"What...are you doing!?"


Under Fushiguro Megumi's surprised gaze, Ryomen Sunuo smiled and stabbed his arm into his body, pulling out the entire heart.

The living heart was beating in his hand, making Fushiguro Megumi's scalp tingle.

"I want to take Xuanhao myself as a hostage."

Liang Mian Su Nuo explained with a grin, "Because I am cursed, I can live without a heart, but this kid can't. Exchange with me is equivalent to suicide. Then I will add another insurance."

With that said, Liangmian Sunuo took out a finger.

Those were the fingers he found from the special-grade curse spirit just now.

I saw him swallow it in one gulp without hesitation.

"Now, I'm finally free. Now you can start being afraid."

After swallowing the finger, Rangmen Sunuo looked at Fushiguro Megumi with a smile and teased.

"I'm going to kill you, for no particular reason."

When he thought about it, this body had no heart, and since he swallowed another finger, the kid inside him would definitely not be able to compete with him for control of the body.

Now he can be unscrupulous.


Fushiguro Megumi lowered his head, his face was extremely calm, and he had no intention of being afraid.

"The positions have changed since then."

The only thing that is equal to all living beings is the reality of inequality.

"Xuanhao will come back, even if the result is his own death, he is that kind of person."

Fushiguro Megumi said firmly and raised her head.

"You think too highly of him." Liangmian Sunuo sneered upon hearing this, "This guy is just stronger and a little slower than the others. Just now, too, he had no feeling at the moment of life and death, and he kept talking nonsense. Heap. I can tell that this guy doesn’t have the guts to die.”


Fushiguro Megumi ignored Ryomian Sunuo's words.

He had already begun to think about how to solve the current situation.

According to his observation, Xuanhao's body and arms have been restored by Shunuo.

It seems that the two-faced Su Nuo will reverse the magician.

After this guy gains a physical body, he can live without a heart, but he should still be troubled by injuries.

And what he wants to do now is clear.

That was to force Liangmian Sunuo to treat his heart before Xuan Hao regained control of his body.

And this requires him to be able to show it to make Liangmian Sunuo realize that "a body lacking a heart cannot defeat him."

Can it be done?

Fushiguro Megumi felt uneasy.

He can't even deal with a mere special-level curse spirit?


Now is not the time to think about this.

No matter if he can do it or not!

"I have to do it!"

As he spoke, magic power emerged from Fushiguro Megumi's hands.

A shikigami in the shape of a flying bird was summoned by him.

Looking at his movements, Liang Miansu Nuo smoothed his hair and didn't care at all: "It's rare to come out, so just move around more."

Looking at Fushiguro Megumi who was attacking him with the shikigami, Ryomian Sunuo became a little more interested: "You are obviously using such an interesting shikigami, but the magician himself wants to attack it himself?"

Bang bang bang——

The two had physical contact.

Megumi Fushiguro's attack had no effect on Ryomian Sunuo.

"Use more curses."


While saying this, Ryomian Sunuo punched Fushiguro Megumi.

Megumi Fushiguro leaned back.

But the movement of forming seals in his hands did not stop.


As the spell was activated, a huge snake emerged from the shadow and bit Liang Miansu Nuo in one bite.

At the same time, the bird-shaped shikigami hovering in the sky attacked Futama Suno's head from behind.

"Attack together!" Fushiguro Megumi roared and ordered.

However, the next moment, he saw the strange smile on Su Nuo's face.


In just an instant, the giant snake was easily thought about by the two-faced Sunuo with its mouth as the center, and the bird-shaped shikigami attacking from behind was also shot down.

"Didn't I tell you? You need to use more spells."

During the teasing, Ryomian Sunuo had already arrived behind Fushiguro Megumi who had not had time to react, grabbed his clothes and threw him upwards.

The next second, Fushiguro Megumi was flying into the air.

The next moment, Liangmian Sunuo also flew up to follow.


Fushiguro Megumi still hasn't reacted yet.

He just realized that he was no match for Liang-Mian Sunuo.

Not only in terms of spells, but also in terms of strength and agility, he was completely different from Su Nuo.


