A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 155 148. The glint in the young man’s eyes (8k please subscribe)

Chapter 155 148. The glint in the young man’s eyes (8k please subscribe)

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Xuan Hao.

Even Lu Mingfei is no exception. You're awesome, big brother. They have to look at your face when they fight?

"Student Xuanhao shouldn't be participating in this event, right?" Chu Zihang said, "I invited him to the dormitory before, but he was playing games and was rejected."

"Well, yes, don't worry I won't interfere." Xuan Hao nodded, "You go on, don't worry about me, I just came out for some air after being bored in the dormitory for a long time, and picked up a new student by the way."

"New student?" Chu Zihang was stunned for a moment. The new student in front of him always seemed familiar to him, "Lu Mingfei?"

Miraculously, he called Lu Mingfei's name.

Lu Mingfei was also stunned. He really didn't expect that the legend in his high school would actually remember his name. They seemed to have never crossed paths, and they didn't even exchange a few words.

Is this love?

You know, when Chu Zihang was still in Shilan High School, he was the chairman of the student union. At that time, a loser like Lu Mingfei could only look at Chu Zihang from a distance, feeling that he was a person from two different worlds, without any intersection point.

At that time, Chu Zihang was dressed in white clothes and was spotless. He always stood at a height that was out of Lu Mingfei's reach, looking down at them condescendingly.

But Chu Zihang seems to have changed now. What exactly has changed? Lu Mingfei couldn't tell.

"Senior Brother Chu...are you wearing contact lenses?"

Lu Mingfei asked this question out of nowhere, but he was indeed very strange. People he met recently seemed to like to wear golden colored contact lenses. One of them said that they were really good-looking, just like Chu Zihang's eyes were burning at this moment. The purpose is golden, why don't you wear it yourself one day? But it feels so good...

"Um..." Chu Zihang asked Xuan Hao next to him doubtfully, "Doesn't he still know nothing?"

"Ah... I don't know how to provide orientation guidance for freshmen. I haven't had time to explain it clearly to him yet, but I will take him to see it later. Compared with a bunch of nonsense, I think the real thing should be more convincing." Xuan Hao waved his hand.

"You mean..."

Chu Zihang probably knew what this guy wanted to do, "But wouldn't this be too...exciting for the freshmen?"

"No stimulation, no stimulation. This person is also an 'S' grade appointed by the principal. How can he not be able to accept this kind of stimulation?" Xuan Hao smiled softly.

"S-level..." Chu Zihang frowned, but after thinking about it, he was right. Lu Mingfei in front of him didn't feel the slightest discomfort when looking at his eyes. His bloodline was at least A-level or above. You must know that his current golden eyes are not something that just anyone dares to look into. The sequelae of the violent blood have made his bloodline stronger, but at the same time it has become unstable. The golden eyes will not go out and he also has something similar to the spirit of speech. ·The king's effect will unintentionally suppress those with lower blood than him.

"S-level?" Caesar was also interested. He was thinking about how to recruit people. Although he couldn't see anything special about this new student, what he couldn't see through was often outrageous. Du Xuanhao was the best in front of him. example of.

The Lion Heart Club already has Xuan Hao, so is it not too much to leave this new student to their student union?

But it seems a bit difficult to poach people... They all seem to know each other?

Caesar completely forgot that he was about to duel with Chu Zihang, and was thinking about how to trick Lu Mingfei into coming to their student union.

No, I'll go back and check the new student's information later. I remember that Nono was also there this time to recruit students. Caesar thought.

Lu Mingfei had no idea what these guys were talking about, but he always felt like a little white rabbit in a laboratory. A group of people in white coats surrounded him and were discussing how to dissect it.

"By the way...are you still fighting?" Lu Mingfei wanted to slap himself as soon as he asked this question. Isn't this fanning the flames? Finally the atmosphere became more harmonious.

"Fight, of course." Caesar smiled, dropped the Desert Eagle in his hand, and pulled out the hunting knife from his waist. "Although it is a pity that Xuan Hao doesn't want to participate in this game, let me see the new game now." Jin’s Lionheart Club president’s strength.”

"Honestly, I don't think you can walk in front of me," Caesar smiled confidently, "But the team I sent out before seems to have had an accident, and the losses were quite heavy. It seems that you are lucky, but That’s the end of it.”

As Caesar spoke, he glanced at Xuan Hao. The meaning was obvious. Without Xuan Hao's help, the current situation of the war would still be unknown.

