A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 156 149. The final winner (8k please subscribe)

Chapter 156 149. The final winner (8k please subscribe)

Even Lu Mingfei himself didn't realize that at this time, he was already subconsciously thinking about how to survive in the next college life, instead of thinking about how to escape from such reality when encountering problems like before.

Maybe he had accepted the fact that he was going to be a dragon slayer, or maybe he had really changed.

Even though he still had a lot of questions in his mind, at least he was willing to do it. He wouldn't just lie in bed and stare at the ceiling in a daze and daydream like before.

"Can I really slay a dragon?" Lu Mingfei asked the man in front of him.

"Of course," Xuan Hao affirmed, "Actually, it's not a matter of whether you can slay the dragon, but whether you want to do it or not."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that as long as you think about it, you can definitely do it." Xuan Hao said, "We have told you a long time ago that you have a unique talent, but you haven't discovered it yet, but you can feel it now. There’s something strange about yourself, right?”

"You mean..."

Lu Mingfei thought of the boy in his dream.

"Just know it yourself. The fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. Do you understand?"

"Who are you... and why do you know me so well?"

The more Lu Mingfei thought about it, the more panicked he became. He could no longer see through the man in front of him. He originally thought that the principal's attitude towards this man was because of his financial resources and power, but when he saw the giant dragon below, he realized that it was not the case. Such.

Perhaps these problems are much simpler than he imagined. The fundamental reason why this man is fearless is simply because of his powerful power.

Even if you don’t understand anything, you can still see the gap. Chu Zihang said this before when they were fighting, that it was a 'normal' level. Lu Mingfei wasn't sure whether this level was considered high, but he knew that for ordinary humans, they could already be called supermen. .

But even for such a superman, he didn't think he could fight with this behemoth below. The difference in magnitude was too huge, and he probably could only scratch his itch.

But this man said that he killed the giant dragon below! It’s a one-on-one challenge! In this river?

If everything he said is true, then of course there is nothing to fear. With such power, who needs to control it?

Lu Mingfei finally understood this truth at this moment, this truth that he should have understood a long time ago - this world is, after all, a world of the weak and the strong!

"I've had a showdown with you from the beginning..." Xuan Hao shook his head helplessly, "It's just that you don't believe it."

"At the beginning..." Lu Mingfei was stunned. He remembered the contents of the admission notice.

Could it be possible that this man really killed his great-great-grandfather?

"I haven't told you a lie."

Xuan Hao's smile made Lu Mingfei's scalp tingle.

"It doesn't matter to me whether you believe it or not. These are not important. What is important is that I want you to know..."

"what do you know……"

Lu Mingfei stepped back unconsciously, but there was no way to retreat. If he retreated any further, he would be buried with the giant dragon in the pond.

"Don't be so scared~" Xuan Hao took a step forward and put a hand on Lu Mingfei's shoulder to steady his body so that he would not fall into the lake in fear.

"I don't have any ill intentions towards you. Although your great-great-grandfather and I do have some issues with each other, I am not that traditional in my thinking. If a father pays a debt to his son, he should go to his son. You don't know him at all. Right? Even if you know that I killed him, you won’t feel any fluctuations in your heart."

Lu Mingfei thought to himself, nonsense, of course there will be no fluctuations, no sense of reality at all. Who would be sad for a guy who has never even seen him, or even heard of him for so many years? If he didn't know that his parents were still alive and seemed to care about him, he might be able to accept it now that his parents were dead. His only question now is how old is this guy? Why does he look about the same age as me?

But this is not the fundamental reason why Xuan Hao doesn't trouble him. The fundamental reason is that the relationship between Lu Mingfei and Lu Shanyan is inherently doubtful, and even whether his parents are really biological has yet to be verified. It should be said that Lu Mingfei's existence itself is a mystery, whether it is himself or everything around him.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Lu Mingfei wanted to move Xuan Hao's hand on his shoulder, but he couldn't. The hand seemed to be very light on his shoulder, and he couldn't even feel the other person's force, but it still wasn't He can shake it.

"What don't you want to do?" Xuan Hao shook his head, "On the contrary, I can help you."

"Help me?" Lu Mingfei was confused.

"Yes, you should also understand that you will face many problems from the moment you step into this academy. If you encounter trouble that you cannot handle, you can come and ask me to help you. Of course, it is not without cost."