Liangmian Sunuo grinned, cupped his fists with both hands, and smashed them down mercilessly.

Fortunately, Fushiguro Megumi summoned the shikigami again and stood in front of him.

But his body was still hit to the ground by the terrible impact.

"The technique is good."

Liangmian Sunuo was not disappointed because his attack was blocked. Instead, he laughed and praised.

"Cough cough cough——"

After falling to the ground.

Megumi Fushiguro gasped with a headache.

Two more shikigami reached their limit.

It is better to undo the spell before it is destroyed.

When he faced the special curse spirit before, he had almost used up all the shikigami in order to escape from the realm of life.

At present, almost all shikigami are in a state of destruction.

And he has no magic power anymore.

Now he has no idea how to deal with this situation.

"Your Shikigami uses shadows as a medium, right?"

Before Fushiguro Megumi could come up with a countermeasure, a voice suddenly sounded.

It was Ryoumen Sukuna who was chasing after him.

Ryoumen Sukuna laughed and seemed to be very interested in Fushiguro Megumi.


Fushiguro Megumi remained silent and did not answer.

In this situation, it doesn't matter even if his technique is seen through.

"So what?"

"Well, I don't understand."

Ryoumen Sukuna stroked his chin and said lightly, "It's not the common inferior technique that uses talismans, and it's used quite well. Why did you run away at that time?"

"?" Fushiguro Megumi didn't know what Ryoumen Sukuna was asking.

"It's really a waste of talent, forget it."

Seeing that Fushiguro Megumi couldn't answer, Ryoumen Sukuna shook his head lightly, "Anyway, I won't heal my heart with this level of attack."

"Has it been seen through?"

Fushiguro Megumi stood up helplessly after hearing this.

His figure has begun to shake, and he doesn't know what to do.

"You bet your life on a meaningless thing. This kid is not that valuable at all." Ryoumen Sukuna mocked.


Fushiguro Megumi did not respond.

At this moment, he was reminiscing about the past like a revolving lantern.

Someone once told him.

The only thing that is equal among all beings is the reality of inequality.

If you have time to curse others, you might as well think about the people who are important to you.

There is no doubt that the person who told him these truths is a kind person and deserves happiness more than anyone else.

But even so, Tsumiki was cursed.

His father, who named him "Mei" without even knowing his gender, now lives a leisurely life somewhere.

Karma is not fully automatic. The wicked will only be judged on the basis of being executed.

The sorcerer is one of the gears of this "retribution".

He will do his best to help others unequally in order to allow as many good people as possible to enjoy equality.

This is the meaning of his becoming a sorcerer.

Thinking of this.

The power of the curse began to emerge from Fushiguro Megumi.

For some reason, this cursed power was inexplicably powerful, even surprising Sukuna on the opposite side.

"Very good, very good! Are you going to get serious now?" Ryomen Sukuna began to get excited.

"Try to make me obsessed with you! Fushiguro Megumi!!"

However, at this moment, Fushiguro Megumi seemed to be unable to hear the outside world. With a blank expression, he began to make hand seals while chanting the spell: "Furube Yura Yura."

This was a technique he had never used before.

"Eight Grasp——"

But at this moment, he found that the person in front of him... seemed to be no longer Ryomen Sukuna.

At some point, Xuanhao had regained control of his body.

And asked him: "It seems that you really don't want me to die? Why?"

"I... don't know." Fushiguro Megumi responded, "The reason I want to save you is not based on any ethical thinking. Even if it is dangerous, I don't want to see a kind person like you die. Although I hesitated a little, I finally acted willfully. But it's good. I am not a partner of justice, but a sorcerer. So I have never regretted my choice, not once."

"Is that so."

Xuanhao smiled.

"It seems that I was right to come back. A guy like you shouldn't die now."

As he said, he began to fall slowly.

A body without a heart can no longer support his vital signs.

Fushiguro Megumi put down his hand that was making a seal and looked at the man who fell down calmly.

This incident seems to have ended with Xuanhao's death.


