Of course, now that he has decided to fight, Xuan Hao naturally wants to win.


Aoi Todo, who was hit hard in the face by a hard knee, spat out a mouthful of bloody spit, looked at Xuan Hao in front of him with a grin, and commented, "The speed is good."


Xuan Hao looked at the burly man in front of him with some shame.

What a monster.

He used a lot of force in that move just now.

This guy can still act like nothing is wrong.

"It's my turn, first grader."

Todo Aoi grinned and clenched his fists, "Defend with all your might!"

As he spoke, his exploding fist had already arrived in front of Xuan Hao, so fast that Xuan Hao could only subconsciously choose to defend.


A series of roars resounded.

It was Xuanhao's figure that flew upside down in mid-air, smashing many rocks and trees along the way.

He felt that the arm he used to block had been completely paralyzed by the impact, and he even doubted whether his arm was still there.



Just as the body stopped, the fierce wind continued to come one after another.

It was Todo Aoi who kicked me.


A violent roar sounded.

Dong Tang Kui stepped on Xuan Hao's face mercilessly, trampling him into the trunk of a towering tree.

"Is it over?"

Seeing that Xuan Hao lowered his head and seemed unresponsive, Todo Aoi asked with some disappointment.

But soon he started laughing.

Turn around and look in the direction the others left.

"Which one should I pursue next?"

However, just as he took a step out, he suddenly stopped.


Feeling the movement coming from behind, Todo Aoi was slightly startled: "Is it true or not?"

He turned around and saw Xuan Hao standing up with an angry expression.

"Don't hit your head all the time. What if you become stupid?"

"Don't worry, Kotakada said, 'It's good for boys to be dumber'." Todo Aoi didn't care about Xuanhao's complaints and looked at him with a smile.

"Who is it? I'm not interested in idols."

Xuan Hao wiped the blood on his face that affected his vision and asked angrily.

"Then how do you know you are an idol? You obviously know each other~" Todo Aoi retorted with a grin.

As he spoke, he seemed to have some interest in Xuan Hao and asked with interest.

"First grader, what's your name?"


"Really? I'm asking you a question." Todo Aoi asked expectantly, "What type of woman do you like?"

"What type of woman do you like? Why do you ask this all of a sudden?" Xuan Hao was a little confused.

"Don't worry, it's just a review." Todo Aoi replied matter-of-factly.

"I don't know what you want to do, but if you insist..." Xuan Hao frowned slightly, his body's instinct seemed to be affecting his answer, "She should be a tall girl with a big butt... like Jenny Like Lawrence..."

This is not his thought, but the instinctive impulse of this body.

And heard this answer.

A memory that didn't exist flashed through Todo Aoi's mind at this moment.

False memories are sometimes sweeter than the truth.

in memory.

He and Xuan Hao went to the same school in their hometown and were still close friends.

And the woman he likes, Kotakada, is also in that school.

"I'm going to confess my love to Kotakada!"

One day Todo Aoi made such a decision.

"Save it! I don't want to comfort you afterwards!?"

As a "close friend", Xuan Hao was surprised when he heard this and complained speechlessly.

"Why is the question premised on being dumped?" Todo Aoi was puzzled by this.

"Then why do you think she will agree?" Although Xuanhao was speechless, he still followed Todo Aoi and prepared to meet Kotakada.

"Anne Sullivan once said to Helen Keller, 'What fool would think of losing before taking action?'"

"Is that what 'Inoki' said?" Xuanhao was even more speechless.

And in the end, the result of Todo Aoi's confession was of course...

"Sorry, I have someone I like." Otakada tore up his love letter without mercy and responded calmly.

For a moment, Todo Aoi felt as if the whole world had collapsed.

Sitting alone in a deserted corner, he uttered a depressed complaint: "Where's the agreed-upon routine of 'the person I like is you'?"

"How could it be possible?"

Xuanhao sighed helplessly, and then patted Dongtang Aoi on the shoulder.

"Okay, let's go."

"Where to go?" Dong Tangkui was a little confused.

"Let's go eat ramen, I'll treat you."

So the two of them looked like close friends with their arms around each other.

"Are you invincible in your hometown..."

Todo Aoi suddenly froze on the spot and muttered to himself.

