Chapter 1251 1244. Control

"----so tired."

Emiya Shirou breathed a sigh of relief.

After training with Saber, I went to do my daily homework - "intensive" exercise, which was very exhausting both physically and mentally.

Fuji-nee and Saber are probably sleeping in a Japanese-style room not far from here, but I can't care about such things now.

All in all, so tiring.

Go to sleep now and prepare for tomorrow————

...Are you dreaming?

Consciousness is still drowsy.

The body is still asleep and cannot even move a finger.

Then————if it’s like this, then it’s really a dream.

Dark night.

Weird tinnitus.

My feet are obviously sleeping, but I can walk down the slope as usual.

So cold.

The biting cold wind blew against my face, and my body had already begun to feel chilly when I went out in pajamas.

...This kind of coldness is not what Fuyuki City should have.

If this was a dream, this chill would have woken people up long ago.

Walking down a street without any pedestrians.

The harsh sound never stopped.

My feet kept moving towards a certain place, not caring even if my body was already shivering from the cold.


He wanted to shout, but found that his throat seemed to be congealed.

This is not a dream.

This shouldn't be a dream.

Yet consciousness remains dormant.

His hands and feet did not listen to Shirou Emiya's words and walked as if he was being manipulated.


Is this the end?

My feet sped up and started to climb the steps————

————The tinnitus became a clear sound.


No, that's not the case.

Those are words that have been repeated from the beginning.

---come over.

A female voice full of magic that penetrates deeply into the mind.

I saw the mountain gate.

What's in it?


If he entered that door, he would never make it back alive.


Although he didn't understand why, his sleepy consciousness kept shouting for him to escape now.

Go back quickly.

Go back quickly.

Go back quickly.

Go back quickly.

Stop now. It's not too late yet. Go back quickly. Wake up now and you can go back, wake up quickly, wake up quickly, wake up quickly,

Enough is enough, I can’t listen to that voice anymore…………! ! ! !


Only consciousness came back.

His sleepy mind became clearer, and he finally regained his will.

But it's too late.

Still not obeying his command, he entered the mountain gate.

——Only the mind can be controlled.

Emiya Shirou's body had nothing to do with his will, and the Master who obeyed the voice walked into the courtyard of Ryudōji Temple.

————The courtyard immersed in darkness.

At its center stood a "thing" possessing inhuman magic.

The figure sways as if being refracted by the hot air near the ground.

The dark shadow that reminds people of death gradually peels away the darkness————

It was like a magic figure from an ancient fairy tale.

"——Just stop there, little boy. If you come any closer, you will be killed, right?"

Contains a mocking smile.

...His body seemed to be at the mercy of that guy.

The feet that wanted to stop but couldn't, suddenly stopped because of the words just now.


Consciousness rattled.

He couldn't move his hands or feet, and there was an unidentified "enemy" in front of him.

...Yes, that's the enemy.

There is no need to doubt and there is absolutely no mistake.

That is the Servant—the heroic spirit who is the best at magic among the seven Servants—

"... among the servants... caster...!"

He desperately moved his frozen throat and glared at the enemy in front of him.

"Well, that's right, little boy. Welcome to my temple. Welcome, Master of Saber."

A chilling voice mocked him.


Emiya Shirou concentrated his strength on his feet, but his body was still completely unable to move.

——Damn it, what happened to me...!

I was lured here so easily, and yet I was completely unable to move...!

"Ah——uh, ugh————!"

Focus your awareness on your hands and feet with all your strength.

Although I don't know what kind of manipulation was done, it is certain that it was Caster's magic that took away his freedom.

Then, as long as the magic that invades the body is eliminated...!

"You can be free this way, is that what you think? Hum, what a cute child. You are so naive that you want to use this method to break my curse."

"what's up----"

He mobilized all his free will and explored the body.

The magic of Caster.

The enemy's magic that infiltrated from the outside and eroded his body in order to take away the freedom of my hands and feet.

...Open your eyes and look at your body.

It's okay, it's not difficult as long as you calm down.

Catching the flow of magic in the circuit is what he does every night.

Now, we just need to repeat it and find the magic power of Caster in his body.

Even if it cannot be discharged from the body, if it is concentrated in one place, three of the four limbs should be able to move————


What's going on?

There is no other person's magic power mixed in Emiya Shirou's body.

There is only one thing like toxin, a small spot on the chest.

It is just that, but it makes the whole body abnormal.


The blood flow is normal.

It's not the blood, but the blood vessels themselves that are abnormal.

If you want to make a metaphor, it's like the heart is fixed.

Is the red spot on the chest Caster's magic power?

Is this body completely deprived of the right to command just by a curse————

"How is this possible..."

In other words, I was cursed by Caster when I slept.

Even if I was asleep, it is impossible to be controlled by magic cast from such a long distance.

Magicians have resistance to magic.

"Magic" that can bounce back hypnosis, spell binding, coercion, etc., which are used to suppress the actions of the person being cast.

As long as you are a magician, you cannot be easily manipulated by other magicians.

———This is basic knowledge.

A magician is a person with magic circuits.

The circuits that run through the body can not only generate magic power, but also have the property of rebounding magic power from the outside.

Therefore, it is difficult to interfere with the body or mind with magic circuits working, even if the opponent is a much worse magician than yourself.

