"Then let's get along well with each other as you said. Brother Cursed Bones!"

Panda chuckled and said to the mechanical pill in front of him.

However, this sentence is the opposite of Mechanical Pill.

He is not a cursed corpse, but a human being. It's just that because his body cannot move, he can only appear as a puppet.

In short, he is different from tattered dolls like "Curse"!

"Tattered doll, what do you know!?"

In anger, Mechanical Pill's right arm began to rotate, like a sharp electric drill.

"The source of the knife is liberated, and the thrust is increased."


It sounded like the roar of an engine.

"Excellent skills and critical skills!!"

Accompanied by the sound of the air being torn apart, a powerful drill roared in the direction of the panda.


The panda was so excited when he saw Mechamaru's posture that he narrowly avoided the attack.


The trees behind him were shattered by the explosive drilling, and the terrifying destructive power was terrifying just by looking at it.

"You are pretty good at hiding..."

Seeing that the panda actually dodged his own accelerating drilling attack, Mechamaru said sullenly and sarcastically.


The panda remained silent and did not answer.

Although he wanted to quickly put away the mechanical pills in front of him. Or just ignore it and go directly to help Wild Rose, but this guy has shooting ability.

Although they did not have information about Mechamaru, Nishimiya, and Miwa, he estimated that all of them should be above the level of level 3 magicians. For Wild Rose, the pressure of facing such an opponent is undoubtedly too heavy.

"Are you very strong? What level are you at?"

Panda asked tentatively.

"You shouldn't need a rating for resisting curse spirits now, right?" Mechamaru responded coldly, "But it doesn't hurt to tell you. I'm quasi-level one!"

As he spoke, his arms began to change shape again.

Fierce shelling was fired in the direction of the panda.


Panda was obviously surprised when he heard the level of the mechanical pill.

Because he originally deduced that the guy in front of him could be at least level 2 or 3, but he didn't expect that he was actually a quasi-level one! Now the situation becomes more troublesome.

The panda's eyes became serious, he put on a defensive posture, and forcefully accepted the bombardment.



After the smoke from the shelling passed, the panda coughed twice and looked a little embarrassed, but fortunately, it was actually unscathed.

On the other hand, Mechanical Pill's arm seemed to have overheated due to the violent output, and it had begun to emit white smoke.


Mechanical Pill looked a little unhappy when he saw the unscathed panda.

His big move that spared no effort failed to cause any substantial damage.

It seems that this output is meaningless if it cannot accurately hit the core position.

"Curse" is a general term for autonomous and movable non-living things with a curse inside. Artificial curses have a "core" equivalent to a heart.

Panda is the master of puppet magic and the highest masterpiece of Principal Noctua.

It's a cursed body born with emotions - a cursed body that suddenly mutates.


Bang bang bang——

While the mechanical pill was cooling down, the panda approached him mercilessly and kept punching him.


Mechamaru endured the blow awkwardly.

Because he found that he couldn't capture the panda's movements.

This seemingly bulky guy is surprisingly fast.


After knocking down the mechanical pill with one blow, Panda calmly complained: "Well, if there is a guy like me here, you should always hear some rumors, right? If not, it means you are not a curse. But the real magician performs long-distance control somewhere else, right?"

"Even so, don't get angry because you are treated as a cursed corpse! Don't you want to be lumped in with me!? I will be sad! Otherwise, I will be sad now——!!"

The panda roared with a look of grief.

But soon he became serious again.

"Judging from your spell output, the main body shouldn't be far away, right? No, it's probably the closest place outside the field. In that case, there's no point in looking for it. During this period, you will still be used as a target to attack. . I should beat you to pieces after all.”


Mechanical Pill was silent for a while after hearing this.

Then he retorted angrily.

"You can't achieve any of them. Have you ever heard of the 'Bound by Heaven and Curse'? It is different from the ordinary 'bondage' that you put on yourself. It is a 'bondage' that is forcibly imposed on the body when you are born. When I was born There is no flesh on the right hand or below the knee, and there is no feeling below the waist.”

