A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1244 1237 Master vs Servant

And what I saw after passing through this scorched earth was——

"——Oh. I'm finally willing to come out, Emiya-kun."

Tohsaka was waiting for Emiya Shirou in the corridor, her shoulders rising and falling sharply.


Well, while glaring angrily, he finally managed to straighten his waist.

The paralysis of both legs is temporary, but it seems that they can still move if they want to.

But, so what.

Tohsaka is just tired from running, but still retains his magic power.

Contrary to him who ran out of magic power, Tohsaka only ran out of physical strength first.

If the battle started again like this, he would definitely be shot through without even having time to dodge.

"The winner has been decided. Come on, throw away that broken weapon. In this situation, Emiya-kun, you have no chance of winning."

Tohsaka boasted about her victory with a cold hum.



To be honest, Emiya Shirou knew this was reckless, but he was still angry anyway.

"...How can you know this kind of thing without trying hard? You can tell from your shoulders that you are out of breath but you still talk nonsense, idiot."

He gripped the chair's legs and pointed at Tohsaka.

"——Humph, that's it. I understand. If you were more honest, I would have wanted to be gentler, but you don't seem to need me to be sentimental. Okay, then I'll apologize to you first, Wei "Gong Jun."

What a ferocious smile.

I always feel like I hope that very ominous smile can stop.

"What kind of apology? Besides, even if I apologize now, I will never forget the hatred I felt today."

"Yeah, but I'm apologizing for what's going to happen next, Emiya-kun. Because if you resist again, I won't be merciful, right? If I accidentally kill you, wouldn't even an apology be enough? "


Wow, this guy is serious...!

No, she seemed serious from the beginning to just now, but now she has really turned on the final switch, and Emiya Shirou finally realized that he was already a piece of meat on the chopping board...!

"Ah, you finally understand? That's great. I've already said this and if you still say stupid things, I'll really do something."

"That - what did you say you were going to do?"


She glared at him angrily.

……I see.

In other words, what I said just now is stupid.

"——This is the last advice. Throw away the broken weapon and hand over the command spell. The worst case scenario is just stripping off the nerves in your hand, but it's better than taking your life, right?"


Hand over the Command Seal...?

No, the Command Seal is not something that can be handed over, no matter what—

"...No. I can't do this, Tohsaka."

"...Oh. I would like to hear why?"

"I cannot give the Command Seal to you. If I give it to you, it would be like asking me to betray Saber."

"...Really? I'll give you three seconds. It's up to you to choose your own life."

Tohsaka raised his left hand.

The moment Shirou Emiya refused, the gand would have shot out from that hand.

Is he—just like that, surrendering to Tohsaka...?

"Three seconds are up——Emiya-kun, what's your answer?"


Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka couldn't help but look at each other.

Just now, I seemed to hear the screams below...! ?

"Tohsaka, what just happened was..."

"The scream should be like that."

Emiya Shirou immediately ran downstairs.

"Wait, do you know where it is? Emiya-kun."

"Who knows! I only know that the sound came from below."

"Wait a moment, let me untie the barrier first and then say————!"

Run down the stairs.

"Wait for me! Running too far ahead alone can be dangerous!"

"There's no time to worry about it now! The screams just now are so unusual!"

"I know that! That's why I said it's dangerous, idiot!"

Arrived on the first floor.

There is no one in the corridor.

Only a figure who looked like a female student fell to the ground.


The female student fell in front of the emergency exit.

"...Great. Just passed out."

Emiya Shirou ran to the female student and made sure that she was okay.

He must be a first-year student.

Although he has lost consciousness, there is no bleeding or trauma, so he should be fine.

"It can't be that simple——! Her face is so blue, didn't you notice that her body is empty!?"

"Huh...? It's empty inside...?"

"Magic power, to put it to the extreme, is life force. ...It's the same as the situation caused by Caster, no, it should be said to be worse - this girl will definitely die if she is left alone."

"Hey...will you die? There won't even be any injuries...!?"

"Even if everything looks okay on the outside, it's only natural if the body is empty. There is not enough blood at all...wait, in this case, there should be a way to use the gems in my hand——"

She rummaged in her pockets.

……Very good.

Although it seems to be a serious matter, Tohsaka seems to know how to treat it.

Tohsaka squatted down and prepared to rescue the female student who fell on the ground.


Tohsaka's face looked very serious.

While sweat continued to form on his forehead, he was worried about the safety of the female students.



With this serious expression that can make onlookers feel heartbroken, he...

I seem to have seen it not long ago————

"Ah, really, I can't concentrate...! Emiya-kun, can you close that door for me? Your hair is messed up by the wind."

"Huh?——Ah, that emergency exit."

His eyes turned to the open emergency exit.



In this case, they have not yet investigated why this girl fell there.

It was impossible for a person to fall down like that. There must have been others who attacked her.

They arrived here less than a minute after hearing the screams, so the prisoner could only go out through the emergency exit if he wanted to escape.


Was that because he was looking at the open emergency exit?

Suddenly I felt a black "something" flying over,

"Tohsaka, danger!"

Emiya Shirou protected Tohsaka's face with his right hand.

"Eh--what, what's wrong? This is...! Emiya-kun, arm, there's a hole in your arm...!"


Just as Tohsaka said, his right hand was pierced by a black dagger.