"Whether this is the end of it or not, you won't know until you try it."

Chu Zihang held the arrival in front of him because Caesar had already taken action.

Before he could finish his words, Caesar had already disappeared.


Lu Mingfei quickly retreated. This was different from the script. Don't you always have to say "I'm going to take action" before a duel on TV? Are you ready? ’ ‘Ready, come on horseback! ’ ‘I’m going to do it! ''Do not talk nonsense! bring it on! ’ ‘It’s really here! ’ And then the fight lasted for a long time?

These people were apparently quite harmonious a second ago, but they showed no mercy at all when they took action! Although he was the one who fanned the flames.

Lu Mingfei was afraid of being affected, so he retreated far away.

He felt an invisible air pressure in the distance as Caesar rushed towards Chu Zihang.

However, he had seen more exciting scenes before, which made him feel like it was nothing. He was not much weaker than the god beside him.

"Take a good look," Xuan Hao said with a smile, "This is the normal level of our academy. You can observe and observe, after all, you are here to slay the dragon."

normal level? Hearing these words, Caesar and Chu Zihang were stunned when they bumped into each other. Good guy, is this the world in the eyes of S-class people? It is true that one cannot generalize between people.

What he didn't expect was that Lu Mingfei was so naive that he believed it to be true... But he was still very self-aware. He just thought that the people in this academy were all monsters and that they could be so strong at normal levels. He was a waste anyway. chant.

Lu Mingfei couldn't even see clearly the actions of the two 'normal' people fighting in front of him, but thinking about it, we are all dragon-slaying warriors. He couldn't see clearly. So the question is, what should I do? What are you comparing to these monsters?

Lu Mingfei couldn't figure out the reason why this academy accepted him. Why should Slayer find someone with fighting ability? What can a weak high school student like him do? Not all high school students can save the world like in anime. At least he, Lu Mingfei, thought he didn't have that ability.

The people in front of me are all monsters.

In Lu Mingfei's sight, Caesar's figure was so fast that it was almost blurry. The incredible speed was like an eagle falling from the sky, using the acceleration to smash towards Chu Zihang.

The hunting knife flashed past in his hand as quickly as light and shadow.

This is definitely a knife that is going to kill someone, without any mercy, stop and slow down? It doesn't exist at all. Caesar just wants the knife in his hand to be faster and stronger! He knew that his word spirit had no strength bonus, and his physical strength depended entirely on his bloodline, so he often exercised to make up for his shortcomings. But the Chu Zihang he was facing now had an even higher bloodline than him! Compared with strength, he should be weak, he needs to go all out!

The burning gold in his pupils pulled out a ray of light, carrying the majesty of an emperor. With this sword strike, he was confident of cutting through steel.

But he failed to cut off the 'Murasame' in Chu Zihang's hand.

Chu Zihang's body sank slightly, not because of the power of Caesar's slashing, but because he deliberately raised his hand, slashed across the sword, and immediately stood up.

The moment Caesar's blade came into contact with Murasame, it was like slashing on cotton. It was clear that Chu Zihang had used Murasame to block it, but it gave him the illusion that he had nowhere to go.

Chu Zihang did not choose to confront Caesar head-on. Facing Caesar's charging slashes, he would most likely suffer if he fought head-on. So he chose to avoid the edge for the time being.

The body sinks, the sword is drawn horizontally, the blade catches the blow, and then the blade is tilted, taking advantage of the force, and finally counterattacks!

Chu Zihang flicked his right wrist, and Murasame seemed to come alive in his hand.

There was a harsh sound of knives.

It was the sound of two sharp blades rubbing against each other.

Fire bursts.

Chu Zihang stepped forward sideways, tilted his body, and sprinted forward to meet Caesar's vertical blade.

The horizontal knife rubbed against the vertical knife, and Caesar, who was sprinting and slashing, could not change his direction, but Chu Zihang helped him change it.

His knife slashed across the slanted Murasame, and his body slid towards Chu Zihang's side and back.

Things are not that simple. Chu Zihang has to do more than just defend.

Caesar clearly understood that after his Dictato crossed Murasame, Chu Zihang's Murasame would not stop. Murasame's blade would continue to move forward, and then slash at him diagonally.

Lu Mingfei couldn't see the details clearly. He only saw the two people passing each other. Caesar rushed in front of Chu Zihang, and Chu Zihang first caught the knife, then stepped forward, fighting like a warrior. Enemy bodies staggered.


