A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 132 125. The will to fight for whom

Chapter 132 125. The will to fight for whom

"three minutes!"

Chu Zihang roared, Jun Yan was burning, the air exploded in front of him, dragon-like scales began to appear on his body surface, the second degree of violent blood was close to the critical point, and he would soon reach the third degree of violent blood, this was his It was a field he had never entered before. The second violent bloodshed almost made him lose control. He didn't know if he could control it, but now he had no time to think about the consequences.

Of course they knew what Chu Zihang meant. They would blast open the door within three minutes. You said three minutes, just three minutes? Who do you look down on?

"Five minutes," Hoshino Aoi replied coldly, "Don't worry, you just need to make sure you don't lose control and then open the door. Leave the extra time to us."

Susie nodded in agreement.

They were Chu Zihang's seniors, and they were one level above him anyway. It would be too embarrassing if they couldn't even do such a small thing.

Susie and Hoshino Aoi slowly stepped forward, blocking the path in front of the giant dragon. Their slender figures were completely exposed to the dragon's gaze, but there was no trace of fear in their eyes.

Once violently bloody, twice violently bloody.

As a core member of the Lionheart Club, how could he not be violent?

The two raised their heads and looked directly at the giant dragon in front of them. Fine scales began to appear on the two delicate faces. Their bloodshed was much deeper than that of Chu Zihang. They were already infinitely close to the third degree of bloodshed. There are also more dragon transformation phenomena.

There was nothing they could do about it. Faced with such an existence, they had to try their best, otherwise they would have no chance of winning.

Hoshino Aoi's golden eyes became brighter and brighter, and the hemispherical field expanded to cover the two of them. The biting cold wind was forced back, and the ice shards in the air could not get close to the two of them. This is a dust-free place, and the lion's heart will be in the center. She is not the only one who possesses this kind of speaking spirit, but she is the last and strongest shield of the Lionheart Society. Today, even the next generation will stop her!

Susie waved gently, and several blades rotated at high speed around the realm of Wuchen Land, making a shrill whistle. This is her Word Spirit Sword Control, a less common Word Spirit suitable for assassination. The academy doesn't want too many people to know about it, so her Word Spirit is not written into the student files.

Although it is suitable for assassination, it is also a very powerful word spirit if used for consumption.

As you can tell from the name, it is named after the sword fairy in Chinese mythology who wields a sword. The sword fairy is angry and his blood is scattered thousands of miles away.

The legendary sword fairy can kill people thousands of miles away with a sword. People who hold this kind of spirit can use their thoughts to 'control a sword'. Of course, it is not just a sword. The essence of this kind of spirit is a powerful electromagnetic field control. Ability, as long as it is any metal object in her domain, she can turn it into a weapon in her hand. Although she cannot do it like the sword fairy in myth, she should still be able to do it if she just harasses this giant dragon. Arrived.

At this moment, the Lionheart Society's toughest shield and sharpest sword were in place, and they were facing an awakened ancient dragon.

Five minutes is easy to say, but it still has to cost them their lives.

The opponents are not their usual classmates, and the slightest mistake will cost them their lives.

Su Qian stretched out her hand and grabbed it in the air. The whirling blade accelerated again. The light of the blade cut through the cold wind and shot towards the ancient dragon in front of her.

The blade flew extremely fast, and the purpose was very clear, which was the dragon's eyes. But this was just a test. She knew that the knife probably couldn't be taken back. She just wanted to try to see if her knife could hurt her. to it.


The blade was blocked, and the ancient dragon closed its wings in front of him. The blade hit it without causing any ripples.

"what a pity."

Susie shook her head helplessly.

Her blade is still not sharp enough, maybe she can easily cut someone else's throat, but facing this ancient dragon with hard scales all over its body, her strength seems a bit weak. However, she saw that the dragon was defensive, which meant that its eyes were indeed its weak point, and that was enough.


The giant dragon roared again. It felt insulted. Did the tiny human in front of it actually want to fight it with such a thing?

The huge mouth spit out ancient dragon language, and countless ice picks emerged in the air, like sharp swords.

Susie and Hoshino Aoi looked at each other as they looked at these ice swords. This ancient dragon didn't seem to intend to fight with them.


"Two possibilities."

"One is that it is a mage, and it is better at long-range attacks."

"There's another one that doesn't want to destroy the door behind us because of the fight."