The thing stuck between the elbow and the hand looked like a nail.

No, it's obviously too thick to be a nail.

The thing that could already be called a short sword penetrated Emiya Shirou's arm beautifully.

"How could this happen? No, now is not the time to think about this. There is a lot of blood. It hurts. Does it hurt...?"

"——It hurts. It really hurts."

However, it was so painful that it was so painful that I couldn't even panic.

And, more importantly -

He actually threw something like this at Tohsaka's face.

"——Tohsaka. I leave this girl to you."

Emiya Shirou jumped up.

He grasped the "reinforced" iron rod with his left hand again and rushed out of the emergency exit.

"Whirring whirring----"

He ran dragging his drooping right hand.

It was stained red with blood from the elbow onwards.

...It is really fate that I have a hand with you today.

Tohsaka asked me to stretch out my hand, and now I am dragging my seriously injured arm like this.

"Uh--around here, that's right."

Looked around.

Although he didn't know what attracted him, he definitely felt it.

"Someone" who attacked the female student,

The person who threw "something" at Tohsaka is nearby.

Not lost yet.

If you close your eyes, you can feel the black magic power moving.

"There are woods behind the archery dojo...!"

Jumping over the fence, Emiya Shirou galloped on the ground formed by the soil formed by the decayed leaves.


Between the gaps in the trees.

Hiding behind the tree was a face he recognized, looking at me with a smile.


I couldn't help but stopped.

Why is Shinji in this place.

Didn't he disappear... No, it was Mizu who was missing in the final analysis. Shinji was the last person to see Mizu, and————


There was a burst of pain in the pierced right hand.

At the moment when his body was about to fall forward.

The nail-like dagger suddenly flew toward his throat.


Emiya Shirou just dodged.

Not backward or sideways, but without resisting the swaying of the body, he rolled forward to the ground in front of him.



passed his throat. The scratched skin was split.

Even so, it can still be said to be very lucky.

Because if it were a step later, it would not be the skin but the bone that would be pierced.

"You guy..."

Get up from the ground in an instant.

In front of Shirou Emiya was a woman dressed in black with an infuriating smile.


No need to even confirm.

It was a collection of magic power that even Tosaka couldn't compare to, far beyond the human level.

A figure that is as beautiful as a dream and dazzling as it is covered in blood.

Although I don’t know what class it is, it must be an existence beyond human beings————


The black shadow disappeared from his eyes.

————Instinct told Emiya Shirou that he would be killed.

As if sleepwalking, he swung the weapon in his left hand above his head.


Emiya Shirou blocked the "nail" that was falling straight towards his Tenling Cap.

The woman was like a spider, moving through the woods close to the trees.


Run quickly.

Being able to fend off the surprise attack just now was just an accident.

If he was attacked again, he might not be able to escape, and there was already no possibility of escaping in the first place.

“Well, hoo————!”

Run to a nearby tree and lean your back against it.

This way you can prevent surprise attacks from behind. No, we can only believe that it can be prevented.

“Damn————The shape is obviously so conspicuous, why————”

The black servant cannot be found anywhere.

She kept jumping back and forth between the branches, but the woman never came down to the ground once.


Beads of sweat broke out.

The swishing sound was like that of a snake that had found its prey.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Under the tree, Emiya Shirou tried his best to hold back the laughter that was about to burst out.

The sound of chains echoed through the woods.

If he was attacked again, he would definitely die. Such a situation made his mind go blank.

The flow of time is almost imperceptible. The knot on the guillotine has been untied, but the guillotine has not fallen.

"ha ha aha."

So, this is incredible.

Originally, the battle would have been over.

But he is still alive.

This is the incredible thing. If he died from a previous blow and was as frightened by the enemy's surprise attack as he is now, maybe it was just a dream after his death, and his brain was so blank that he had such an idea.


...I can't fight with a Servant on my own.

Then you can only rely on her.

Command Seal. If we use the command spell to call Saber, we can escape from this desperate situation.

But————Is this okay?

It was he who jumped into this desperate situation. Then, this responsibility should be dealt with by himself. Besides————

"————I still haven't finished what I need to do."


Although it is clumsy, this hand still has a weapon.

And the body can still move.

If the terrain is not good, just move elsewhere.

After that, summon Saber————

"That's surprising. Don't you use Command Seals?"


There was a sound.

Above——it is indeed hidden in the tree.

"...Hmph. Unfortunately, there aren't many left. If you use the Command Seal just for this kind of thing, what will you do in the future?"

And, honestly, he had no idea how to use it.

"...Really? Unlike my master, you are very brave."

Check her location.

Where is the source of the sound————?

"Then, let me change my approach. I can't be serious about a master who has no followers - I'd rather be gentle and kill you."

...the sound stopped.

The only sound coming from the woods was the incessant splashing.



Emiya Shirou knew what he should do, which was to find a way to leave the woods.

Then you have to block that servant's "nail" several times.


And the props used to achieve this goal turned out to be just "reinforced" chair legs. He was so useless that he was considered a laughing stock.

At least, that’s right————

If this stick is as good as that guy's weapon, not to mention defense and even counterattack are possible.



————————————————————————————————————It’s about to go on. "

…There is no time for assumptions.

It is only about thirty meters to the entrance of the forest.

Compared with the chase with Tohsaka just now, the distance is not that big————!

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