Caesar praised.

"If your Murasame blade wasn't so soft, it might be able to hurt me."

The two of them faced each other with their backs to each other, neither of them turned around, and they didn't know the outcome.

Chu Zihang shook his head. He looked at the Murasame in his hand. The blade was filled with brilliance. "The Murasame is a samurai sword. Its flexibility is its characteristic. In terms of hardness, it is indeed not as good as your Diktudo, but This suits me just fine.”

"Besides, I use the back of the knife."

"What a coincidence, so am I."

Caesar smiled.

The knife just now was really thrilling. If Murasame had been harder, he really wouldn't have been able to deflect it in that situation, unless he broke it directly.



The two turned around in tacit understanding and threw themselves together again.

"'Murasame'? 'Dictado'?" Lu Mingfei couldn't complain about these people's ability to name his swords. He was so impressed that he felt that if he didn't get two "Frostmourne" and "Frostmourne" in the future, Even Fire's Happy couldn't communicate with this group of people.

But these guys are really strong when it comes to fighting... Lu Mingfei could only tremble on the sidelines.

The two figures continued to be entangled together, and it felt like they couldn't stop without killing one of them!

The two knives kept arguing.

Just like what Chu Zihang said, Caesar's hunting knife 'Dictado' is much stronger than 'Murasame', one is stronger and the other is softer. The technique of using softness to overcome strength is generally used by the weaker party, except of course for showing off.

Chu Zihang was fighting with Caesar like a ghost. Xuan Hao could see that Chu Zihang did not use all his strength. Let alone the advantage of the word spirit, neither of them could use the word spirit under the commandments. In fact, just by relying on it With his improved bloodline after the violent bloodshed, his physical fitness is much stronger than that of Caesar at this moment. He can actually be tough on Caesar, but at this time he is honing his skills.

He sharpened himself step by step like a studying ascetic, both mentally and physically. Although the light in the golden eyes was still the same, the lion hid it and was no longer as sharp as before. It seemed that he had become a lion's heart. He has also grown a lot since becoming president.

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the two people fighting together. Both of them had smiles on their faces, as if they were enjoying the battle. Their fighting figures were like a graceful dance, even if they didn't understand anything. Mingfei could feel his blood boiling.

He is also a teenager. Who among teenagers has not dreamed of becoming a hero one day? Even his blood, which had not been ignited, showed signs of boiling. Can I be as strong as them? Will one day be able to hold a long sword and go to the battlefield to slay dragons?

Lu Mingfei looked at Du Xuanhao beside him. Even though he didn't say anything, his thoughts were reflected in his eyes and on his face.

"Don't look at me like that," Xuan Hao smiled, "Aren't you here just to change? Why do you think so much? Just do it."

The two figures on the 'battlefield' were so close that Lu Mingfei couldn't see clearly. The lights of swords and shadows blended together, as if they were entangled in Lu Mingfei's heart and could no longer be separated.

"Okay, it will be dark after they finish fighting," Xuan Hao glanced at the darkening sky, "Come with me, I will show you the real world as I said."

"What exactly is...?" Lu Mingfei was a little confused. Could it be that everything he was experiencing now wasn't exciting enough? What is the real world?

"You will know when you come with me. Not everything can be described in words." Xuan Hao smiled mysteriously, "Some things will be more shocking only if they are placed in front of you and you can touch them with your own hands."

The sky gradually darkened, and Lu Mingfei followed the man in front of him towards the depths of the college.

Xuan Hao took him to the library, which made Lu Mingfei think for a while that he was taking him to learn knowledge from books. Maybe these books contain a completely different worldview and history from the outside world that can subvert his own understanding?

But he seemed to have made a mistake, because their destination was not here.

Xuanhao led him all the way underground.

How long have you been gone? Lu Mingfei didn't count the time. Anyway, they had been gone for a long time, but they still didn't know the end.

There was no light outside, and the entire underground was dark, which made Lu Mingfei a little scared.

"Where are we...going?"

"The deepest underground of the academy." Xuan Hao replied, "They call it the 'Well of Oblivion', the lowest level of the ice cellar. The myth says that the three goddesses of destiny weave, stretch and cut the lifeline here. This is where everything is annihilated. Place. Well~ to put it bluntly, it’s almost like a refrigerator to me.”

Xuanhao spread his hands.

"Does Kassel College believe in God? Why do you feel like everything can be related to mythology?" Lu Mingfei complained.

