Chapter 1252 1245. Witch

"... Really. Are you practicing magic again?"

The blonde girl, Saber, sighed softly.

It's good to be so enthusiastic, but if you don't rest when you should, your body will not be able to hold on.

When she was about to tell him to be careful in the future, she realized her mistake.


She couldn't help but take a breath.

The abnormality was not emitted from Shirou's room.

Under the moonlight.

There was a thin line that flickered in the dark like her hair.

This only line was released from outside the house towards Shirou's room.

It was a thin line that could not be detected even by the barrier of the house.

If the enemy who manipulated this thin line deserves praise, then Saber, who could still sense it in sleep, was also very outstanding.


There was no time to think.

The girl's posture instantly changed into that of a knight, and she immediately leaped out.

Running in the deserted town.

Saber stepped heavily on the ground without any confusion.

She already knew where to go.

Following this line, she could just pursue the life breath of her Master Emiya Shirou.

All she had to do was to get there as quickly as possible.

She was not afraid even if there was an enemy camp ahead or a deathland full of traps like a tiger's mouth.

She had sworn to protect her Master.

So she would not hesitate even if she had to go through fire and water.


There was a mountain polluted by a huge amount of magic power.

The undead spirits in the sky were circling like crows.

The gathered magic power, the remaining stripped spirits, and the bare mountain devoured all visitors.

If there was a deathland in the world, this was undoubtedly the best example.


However, she stepped in without hesitation.

If this place was hell, then she had to rescue her Master even more.

Running on the rocky steps.

There was no expected obstacle at all.

The mountain gate had come into view, and there was only a short distance left. She could reach the mountain gate by stepping on the stone steps with her magical feet.


But her attack stopped there.

No——she was stopped by that "enemy".

The steps leading to the mountain gate.

There was a servant standing there.

His name was Sasaki Kojiro.

The assassin among the servants, his weapon was a long sword - clothesline, and he was the guardian of Ryudo Temple.


At this point, Saber, who had set up the Wind King barrier, was a little flustered.

Her master was just opposite the mountain gate.

But there were too many unknowns about the servant in front of him.

He gave his name without any concealment.

There was no posture, but the cold hostility was almost transparent.


This kind of desirelessness made it impossible to grasp his strength.

A servant could see the level of his opponent.

Assassin was not a particularly good servant, so he should be easy to deal with. However, her intuition told her the opposite answer.

The victory or defeat was decided by swords. If she simply competed with swords, she would not be able to win.

"————You have nothing to do here. Get out of here, Assassin."

Suppressing the uneasiness that came from nowhere, Saber stared at Assassin.

...There was only one stone step away before the two sides would engage in close combat.

Down or up?

No matter which direction she took even one step, she would inevitably be attacked by the opponent's fatal sword skills at that moment.

"Didn't you hear me? I told you to get out of here, Assassin."

The last question and answer.

The swordsman with the long sword answered happily.

"————Really? Do you want to go through this door, Saber?"


Stupid question, the holy green eyes that seemed to pierce Assassin seemed to say so.

Maybe he thought this was the best.

The long sword was swung as if to draw an arc in the night sky.

"Then break through me. If you don't hurry, your master will die."

A laugh like a cool breeze.


Saber stepped onto the stone steps without waiting for the other party to respond.

And the long sword that was swung down at the same time was deflected by her invisible sword.

————The sparks of swords burst out from the windy mountaintop.

The attack and defense that continued to unfold were evenly matched.

But this was not good for her.


She was a little anxious.

The enemy that must be defeated immediately is a strong enemy that is difficult to defeat.

"Shirou, hold on a little longer————!"

While clenching her teeth, she prayed desperately in her heart.

At this time, this unnecessary thing hurt her body.

————The winner has not yet been decided.

The road to the mountain gate is really too far.


————Caster stretched out his white fingers.


Although Emiya Shirou wanted to resist, his body could not move at all.

The feeling in my hands and feet has been taken away. Soon, even the hands and feet themselves will be taken away.

"Goodbye little boy. If you want to regret it, just regret becoming a Master with only this level of power."

With his body unable to move at all, he faced the fingertips of death.


He forced open his eyelids that could hardly be opened and glared at Caster.

"Oh. What a good kid. I don't hate the effort."

Caster laughed at my full resistance and touched the Command Seal with his finger.


...Even the consciousness of freedom has begun to become paralyzed.

...and began to think away from him.

A clanging sound.

From the mountain gate behind, there was the sound of swords clashing————


That is, what a miracle.

Dozens of sounds pierced the sky, and countless arrows were about to pierce the ground in front of them.

Caster quickly backed away, his black robe turning like a top.


There are arrows stuck at Caster's feet.

There are thirteen arrows shot from the sky, that is, above the mountain gate.

Those were probably all released in one breath. If there were one more, it would undoubtedly have penetrated Caster's chest.

The owner of the arrow is standing on the mountain gate.

The knight in the crimson coat landed on the ground with bare hands.

"Hmph. I thought you would have died a long time ago, but I didn't expect you to be quite tenacious."

That man——Archer stood in front of me as if he was trying to block Caster, and said these words.


"It's nothing, I'm just passing by, don't pay too much attention to this... By the way, how is your health? I should have broken Caster's line just now."


After hearing what he said, Emiya Shirou checked his hand.