Because the magic circuit will automatically rebound the magic power entering from the outside, this magic will be interrupted before it is completed.

Therefore, the success rate of indirect interference magic such as hypnosis and binding is very low.

Even if the opponent is not a magician, as long as there is a magic circuit, magic power can be rebounded unconsciously.

In this regard, direct interference with pure magic power - like Tousaka, with weapons created in the outside world as the main cause and harm to the target as the result, is much more useful.

Physical impact is common to all things.

Regardless of whether there are magic circuits in the body, humans will bleed if they are cut by the knife.


That's why this situation is very abnormal.

...To perform magic that is so close that it is almost tightly connected, there should be some price to pay.

If I met Caster somewhere before and was cursed with "compulsion", I could be controlled even if I was far away.

However, Shirou Emiya neither remembered that he had met Caster nor remembered being cursed.

...In other words, this is the first time they met.

Caster must not leave this place and cast a curse on the Emiya family far away from here to control Shirou Emiya's body.

Controlling the flesh, which is absolutely impossible between magicians, was successful at a distance of several kilometers.

Even if Caster stays here, can he control the people in the city at will?————


...The momentum was frustrated.

Since the magic has been completed, he can't break the curse with his words.

If Caster doesn't untie the restraints himself and I can't get help from the outside, he can't do anything


"Do you understand? It's not my magic that binds you, but the magic itself. The completed magic cannot be washed away by the flow of magic. It's like liquid and solid. Even if you pour water on something that has already been formed, it won't collapse, right?"

...The shadow approached.

The purple clothes melted into the darkness, and a sneer appeared on his face.


"But there are exceptions. For example, by the way. The magic you use is just like a castle made of mud to me. As long as the water flow is enough and intense, it can be easily washed away even if it is formed. Do you understand? The difference between you and me is at the dimensional level."

"Really? So you specially called me to a place like this?"

"Yes. Although the so-called masters are just small people, you are particularly weak among them. Because your magic resistance is almost the same as that of ordinary people. Since I found such a master, how could I not want to talk to you like this?"

She burst into laughter.

The laughter was filled with the sense of superiority that the prey was already in front of him.


... I felt cold all over.

It was more than just a chat.

This guy was actually trying to kill him————!

"Oh, I misunderstood again. Don't worry, if I kill you, I won't be able to absorb your magic power. All the people in this city are mine. I won't kill them and let them linger until I drain them dry."

The sneer resounded in Shirou Emiya's ears.


It felt like his train of thought was suddenly interrupted.

Did this guy just say that he absorbed magic power from the people in the city————! ?

"Caster...! You actually attacked people who had nothing to do with you...!"

"Oh, don't you know? Because you joined forces with that little girl, I thought you would know - right? You don't know yet."

Caster seemed to smile more cheerfully.

It's like thinking of how to cook the caught prey.

"Then I'll tell you. I - Caster among the Servants has the right to create 'positions'. Magicians all have their own workshops, right? It's the same thing. I'm building a temple in this place. Protect yourself from your dangers. Fortunately, this land is like a ghost gate for servants, and it can also be used to collect magic power."

"At first, because your magic power was too little, I couldn't control it properly. Now I can collect it properly. Look, you also saw it, right? There are hundreds of people's magic power reserves scattered across this land. , fragments of various people.”

"Then——the incidents that happened in the city were your fault."

"Yeah. Did I say that this is my temple? Then, isn't it the mission of the stupid humans in the lower world to offer offerings to me?"


An unexplained lethargy incident occurred in the city.

It doesn't seem like that much, but this guy has smoked hundreds of people.

——And if you look carefully.

The whirlpool of magic that fills this courtyard seems to be composed of the light of the souls of hundreds of people.


Concentrate your strength on your hands and feet.

There was still no change at all, there was only Caster laughing at him.

"Okay, let's stop talking here. You will feel bored if you keep doing this, right?"

A whisper came to my ears.

At the same time—the figure of the enemy, which I had not seen clearly until now, blocked my field of vision.

"Master of Saber. I'm going to take the Command Seal from you... It's such a pity that this servant Saber has disappeared. I still have to let her defeat that annoying Berserker."


Caster's hand rose.

That finger was definitely aimed at Emiya Shirou's hand————

"To take away the Command Seal————"

Can such a thing be done?

Tohsaka said that in order to remove the Command Seal, the nerves in the entire wrist must be removed————

"That's right. Cut off your hand first, and then transplant the Command Seal to my Master. But the Command Seal is integrated with the holder's magic circuit, right? To remove the Command Seal, you have to be The nerves (magic circuits) are pulled out.”

Such an understatement.

Caster stated as if nothing would happen.


Pull out the nerve?

Not only do you need to remove a hand, but also the nerves distributed in the body.

If he does, he will————

"Well, I will become a useless person. But don't worry, I won't take your life."


Even if his limbs were broken, it didn't matter. He concentrated his strength on his limbs desperately, but there was still no change.

Unable to move his hands and feet, Emiya Shirou was like a prisoner on the death row - with a coquettish sneer.

Fingers with an unknown light, like a spider crawling, slowly stretched towards his left hand————


How much time had passed when I noticed this abnormality?

While sleeping, Saber suddenly felt a sense of disharmony like spider silk and woke up. She walked into the corridor.


At first, she thought it was from her Master.

Because the abnormality was emitted from Emiya Shirou's room.

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