A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 154 147. One day of freedom

Chapter 154 147. One Day of Freedom

After a long time, Lu Mingfei didn't feel any pain.

"Huh? Am I still alive?"

He opened his eyes carefully.

Then he saw two fingers. The two fingers were less than ten centimeters before his eyes, and there was a bullet between them!

Lu Mingfei turned to look at Xuan Hao blankly, and found that he was looking at him with a smile on his face.

I wipe it, is it in the river? Catching bullets with bare hands? Lu Mingfei was wondering if he was filming a movie now and he entered the set by mistake.

"Don't be so afraid. This kind of bullet can't kill anyone."

As soon as he said this, Xuan Hao threw the bullet back at the person who shot over there.

Then Lu Mingfei watched the man fall straight down.

This...can't kill anyone? The corner of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched. He didn't know whether he was dead or not. Anyway, he saw the person who had fired the gun just now lying motionless on the ground. There was a smoking bullet hole left on the chest of his clothes, and a splash of blood spattered out.

"This...what exactly is going on?" Lu Mingfei couldn't understand the current situation at all.

Whether it was the people in front of him who were really dying in front of him, or whether Xuan Hao was catching bullets with his bare hands, it was outrageous that he could fight back.

"If you don't want to get hurt, just stay still." Xuan Hao let go of Lu Mingfei's hand.

"Ah, oh..." Lu Mingfei responded quickly and agreed.

Although he was told not to move, he still found a flower bed and huddled behind, took out the pressure cooker his aunt gave him and put it on his head, thinking that his aunt was really good at predicting things!

Lu Mingfei cautiously stuck his head out to see what the man in front of him wanted to do. Isn't he afraid of death? There are so many guns on the opposite side!

"Are you from the Student Council or the Lionheart Club?"

Xuan Hao crackled his fingers and walked towards the group of people while asking questions.

The person on the other side seemed a little confused. Isn't it only in the movies that you dare to catch bullets with your bare hands? They have never seen any mixed-race species that can do this. Even the principal can only dodge. If he wants to take it, he must have a weapon in his hand. Even if this is a Frigga bullet, the speed and kinetic energy on it are no joke.

Seeing that the group of people didn't answer, Xuan Hao shook his head helplessly, "That's all, the result is the same anyway. For the sake of my classmates, I will be gentler."

No, there are so many of us, how dare you be so arrogant? The people on the other side seem a little unconvinced. Even if you can catch bullets, you can't catch barrages, right? It was just two bullets. Even if you are S-class, there are many of us!

"Damn it, no matter what, shoot him first!"

Someone suddenly shouted.

Then a burst of gunfire rang out, and the battle was about to break out.

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but widen his eyes when he looked at the scene in front of him that looked like a special-photography movie.

Could this be a film school? He couldn't think of anything other than making a movie to explain what he was seeing, it was so unreal to him.

He felt countless ballistic trajectories intersecting in front of him. Although he couldn't see the specific situation clearly, the gunshots were loud and the murderous bullets were pouring towards Xuan Hao.

Lu Mingfei felt that any one of these bullets hitting him would cause him to splatter blood on the spot.

Originally this was supposed to be a massacre, no, now it was also a hunt, but it was completely contrary to what he imagined. The one who was massacred was not Xuan Hao, but a group of gun-wielding thugs opposite.

The man was strolling in the hail of bullets, and the bullets seemed to be going around him. But when Lu Mingfei looked carefully, he found that the man's body seemed to be illusory, and the bullets seemed to be able to pass through him!

He watched the man magically approach the group of thugs who fired, and those people were forced to retreat step by step.

Lu Mingfei was not wrong. Xuan Hao's body was indeed illusory, because it was just an afterimage left in place. He was actually dodging bullets, but if he moved too fast, his body would be damaged when he returned to the original place. An illusion.

This is very painful for the people on the other side. They felt like they had seen a ghost, this man was like a ghost, and their bullets were of no use to the man in front of them.

They had never seen this S-class take action before. The only time he took action was probably during the last free day, but it wasn't so outrageous at that time! Although there are rumors circulating in the academy that this person successfully defeated two next-generation species, they have never seen this person's strength with their own eyes, and now they have seen it!

I didn't expect it to be so outrageous. Even if the bullets are ineffective against the Dragon King except the King of Bronze and Fire due to his power, the other Dragon Kings may be able to block the bullets, but it's impossible to dodge them all, right?