“My skin is so fragile that even the moonlight can burn me. It’s often accompanied by pain that feels like needles pricking all the pores in my body.”

"What this price pays for is a wide range of spells and a spell output that exceeds one's own strength."

"This is not the power I got according to my own wishes. If I can get a body by handing over the spell, I can't ask for it!"

"I, no matter what, can't stand this world where this wanton trampling ignores a person's dignity and rights, but allows you, a cursed doll, to live freely!!"

As he spoke, Mechanical Pill's body changed shape again.

He roared and opened his mouth, spitting out a mechanical cannon.

Huge power began to gather at the muzzle.


The panda's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw this.

"What a huge curse power!! And this location..."

Not far behind him was the Kugizaki Wild Rose.

He immediately understood that the purpose of the mechanical pill was to make him unable to dodge.

"I can only bear it down."


Accompanied by a violent roar.

The shelling, which was several times more violent than before, instantly submerged the panda's entire body.

The ground in front of Mechamaru turned into scorched earth in an instant.

"Is he dead..."

After the smoke dissipated, looking at the empty scene in front of him, Mechamaru spoke indifferently.

"No, the concept of death is not suitable for you."

With that said, he turned around calmly and prepared to leave.

However, just when he thought everything was over, a teasing voice came from behind him again.

"No wonder you dare to show off your misfortune while also providing some information on magic techniques. You are indeed a very powerful magician."


Mechanical Pill was stunned for a moment and turned to look over.

Surprisingly, he was able to survive a head-on hit with three times his firepower.

The strength of the cursed corpse in front of him surprised him.

"I'm a little unhappy."

The panda stared calmly at the mechanical pill in front of him.

At this moment, he is no longer a simple panda, but more like a gorilla with panda colors.

Yes, this is Panda·Gorilla mode!

"What form is that...?"

Mechanical Pill looked at the panda's current appearance and was speechless.


"Panda, you actually have a brother and a sister."

When he was still very young, Principal Noctua once told Panda this.

"I haven't." But the panda at that time didn't understand.

"No, there is." Principal Noctua chuckled, "It's inside your body."

"In my body?" The panda was very confused at that time.


Principal Noctua nodded slightly.

"Sooner or later, you will know that they will give you strength no matter when."


"Blade Wish Liberation·Jianshan Shield!"

Looking at the gorilla-shaped panda that was lying towards him, Mechamaru raised his arm, and his arm changed again, with sharp spikes covering his wrist.

This is a move that combines offense and defense.



With just a tap, the spikes were easily shattered by the panda's violence.

There should be only one core equivalent to the heart of the cursed skeleton, but there are three cores in the panda's body.

By switching the main core, the body changes as well.

A panda core that values ​​balance.

A short-term decisive battle with the older brother who values ​​strength, Gorilla Core.

And the shy sister.

The sister who was hit by the first blow was no longer able to fight, and Panda Core was exhausted from the blow just now.

If you can't win in gorilla mode, there will be nothing left to say.

It can be said that the panda at this moment is not as relaxed as Jiwan imagined, and it is already fighting against the odds.


Mechanical Pill's body was knocked flying until it flew out of the woods and fell on the roof nearby.

He stood up awkwardly.

"In terms of strength, it is not as powerful as Dongtang, but the palm strike just now... the shock was transmitted to the inside. Even if you defend yourself, you will still be hurt!"

"Did you notice it?"

Panda walked slowly out of the woods, came to Mechanical Pill and explained calmly.

"This is my brother's specialty move. The indefensible 'Shock Palm'."

"If the head or chest receives another direct hit from the 'shock palm', Mechanical Pill will probably not be able to move." Mechanical Pill thought silently in his mind.

On the other side, Panda also felt a little headache.

