A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 133 126. The Awakening Lion Heart

Chapter 133 126. Awakening Lion Heart


A thundering roar came from a distance, which was the anger of the Supreme Being. Unparalleled strong winds blew up, and the ice chips mixed in the wind became denser, as if they were about to freeze the entire world.

The dragon in front of him was furious. The noble dragon was forced to retreat by a mere human!

This is an unprecedented shame! It wants to defeat the mortals in front of it and let them know who is the master of this world!

The next moment, Chu Zihang's pupils shrank sharply. He only saw the collapse of the rock wall behind him. Under the absolute violence, the mountain wall was shattered like paper. Smoke and dust filled the air. He could vaguely see a small figure smashing down at an extremely fast speed. Go in.


Susie exclaimed.

They didn't even see the dragon's movements clearly, and Hoshino Aoi was already knocked away. Even after such a violent attack, she was still forced back by a single blow. Is this the difference between humans and dragons?

Just when they were worried, a figure walked out of the smoke, and an invisible realm surrounded her. It was their president.

After transforming into a dragon, she relied on her extremely powerful Dustless Land domain to withstand the impact of the dragon. Although her body was knocked away due to the huge difference in mass, her domain protected herself very well. At least it doesn't seem to be a big deal on the surface.

Yes, it's just that on the surface, the huge impact is enough to kill ordinary people on the spot. Even a mixed-race species has a narrow escape. Fortunately, her body has now entered the inhuman realm. Her body after dragon transformation allows her to She reluctantly accepted the attack, but it was only temporary, either because her injuries were about to reach the limit or because she was running out of time.

Once she breaks through that boundary, her life begins to count down, and no one can save her.

She spat out a mouthful of bruised blood, and the blood began to boil as soon as it touched the ground, just like her body at the moment.

"If you haven't left yet, why are you standing there?"

Her hoarse voice was mixed with anger, and her words were full of violence. This was a side effect of the dragon's blood. Her ability to maintain sanity was already at its limit.

Then the biting cold wind seemed to retreat, and the invisible realm expanded from the girl's body to meet the ancient dragon's realm. This is the confrontation between the Dustless Land and the Ice Emperor.

Chu Zihang looked at the girl playing chess with the dragon with a complicated expression on his face.

She tried her best to open up a path for them. The wind, snow and ice leading to the door were all excluded. Neither the cold wind nor the ice chips could approach this path, not even dragons. This was Wuchen The strongest posture of the land, known as the 'Pure Land' of absolute defense.

The legendary ideal land far away from the world - Avalon.

The domain of the hemisphere blocked the dragon's movement.

The girl used herself as a medium to build an indestructible fortress. In order to cover their departure, the only exit was the opened door, and the girl would sleep here.

The moment Utopia collapsed was the moment she died.


Su Qian took Chu Zihang's left arm. She understood that they would only die if they stayed here at this moment. The president's violent blood had surpassed the boundaries of human beings. Even if he could walk, he would not be able to survive. Everything she had done It's all so they can leave, because if they don't leave, it's all in vain.

Are you going to run away again? Chu Zihang gritted his teeth, and reason told him that he should leave, then ask for support from the academy, and then come back to defeat this ancient dragon, but there was a voice in his heart asking him all the time.

Do you really want to escape? Will it be like that rainy night again? Is there really nothing I can do?

The transparent air curtain opened in the rain, and the man's high-pitched roar burst from the depths of his throat, coming from the vast ancient times just like the whispers of the black shadows. Wherever the air curtain reaches, the flow of time slows down. It seems that the wind and rain have become sticky, and the black shadows have also slowed down. Everything is like a slow-motion movie. Only the man himself was not affected. He turned around and swung his sword, jumping and sliding. Water slowly splashed under his feet. The shadows' thick black blood slowly overflowed, temporarily suspended in the air, like thick ink. Floating in the water. In the inky color, the man's sword shines like a silver flying swallow.

Chu Zihang didn't know this man's past. He once suspected that the reason why this man wielded the knife might be the so-called mission. He imagined that this man was once a senior executive of the secret party, but he couldn't imagine a person in his memory. A handsome man who eats braised intestines, double-spicy chicken wings, and can brag and gossip with his colleagues next to him will be a messenger of justice who watches over the fate of mankind.

