A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1245 1238 Tousaka Residence

————Emiya Shirou started running.

Ignoring the harsh sound of the chains, I ran outside with all my heart...!


Bounced away a blow from the top of his head.

Then he immediately used his "weapon" to block the roundhouse kick of the servant who suddenly landed on the ground on the left side.

Then there's the front.

Just like the previous two attacks, the next series of attacks were all blocked by him————!

"Well, how could————!?"

The black servant retreated.


This is just an accident.

The initial surprise attack was like this, and the subsequent series of attacks were all blocked by chance.

Emiya Shirou couldn't even see the enemy.

The reason why people like this are still alive cannot be other than chance.


Will something like this happen continuously like this?

No, what if this premise itself is wrong.

The initial blow.

A surprise attack aimed at the top of his head, a blow that Shirou Emiya could never dodge. It was definitely not something that could be prevented by chance————


The black servant said softly.

It has an anxious voice, but at the same time it also has a beauty that makes people go crazy.

"Ha, it's nothing special. Compared with other servants, the pressure is not enough."

Emiya Shirou raised his weapon and swung it towards the servant blocking him.


The black servant took his weapon and jumped back with long flowing hair.


There are no obstacles anymore.

The black servant jumped away.

Then, there were only the last few meters, and that was it————

"——No, that's it. You have been captured by me from the beginning."


Emiya Shirou's body fell back.

No, it should be said that he was dragged down from behind.

My right hand hurts.

The arm that already had a big hole was pulled by an unknown force————! ?

"Don't you understand? That thing stuck in your arm is my stake."

"Your, stake————"

Something that extended from her weapon.

A harsh metallic sound.

Clatter. Clatter.

The sound of restraining chains has been there since the moment I left the teaching building————

"not good----!"

His left hand reached towards his right hand, but it was too late.

The blood-stained right hand was lifted up and kept rising like this.

"Ugh...!!! Ah————!"

The arm felt like it was about to shatter.

The nail that penetrates the right hand.

The chains extending from there used the branches as fulcrums to lift Emiya Shirou's entire body into the air.


"...Okay. You seemed to have said something very interesting just now."

...The black servants gradually approached.

In the current state of being suspended in the air, it is no longer possible to escape or attack.

"It's really embarrassing to say that I am worse than other servants. If I don't change your perception first, it will be difficult for me to kill you."

...Shirou Emiya was like a bug caught by a cuckoo.

This is almost like the gallows that often appears in Western movies.

The nail-like dagger was raised.

The black servant licked its tip with his tongue,

"Okay. Let's start with your wrong eyes. We'll deal with the rest later."

Boom, she lightly kicked the ground and appeared in front of Emiya Shirou who was hanging three meters above the ground.


The nail swung down.

The body can still move.

he wants----

If you pull out the nail stuck in your right hand...!

Then, if you just pull out the nail on your right hand————!

Abandoning his weapon, he stretched his only free left hand towards the nail on his right hand.

"——Very brave. Always make painful choices."

However, from this guy's perspective, Emiya Shirou's actions were simply in slow motion.

The black servant pushed out the nail easily, as if trying to tie his left hand with a chain————!


Emiya Shirou shook his body desperately to avoid it, but it was in vain.

The servant's "nails" stabbed his eyes mercilessly————

It was bounced away by the countless light bullets released from the side.

"it hurts……!"

fell to the ground.

The chain was broken by the light bullet just now, and his butt fell to the ground with a thud without mercy.


The black servant turned over.

He jumped onto the branch and ran away like a wild animal.

"Emiya-kun, are you okay...!?"

As soon as he arrived here, Tohsaka sat down and grabbed his hand.

"Anyway, let's stop the bleeding first...! Emiya-kun, is there anything I can use to bandage...!?"

"Um...ah, I found the handkerchief. Sakura usually prepares it for me. It should be very clean."

"Oh, just like me. It's better than nothing. I can do something with my towel and this handkerchief."

Tohsaka recited something like a spell while pressing Emiya Shirou's pulse.

...Is it to stop bleeding or relieve pain? My right hand feels a little better.

Tohsaka enthusiastically covered the wound with a handkerchief, then wrapped the towel around his right hand several times.


Looking at her profile, Emiya Shirou was convinced again.

Tohsaka is a beautiful woman and a kind guy.

Three days ago, I could only watch her from a distance. She just gave me the impression of an top student, and he just admired her.

If this outer shell is removed, although Tohsaka Rin is far from the impression she gave him, her essence is not different.

——My heart beat very fast.

My heart was beating loudly.

Tohsaka is a kind-hearted guy, and now she is within his reach. Her beauty can almost make him forget what just happened. It is really difficult for him to think seriously————

"Okay, that's all the emergency measures can do... So, who is that guy? I saw something terrible after I caught up with you. Anyway, I'll save you first."

"I don't know either. I chased him all the way here and then he was attacked."

Emiya Shirou briefly explained the situation.

...However, he hid the fact that he saw Shinji in the woods.

Maybe he just saw it wrong. And even if it was really Shinji, there was no evidence that this guy had anything to do with the Servant just now.


"Don't put on such a face. Although I can't know the specific situation, I finally know that that guy is also a Servant. So, it also means that there are other masters here besides us."

"...Yes. I know there are masters other than us in the school, and this time he finally showed his fox tail."

Tohsaka sighed and relaxed his shoulders.