"The price...but I have nothing to give you?" Lu Mingfei said, "I should say you have helped me a lot...since before I entered school."

Yes, this man was indeed helping him. Although Lu Mingfei didn't know the other party's purpose, he not only gave him money, but also prevented him from being embarrassed. Apart from some bad taste, it should be said that he was pretty good.

"I'm deeply gratified that you can be grateful." Xuan Hao smiled, "That's good. If you don't know how to thank me, then it will be difficult for me. After all, what I want to ask for from you means nothing to you. It’s quite important.”

"What is it?"

"You won't understand even if I tell you now," Xuan Hao let go of his hand on Lu Mingfei's shoulder, "When you need help, you will naturally understand. Then think about it carefully. You don’t want my help.”

Lu Mingfei felt like his whole body was about to burst. What happened recently? It felt like everyone was trying to get his attention! The boy in the dream kept clamoring to exchange with him all day long. What exchange? I can’t explain it clearly either! Today, another person came to reality and wanted to make a deal with him, and the price was not clearly explained to him! What is this all about? Playing with me!

"Okay, Lu Mingfei, now you will face your first choice after coming to the academy." Xuan Hao suddenly said, "Maybe you can ask me to help you right away."


Lu Mingfei didn't know why.

"Then you still need to ask? Now that you have understood the real world, it's time to choose, should you stay and slay the dragon, or should you go back and be an ordinary person like you?"

Xuan Hao looked at Lu Mingfei expressionlessly, "What I can tell you is that originally you shouldn't have this option because you have already signed this."

Lu Mingfei saw Xuan Hao take out a document. He remembered that this document was the agreement that Angers asked him to sign when he was in China.

"If I'm not wrong, they didn't explain the specific content to you, right?"


"Then let me explain to you the above content." Xuan Hao smiled, "This is equivalent to a contract of betrayal. After signing him, you must stay! If you violate the above agreement, then you will How about being forcibly brainwashed, and the worst-case scenario is to turn into an idiot and then be sent to a lonely island where no one cares about you to die alone? Isn't that quite humane?"

"Humanity is a piece of shit!" Lu Mingfei roared, he had never heard of such a thing! I originally thought it was outrageous that the college bought insurance for his body to be returned without authorization.

But this was actually Xuan Hao's attempt to scare him. Although Xuan Hao said that what he said to Lu Mingfei was true, he didn't expect that Lu Mingfei would believe it so easily. It was really useful. However, Xuanhao himself didn't know what the specific situation was. After all, he had never experienced it personally, and he didn't care about it at all.

"But now, because of my relationship, you have a new choice." Xuan Hao said, "You can choose to leave. I guarantee with my personality that this is just a piece of waste paper, which can be torn up immediately and can be You are sent back to China safely and no one dares to stop you."

"But in the future, you will probably have to stay in China. I think for an ordinary person, this is not a bad thing. It is normal not to go abroad, right? And the money I give you is enough for you to live a lifetime."

"But you said there is a price for your help, right?" Lu Mingfei calmed down for a rare moment. If he had had the chance to go back before, he would have agreed without saying a word.

"No, you are not qualified to pay the price now." Xuan Hao shook his head, "You can't do anything now, can you?"

"..." Lu Mingfei nodded silently.

"So this is my rare kindness, giving you a free choice. To be honest, I really want to see what you will be like as an ordinary person."

Xuanhao stared at Lu Mingfei with interest.

He really wants to know what Lu Mingfei would be like as an ordinary person, but this is simply impossible. No one will let him become an ordinary person. He has no choice. Even if he misses this opportunity, someone will force him again. He embarked on this path, and from the day he could see the little devil, there was no way back.

But if Lu Mingfei chooses that way, he can try to see if he can change his destiny and force him to be an ordinary person. Just treat it as an experiment, nothing to lose to him.

"This sounds like a good idea..." Lu Mingfei turned around so that Xuan Hao couldn't see his expression.

He lowered his head and looked at the giant dragon sealed under the lake.

At this moment, a boy sat on the dragon's head, and the boy looked at him with a smile.

"Brother, you're already here, do you want to turn back?"

"What... is your name?" Lu Mingfei asked this question after thinking about it for a while.