But the fact is that this driver, who likes to drink high-strength whiskey and loves photography, seems to be unlearned and unpromising. He is an S-class executive on the gray list of the Executive Department. His name has been erased from the files by the secret party. He hides He silently watched his lover and children beside him.

For something like a mission, he could give up the peaceful life of a normal person, hold a sword in his hand, bid farewell to peace, and swing his sword at the dragon clan.

But in the end, he forgot his mission. With his hands stained with dragon blood, he picked up toys that didn't belong to him, played with a young child, and even took a low-priced job as a 'driver'.

Maybe he usually wields his sword to slay dragons for the mission of mankind, but on that rainy night, was the reason why he wielded his sword towards the 'god' really for his mission?

"President, is the reason you fight for humanity?"

Chu Zihang looked calm. He finally did not choose to escape and walked to the girl who maintained the domain in front of him.

There was blood flowing from the corners of her mouth and eyes, and the hideous scales on her body were shocking.

This girl is very weak now, but her domain is still impenetrable. She stares stubbornly at the giant dragon outside the domain, with an indescribable look in her eyes.

Even so, the seemingly noble and invincible ancient dragon was blocked by her in front of the domain. No matter how hard it bombarded, it could not break through the barrier of life. Unless she dies.

"I'm... not that great."

The girl's eyes were a little distracted, but she wasn't angry when she saw that Chu Zihang didn't leave, or maybe she didn't have the energy to be angry anymore.

"I see……"

Tears welled up in Chu Zihang's eyes.

Dad, I probably understand. The reason for wielding the knife.

His skin became hot, the dragon's blood began to boil, the tears on his cheeks evaporated with the high temperature, and a pair of dazzling golden eyes lit up at this moment! From then on, it will never be extinguished.

What also awakens is the true lion in his eyes, the unwavering faith that will never fade away.

A person will die three times in his life.

The first death was when he breathed his last. Life and death are both required courses in life. Because of death, life becomes more important and precious. When people see death, people learn to accept it. This is the beginning of understanding.

The second time he died was when he was buried. His biggest regret was probably that he didn't say goodbye properly.

The third death is when he is forgotten. Death is not a permanent farewell, forgetfulness is.

Every person who has ever lived can add a glimmer of light to the lives of future generations. Maybe it's a star, maybe it's a torch, maybe it's a tearful candle.

These golden eyes were proof of that man's existence.

It will not go out, nor will I die.

Three times of bloodshed!

Chu Zihang's heart had never been so determined, and even the bloodshed could not interfere with his will in the slightest.

The dense scales pierced the clothes on his body, and he was almost close to the limit.

"Let's give it a try first. If you can't defeat it, it's not too late to retreat."

He didn't know where the confidence came from, but in short, he felt that he could kill the dragon in front of him! If he ran away from the head dragon, what qualifications would he have to challenge a more terrifying existence? How can I find my father!

Thinking about it carefully, the president can't hold on for long. It's unrealistic to rely on his legs to escape the pursuit of this flying guy, so cut off its wings first!

But it was unrealistic to just cut off its wings with Murasame alone.

Chu Zihang rummaged through his memory to find the way to break the situation.

It's hard to imagine how he can think so calmly while being violently bloody. Although his fighting looks very lethal, he never relies solely on brute force.

He is very smart, has a good memory, and has a strong learning ability. These are his advantages and the capital that has enabled him to reach this day.

who? Who can cope with the situation at hand?

He searched frantically in his memory for answers.

But he only found three people.

One is his father, but unfortunately, he really doesn't know how that man will deal with the problem at hand. After all, he has only seen that man take action once, and it was the last time.

The second one is Principal Angers. If he were the principal, he would probably be able to think of ten thousand ways to die before the dragon could react, and cut it into pieces, right? This is not an ability he can imitate.

The last one - Xuan Hao.

He didn't know why he recalled this person. To be honest, he didn't know Xuan Hao deeply. He could only say that he was a classmate with a 'relatively good relationship' because he often asked Xuan Hao to teach him some 'Chinese Kung Fu', but that man Always perfunctory.

Why does he think of this? There is always a reason!

Chu Zihang searched for clues carefully, and finally, he remembered.

When he first entered school, he often went to that man's room to ask for advice.

But that man was always watching anime. The man called it a 'make-up' and even forced him to join him, but he couldn't understand it.

But something always impressed him.

He remembered that the TV series the man was watching at that time was called 'Death'.

Many of the techniques inside made him yearn for it.