It seems that Tohsaka has long noticed the existence of the third master.


So, it was that guy's fault that the female student fell down just now...?

"Wait a minute Tohsaka, what happened to the girl just now...!?"

"It has recovered. Now I am lying in the health room. There is nothing serious."

"————Yes. That's great."

A big stone fell to the ground in my heart.

...Then, in this case, all the problems at hand are finally solved.

In that case, next————

"Eh? What are you doing, staring at people? I, let me make it clear first, I will not do that kind of thing!"

How could she misunderstand it?

Tohsaka often has strange misunderstandings.

"Let me tell you, of course I know this. How could Tohsaka do something like that? What I want to say is not this, but what happened before. How about fighting or not fighting?"

After Emiya Shirou said this, Tohsaka fell silent.

...How long has it been going on like this?

It felt like Tohsaka glared at him angrily.

Then he lowered his head as if resigned to his fate.


These don't matter.

But seeing such a face at such a close distance can cause a lot of trouble for men.

"Tohsaka? How's it going?"

"No more fighting. Let's call it a day. I feel like I have no energy left, and I owe you again."

She stood up and patted her knees.

"Then let's go. Although it's a bit hard, just bear with it until we get to my house."

Tohsaka said and stretched out his hand towards him.


I didn't understand what she was talking about, so I looked into Tohsaka's eyes.

"I told you, come to my house now. Emiya-kun, you can't heal this injury by your own words."

"Ah————No, that's what I said. But why?"

"No reason. If this injury is not treated, it will become necrotic. If you become a one-armed man because of this, it won't be as if it was caused by me."

Tohsaka said, "Stop talking nonsense" and took Emiya Shirou's hand.



Even Shirou Emiya didn't understand what he meant when he said such a thing suddenly, right?

Tohsaka's home is also in Miyama Town, located in a residential area in the opposite direction to his home.

It seemed to be the Western-style building at the top of the residential area, but he had never been there so far.

This is the only place he knows, and going forward can be said to be unknown territory.


This is the famous bungalow on the hill - the base of the Tosaka family, a long-established family of magicians.


Looking up at the bungalow in a daze.

...Ah, although he was used to seeing Shenji's home, he didn't expect that this place had a different flavor.

"Emiya-kun? The door is over here."

"Ah————Oh. Got it, got it."

He coughed dryly and followed Tohsaka.

...I can't stand it.

It would make sense if he was invited to his base by other masters to be on guard, but just to disturb the Tohsaka family, Emiya Shirou became extremely nervous...


This is the living room of the Tobo family, where Tohsaka Rin lives every day.

"Show me your hands."

To cut to the chase, Tohsaka gets straight to the point.

"…………Sorry to trouble you."

He was urged to sit on the chair and stretched out his right hand.

The towel was slowly unwrapped.

...I always feel that I am closer than before.

Tohsaka, who was taking care of his right hand, was right in front of him. The beautiful black hair that he had not noticed just now came into view, which made Emiya Shirou's heart beat faster.

"...Huh? It's really weird. The wound is smaller than before. Emiya-kun, did you use a natural healing spell?"

"Huh?——No, Jue, there is absolutely no such thing!"

"Is that so? But most of the injuries have almost completely healed."

"No, I didn't say anything about being beautiful——Ah, what were you talking about just now, Tohsaka?"

"I mean, your injuries are almost healed. All I did was help you stop the bleeding. There's no reason why you should be healed like this."

"Well...even though you say that, I don't know what's going on."

"Really? This was the case last time. Do you really have no clue?"

"Wait, I don't understand even more. You said 'last time', how long ago was 'last time'?"

"It was just before. When Emiya-kun was attacked by Berserker, wasn't it true that he was stabbed by fragments in many places on his back? After that, the injuries healed without my help... At that time, I thought you were using them yourself. As for magic, you shouldn't be that good. "

"Yes, I feel sorry for you that I am so useless...but what happened? I have never been in this situation until recently."

"...Really? If you think about it carefully, the reason should be the contract with Saber. I don't know what kind of contract Emiya-kun and Saber have concluded, but there are indeed servants who can give the contracter the power of immortality. It may be that Saber's own natural healing ability was passed on to Emiya-kun."

"...Is that so? So, as long as the contract with Saber is not terminated, my injuries will always heal on their own?"

"...Well, that's it. But you'd better not rely too much on this ability. Because in the end, it's actually Saber who heals your injuries, and it's Saber's magic power that is consumed. Besides, you only have the ability to heal injuries. , it’s not possible to be resurrected. If you die, it’s over. You can’t mess around like this again. "

……at this time.

The bandage had been rolled up at some point, and Tohsaka finished treating Emiya Shirou.

Tohsaka tapped his right hand on the ground and stood up.

"Okay. I'm going to make tea. Emiya-kun, do you want to add sugar or milk?"

"Eh--no, I don't even need it...but Tohsaka, can you tell me something first?"

"? Okay, what's the matter?"

"What you just said. There is also a master in the school. What is that guy doing?"

"Ah, what about this? Yes, Emiya-kun hasn't been able to notice the barrier yet... Well, to put it simply, besides you and me, there is a master in the school who has been doing things like just now Something like that."


...The image of the female student lying on the ground came to Emiya Shirou's mind.

Her face was pale, and she would have died if Tohsaka hadn't arrived.

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