"I don't know if they believe in gods or not, but it is probably true that they want to kill gods." Xuan Hao said, "After all, the Black Dragon King Nidhogg in this world is the 'god' who once ruled the world."

"Is killing a dragon the same as killing a god?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Of course not, what kind of gods are these lizards?" Xuan Hao smiled disdainfully, "Maybe they think so, but I have no interest in slaying dragons, so I said I am an amateur."

"Amateur... I've been wanting to ask you this for a long time..." Lu Mingfei hesitated, "Are you not as simple as an ordinary student? I think the principal seems to be quite... that kind of person to you."

"What do you mean by that?" Xuan Hao's face darkened, feeling that it sounded weird.

"My attitude toward you is completely different from that of a student." Lu Mingfei has been wondering about this guy's identity. "Are you the shareholder behind the college?"

This was the only guess he could think of. He only knew that Xuan Hao was rich, or should be said to be rich and powerful. It would make sense if he was a shareholder of the college. Principal Angers' attitude towards him might mean that he owed money to others.

"No, there is a school board of directors behind the college. It has nothing to do with me." Xuan Hao shook his head and suddenly thought of something and nodded, "But your proposal is very good. I can find a reason to remove the school board of directors when I have time." If the old guys who know how to do it are kicked out, this academy will be mine."

"Uh..." Lu Mingfei was shocked. Did he think he had gotten into some big trouble? If he really wipes out the school board with one sentence, will the big guys put the blame on him?

By the way, what is the identity of this person? How arrogant! It means what it says, and doing outrageous things is as easy as drinking water.

During the conversation, Lu Mingfei followed Xuan Hao for a long walk, passing countless thick iron gates. This place was like a military base, and each iron gate required a card swipe to pass through. At a glance, it was clear that this was not a place where someone like Lu Mingfei should come.

However, Xuanhao has the permission card he took from Anger, and there are almost no doors in this college that he can't open.

The field of vision suddenly became wider and brighter. Lu Mingfei did not expect that there was really a cave underground. He originally thought that the so-called ice cellar was just a small underground warehouse after hearing Xuan Hao's metaphor of an ice cellar being a refrigerator. . But I didn’t expect that there was a huge garden below!

"Is this the Well of Oblivion?" Lu Mingfei sighed as he looked up at the huge ceiling.

Is this really an underground garden? It feels no different from the ground, right? Countless lights on the ceiling illuminate the place as if it were daytime, and it doesn't feel like it's deep underground at all. And these lights seem to be simulated sunlight, which can make plants in the garden grow.

The entire huge space is divided into three parts, with a garden in the middle and two huge 'fish tanks' on both sides. Two pipes with a diameter of two meters are divided into fresh water pipes and sea water pipes, which are injected into the two fish tanks respectively.

However, this place doesn’t look like a place that ‘obliterates everything’. It looks more like a place for growing flowers and fish...

"Oh, it's not here." Xuan Hao said, "This is just the principal's back garden. That old guy likes to plant flowers and raise fish when he gets older."

What else could Lu Mingfei say? These guys can only be described as inhumane. Is this the life of rich people? It was so corrupt. He had nothing to say except envy.

"We're going deeper still."

Xuan Hao took Lu Mingfei through Angers' garden. There were obviously other ways to go, so don't ask him why he walked there. Just ask because he was happy.

However, Lu Mingfei seemed a little hesitant to make a move. After all, the flowers and plants raised in such a large garden should be quite valuable, right? Many of them were plants he didn't recognize, maybe some rare species.

After arriving at the deepest point, Lu Mingfei finally understood why this place was called the 'Well of Annihilation'. It was like a black hole that swallowed up all the light. The lights in the garden were brightly lit, but they couldn't shine here. It seemed like this place was. Designed in this way, there are no lights and it is as quiet as an ancient cave.

The only light here now is probably the golden color in Xuan Hao's eyes.

I don't know when, Xuan Hao's golden pupils lit up quietly, which made Lu Mingfei stunned.

"your eyes……"

"Huh? I thought you knew it." Xuan Hao was a little confused. He thought that this guy should have seen the little devil, and also seen Chu Zihang's eyes. At least he knew about the golden pupil, but he didn't expect it. Don't know anything.

"You don't really think our eyes are colored contacts, do you?"

"Ah, this..." Lu Mingfei had an expression on his face.

"Use your brain and think about it, kid, don't you really think that ordinary people can have such skills? Can they even defeat the dragons?"