For example, Bai Da, Shunpo, Kidō and various sword techniques of Zanpakutō.

But Xuanhao always poured cold water on him.

I told him that it was okay to fight for nothing. In layman's terms, it was fist and kick fighting. This could be imitated, but it would not improve him much as he used a knife. It was better to learn Kung Fu from him. He even complained at the time, 'You are not willing to teach me seriously.'

Shunpo, it was just a dream. He himself knew that he was not that fast. The only people in this world who could achieve the effect of Shunpo were Angers and high-level Setsuna users.

As for ghost ways and sword skills...it's hard to describe them in one sentence. In short, in reality, there is no magical power in the 'Reaper', so naturally you can't use ghost ways. And the 'death''s sword skills are difficult to imitate in the real world, because the death god's sword skills are difficult to imitate in the real world. Most sword skills rely on the Zanpakutō, and something like the Zanpakutō is a complete delusion.

"Does that mean there is no solution?" Chu Zihang has not given up. If he wants to become stronger, he will definitely try all possibilities.

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and remembered something Xuan Hao once mentioned 'accidentally'. To be precise, it was about a person in the 'God of Death'.

The most powerful Shinigami - Genryu Sai Shigekuni Yamamoto.

This is the most powerful man in Soul Society, and he has absolute authority in Soul Society. His life is almost equivalent to the entire history of Soul Society. His sword is called - Flowing Blade Ruohuo!

Chu Zihang began to get excited. He clearly remembered that he once went out of his way to complete the plot about Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni because of Xuan Hao's words.


Also using fire, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni increased the power of flames to the extreme. The Zanpakutō in his hand is the strongest fire. The oldest Zanpakutō has a temperature equal to that of the surface of the sun, and a swastika temperature. Equivalent to the core of the sun!

And he is also a fire, Junyan, the highest flame-based word spirit among the word spirits, second only to Zhulong.

He remembered that Xuan Hao once mentioned to him that the reason why Junyan was ranked lower was not because it was really weaker than Zhulong, but because it was uncontrollable. If someone could concentrate it and completely control it, Then its power will burn everything in the world.

The flame named Junyan is naturally the king of flames and cannot be weaker than other flames.

"found it!"

A trace of madness flashed in Chu Zihang's eyes.

It's dangerous, but worth a try.

He has already suffered bloodshed three times, so why does he care about the danger?

His right hand has not fully recovered yet, so he now chooses to hold the sword with both hands and stare at Murasame in front of him. This is the famous sword left to him by his father.

"President, hold back."

Hoshino Aoi was stunned for a moment, looking into the boy's eyes, she subconsciously chose to believe him, and the barrier was temporarily put away.

The next moment, Chu Zihang disappeared from the spot.


The roar of the giant dragon came, and the obstruction in front of it was finally gone. It angrily wanted to crush the few ants in front of it.

But a figure jumped into the air and was even higher than it. The man held a sword in his hand and was about to slash at it!

"How dare you!"

For the first time, human words came out of the giant dragon's mouth.

Humans dared to look down at it, and even dared to swing a knife at it, which made it even more angry.

Chu Zihang jumped into the air and suffered three blood bursts. The dragon's blood kept boiling in his body, and a steady stream of power filled his limbs and bones. At this moment, he felt that he could cut off everything in front of him!

He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it. The boiling dragon's blood made the turbid air he exhaled also carry high temperature, and mist rose in the cold wind. His whole body was like a boiling pressure cooker, accumulating strength.

He is brewing and adjusting his state. The more critical the moment, the calmer he becomes. He only has the chance to make one strike, and this strike must be effective.

The biting cold wind did not affect the young man in the air at all. Although he was in the air full of cold wind, the temperature around him had reached an alarming level. These cold winds seemed to be afraid of him. He was suppressed at this moment!

The ancient spirit chanted from his mouth, every word was shocking, like a declaration of judgment by an ancient god.

The golden flame ignited, like the dazzling sun rising in the sky.

But this time the flames didn't spread.

Instead, he concentrated on climbing up the ancient alchemy sword in his hand!

But he still couldn't completely control it. Part of the flames dispersed and burned away the clothes on his body. The scales on his body seemed to be burning. The golden flames clung to the scales, making it look like a suit of burning flames. .

He was burning in the fire, and the village rain he held in his hands was also burning! The blade turned red, and flames extended on it!

Thanks to: Feng Bujue, the master of Pojian Lao

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