"Brother, the reason why I haven't introduced myself is to give you a chance." The boy stared at Lu Mingfei through the lake. "If you know my name, you won't be able to look back."

"That's right..." Lu Mingfei nodded.

Unexpectedly, his expression at this moment was particularly calm.

"Tell me your name."

"Brother, have you really thought about it?" The boy looked at him in surprise.

"Think? Do you still need to think about it?" Lu Mingfei was angry. It was the first time he felt so angry, and an unknown fire surged into his heart. "Why do you all think you understand me so well? Why do you all think I still want to run away? Are you looking down on me? No matter how weak a person is, he still has a bad temper!"

He has already made up his mind. Why do people always come to confirm it with him? Is it because they are afraid that he will regret it?

Lu Mingfei clenched his fists, "You guys don't understand, right? How much courage does it take for a loser like me to decide to change! But I have already taken the first step. I don’t know what’s on the road ahead, but I still came alone, to the United States, to this inexplicable and wonderful college! Now you actually want to drive me back? What a fuss! I won’t like it!”

"Shoot, snap, snap—"

Lu Mingfei felt slow and heavy applause coming from behind.

Only then did he realize that he seemed a little too excited and actually said everything on his mind!

Hey, no, am I not in a dream? Lu Mingfei turned around in confusion, and then he saw Xuan Hao smiling and clapping behind him.

As if he wanted to confirm something, he turned around again and looked down. The boy was still sitting on the head of the dragon, looking at him with a smile.

For a moment, Lu Mingfei couldn't tell the difference between reality and dreams.

"Very good, brother, but there is one thing that needs to be corrected." The boy stood up and stood on top of the dragon, looking at Lu Mingfei calmly with his golden eyes. "We are not looking down on you. No one has the right to look down on you. This One thing, you have to remember. Be a little crazy, brother, just like you just did."

The boy stood up to salute him. This handsome-looking boy, like a polite gentleman, respectfully saluted him, "Now, please allow me to solemnly introduce myself."

"My name is Lu Mingze."

Lu Mingfei looked at the boy's smile. How serious was this? Are you kidding him? Lu Mingze is the one he knows best. The cousin who has lived with him for several years was quite cute when he was a child. Now he is 160cm tall and weighs 160cm when he grows up. In adolescence, he had acne on his face and could not find girls in school. My friend, I can only write some non-mainstream sad sentences on the Internet to hook up with girls, but even so, I can only hook up with Lu Mingfei's trumpet. It can't be said that he looks nothing like the boy in front of him, who looks like an aristocrat with a handsome demeanor. It can only be said that it has nothing to do with him.

"Are you lying to me?" Lu Mingfei frowned.

"We won't lie to you."


Lu Mingfei turned to look at Xuan Hao, "Can you see him?"

"You can't even see if you can't see." Xuan Hao replied with a smile, "This is your spiritual vision. According to common sense, I shouldn't be able to see, but he has the ability to make me see. However, it is only seeing, other things He can't have any influence on me. That's why we can communicate as equals."

"What do you mean?" Lu Mingfei still didn't quite understand.

"It's not important. Just like my name, it doesn't matter at all. What's important is that we didn't lie to you." The boy who called himself Lu Mingze said, "I won't harm you. This is enough."

"Wonderful~ So you are in the same group?" Lu Mingfei finally understood. He had been clearly arranged by these two guys from the beginning.

"No, we can't talk about being together." Xuan Hao shook his head, "At most it can be regarded as a cooperative relationship. But if you insist on thinking that way, it's not impossible."

"Okay, now that you have decided, there is no problem. Let's talk about the troublesome things later." Xuan Hao turned around and prepared to leave. "Come out with me now. The air here is not very good."

The air was not very good, and Lu Mingfei had a dark look on his face. He originally wanted to say something, but he found that the other party didn't seem to want to pay attention to him, so he turned around and left, and the boy disappeared without knowing when.

He had no choice but to follow quickly to avoid being thrown here. He didn't know the way here, and it would be uncomfortable if he couldn't get out.

What Xuanhao never expected was that when he brought Lu Mingfei back to the ground, the day of freedom was not over yet!

The ground in Odin Square was full of messes, but Chu Zihang and Caesar were still fighting. Did they really want to finish the day before they would feel it was a loss? It’s really noisy!