His hands and feet, which had been completely immobile, regained their freedom during the attack and defense just now.

"Moving. Caster's spell has been broken, but——"

"That's fine. Although I want to say that you can do whatever you want from now on, but--if you don't want to be killed by that guy, just stay there and don't move. If you move around casually..."

"Damn it, it's Archer...!? Hey, what on earth is Assassin doing...!"

"Look, as you can see, you are going to be taught a lesson. The so-called passion of women has finally restrained a little... Really, it seems a little rude."

"——Okay. Don't be so angry, Caster. If you want to find Assasin, you are confronting Saber. That samurai, although I don't know who he is, he is a great swordsman if he can hold Saber back. . You should praise him no matter what, right?"

Even though he was confronting the enemy, Archer wasn't nervous at all.

Maybe because he noticed this, Caster also regained his composure.

"——Hmph, stop talking nonsense. If you can't stop me, how can you be called a hero? That man doesn't have the strength to be called a swordsman."

"Oh. From your tone, it seems that Assasin is your partner - your master is indeed cooperating. Otherwise, this situation cannot be explained. There are actually two servants in the same place. "

Caster remained silent, just observing Archer.

Although it was impossible to see the expression hidden in his robe, Caster looked shaken.

"——Archer, is what you just said true...!? Saber is here, fighting with Assasin, a servant, and Assasin and Caster and their masters are cooperating with each other...!?"

"Yes. Assassin is guarding outside the door, and Caster is lurking inside. The cooperative relationship between the two is obvious. Cooperation between masters is not uncommon. Aren't you also teaming up with Rin now? "


That's true.

——So, does this Ryudou Temple have two masters...? ?

"Huh--ahhahahahahahaha! I thought you could say something, but you can really talk nonsense, Archer!"

"Oh? What's wrong, isn't it?... It's nerve-wracking, but I'm pretty sure you two are partners."

"Yes, your estimate is really wrong. You mean partner——? I am cooperating with that dog? With that man who is just my pawn?"

Caster kept laughing.

That really inappropriate laughter blew away the tense air in the territory.

And at this time.

Even from behind, you can see Archer clenching his teeth.


Something unprecedented has emerged.

It wasn't Caster's hostility, nor the swirl of magic that covered the courtyard.

What appears here is Archer's naked hostility.

"Yes, your hunch is correct Archer. My Master has not joined forces with anyone, and the same is true for Assassin's Master. No, to be honest, that dog has no Master at all."


Assasin has no Master...?

What is going on.

A Servant cannot exist without a Master.

Wouldn't it disappear without a source of magic power?

"—Caster. You broke the rules."

"How is that possible? I didn't break the rules. It is the magician who summoned the Servant, right? In that case, is it inappropriate for me, a magician, to summon the Servant!"

The witch in the black robe sneered.


...That is to say.

Assassin at the mountain gate is the "Heroic Spirit" summoned by Caster————!

"...A servant who controls servants. I see. No wonder he is a fictional hero. Assassin was not summoned by the official Master, so something that is not an "assassin" appeared... That's fine. No matter what kind of Heroic Spirit it is, if it is an enemy, just defeat it. But this is your unauthorized action, Caster."

"Hmm...!... Tell me. Why did you come to this conclusion, Archer."

"Nothing, just intuition. The Master is a magician. And this magician, when he uses a magician who is better than himself as a familiar, can't have an ordinary master-servant relationship. It is natural for a magician to be wary of a magician who is better than himself... If I were your Master, I would never give you, a witch, freedom. How could I allow you to summon a Servant who does not belong to the Master himself, but is your subordinate."

"...Oh. I didn't expect you to be so smart, Archer. Well, for your wisdom, I can ignore the rude words just now."

Although he kept laughing, Caster kept looking at Archer.

…The only thing that existed between the two was hostility.

The distance between them was about seven meters.

If Archer had charged forward like he had seen at the school that night, Caster would have been cut down before he finished chanting the spell————

“I understand. Saber, Lancer, and Rider all have strong magic resistance. Their magic resistance is incomparable to the magic resistance of the man next to them. No magic can work on them. Therefore, as a magician, you can’t fight them head-on.”

“In that case, it’s normal to adopt such a strategy. Break the rules and summon Assassin, the Servant. Occupy this land and collect the souls of the people in the city. Don’t fight yourself, rely on the ‘Eyes’ placed in the town to grasp the battle situation. If you have done this, you must have imprisoned your Master, right? Just like this stupid Master here, he has long become a puppet controlled by you.”

Archer sneered silently.

Seeing this scene, Shirou Emiya felt a chill down his spine from the bottom of his heart.

Not only does he collect magic power from the people in the city.

That guy treats his Master as a "tool" just like he did to him just now————


... Caster is dangerous.

Not a pure threat like Berserker, but the guy who can make the situation worse without even showing his face is the most dangerous enemy in a melee.

"Yes, you are right, Archer. But it would be wrong to say that I can't beat you. It's easy for me to win the Holy Grail War. Everything I did was just for consideration after this. It's not because I'm afraid of you that I use any strategy."

"————Ha. You mean, it's easy to defeat us Servants. Witch who can only run away, you really talk big."

"I said it. I am stronger than anyone here. Although I don't know how Berserker and Saber are, I won't even get scratched if I rely on you, Archer."

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