Yes, their guess was correct. It really didn't want to destroy the door behind its prey. This was its Nibelung root, the holy place it prepared to welcome the "king". It was confident that the ants in front of it were incapable of opening that door. doors, so it just needs to slowly grind them to death.

Of course, they guessed one thing wrong. This does not mean that the ancient dragon in front of them is not good at hand-to-hand combat. The battle between pure-blood dragons is often determined by hand-to-hand combat. The 'armor' on it is not for good looks. furnishings.

It's just that the opponent is not worthy of its attack. It is a noble and arrogant noble knight. How can it be in the same ring as an ant?

A harsh sound broke through the air, and the ice sword flew toward them.

But they couldn't dodge because Chu Zihang behind them couldn't be disturbed.

Susie waved her hand and retracted the blades. These blades could not be used head-on with the ice picks and would only increase consumption. However, she believed that the president's dust-free land would not be broken so easily.

"Bang bang bang..."

Dense rain of swords fell on the dust-free land, and ice mist filled the air, obscuring the sight. The originally almost transparent field became more solid. Hoshino Aoi gritted her teeth. She was constantly strengthening her field.

If she only protected herself, she was confident that she could last for a long time, but now that she had expanded her territory to protect the other two, she had to expend more energy.

She squeezed out the dragon blood in her body, and the second degree of bloodshed broke through to the third degree of bloodshed, and the phenomenon of dragon transformation in her body became more and more serious.

"No, we can't continue to be consumed by it like this!"

"Fight back!"

The Dustless Land suddenly expanded again, this was to create an opportunity to counterattack!

Two beautiful figures rushed out of the ice mist that had not yet dissipated.

At the same time, several blades flew towards the dragon in front of them at awkward angles.

The ice blue mist filled the air, and the blade drew a moving curve in the mist. The ice mist, the beautiful shadow, and the flying blade suddenly approached the giant dragon at this moment.

Bomb it and harass it so that it has no time to care about Chu Zihang.

This is their tactic.

But in fact, they thought too much. The ancient dragon finally moved. It didn't care at all about the ants banging on the door. The reason why it stayed still was just because it was afraid that if it got too close and made too much noise, the door would be destroyed. Since they took the initiative to approach, It has no worries anymore.

The wings suddenly spread out, and the strong wind flew the blades in the air, causing the two men's movements to stagnate.

The dragon is flying!

It did not give up its advantage and foolishly fight with them, but cunningly took advantage of their weakness of not being able to fly and wanted to ravage them!

Its four claws were lifted off the ground, and sharp scales stood up on its thick dragon tail, like a sharp blade for cutting iron. Its waving wings picked up the biting cold wind, and slashed down with this sword of frost.

Can't stop it! Can't be hardwired!

This is a common thought between the two.

If they took the blow forcefully, they would be seriously injured, so they could only avoid the impact temporarily.

Faced with this absolute power suppression, they realized how wrong they were.

Every one of the ancient dragon clan is a battle mage. The level of life destined that their bodies cannot be weak. Most parts of their bodies are natural weapons. Coupled with their innate speech spirits, Humans really seem powerless in front of them.

The dragon's tail cut a crack into the ground, and the two of them were scattered by the aftermath.

The extremely powerful force directly lifted them off, and they rolled to the ground. The ancient dragon stared at them in the air. There was no wave in the dazzling golden eyes, only endless majesty and contempt. It could easily crush them to death, or it could kill them. Playing with applause.

Susie and Hoshino Aoi felt that the dragon blood in their bodies was a little out of control. They wanted to kneel down. Even though they were bleeding violently, they still could not pose the slightest threat to the existence in front of them.

There was no chance of winning. Susie looked at the ancient creatures in front of her with regret. She brought her teammates here and put them in danger.

This ancient dragon had no intention of giving them a chance.

The dragon's tail waved again and was about to chop it off at her, but she didn't even have time to get up!

"It's over..."

Susie closed her eyes in despair.

She couldn't block it or hide away. The president was scattered far away again, and there was no time to rush over to save her. And her own speech spirit was helpless in the face of this kind of existence. She was dead.


The clang of metal sounded.

Susie's eyes widened, she was not dead yet!

A man hugged her waist and held her in his arms.

She clearly saw the ferocity on the man's face, which was a distorted expression caused by severe pain.

The man held her with his left hand and held the handle of the knife with his right hand.

The unsheathed blade was resting on his arm, and a strong slash struck the scabbard.