"Damn it, can't cause damage to the target, retreat! Retreat!"

"Report to the president quickly! An unexpected target appears!"

The group of people retreated while shouting on the walkie-talkie, and did not stop shooting with the firearms in their hands.

It's a pity that no matter how they shoot, it makes no sense. As for retreat, it is even more impossible. From the moment they decide to shoot, they can already play GG.

Lu Mingfei saw Xuan Hao walking forward unhurriedly, but everywhere he passed were corpses. The sound of gunfire gradually stopped, the smoke dispersed, and only the silhouette of the human figure could be seen. Above the sea of ​​blood.

Lu Mingfei could even vaguely hear the roar of the walkie-talkies hanging on the corpses.

"One team! One team! Please answer when you receive it!"

"The first team is out of control, send someone over quickly to see what's going on!"

"Oh, shit, can anyone tell me what's going on?"

No, no, no, you must not come to see me off. Lu Mingfei was completely stunned. What the hell was going on. No one dares to make a movie so outrageous, otherwise it will definitely be criticized to death if it is released.

A small team facing an unarmed man and then being killed? This is no longer called counterattack, this is cruelty! Lu Mingfei felt that no matter how many teams they came, the effect would be the same, because after knocking down so many people, the man in front of him didn't even take a breath.

So are all this kind of gods in this college?

"Okay Mingfei, let's go? Then I'll take you to see the world."

"No, no, no, brother, I've seen enough of the market. One day today can last a lifetime!" Lu Mingfei shivered.

However, he still followed Xuan Hao's footsteps honestly. He had no choice but to not follow! Who dares to be disobedient? Looking at the 'bodies' all over the ground, Lu Mingfei had already forgotten all about running away.

As Xuan Hao walked towards the inside of the college, he discovered that there was more than one riot, but the entire college was now in chaos.

Lu Mingfei saw that these people seemed to be divided into two groups. Both sides roared at the walkie-talkie from time to time. The gunfire never stopped. The whole scene was strangely harmonious. 'Slaughter' was going on all over the campus, and gunpowder smoke was everywhere. The lawns and aisles were covered with young-looking corpses, and the war between the two sides had entered a fierce stage.

Lu Mingfei could even see someone carrying a rocket launcher on his shoulder, ready to fire! But it feels very strange, ever since the so-called 'Team One' was cleaned up by Xuan Hao.

No matter which side these people belong to, watching them both walk around the road. No matter how fierce the fight was, no one pointed their guns at the two of them again.

The two of them were obviously walking in the middle of the 'battlefield', but they seemed to be watching a reality show through the screen. The actors were too scared to jump out of the screen again, and no one dared to mess with these two people.

Lu Mingfei just followed Xuan Hao as he walked swaggering deeper into the academy. His pace was like a stranger's, not to mention how arrogant he was. He was just pretending to be powerful!

"This...what exactly is going on?" Lu Mingfei finally couldn't help but ask.

After all, this is so abnormal. How can anyone give the green light to go to war?

"It's nothing, it's just a game." Xuan Hao said calmly.

"Game?" Lu Mingfei was stunned, but weren't all those people dead? There was a lot of blood!

"Yes, Yugi, these naughty kids call today 'Freedom Day', you can just treat it as a real CS match." Xuan Hao explained, "The gunshot wounds are all fake, it's a very Bullet marks from the small alchemy equipment 'Frigga'."

Xuan Hao picked up a corpse and put its face in front of Lu Mingfei, "If you don't believe me, take a look. Is it still breathing?"

Lu Mingfei was almost frightened to death by his move. How could anyone suddenly twist the body and thrust it into his face.

However, he cautiously stretched out his hand to check his breathing, and sure enough, he was still alive!

"Is it so high-tech?"

Lu Mingfei touched the corpse curiously. He didn't feel anything wrong with his behavior at all. It seemed that he was used to this abnormal phenomenon, or maybe he had begun to be infected by these people. He touched the corpse from the combat uniform. A spare magazine came out.

He pulled out a bullet from the magazine, "Is this it?"

This bullet is loaded with this weird crimson warhead.

