anymore.

It seems to be very serious. Just stay with him until the lunch break is over————

"Oops? Hey, Issei, someone is here."

"...Ignore him. Just say the student union is closed."

"No, that's what I wanted to say...but it's Mr. Kuzuki who's here."

"…Uh-huh, this is terrible."

Yichen slowly got up and went to open it.

"Liudong. Regarding the matter of the Archery Club this morning————"

At this time, Kuzuki noticed that Emiya Shirou was also in the student council office, so he stopped talking.

Soichiro Kuzuki is the head teacher of Class A of the second year and the advisor of the student union. He is the strictest teacher in this school, and he is not friendly at all.

"Huh...? So you haven't even returned home?"

"It seems like this. I'm afraid it will be a criminal case. You also understand that this matter cannot be talked about casually."

"——I understand that. But if that's the case, what about Matou? Didn't the first-year student in the Kyudo Club say that he met him yesterday?"

"The same goes for him. Matou Shinji is absent without any reason and seems to be not at home. His sister Matou Sakura lives in Teacher Fujimura's house and doesn't know about it yet."

It seems that Kazunari and Kuzumu are talking about a disturbing topic.

Based on the analysis of what I heard, there was a student whose whereabouts were unknown yesterday, and the last person this student saw was Shinji————

"Excuse me. There is nothing we can do if this happens. We can only move the school day earlier again."

After finishing what he wanted to say, Kuzuki left the student union office.

"...Really. I said Emiya, have you seen Shinji?"

"No, I didn't meet him. I didn't go to the archery dojo this morning. You should also know that he didn't come to school."

"Really? If that's the case..."

Yi Cheng's face was as serious as a dark cloud.

————I really can’t stand it.

Although it is not a topic that can be asked casually, it seems to be related to the archery club.

Although I'm sorry for Issei, he still has to ask in detail even if he forced me to do so.

"Issei. You just said you haven't come home since yesterday. Who are you talking about? Oh, I don't know the whereabouts of that guy Shenji, but I do know."

"Hey...? That's right, Emiya, you're not considered an outsider, so it's okay to let you know."

"That happened last night. Someone contacted the school and said that their daughter who participated in the Kyudo Club practice has not returned home. After that, the school immediately went to ask other students who participated in the practice, and then learned that the last one to speak to the missing student The person is Shinji.


Talk to Shinji...?

"Wait a minute. Shinji didn't participate in practice yesterday. And I said goodbye to everyone in the Kyudo club at the school gate."

"Yes, Emiya seems to be here too. That happened after that. When the first-year student who went to pick up something he forgot to bring returned to the dojo, Shinji was right in front of the dojo. At that time, Shinji was talking to that Guys are quarreling."

There is an ominous premonition.

...At that time, there might be only one person left in the dojo.

"Yicheng, don't be careless about the key points... I ask you, who is the student who has been missing since yesterday?"

"...Hmm. Mizusu Ayako, the chief of the Kyudo Club. She returned the key to the dojo to the staff room, and then someone saw her in front of the kyudojo, and she disappeared after that."

Issei seemed to find it difficult to speak, and looked away as he spoke.

The course is over.

Due to the impact of that incident, club activities after school were suspended.

The library seemed to be closed, and the students who had finished their classes quickly left the school.

The radio on campus has also been reminding students that there is nothing special to do, please leave the school.

I was the only one left in the classroom of Class C of the second year.

The other classrooms are similar. If you don't hurry up, no one will be found in the teaching building after a while.


Think carefully before doing this.

Meizu didn't go home, and if nothing happened, she wouldn't have.

She is a very capable guy, and she is stronger than those average men.

It's really not a small thing that such a person can disappear without a trace, not to mention that as a friend, he really can't let go.

"...I'm sorry, Saber. I have to do something."

After silently apologizing to Saber in his mind, Emiya Shirou left the classroom.

The first is Class A of the second year. We should go to Meizu's class first to get some information.

"Huh?...Um, isn't Ayako resting at home because of a cold?"

"Meisu is resting at home. All members of the Kyudo Club must know about this."

"Didn't you say she was absent? She must have been possessed. Her record of no lateness and no absence is about to end, oh hehehehe."

The information on the girls who are preparing to go home can only be as high as this.

For Class A of the second year, being absent is just an absence due to illness.

"Excuse me. If Meizu comes to school tomorrow, please don't say that I asked you about this."

He waved and left the classroom.

If there is anything else, only the dojo is left————

"——Isn't there anyone in there? That's right, all group activities have been stopped."

The entrance to the ashram was locked tightly.

It looks like there shouldn't be anyone inside, so there's no point in staying here any longer.

"...Go and ask Issei. Then maybe he will know something else."

Three hours have passed since lunch break.

Maybe I have already found Meizu, and maybe if I ask, I will find out that nothing happened.


I can't stand it.

Unexpectedly, even the student union has stopped functioning.

There was almost no one in the teaching building, and it was difficult to find anyone to ask for information.

"...Let's go back first. Sister Teng may know about Meizu's matter."

He grabbed his bag with one hand and returned to the corridor.

The outside has been dyed dark red.

The sunset has begun to sink into the horizon, and it will be completely dark in another hour.

Go to the stairs on the third floor.

When I was about to go downstairs with my schoolbag, there was a "click" sound from above.


Emiya Shirou raised his head.

What's there is————

Tohsaka stood in the corridor leading to the fourth floor like a god of heaven.

"Hey. Tohsaka, are you still there?"


no answer.

Whether it was in the morning or now, every time he greeted her, her eyes seemed to become sharp.

"? What are you doing? If nothing happens, I have to leave."

Well, hold up my schoolbag and show it to her to let her know that I'm going home now.



What the hell is going on? Tohsaka sighed as if he had been hit.

"What a surprise. You came to school without even bringing a Servant. Are you not normal?"

That was a tone without any emotion.

"What's normal and not normal? Isn't it natural? Saber can't transform into a spirit, so how can she be allowed to come to school with her?"

"Just stay at home like that. Master walking around without a servant is basically telling others: please kill me... Emiya-san, do you know how stupid you are?"

"Ahhh——--call me stupid, how can there be such a thing? Tohsaka is talking stupid things. Master will not start a war in public. Then there will be no problem during the day, especially in school. "

"...Oh. Then let me ask you, is this a place where everyone can see you?"


What are you talking about? Is it in full view of everyone? One look at such a thing will make you———


what happened.

Coincidentally, there was no one around.

There was no one in the corridor on the third floor. The corridors on the fourth and second floors must be like this too.

The classroom in the evening was silent.

How could this happen? Are there no students or teachers left except on the first floor?——

"I seem to finally understand...I was really surprised to see you come to school this morning as if nothing had happened. I already warned you like that, why did you have to come to your door yourself?"

Tohsaka rolled up the sleeve of his left hand while saying those barbed words.


Slender white arms.

On the girl's unique arm, there was a snap————

Something that looked like a tattoo and had phosphorescence appeared.


That's not a Command Seal.

Could that be————the magic seal called the magician’s proof that he doesn’t have?

"——No need to explain, right? This is the magic crystal passed down from generation to generation in my family. The magic engraved in it can be activated as long as my magic power flows through it."


The so-called magic seal is an auxiliary engine that is different from the magician's own circuit.

No complicated singing procedures are required.

Just run it to make the magic car run, the ultimate acceleration device.

Because of this, the magic mark will only appear when it is used.

The so-called magic seal is another magic circuit formed by the inflow of the master's magic power.

"I asked Archer to go back first. With your level, using the "Gand (curse) strike" engraved in this seal is more than enough."

Firm words are devoid of emotion.

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