A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1250 Tragedy caused by food 1243

Chapter 1250 1243. Tragedy caused by food

...Shinji’s suggestion was not wrong.

It makes sense logically, and this is another option.


"...Shenji. Does Sakura know that you are the master?"

"Ah? What, Emiya, you are really a layman. Listen up, the magician's family will only pass on the secret magic to the eldest son. Children other than the eldest son are just preparation organs. Pass the magic to those People are meaningless and a waste of time... Really. How could I be the only one who inherited the secrets of the Matou family?"


That's it.

This is really great.

Sakura is not a girl who should get involved in the world of magicians.

Emiya Shirou didn't want to see her stop smiling happily like that.

"——Shenji. If you don't do anything, I won't do anything to you. Then you have no objection."

"...Really? Does that mean you can't cooperate with me?"

"Because there is no need. Since there is no fighting between us, it doesn't matter whether we cooperate or not. If you just want to protect yourself, just ask for the protection of the church before the Holy Grail War ends. You know this kind of thing Bar."

"...Oh. What, Emiya? Are you trying to win in this killing?"


...Emiya Shirou never thought of killing each other.

However, if you want to put out the falling sparks, you can't let the guy who sets fire on the street go free either.


"...How could I participate in killing each other? It's just that I must see the truth about the so-called Holy Grail. For this, I must stay until the end."

He turned his back to Shinji.

"Really? I've always decided to fight. Anyway, it's something that has nothing to do with me, but don't involve Sakura in that case, Emiya?"

"——Of course. On the other hand, you can hide it from Sakura, right?"

"Of course. As an older brother, I really can't leave my sister in the house of a guy who is going to keep killing people. If you decide to fight, I won't let Sakura leave the house until the Holy Grail War is over. That's okay. Right, Emiya?"


...Indeed, what Shinji said makes sense.

Now that he has fought with Saber, the Emiya house will be a dangerous place.

"I understand. I'll talk to Sakura over there. That's okay, Shinji."

"OK, fortunately you are a senior who can consider the younger generation. To be honest, I was really afraid that one day you would capture Sakura as a hostage. Oh, this way, the trouble at hand is finally solved."

Shinji smiled softly as if he was very happy.

"That's all I have to say. Then I'll go back."

"Well, you can do it yourself. But you should understand, Emiya. The things mentioned here are secrets between the two of us. I told you the secret because I regard you as a friend. If you tell this With others, I don’t know what I would have done.”

In other words, if Tohsaka is told about Shinji, he will activate the barrier.

"——Well, I won't say it. But if Tohsaka finds out by himself, that's another matter. I will try my best to cooperate with Tosaka. If that guy notices your true identity, there will be a battle. If you don’t want to be discovered, just be honest with me.”

This time I actually walked towards the school gate.

The teaching building at dusk.

Shinji silently watched Emiya Shirou leave.


There were only two pairs of shoes at the door.

Sister Teng’s women’s leather shoes and Saber’s flat loafers.


Emiya Shirou was a little worried and walked directly to the living room without saying "I'm back".

The sound of his hurried footsteps echoed in the corridor,

As expected, there was no sign of Sakura in the living room.

Moreover, there is someone who looks like Sister Fuji in the kitchen, who seems to be cooking something...

"Ah, you're back, Shirou. Huh? Why, you look surprised. What happened?"

Is it melted into the wheat flour? Sister Teng put a big ball-shaped mixture on the table.

"Ah——I didn't pull it, hmm. To be honest, I'm a little surprised. Well, it seems different from usual."

However, how many years has passed since the last time I saw Sister Teng doing something similar to cooking?

"It's different from usual...? Oh, right, it's about Sakura. If you want to find Sakura, she has already gone back. Her family called her to bring her back."

"Really? That guy Shenji called directly."

Although he is nosy, it is indeed better to deal with the matter as early as possible.

"Shenji-kun? Well...forget it, don't worry about it."


Care a little bit.

Before the sun went down and had dinner, I reported to Saber that I had gone home.

"I'm going to have a few words with Saber first. Sister Fuji, although I don't know what the wind is blowing today, I'll leave today's dinner to you, okay?"

"Okay - OK. Please look forward to my delicious crab meat scrambled eggs -"


I'm still a little uneasy. Scrambled eggs with crab meat are a more difficult dish to make than omelets. No matter what, Sister Teng should be able to do something about it.

"I'm back Saber, I just came back."

Walk into the dojo barefoot.

"——Welcome back Shirou. From the looks of it, you don't seem to be doing much."

Is it because the atmosphere here is more relaxing? Saber has almost become a resident of the dojo.

Emiya Shirou also cooperated with Saber, sitting on the floor, and told her what happened today - the barrier in the school was removed, and according to Tohsaka's opinion, there should be some counterattack tomorrow, etc.

"...I see. The battle with the enemy's Master is tomorrow. Then let's get some sleep today and build up some strength."

he echoed.

...Emiya Shirou also knew that he was naive, but he still hid Shinji's matter.

Before he figured out the intentions of that guy Shenji, he wanted to avoid treating him as an enemy.

"But Shirou. It's going to be dinner time soon. Is it okay for you to stay here?"

"? Oh, I have nothing to do anyway. I thought I still have time before dinner, so I came to report to Saber. It's not bad to wait leisurely for dinner like this once in a while."

"Wha... So, Shirou didn't cook today's dinner...!?"