Xuanhao was speechless for a while.

"Of course I know this, but I thought you relied on high technology to slay dragons! Who knew you were playing with mutation?" Lu Mingfei complained.

"No, it's not a mutation under normal circumstances." Xuan Hao said, "This is a bloodline, a bloodline that is destined at birth."

"They call humans with this kind of bloodline 'hybrids', a mixture of humans and dragons." Xuan Hao explained, "As for the specific situation, you'd better wait until your mentor comes to tell you. I don't know. I’d like to give you some knowledge.”

Lu Mingfei said, "Isn't what I'm going through now a normal admissions process?" The key is that I don’t know anything now. Where are you going to take me, brother!

"Okay, don't look at me with that look," Xuan Hao said angrily, "As the saying goes, facts speak louder than words. We want you to come here to slay the dragon. The best way is of course to let you witness it with your own eyes. . I don’t like to talk about big principles. There are some things that I don’t need to explain to you. You will understand them naturally after reading them.”

Lu Mingfei was stunned. He didn't expect Xuan Hao to be able to see his expression in such a dark environment. What surprised him even more was that what this guy said meant that he wanted him to witness the dragon slaying with his own eyes. Is there a living dragon locked down here? Xuan Hao wants to perform Dragon Quest for him?

"Come on, open this door."

Xuanhao suddenly stopped.

Only then did Lu Mingfei notice that they had arrived outside a huge door.

Although it was dark, he could touch the door. It was cold and biting, and it felt a little uneven, not like an iron door.

"Shall I push it away?" Lu Mingfei was a little timid. Is it possible that he should be allowed to go in and fight the dragon? Don't bring something so exciting. I just came to the novice village. I haven't leveled up yet, and I haven't even received the novice equipment. Are you going to let me face the boss directly?

"Don't worry, there's nothing scary inside." Xuan Hao looked at the hesitant Lu Mingfei and said, "I dare not say anything else, but as long as I'm watching, you won't be able to die even if you want."

That sounds like a reassuring statement, what a fart! Lu Mingfei felt that the most dangerous person to him at the moment was Xuan Hao! If it weren't for him, there would be so many things! Without Xuanhao, Lu Mingfei would have just bought a plane ticket and flown home when the situation turned bad.

"Brother, can you please stop being like this?" Lu Mingfei begged for mercy.

"Don't be afraid, just close your eyes and grit your teeth, it will be over. It won't hurt." Xuan Hao urged.

"Really? You didn't lie to me."

"Really, I'm not lying to you."


"Stop talking nonsense to me. I just asked you to open the door. Is it so difficult?" Xuan Hao couldn't hold it back. Asking this guy to muster up the courage really seemed like coaxing a child.

"All right……"

Lu Mingfei closed his eyes and pushed the door hard. Perhaps Xuan Hao overestimated Lu Mingfei's strength. The door was indeed quite heavy for him, and it took him a lot of strength to push it open.

The dim light lit up and shone on this huge door. After opening it, you could see clearly that this door was actually made of bronze.

No, it wasn't just this door. Lu Mingfei saw that the entire huge room was made of bronze, including the floor he was currently stepping on.

The ground is carved with deep grooves intertwined like snakes, and green water flows in the deep grooves. The pattern formed by these deep grooves is like a root system deep in the ground under a lush giant tree, branching, branching again, constantly intertwined and intertwined, and finally merged into the silent lake in front of it.

Viewed from a height, it looks like it is absorbing nutrients from the lake to support the World Tree.

In this place where the sky is invisible, a tree is planted. However, this tree is not to add vitality to the place, but to absorb the life of something. In this space with metal as the soil, Time seemed to be stopped, all life stopped growing, and all vitality seemed to be absorbed by this 'tree', as if it was sealed.

This is an extremely powerful alchemical field. The entire field covers this huge space, and this carved 'World Tree' is the core of this alchemical field. It is an unparalleled array of words and spirits, a miracle of alchemy!

In the center of this tree is a withered skeleton. I don’t know how many years have passed, but he still exudes a terrifying aura. This alchemical field exists precisely to seal him. Ever since he was brought back here by Angers, he has been sealed.

"This...is this?" Lu Mingfei's eyes were filled with horror, "Corpse!?"

This is a corpse, right? No need to run! Lu Mingfei is sweating profusely now. This basement is a place for burying corpses! Now that he has seen the secrets of these people, will he be killed and silenced?