"?" Xuan Hao looked confused when he saw this guy suddenly stopped fighting and just froze in place and was moved to tears.

"It seems that we are 'best friends'."

Todo Aoi said.

"Didn't we just learn each other's names!?"

Xuanhao felt inexplicably strange.

Meanwhile, above.

On the Kyoto campus side, Nishimiya Momo was flying in mid-air on a broomstick like a witch to check on the situation.

He has a phone in his hand and is contacting his companions.

"Well, go straight. But Todo-san is here."

"No problem, he himself said that we can do whatever we want."

Kamo said calmly.

A moment later, he led everyone from the Kyoto campus to surround Xuanhao, who had taken advantage of Todo Aoi's daze to distance himself.


Xuan Hao paid careful attention to the surrounding movements.

Bang bang bang——

Several bullets were fired at him.

It’s Zhenyuan Mayi on the Kyoto campus.

Almost as soon as he heard the sound, Xuan Hao moved at high speed to avoid the shot.

However, there was another person blocking his way.

She has long light blue hair and holds a sword in her hand.

It's Kasumi Miwa, who is also from the Kyoto campus.

"New Yinliu, simple realm."

Miwa Kasumi leaned down and made a gesture of drawing her sword, Iai, and an invisible circular field spread around her.

When Xuan Hao stepped into the field, she suddenly drew her sword.

This is an area where the enemy can counterattack as soon as they step into the area.

However, Xuanhao's reaction speed was too fast and he dodged immediately.

"What a reflex! My 'draw sword' didn't even scratch it."

Sanlunxia looked at Xuanhao walking away in surprise, feeling extremely shocked in her heart.

Fortunately, there are still people waiting to intercept him.

It's a mechanical pill.


Seeing the robot-like guy in front of him raise his hand and shoot an energy beam towards himself, Xuan Hao was confused.

"What's going on with these guys? Do they want to kill me?"

Soon, he realized something was wrong.

This was just a competition, but these guys were all using their killing moves, and they were obviously planning to kill him.

Just when Xuan Hao was surrounded again and felt a huge headache.


A burst of crisp applause sounded.

Everyone was slightly stunned.

Because they found that Xuanhao, who was surrounded by them, suddenly turned into Kamo.

The positions of the two were exchanged, so Xuan Hao escaped from the encirclement.

Before anyone could react, Todo Aoi came behind Kamo with a gloomy expression: "Hey."


The next moment, his fist suddenly hit Kamo.

Although it was avoided, it was not unexpected.

"I told you, right? If you dare to interfere with my business, I will kill you."

Dong Tang Kui warned several people with an expressionless face.

This made Xuan Hao on the side confused.

It seems that these guys in the Kyoto campus are having internal strife?

"Isn't it right?"

Kamo frowned slightly and asked, "What you said is that I ordered you to kill without mercy."

"It's all the same! Get out of here."

Todo Aoi didn't make any sense at all, and swaggered past Kamo and headed towards Xuanhao.

Kamo and others stopped.

It seems that he is afraid of his strength.

"It looks like we are about to retreat." Mechamaru complained helplessly.

"How shameless." Zenyuan Zhenyi looked unhappy.

"Great!!" Milunxia was thankful in her heart.

"Remember that he must die."

Kamo reminded Toudou Aoi calmly.

"Don't order me."

Todo Aoi smiled disdainfully.

"That depends on Xuanhao himself. After all, I am not the kind of vulgar man who will let loose just because he is a close friend."

With that said, he put up a posture again, signaling Xuan Hao to continue challenging him.


Xuan Hao looked at the situation in front of him speechlessly.

I wonder what is going on with these people.

What the hell?

One moment they wanted to kill him, and the next moment there was internal strife.


Up in the sky, Nishimiya Momo sighed, "It's been a slow start. I just told you to leave him alone. The same goes for hunting spell spirits. Without me searching for enemies in the air, I can't start work at all. Alas - they all give in like this one by one. Don’t worry. Come on, I’m just as cute today.”

"Shoot her down."

However, while she was talking to herself, a faint voice sounded.

The next moment, a huge bird shikigami had arrived beside Nishimiya Momo.


Looking at the shikigami attacking him, Nishimiya Momo realized that he had been careless.