"Yes, this is the Frigga Bullet. 'Frigga' is the wife of the legendary god Odin in Nordic mythology. In order to protect her son Balder, the god of light, she made everything in the world swear not to harm the god of light. All Everything swears, so even if the God of Light wants to commit suicide, he can't stab himself with a knife. Isn't it sad? He's not even given the right to commit suicide."

"Isn't this a sign of her love for her children?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Maybe? But who knows if her child wants to live?" Xuan Hao smiled mockingly. He was probably the only one who wanted to die.

"So this kind of bullet can't kill anyone, right?"

"Theoretically, yes," Xuan Hao touched his chin, "The warhead of this kind of bullet will quickly shatter and vaporize when it hits the target, and leave a red mark, just like blood. The effect is equivalent to anesthetic bombs, it should be You can’t kill someone. But, the kinetic energy of firearm shooting is real. If you are not physically fit, you will be injured, and if it hits the head or vital parts such as eyes, it’s really hard to say.”

The more Lu Mingfei listened, the more frightened he became. If Xuan Hao hadn't caught the bullet just now, the bullet would have hit him in the head! But is it really possible for a person to catch a bullet? Didn't this guy just say that kinetic energy is real?

"Isn't it dangerous to play like this?"

"Yeah, but they like to play like this." Xuan Hao spread his hands.

"Won't the academy stop it?"

"We stopped it, didn't you see? When we entered the door, those who came out of the teaching building were the school staff of the college."

"Uh..." Lu Mingfei was speechless for a while.

"Is it this dangerous every day in the academy?"

"That's not enough, it's only one day a year. 'Freedom Day' is an annual event. The winner can get the current prize, and also confess to a girl that she can't refuse you, and at least maintain a relationship with you. How about three months of privileges? Are you interested in giving it a try? I remember you just fell out of love, right?" Xuan Hao raised his eyebrows.

"No, no, no, forget it!" Lu Mingfei shook his head repeatedly. He couldn't defeat these lunatics, and he had just come to the academy and didn't even have a goal. What a confession.

Finally, the gunfire gradually stopped. To be precise, everyone should be dead.

The doors of the church and the small building were pushed open at the same time, and Lu Mingfei saw two figures walking out slowly, their heavy combat boots making a crisp sound on the ground. One of them always seemed familiar to him.

"Chu Zihang, you lose." A man with long blond hair wearing a red combat uniform stopped in front of the small building and said to the person opposite.

He turned the Desert Eagle in his hand and pointed the gun at the man opposite him.

"Chu Zihang?" Lu Mingfei looked at the other person carefully in surprise when he heard his name.

This man was wearing a black combat uniform and was holding a slender Japanese sword in his hand. There were inexplicable lines on the blade. This man's eyes did not waver even when a gun was pointed at his head.

That iconic paralyzed face immediately reminded Lu Mingfei of his memory. It was indeed Chu Zihang!

"What...what's going on here?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"The final battle." Xuan Hao shrugged, "Almost all their people are dead. Now they are the only ones left, so of course they have to come out for a duel."

"Subordinates? Does the academy still have a class system?"

"Please, just think about it and you will know that this is an aristocratic college. Isn't it strange that there is a class system?" Xuan Hao said.

"But... is Chu Zihang a noble?"

"No, the class here is not a secular class. But what they are comparing now is not class. One of them is the president of the student union, and the other is the president of the Lionheart Club. It is equivalent to the competition between the two most powerful departments in the college. Let's fight." Xuan Hao said lightly, "It's just a small fight. Speaking of freedom for one day, it is a fight between these two departments."

"A small fight?" Lu Mingfei was shocked. He looked at the mess in the college and realized that this was just a small fight! What if it really breaks out? He began to worry about his future. He was worried about whether he could survive to graduate successfully. If he could not run away, he would probably be waiting to die if he stayed in the academy. It was really difficult.

"Are you going to fight me with a gun?" Chu Zihang looked at the Desert Eagle in Caesar's hand.

"Ah, isn't there nothing I can do?" Caesar pointed his gun at Xuan Hao and Lu Mingfei next to him, "Xuan Hao is from your Lion Heart Society, right? Can't I be careful?"

Thanks to: Book Friends 20200103083329839, Book Friends 20170203225501246, Book Friends 20210504112952468, Motou Village Villagers, Uesugi Eri Saigao, Jiubuyui, Book Friends 20200506232643632 for their rewards

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