"Eh...yes, that's it. Is there a problem? Well, Sister Teng will work hard, so it's not good to hinder her."

"...Hmm... Indeed, Taiga's enthusiasm should be respected...Um, is Shirou really not going to help...?"

"I won't help. It's okay. Sister Teng is already an adult. She can still make one or two crab meatballs. No, maybe she can do better than me. After all, her accidental judgment is... It’s Class A.”

He used words he didn’t quite understand to cover Sister Teng.

However, Saber still frowned.

"...I understand. I trust Shirou, not Taiga...I say it again, can I trust you, Shirou?"

I always feel that I am being suppressed by a threatening force.

"Ah, um. You can trust me."

"...I definitely heard it. Please never forget this oath."

Feeling relieved by this, Saber relaxed her shoulders and began to rest.


And this would be the cause of the tragedy, who could have predicted it?

Finally the long awaited dinner arrived.

Arranged on the dining table are the crab meat and scrambled egg rice bowls carefully made by Sister Fuji for three people.

It's a simple dish of rice in a bowl and scrambled eggs with crab meat for one person.

It's like a yellow lid covering the bowl, which doesn't look very nice.

However, since it is rice bowl, it should be delicious.

Such as cutlet rice bowl, fried shrimp rice bowl and so on.

The flavor of the dishes can penetrate into the rice very well, and it is impossible to taste unpalatable.

The only disadvantage is that the taste is relatively simple. Forget it, don't dwell on such extravagant troubles.

"Well, then I want to eat."

"Okay, I want to eat."

"I am going to eat."

The three people said three different words and started eating crab meat and scrambled eggs.


The crab meat scrambled eggs didn't feel soft at all. It had an unusual texture like eating the main course of a dinner.

"How, how is it possible————!? Something happened! The dish that was supposed to be crab meat fried egg rice bowl turned into something else in less than a minute...!!!"


... No, it’s not enough to become an event.

It's just that this is not a crab meat and egg rice bowl but a mixed rice bowl.

"...Hey. Why is this happening!? I followed the instructions I was told!?"

"...Wow. Could it be that the young people of the Fujimura group taught Sister Fuji how to do this?"

"Yeah. I said I was going to make a big omelette, and they gave me wheat flour and all kinds of other stuff."


That's when the error should be discovered.

Until now, Emiya Shirou had always thought that making omelets and the like was a very natural cooking skill that humans were born with.

The so-called crab meat scrambled eggs are just a little more difficult to make than an omelette.

So he thought that Sister Teng would not make any mistakes. It seems that he was wrong.

That's right, Sister Fuji can't even make an egg...!



A very depressed voice came from the side.


His neck was like a rusty robot, and he turned his head away.

"Shirou. Even I can't eat this kind of thing."

...Wow... I have no way of knowing, but Saber seems to be very angry...?

...After the nightmare-like dinner, the evening combat meeting began.

Although that is said, today’s report is actually over.

Since there is a high possibility of a battle tomorrow, we should prepare for tomorrow's battle tonight.

"Then we won't go out again tonight, Shirou."

"...Yeah. Saber might be a little anxious, but you should hold back for now. I don't want to fight casually, and we are not in a situation where we have enough energy to fight casually."

He is still immature as a Master, and Saber's number of battles is limited because of the lack of magic supply.

In this case, it is not a good idea to search for other Masters casually.

"...I see. What Shirou said does make sense. Although it is not very positive, it takes carefulness and caution to win."

"——But if you have the will to fight, you can't waste time. If you want to stay here tonight, you should use this time to train."

Saber stared straight at Shirou Emiya.

Needless to say, he knew it.

It was with this idea that he brought Saber to the dojo.

"I see. Saber, do you remember what happened yesterday? Because I came back late, and because you wanted to punish me for my laziness, I fought with you... Well, I learned a good lesson. No matter what you do, you can't win against someone you can't win. I didn't realize such a basic thing until I fought with Saber."

"I think it is very important to have such a mental preparation when fighting with Saber. Although I don't know how effective it will be, if Saber fights me seriously, I should be able to live longer in future battles."

"Then, Shirou."

"Well. From now on, practice whenever you have time. First, from now until bedtime."

...It's only eight o'clock in the evening.

In the four hours from now until bedtime, practice well, huh————! ?

"Sa, Saber, wait a minute——————!"

Because he felt that his life was in danger, he quickly called a pause.

If you want to know why, it was because he looked back and saw Saber.

"What's wrong? You said you wanted to train your mental preparation for fighting, so I also want to respond to Shirou's enthusiasm."

Her murderous posture was obvious at a glance.

"Come on, let's start training, Shirou. First of all, I have to make it clear to you. Shirou is indeed a little lazy. In the future, please don't relax and don't let things like tonight happen again."

Hey, it's because of the brothel meal tonight...!

"What are you talking about? It's Fuji-nee's fault! And, didn't Saber eat it all while complaining————"

"————No need to say more. And Shirou? Let me make it clear before you lose consciousness. It's just that there is really no other way. Don't forget this in the future."


... Saber's figure suddenly disappeared.


For the next four hours, I was tortured mercilessly... The resentment caused by food is terrible.

"It hurts... Saber, that guy, really doesn't show mercy when he fights..."

Emiya Shirou crawled into the bed.

My body, which was covered with bruises and injuries, was covered with wet cloths. I would definitely have additional muscle pain tomorrow.

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