"You two, can't you finish the fight?"

Xuan Hao pinched his fingers and his bones crackled, "It's getting dark. Do you need me to help you?"

Lu Mingfei watched Xuan Hao walk over, as if he had expected what would happen, and subconsciously mourned for the two people opposite him.

Hearing this man speak, Caesar and Chu Zihang involuntarily stopped their hands and stepped back. They changed their directions and looked at Xuan Hao warily.

"Classmate Xuanhao, who are you going to help?" Chu Zihang frowned.

"No, no, no, I don't want to help in any way. I just want to help you end the game. If you continue to fight, it will affect my ability to go back to rest."

"You mean to deal with both of us at the same time?" Caesar smiled, looking a little excited.

"No, I quit." Chu Zihang suddenly said something, which almost shocked Caesar's jaw.

No, brother, what's the matter with you? You finally had the chance to fight against S-class, and you just quit like that? How do I play with this? Caesar looked at Chu Zihang with a look of resentment.

But Chu Zihang shook his head. He had no masochistic tendencies. Caesar had never seen how fierce this man was, so he had the idea of ​​challenging him. He saw with his own eyes that this guy pressed the giant dragon to the ground and rubbed it, and even roasted it and ate it! beat? Beat the hell out of me! Just looking for it.

Seeing that Chu Zihang stopped playing, Caesar also retreated in his heart. It wasn't that he looked down on S-class, he knew that this guy was very strong, and someone who could win the next generation couldn't be weak! It's just that he has never seen with his own eyes how strong this guy is, which makes him want to give it a try. He originally thought that if he teamed up with Chu Zihang, there might be a chance, but Chu Zihang just threw the keyboard away. Then he Also playing with yarn.

He can fight evenly with Chu Zihang. If Chu Zihang doesn't fight Xuan Hao, it has proved that Chu Zihang is not sure. If he still rushes forward stupidly to send him off, wouldn't it be embarrassing? ?

"What should we do? Who wins this game?"

"Why are you so nervous?" Xuan Hao scratched his head, "I didn't say I wanted to fight you."


Chu Zihang and Caesar were both stunned. Why are you gearing up if you don't want to fight?

"Don't get me wrong, I generally don't have the habit of abusing food unless someone messes with me." Xuan Hao said with a smile.

What he said was very hurtful, but Chu Zihang couldn't seem to find any rebuttal. He was indeed qualified to say this.

Caesar felt a little insulted. In fact, his usual way of speaking was not much different from Xuan Hao's. They were both extremely arrogant, but Xuan Hao's words were more explicit. The difference is that he was the one who was arrogant in the past. He didn't expect to meet someone more arrogant than him today, so he felt very unhappy, but he didn't seem to be able to do it.

"Come, Concubine Ming, in order to express your determination to come here, show me your head first." Xuan Hao casually picked up a pistol on the ground and threw it to Lu Mingfei.

"Huh?" Lu Mingfei was stunned. He hurriedly caught the gun that was thrown at him. How had he ever used such a thing before at such a young age? Still taking heads? How to get it! You don’t know how to play at all, okay?

Chu Zihang and Caesar were also stunned. Chu Zihang had some impressions of Lu Mingfei and had noticed this person in high school.

The first impression he had on him was that this person was very weak, perhaps because of the timing of their meeting.

It happened to be raining that day, and neither of them had an umbrella.

All the students around him were picked up by their parents, and in the end only Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei were left. They stood under the eaves at the school gate, silent.

At that time, Du Lu Mingfei didn't seem to notice that Chu Zihang was beside him.

Because Lu Mingfei's eyes were fixed on the rainy sky. It was a very helpless, helpless and sad look.

Chu Zihang still remembers it because he felt for a moment that this person might be as lonely as himself.

Lu Mingfei is here because no one will come to pick him up.

And Chu Zihang is here because he doesn't want his adoptive father to pick him up.

However, Chu Zihang was luckier than Lu Mingfei at that time. At least he had a biological father who was a 'driver'.

His father said he would come to pick him up, so he waited.

In the rain that day, he saw this man named Lu Mingfei rushing into the rain alone. His back was very shabby, like an abandoned puppy, unable to find its way home in the rain.

