"There is also Maki's matter, so we can't let them kill Xuanhao, but also win the game." Panda concluded.

"Of course." Kugizaki Wild Rose nodded slightly.

Afterwards, several people started to act separately.

Hence the current scene.



"It hurts so much..." Nishimiya Momo, who fell from the air, landed awkwardly on the trunk of a tree, complaining.

"Is that Fushiguro-san's 'Nu'?"

Recalling the huge bird-shaped shikigami that appeared in front of her and knocked her down in one fell swoop, Nishimiya Momo felt ashamed. Her body was still in a semi-paralyzed state until now.

"The electrified wings... our movements may be temporarily affected."


Just when she had a headache, the tree she was standing on was kicked and shook, and two teasing voices came from below.


"Come - play - ah -"

She saw Panda and Kugizaki Rose squinting their eyes and smiling, putting their hands in their pockets and looking at her teasingly.

"So tasteless, not cute at all..."

Cold sweat broke out on Nisigong Tao's forehead as she looked at the two people below.

More headache.


other side.

"Senior Kamo, do you want to kill Xuan Hao?"

On the other side, Fushiguro Megumi was still staring at the man in front of her with gloomy eyes.

"What if I said...you guessed it right?"

Kamo responded calmly.

"It seems it failed."

Listening to the tone of his response, Fushiguro Megumi calmly judged, "Xuanhao cannot be killed in such a short period of time."

"We have no reason to kill him." Kamo stepped back and put some distance between Fushiguro Megumi and said calmly.


Fushiguro Megumi held the crutches in her hands and retorted, "There are many reasons, such as orders from the higher-ups or the three major families."



If the battle situation in other places was relatively harmonious, then Xuanhao and Todo Aoi's side could only be described as enthusiastic.

The fight between the two did not involve much verbal communication, but only physical blows with fists.

Dong Tang Kui's fists kept hitting Xuan Hao.

Xuanhao also constantly used the surrounding terrain to take advantage of his speed to fight back.

“Perfect stamina and uses the terrain aggressively!!”

Dong Tang Kui appreciates Xuan Hao's performance more and more.

However, in a blink of an eye, he found that the figure in front of him was gone.


The next moment, there was a bang.

He was hit hard on the back of the head.

Xuan Hao, who had disappeared, had already come around behind him.

"The transition of moves is also extremely fast."

Todo Aoi was not angry when hit, and even had a smile on her face.

"What's particularly exciting is——"


His head was knocked back by Xuan Hao's punch.

"Such a powerful force!!"

"The power contained in his small body is actually stronger than mine. Because of this, he can strike with a small amount of spell power, so it is extremely difficult to predict his movements based on the direction of the spell power!!"

"But...the magic power that was delayed for half a beat...only this..."

"Only this..."


"No, no, no, no, no -"

Todo Aoi let out a dissatisfied roar.

He was extremely satisfied with everything about Xuan Hao, but he felt very unhappy about this.

It’s my grandma’s fault!


"That was... Dongtang's roar just now, wasn't it?"

Facing Miwa Kasumi, Zenin Maki felt a little ashamed and asked in confusion as she listened to the roar from the distance.

"I seem to understand why you failed to kill Xuan Hao."

"..." Miwa Kasumi nodded with some shame, admitting that Zenyuan Maki guessed it right.

"So, why did you and Kamo Kenki separate?"

Zenin Maki asked teasingly.

"Are your spells also secret from your companions?"

"I'm sorry about Xuanhao." Miwaka lowered her head and sighed, "It may sound like quibbles, but I'm different from everyone. However, even so, I won't take it seriously. The victory of the exchange meeting was handed over.”

"It means that killing Xuanhao is not what you want. Do you just want to win this exchange meeting?" Zenyuan Maki tilted his head slightly.