"Not hesitating to use a precious finger to confirm. Is it really necessary? Sukuna's strength."

In the bustling city, several figures swaggered on the street.

They looked strange, and it was obvious that they were not ordinary people, but terrible cursed spirits, but it seemed that no one saw them.

They could not hear their communication.

The one who spoke was a cursed spirit that looked like a volcano.

In response to his question, the man with sutures on his head smiled and answered: "Because half-hearted attempts can't get anything at all. And I also got corresponding gains."

"Humph, I hope this is not your excuse." Volcano head snorted.

"\u0026…………\u0026……%% @¥¥ # " The cursed spirit with a flower bud on his back spoke, but the language he spoke was not a language that humans could understand.

"Shut up! I can't understand what you are saying, but the content can go directly into my head. It's disgusting!" Volcano head complained while covering his head.


Several people walked into a store, and the clerk greeted them with a smile.

"Excuse me, are you the only one?"

The man with sutures on his forehead smiled and responded, "Yes, I am the only one."

Except for him, the others are pure cursed spirits, without human bodies, so ordinary people can't see them at all as long as they want.

Since they sat down in the store calmly, they began to discuss something leisurely.


On the other side, at the Jujutsu High School, the morgue.

"Did you do it on purpose?"

Gojo Satoru looked at Xuanhao's body lying on the side, covered with a white cloth, and asked in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Yi Jijie asked with some shame.

"The opponent is a special-level one, and he also has to rescue five people whose lives are unknown. How is it possible to send a first-year person there?"

Gojo Satoru scratched his head and couldn't figure out how the people above could make such a stupid decision.

In this regard, he can only make the following judgment.

"I forcibly obtained Xuan Hao's essentially unlimited reprieve from the death penalty. So the higher-ups who were dissatisfied with this decided to use their special name to kill him justifiably while I was away. If it were the other two people, they could also Adding trouble to me is really killing two birds with one stone, don’t you think?”


Yi Di Zhi Jiegao was sweating profusely when he heard this.

He knew how terrifying the man in front of him was. As long as the other party is willing, the whole world will fall into chaos.

"When I decided to dispatch it, I didn't know it would become a special grade..." Ichijie explained tremblingly.

"It's too troublesome to find the prisoner." Gojo Satoru became a little impatient, "Why don't I just kill all the bastards above?"

As he spoke, the atmosphere began to become heavy, and Itachi Kitaka was almost suffocating.

Just when he thought it was over, a female voice sounded.

"It's really rare to be so emotional. It seems that you like him very much."

"?" Gojo Satoru looked up at the source of the sound.

I saw a woman in a white coat walking in with a smile.

She is a doctor with a college of magic and comes from a well-connected family.

"I have always been a good teacher who puts students first." Gojo Satoru responded calmly. As if this is a matter of course.

"Don't bully Ichichi too much. It's hard for him to be sandwiched between us and the higher-ups." Ieiri Glass chuckled to ease the atmosphere.

Ichichi on the side heard that someone actually spoke for him, and he was suddenly moved to tears. I thought, please continue.

"I'm not interested in men's hard work." Gojo Satoru retorted nonchalantly.

"Really? Then this."

As he spoke, Iaru Glass opened the white cloth on the body beside him.

"Is it Su Nuo's container? I can dissect it at will, right?"

"Do it well." Gojo Satoru agreed calmly.

"Of course I will. You are the one you are talking to." Ieiri Glass responded confidently.


On the other side, Kugisaki and Fushiguro, who returned to high school, got together.

Complaining about Xuan Hao's situation.

"Really, he asked others to live longer...but he died first. He really saves trouble."

Kugizaki Rose complained while holding her chin.

"Is this your first time seeing a companion die?"

Megumi Fushiguro on the side heard this and shook his head slightly: "This is the first time for me to be a classmate of the same year."

"That was pretty uneventful."

"Aren't you the same..."

"Of course, how long have we known each other? I'm not the kind of simple girl who cries because of a man's death."

Although she said this, the corners of Kugizaki Wild Rose's mouth were pursed, and she looked like she was not at peace inside.

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