Chu Zihang wanted to stop him, but unfortunately he had already run far away. He was running very fast. He was running away. It seemed that as long as he ran fast enough, Loneliness would not be able to catch up with him.

Chu Zihang never thought that he would see this person again at Kassel College, but now that he thinks about it, he can understand that the loneliness was probably the same blood sorrow as him.

But now that Lu Mingfei was holding the gunman at a loss, Chu Zihang really couldn't imagine how he was going to 'solve' Caesar.

Don't ask him why he didn't add himself to the list. He already said he quit. It's not a good idea to change his mind now.

Caesar was also confused. He really didn't see anything special about this new student. He didn't even dare to shoot, right?

Xuan Hao stared at Lu Mingfei for a long time and found that he didn't seem to have any intention of shooting. I thought that the little devil was not very good. It seemed that Lu Mingfei would only find opportunities to give him strength when he had mood swings. He remembered that in the original world line, Lu Mingfei shot Chu Zihang and Caesar out of extreme anger, but now he didn't feel much stimulation.

Although he had long known that Lu Mingze was not good at all and that guy said he was omnipotent, the key point still lay with Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingze was like a bottle filled with power, and the only one who could open the bottle cap was Lu Mingfei. This was a limitation on his use of power. Therefore, if you want to use Lu Mingze's power, Lu Mingfei is an indispensable key point.

So the question is, how can we make him feel grateful and actively contribute what he wants?

The current scene was a bit embarrassing for a while.

Chu Zihang and Caesar looked at each other with doubts on their faces, as if asking, what's going on? Should we still fight or not?

Lu Mingfei was at a loss when holding the gun. He said that it was quite easy to shoot. Although he had never held a real gun, he had played with toy guns when he was a child, and he could still pull the trigger. But why did he hit the two people in front of him? Isn't that how you show determination?

"Don't you want to give it a try?" Xuan Hao asked, "The gap between you and them."

"Uh... That's quite a thought," Lu Mingfei said, "But if they use knives now, wouldn't it be bad if I use a gun?"

Xuan Hao looked at him as if he was mentally retarded, "Do you want to be fair to me on the battlefield?"

Chu Zihang also frowned, "Slaying a dragon is not child's play."

"Freshman, who are you looking down on?" Caesar smiled, "Or do you really think you can beat us with a gun in your hand?"

ha? I have such a bad temper, are these people sick? Lu Mingfei thought, since you have said so, what else can I not let go of?

Lu Mingfei raised the gun in his hand. It was just an ordinary pistol. The recoil should not be very strong. Lu Mingfei felt that he should be able to control it.

He took a deep breath. The bullets in the gun couldn't kill anyone. He just thought he was playing a shooting game!

Although he had no experience with guns, he somehow felt like he could do it! Play games! I'm the best!

A bullet shot out from the muzzle, the target was Caesar!

Don't ask him why he hit Caesar, ask him because Chu Zihang is an acquaintance and it's not easy to attack him. Moreover, Chu Zihang has already said that he will quit. As the saying goes, those who surrender will not be killed.

A cartridge case popped out of the gun chamber, and the recoil made Lu Mingfei's hand tremble slightly. It was a little off, but he could hit it! Lu Mingfei judged. He is quite confident in his judgment, after all, playing games often requires prediction.


Caesar chuckled and tilted his head, and the bullet passed through the tip of his nose and passed through his flying blond hair.


This shot was aimed at his head. He could see that the opponent was unfamiliar with the gun. He was obviously a novice, but this shot was anything but novice. A novice who can shoot a headshot from a distance of more than ten meters?

If it were an ordinary person here, he would probably just receive the lunch box. Unfortunately, he is Caesar, and his best skill is using a gun. How could he be hit by a gun so easily?

Caesar subconsciously took a step forward, wanting to fight back.

But as soon as he took a step, he found a light touch in his hand. Where is my knife?

His Dicktado was gone.

"What kind of knife do you use to bully freshmen? Isn't it embarrassing?"

Next to him, Xuan Hao was playing with Caesar's favorite knife, with a smile on his face.

Damn it, Caesar cursed in his heart, I thought you really wouldn’t do anything!

However, the movements of his feet did not stop. Forget it without a knife, he was just a new student. It seemed that he had not even awakened his bloodline. He could do it with his bare hands!

Lu Mingfei looked at Caesar rushing towards him and subconsciously wanted to retreat.