"Well." Miwa Kasumi explained, "You know that the upgrade of magicians is recommended, right? Even magicians who have no intersection vertically will be informed of the exchange meeting. Students who show their talents at the conference will be able to Get more opportunities to upgrade while studying. By the way, teachers cannot recommend their own students. For example, Teacher Gojo cannot recommend Fushiguro and Xuanhao to become first-level magicians. I want to be independent as soon as possible and start making money. ”


Zenyuan Maki was slightly startled, a little confused.

"Because my family is very poor!! I have two younger brothers!!"

Miwa Kasumi responded matter-of-factly.


Zenyuan Maki felt that this reason was so impeccable that she even began to worry about the girl in front of her.

"Are you okay? Do you get along with Zhenyi? That guy is very mean."

"Well... you are too nice, right? I think it's okay... not too difficult to get along with." Miwa Kasumi was slightly startled.

"However, even if you have such a reason, I will not let go." Zenyuan Maki smiled and put on an offensive posture.

"No problem. I didn't say that just to get you to show mercy."

Miwaka's eyes narrowed slightly.

Posturing as well.


"Xuanhao, your delayed spell!!"

On the other side, Dong Tang Kui stopped attacking and asked Xuan Hao in front of him.

"Is that a bad habit of yours?"


Xuan Hao was a little confused when he heard this, thinking what happened to this person suddenly?

"Are you talking about Jing Ting Quan?"

"Yes, if you are satisfied with that thing, you can't beat me!!"

Todo Aoi said matter-of-factly.

"If you feel satisfied with that level, we can't be close friends..."


"Did you hear that?"


Xuanhao was speechless.

How should I answer this idiot in front of me?

In fact, it doesn't matter whether he is a close friend or not.

After all, didn't they just meet for the first time today?

"Is it okay to be a weakling all the time?"

Todo Aoi asked reluctantly.

"Of course not!"

Such questions finally made Xuanhao look serious.

"Right!! My best friend!!"

Todo Aoi roared menacingly.


"Hands" cannot be more proficient than "eyes".

Masters always "see" more clearly.

If you cannot cultivate the "eye" to distinguish good from bad, you cannot expect the growth of the "hand" that creates works. This is a phrase often used by creators.

This statement applies equally to every professional field.

People who are good at "seeing" progress much faster than people who don't have this skill.

And Xuan Hao obviously has such ability.

Todo Aoi saw it clearly.

At this moment, Xuan Hao's fist was different from when he first met him just now.

Facing him who kept throwing right punches, he instantly hit a straight left punch! ! This was not an action that Xuan Hao could do just now.

This man is growing up rapidly!

The aim is to give him a sharp blow.


Hit by a punch again.

Todo Aoi fell down with a smile.

"Hmm...what a neat and beautiful defense break!!"

Looking at the defenseless fallen Todo Aoi, Xuan Hao continued to raise his fist, preparing to pursue the victory.

The face is defenseless! ! Can hit! Jingtingquan can hit! !


Todo Aoi's fallen figure suddenly stopped.

He bowed in a strange posture and caught Xuan Hao's fist with his forehead.


Looking at this scene, Xuan Hao was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect that this man could hit his fist with his forehead before it finished accelerating.

"This is not the place for you to fight."

Dong Tangkui smiled and straightened up, holding Xuan Hao's fisting wrist.

"Your 'Jing Ting Fist' is achieved by relying on extraordinary physical abilities and the delay of spell power that does not occur under normal circumstances, right?"

"It's a novel idea. Ordinary magicians may not understand what's going on and become confused. It's also powerful enough. The premise is that if you deal with ordinary opponents!"

"But it's useless against the special ones."

"..." Xuan Hao listened to the man in front of him and nodded slightly in silence.

He remembered the time when he faced a real person.

Facing such a special spell spirit, his fists were only effective at the beginning, and the opponent quickly adapted to his attacks, so they were of no use.

"What would you do? My best friend."

Todo Aoi continued to ask.

"Inject all my magic power?" Xuan Hao tried to answer.


Dongtang Kui was very satisfied with Xuanhao's answer and started gearing up.