Although the gorilla form is very strong, the consumption of mana power will be relatively huge, so it must be fought quickly.

The right arm of Mechanical Pill has been damaged, so it shouldn't be able to output maximum firepower, right?

There is no sword in the left arm or mouth, so I can only use the cannon, right?

Even so, I probably won't shoot at him rashly again.

Mechamaru thought that the two bombardments failed to kill him, but in fact both of his cores were already in a dying state.

Next, the mechanical pill is likely to aim at the core position and shoot at 0 distance, or rely on slashing to ensure the result.


Melee combat is more beneficial to him.

While thinking, the panda had already flown close to the mechanical pill.


A shadow shot towards the panda.


The panda avoided subconsciously.

But upon closer inspection, I discovered that it was not the artillery fire fired by the mechanical pellet, but the tiles on the roof.

Did this guy pick it up when he got up just now?

It seems that his judgment should be correct.

At this moment, the mechanical pill is already at the end of its battle with itself, and will not easily output firepower again. Once it is output, it will be the decisive moment.

Tiles kept being thrown in the direction of the panda.

Panda waved his hand to ward off the tiles, and quickly rushed in front of Mechamaru.

However, Mechamaru's figure suddenly and strangely accelerated, dodging his attack.

With the blinding method of throwing tiles and the jet acceleration from the nozzle behind his arm, this guy has a lot of combat experience.

"This time, I won't miss it."

Mechanical Pill stared at the part of the panda that had the strongest spell power, and fired out again.

"Oh ——"

The panda's body was pierced, and the whole person was slightly stunned.

"For a doll, you are quite capable."

Mechanimaru breathed a sigh of relief and praised.

However, the next moment, he was stunned.

The panda, who should have been unable to move due to the destruction of the core, actually moved again and grabbed his arm that was close at hand.


The sound of shattering came.

The terrible power of the panda crushed his arm.


"Don't compare me with ordinary cursed corpses," Panda said as a matter of course, "The position of the core can be easily forged by manipulating the cursed power. I was originally trying to confuse the number."

While speaking, his other hand grabbed Mechanimaru's head and pushed it out violently.

The head of Mechanimaru was hit hard and the whole body flew backwards, and the arm was torn off in response.

"The reason for your defeat is that you underestimated the doll too much."

Panda looked at Mechanimaru lying on the ground and unable to move and said lightly.

"It's the same for me. I was born completely different from everything around me. I think I can understand you in this aspect, right? But I have never envied humans."


Although the mechanical pill can't move, the language system seems to be intact.

"Because humans are disgusting." The panda answered as a matter of course.


"Sometimes I work hard for my goals, sometimes I am straightforward and frank, and sometimes I am hesitant. I really don't understand. But I also like those things I don't have. Although disgusting. It's not easy for the mechanical pill, right? But the hard-working people are not necessarily right. Having said that, I am not your enemy."

"Why do you want to be a sorcerer? Is it because you can only do this? Of course, it has nothing to do with me. But if you have something you want to achieve, I will help you."


The mechanical pill was silent.

The voices of his companions kept echoing in his mind.

"Mechamaru, don't use your ultimate skill so easily. The enemy may not be the only one in front of you."

"Mechamaru, don't think that a guy who can't even answer immediately what kind of girl he likes can become a sorcerer who can stand on his own."

"Mechamaru, this is for you. It's just friendship. I heard that you like No. 5 batteries, so I replaced the chocolate with this."


"I hope... one day I can be with everyone..." Mechamaru muttered to himself while reminiscing.

He imagined that one day he would be able to stand in front of his companions with his own body and laugh and talk with them.

"Hmm? Say it again."

Panda seemed not to hear clearly and asked closer.

"I wonder if you can still say 'you want to help me' after you see me like this?" Mechamaru responded coldly.


Panda laughed.

"Do you think I will say something about other people's appearance? I'm a panda!"

As he said that, he turned into his original naive appearance.

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