He didn't need to think about it to know that he would definitely not be able to fight in close combat.

But he hesitated because he knew he would not be able to run away!

The difference in physical fitness is too great. For Caesar, the distance of more than ten meters is only a second or two.


The sound of gunshots came to mind again.

Lu Mingfei chose to shoot. His years of fighting for StarCraft were not in vain. When it comes to strategy, I am not arrogant. Everyone here is rubbish.

Caesar rushed over in a straight line and would definitely dodge when faced with bullets.

Lu Mingfei knew that he was weak, but now he was extremely calm and his life was not in danger. He had regarded this as a game. In the game, the protagonist usually defeated the strong with the weak!

In ordinary scripts, powerful people usually underestimate the enemy when facing a little white rabbit like him. This is his chance!

"Bang! Bang!"

Two more shots.

Lu Mingfei began to predict the direction of Caesar's avoidance and fired two shots at the same time.

It's a pity that Caesar ducked sideways.

It's not that his prediction was wrong, it's that this is reality after all, and his accuracy is really limited.

Moreover, Caesar does not look like one of those regular NPCs, and he has never underestimated the protagonist!


Lu Mingfei spat out.

It wasn't that he wanted to vomit, but that he was punched by Caesar and made it vomit.

This guy Caesar didn't seem to think about holding back, and punched Lu Mingfei hard in the abdomen.

But as soon as it hit him, he frowned.

Because if he punched him, according to the physique of an ordinary person, he would be unable to move even if he didn't faint directly.

But when he wanted to take his hand back, Lu Mingfei caught him!


Lu Mingfei bowed his body and coughed twice. The punch was indeed quite heavy, but fortunately he was mentally prepared. He knew that he could not beat Caesar, and it would be meaningless if the gun in his hand could not hit.

By the time Caesar came to his side, the outcome had basically been decided. Faced with the absolute disparity in strength, under normal circumstances he would have given up.

But today Lu Mingfei just didn’t want to admit defeat! Didn’t you say you promised to change it? Prove it to them! Lu Mingfei grabbed Caesar's wrist with his left hand.

The moment Caesar punched, he judged that the target was his abdomen, so he bent along the fist and tried to reduce the damage as much as possible. As long as he endured the punch, he still had a chance of winning!

Perhaps it was because Caesar was afraid of punching him to death that he retained his strength, or perhaps because his ability to resist being hit was pretty good. In short, he did not lose the ability to move on the spot.

He can still use his strength and still holds the gun in his hand!

Holding Caesar's arm with his left hand and pulling him in front of him, Lu Mingfei leaned forward and leaned against Caesar. He really had no strength, but it was enough.

Caesar froze on the spot, and the cold touch on his forehead told him that he was being pointed at a gun.

Before he could react, Lu Mingfei was already leaning on him, with his right hand holding a gun to his head.


The trigger was pulled.

But no gunfire rang out.

Because there were no bullets in the gun, Lu Mingfei didn't calculate how many bullets were left in the gun. After all, it was a gun picked up casually on the 'battlefield'. But this is no longer his concern.

Caesar felt the grip on his wrist become lighter.

Lu Mingfei fainted and leaned on him.

He laid Lu Mingfei flat on the ground, and then he saw that this guy was still smiling. His smile was crazy and decisive, as if he really wanted to die with him.

"What's this?" Caesar chuckled self-deprecatingly, "Okay, I admit that you won."

A freshman put a gun to his head. If it weren't for the fact that there were no bullets in the gun, he would have been shot in the head by now. I don't know if being hit by Frigga's bullet at such a close range would kill someone, but if you lose, you lose. . Although he didn't underestimate the enemy, he didn't fight as hard as this guy.

"Another 'S' level? Interesting." Caesar looked at the boy lying on the ground. Although he was not as strong as Xuan Hao from the beginning, this guy was indeed quite interesting.

He admitted that he lost.

This was a victory that Lu Mingfei, who tried his best, deserved. At the same time, he became more and more interested in this guy.

Thanks to: Qingfeng Liuying, Mo Ran Farewell, Book Friends 20181128073055849, Fengfengyun, Book Friends 20210521134636621, Kitten Who Loves Ice Cream, Aoxue Wuqing, Jiubuyui for the reward

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