"Then let me tell you, why is the magic power delayed? That's because you are 'injecting' the magic power."


Xuan Hao looked confused. Doesn't it mean that he didn't say anything?

"Um...you're trying to say that I should increase the injection speed, right?"

"'Injecting' spell power, many magicians will consciously perform this behavior." Todo Aoi shook his head slightly and explained, "'Stomach filled with anger' and 'Hateful to the point of twisting the intestines together' are extracted from negative emotions. The mantra will flow through the whole body starting from the navel, through the chest, shoulders, arms, and finally 'flowing' into the fists. This awareness of dividing the body by parts will cause the mantra to be delayed. "


When Xuan Hao heard this, he suddenly realized something and seemed to understand something.

"There's nothing wrong with 'injecting' the magic power, but that's just the 'first step' and you shouldn't be too rigid about it." Todo Aoi continued, "The more first-rate a magician is, the harder it is to see through the flow of the magic power. Of course. The specific reason is different from yours. Can we think with our stomachs? Can we express our anger with our heads? Listen, dear friend! We exist in this world so naturally that everyone forgets it. This happened."

"Thank you. Dongtang."

Xuan Hao raised his hand, concentrated on it, and had a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

"I seem to understand."

"...It seems...there is no need to continue talking."

Dong Tang Kui looked at Xuan Hao's rising momentum and smiled.

Posturing as well.

The backs of their outstretched hands touched each other, and a fight was about to break out.

"I will show no mercy."

Todo Aoi's face was full of excitement.

He will do his best to guide the man in front of him.

Don't die, dear friend.

Climb up! ! Climb to the top! !


"Let me ask you, your principal."

On the other side, Rose Kugizaki, who blocked Nishimiya Momo on the tree, asked calmly.

"Did I order you to kill Xuan Hao?"


Xi Gongtao was slightly shocked when he heard this.

This girl's intuition is so keen... shouldn't it be the panda who discovered it?

"Eh...what do you mean?"

She awkwardly pretended not to know anything.

"No need to hide it, I will also fight with murderous intent. Especially the low-end version of Maki sister named Zhenyi."

Kugizaki Wild Rose twisted her neck and spoke calmly.


Nishimong Tao was speechless.

"'Haah' what?"

Kugizaki Rose sneered. I thought to myself, wouldn’t this make me angry? Although she was also very angry.

"Smart robots can all react more appropriately. Ah, speaking of which, you also have a robot over there. Why don't you just dismantle it into scrap metal and dump it illegally?"


Seeing the anger rising between the two women, the panda on the side shivered.


Suddenly, a flash of light shot from a distance and hit the panda on the back.


The panda screamed and fell down.

"Senior Panda!!"

Kugizaki Wild Rose suddenly turned her head and exclaimed.

"That's a cursed corpse, it can't die."

A voice came from the woods nearby.

It's the mechanical pill that came to support.

"It's just that I can't move for the moment. So, who did you say you were going to demolish just now?"

"Wait a minute, Mechanical Pill."

At this time, Nishimiya Momo jumped down from the tree trunk and looked at the Kugizaki Wild Rose in front of her with a gloomy face.

"Let me teach this first grader well. Teach her the hardships of little Zhenyi. And the meaning of a woman being a conjurer."

"I'm just kidding."


Just when the two seemed to think they had a chance to win, the panda lying on the ground suddenly stood up again.


He swung his fist and hit Mechanical Pill's face mercilessly.

"Do you like to show off so much? I should be hiding and supporting you."

Obviously, he had already discovered the mechanical pill hidden in the woods, so he deliberately fell down to lure it out.

"We are all cursed, so let us get along well."

"A broken doll."

Mechanical Pill seemed to be irritated and gritted his teeth.

"Know what!?"

As he spoke, his arm suddenly exploded, revealing the ferocious claws inside.

"Oops, has everyone forgotten that this is a competition to hunt curse spirits?"

The panda looked at the other party's menacing look and complained lightly, without any fear on his face.

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