"Yes, a corpse." Xuan Hao walked towards the corpse in the center, "But it's not a human's, but a dragon's."

"Dragon?" Lu Mingfei couldn't complain anymore. What's going on? No matter how you look at it, it's obviously a corpse in human form!

"Not just a dragon, but a dragon king."

"But no matter how I look at it, it's just a human corpse..."

"Because he was in human form when I killed him."

"!!!" Lu Mingfei stepped back unconsciously, "Did you kill him?"

“Yes, I killed him.” Like this. However, he is already dead."

Lu Mingfei felt cold when he saw Xuan Hao's indifferent expression. No matter how he explained this, he felt that it was nonsense. This was the excuse after killing people. Aren't all madmen in this college? Call people into dragons, and then they can slay dragons? Okay, you think this is the Dragon King or the Dragon King. If we have something to say, can we let the little one go?

"Sorry," Xuan Hao sighed, "I wasn't in a good mood when I saw him."

"I know it's hard for you to believe that he is the Dragon King, so go over there and have a look. That's what I want you to see."

Xuanhao's hand pointed to the huge lake ahead.

Lu Mingfei approached the lake cautiously, and then he lowered his head.

The liquid at his feet was unknown. It was so transparent and clear that his gaze could penetrate directly to the bottom of the lake. This gave him the illusion of standing on the edge of a cliff. He was like a brave man who climbed the mountain and was in contact with the people in the valley. The giants looked at each other.

The whole world seemed to be empty, except for him and the huge figure below that shocked him.

"Oh My God!"

It was an icy blue giant dragon. Even with Ji Lu Mingfei's poor vocabulary, he couldn't find words to describe it. It was majestic, noble and solemn, but it could also be described with one word - 'dragon'!

This legendary creature has been described in myths and stories from all over the world. Bards tried to use all their words to praise these great and mysterious species, but no one knew what the dragon looked like specifically. Sometimes people referred to it as Described as a huge, ferocious-looking lizard, sometimes it is also said to be a demon with wings on its back.

But with just one glance, Lu Mingfei was convinced that what he saw was not a dragon, a real dragon. It was so beautiful and shocking that even if it was missing one of its wings, it still could not affect its noble posture as a dragon.

It's a pity that it seems to be dead.

Even though the dragon eyes that looked at Lu Mingfei were full of majesty, Lu Mingfei could feel that these were a pair of soulless eyes. It was dead and someone had killed it. Even though this giant dragon looked so... It's invincible, but it's still dead. Just like the black dragon he saw in his dream, it was killed by humans.

"Don't you doubt that this is a sculpture meant to bluff people?" Let’s take a piece and let you taste it.”

"No... no need." Lu Mingfei stammered, "I believe it, really!"

He doesn't dare to eat dragon meat. Is this thing really edible? Why does this person say it so easily?

"Believe it now, we asked you to come here just to slay the dragon." Xuan Hao said.

"Did you really kill this..." Lu Mingfei asked.

"It's not us, it's me." Xuan Hao smiled.

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the man in front of him. In his opinion, this man's current smile seemed to be showing off to him.

Does he mean that he killed the dragon by himself?

No, Lu Mingfei just realized that this man seemed to have said that he also killed the Dragon King just now! Although he wasn't sure who was more powerful, the Dragon King or the giant dragon below, Lu Mingfei just wanted to hold on to the thigh in front of him. Maybe he would have to rely on his boss to guide him in order to survive in college.


I originally wanted to code 10,000 words, and maybe get a badge, but I really can’t code that much when I get back from get off work. It’s the limit. It seems that I have no chance of that badge. Let’s continue tomorrow night...

I encountered a change to the algorithm when I just started adding updates. I am really unlucky... Anyway, it is quite boring. People who are disgusting in operations have always been good at it. Let's extinguish the enthusiasm. Forget about sleep, we will continue tomorrow!

Thanks: Book Friends 20201023220557285, Book Friends 20200205180734114, Book Friends 20200205180734114, Book Friends 20210411173112056, Book Friends 20210411173112056, Reading is great, Zhang Beiwang, Reading, Singing, Shopping and Fun, Pojianliao The leader of the building is Feng Bujue, Mingcheng, king, gold, Book Friends 20210524090013422, Book Friends 20170404112949858, Drag yourself with a white blade to kill people in the mortal world, Thousand Souls Love, C+Mo, Jiubuyui, Matou Sakura yyds’ reward

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