Before she could react, her figure was shot down mercilessly.


When Kamo and others below saw this, they were slightly startled and realized that it was other people from the Tokyo campus who had started to take action.

"Zhenyi, Mechamaru! Go and protect Nishinomiya."

He quickly ordered to the two people beside him.

"As commanded."

Mechamaru acted without hesitation and ran towards the direction where Nishimiya Momo fell.

"Oh, it would really be a headache if she was gone."

Although Zenyuan Zhenyi complained a few words, he still followed the pace of Mechamaru.

Kamo himself, on the other hand, took Miwa Kasumi and rushed towards the direction where the curse wave came from, as if he was preparing to go directly to find the people in the Tokyo campus.

However, just after taking a few steps, two figures jumped out from the woods on the side.

It was Zenyuan Maki and Fushiguro Megumi who had long expected that they would disperse and were ready to defeat them one by one.

Zenyuan Maki stopped in front of Miwa Kasumi and mercilessly hit her with the long stick in his hand.


Miwa Kasumi was slightly startled, and had no time to draw her sword, so she could only block with the scabbard.

On the other side, Fushiguro Megumi also faced off against Kamo.


Megumi Fushiguro asked the man in front of him with a gloomy look.

"Do you want to kill Xuan Hao?"

He sensed the murderous intent from this group of people.

The guys from the Kyoto campus did not participate in this competition for a pure purpose.


A few minutes ago.

"Something is wrong."

"Something is wrong."

Megumi Fushiguro and Panda almost simultaneously felt that the people from the Kyoto campus were acting strangely.

"The people from the Kyoto campus are moving to the same location... near where we separated from Xuan Hao."

Panda felt the fluctuations in the local mantra and spoke in a serious tone.

"Doesn't that mean that everyone from the Kyoto campus has gathered together?"

Kugizaki Nobara was a little surprised.

"Does that mean the target second-level curse spirit is over there?" Zenin Maki asked in confusion.


Megumi Fushiguro shook his head slightly, "If the second-level curse spirit is not particularly cunning, the jade dog will find it."


The jade dog on the side barked, as if agreeing with Megumi Fushiguro's statement.

"Those guys in Kyoto, are they trying to kill Xuanhao?"


Hearing this guess, Kugisaki Nobara was slightly surprised.

"What do you mean!?"

"It's possible..." Zenin Maki thought about it carefully and said with some shame.

"Kelp." Gojuan beside him also agreed with this guess.

"I didn't feel much hostility before, before the surprise of Xuanhao's resurrection."

Panda analyzed. As a cursed corpse, he is particularly sensitive to human curse power, that is, emotions.

"But it's different after that. If it was the instruction of Principal Leyan Temple, then it's entirely possible. After all, you should be able to feel the hostility of that old man towards Xuanhao, right?"

"The old man told them to kill, so they killed?"

Kugizaki Nobara's tone was a little unhappy, "Are all the people in Kyoto campus such losers?"

"Because we have different perceptions of him." Panda explained, "You have been with Xuanhao day and night in your first year, and through the contact just now, we can also understand that he is a very good person, and he is a rare cheerful personality among magicians. But to those who don't know him, Sukuna's container is simply a terrifying existence."

"Killing him feels almost the same as exorcising a cursed spirit. And magicians are not sure about the boundaries in this regard."

"Go back, Hui."

Zenin Maki said lightly, and then turned back in the direction they came from.


Fushiguro Hui apologized inexplicably.

"What are you apologizing for? Idiot."

Zenin Maki said as a matter of course, "If your companions are dead, why hold an exchange meeting and compete for victory or defeat?"

Panda also agreed with this approach and arranged: "Nobara and I will go back to confirm Xuanhao's safety. He didn't answer the phone. Ji will continue to hunt cursed spirits."

"Dried bonito."

Faced with Panda's arrangement, Goumaki Ji crossed his hands to refuse.

"I know you are worried about him too. But if my guess is correct, the Kyoto campus may want to take advantage of the chaos of the group battle to assassinate Xuanhao." Panda explained, "If the group battle is over, the assassination will not be able to proceed, right? So it is also important to hunt cursed spirits quickly."

"I see." Nobara Kugisaki suddenly realized.

"Salmon." Goumaki accepted this arrangement.

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