She saw the fragments of the scabbard and the flickering light on the ancient alchemy knife.

She heard a cracking sound, not the blade, but the man's arm that couldn't bear the force!


A large mouthful of blood spurted out from the man's mouth.

The powerful impact sent both of them flying away.

"Chu Zihang!"

There were screams in the distance.


The two fell to the ground. Chu Zihang struggled to get up, spit out the blood in his mouth, and released Su Qian with his right hand, who was in a daze.

He had to continue to hold the knife. Only by holding the knife could he feel a sense of security. He tried, but his right arm could no longer be lifted, so he had to let go of Susie first. Even if he only has his left hand, he will continue to fight.

"The door has been opened. I'll stop it. You take the president and leave." Chu Zihang said firmly.

He never thought about escaping, he opened the door just so they could leave.

He couldn't run away anymore, it would remind him of the powerless feeling of being unable to do anything. On that rainy night, he watched helplessly as the man swung his knife at God, but he ran away.

Dad...this time, I won't run away.

He picked up the knife and walked forward despite his injuries, as if he wanted to catch up with the figure in the rain.

No one cares about that man's life or death. Only he still remembers how domineering that man looked when he waved his sword at the gods. That was his hero.

What was that man thinking at that time? Chu Zihang was in a daze, and memories rushed into his mind crazily. He wanted to know the reason why the man wielded the knife. If he knew, maybe he could be like that man...

Unknowingly, his arm gradually recovered. Although it was still far from combat power, it would not affect his actions at least. This was not because of the amazing recovery ability of his bloodline, but because he was unknowingly bleeding again. , and was almost beyond the warning line. Dense scales appeared on his cheeks, which was a sign of the third violent bloodshed. The dragon's blood was like a stimulant that made him temporarily forget the pain.

And with his current mental condition, it is impossible to control three violent bloodsheds, and he will become a deadpool.

"Chu Zihang! Answer me!"

The screams came again.

This time the sound was closer.

Chu Zihang suddenly came back to his senses. He saw that the giant dragon that was about to reach him retreated!

It wasn't that it was retreating on its own, but that it was being squeezed away by an invisible wall!

"This is……"

"Great, you are still alive."

There was liquid in Hoshino Aoi's eyes, not tears, but blood.

Her originally beautiful face was now covered with ferocious scales, and scarlet blood flowed from the corners of her eyes, which was shocking.

"President, you..."

"Still alive... Susie, take him away with you!" Hoshino Aoi's tone was pleading, "I am the president! Listen to me!"

Su Qian was a little hesitant. She understood what the president meant, but Chu Zihang didn't seem to want to leave.

"Stop trying to get bloodshed. You've been almost lost several times..."

"I..." Chu Zihang clenched his fists. How could he run?

"If you really have to, before the blood breaks out, don't forget why you are fighting." Hoshino Aoi shook his head helplessly, "Now you can see it with your own eyes... the real bloodshed."

It was only at this moment that Chu Zihang noticed that this girl could no longer be called a human being.

Countless blue-gray scales grew through the skin, and the dense scales almost covered her whole body. Blood seeped through the new scales and dripped slowly. The beauty she once had could no longer be seen. All that was left was ferocious. Even that face was a mixture of blood and ferocity.

Is this real bloodshed?

Yes, Chu Zihang clearly understood that this girl had crossed the bottom line of taboos, and she had truly embarked on the irreversible road to hell.

This was the road to becoming a god. After a severe bloodbath, she could no longer maintain her 'human' appearance, but why could she still maintain her sanity?

"Are you surprised?" The girl's voice was hoarse.

She looked at Chu Zihang's stiff expression and smiled, although the smile at this time was not so pleasant.

"Don't be so surprised, we are the Lion Heart Club... I'll leave the rest of the Lion Heart Club to you..." She muttered to herself and stepped forward, and her target was the ancient dragon that was even more ferocious than her. .

"Humanity has never lost to dragon blood. Even if the dragon slayers of the Lionheart Society in the past are transformed into dragons, they can still stick to their last belief. No matter what that belief is, no matter why they fight, they are still humans! Don't underestimate it. Human will..."

The girl's voice echoed in Chu Zihang's mind. What kind of will resided in that petite body, allowing her to defeat the dragon blood, and why was she fighting?

Thanks to: Feng Bujue, the leader of Broken Sword Lao, dragging himself into the world of murder with a white blade, and the little girl selling bombs passing by for his reward.

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