A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 157 150. Extreme house change? (8k please subscribe)

Chapter 157 150. Extreme house change? (8k please subscribe)

Kassel College, which had been in turmoil for a long time, finally calmed down. The morning sun dispersed the smoke and shone on the corpses on the ground. The campus broadcasting system, which had been mute for a long time, suddenly pretended to be dead, and the sonorous march sounded in the campus. It's like welcoming the victor's triumph.

Lu Mingfei was awakened by the noisy sound. He felt that his head was dizzy and he was still a little dazed when he woke up. He was about to get up, but a pain in his abdomen made him grin.

"No. It turns out it's not a dream!"

He was really beaten unconscious.

"Hey, are you awake?" Caesar stood in front of Lu Mingfei and looked at him with a smile, but now Lu Mingfei was still lying on the ground.

For some reason, Lu Mingfei looked at Caesar's raised chin and his golden hair from his current angle, feeling like a proud golden retriever.

Caesar stretched out his hand to pull Lu Mingfei up.

Lu Mingfei really needed someone to help him now, although it felt strange that the person who helped him was the one who beat him down.

This guy was really exerting his strength just now, but now he is smiling and shaking hands with the 'enemy'.

But Lu Mingfei was not qualified to criticize others. He just wanted to blow this guy's head off.

It just didn't seem to explode? For some reason, Lu Mingfei felt a little disappointed. After all, he had worked so hard, but now he couldn't see the results, which was a pity.

"Lu Mingfei, right?" Caesar squeezed Lu Mingfei's hand with enthusiasm on his face. He seemed very satisfied with the new student in front of him, "Caesar Gattuso, President of the Student Union, please give me your advice."

"Uh... um!" Lu Mingfei didn't quite understand what was going on with this guy. They were clearly fighting just now.

Lu Mingfei really didn't expect that this guy Caesar was now planning how to trick him into entering the student union.

"It's so noisy..."

Lu Mingfei looked around and found that there were medical staff in white coats everywhere. They were carrying suitcases with the emblem of the World Tree in their hands, and they were using syringes to stab the corpses on the ground. They were not gentle at all. They looked There is a lot of resentment.

But Lu Mingfei looked for a long time and didn't see Xuan Hao's shadow. This guy just left him alone?

"Where's Senior Brother Xuanhao?"

"He left. He said that the world was clean and he could go back to the dormitory to sleep. He told you to go back when you wake up."

Chu Zihang sat aside to rest with Murasu in his arms, expressionless, and relayed Xuan Hao's words word for word.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, thinking that he shouldn't be much heavier than two suitcases, so couldn't that guy be kind enough to pick him back up? Didn’t you agree on a roommate in the dormitory?

Lu Mingfei was about to ask where his dormitory was, but he was stared at by someone.

A little old man wearing thin round-rimmed gold-rimmed glasses, a frown, and a shiny bald head came up to him and looked at him with disdain.

The old man looked at Lu Mingfei with his nostrils, and almost kicked his nose into his face. The distance between their faces was only ten centimeters. The ferocious look in his eyes made Lu Mingfei panic.

The old man looked Lu Mingfei up and down, "Looks pretty cool, freshman?"

Lu Mingfei swallowed and nodded. This old man is probably a teacher in the college, right? Lu Mingfei felt that it would be better not to conflict with the teacher when he first came to the academy.

"Very good, very courageous!" The old man's face was full of anger, "I am the chairman of the college's disciplinary committee! Professor Manstein! Are the freshmen these days so crazy? If you don't study hard when you enter, you will fall into trouble on the first day. Participate in these boring games! I heard you won? It’s pretty good, very promising! I’ll note it down!”

Lu Mingfei looked at the old man in front of him nagging in confusion, feeling just like his aunt. But he wondered if he was praising him or hurting him?

It seems that I was booked by the Disciplinary Committee as soon as I came to the academy... Wait a minute! what did he say? I won?

Lu Mingfei finally discovered the point.

Only then did he realize that many people present were staring at him, with some evil intentions in their eyes.

Most of these people were 'cadavers' on the 'battlefield' just now, but now they have been rescued. Doctors and nurses injected injections into them one by one to wake them up from the anesthesia of Frigga's bullets, and recorded their learning by the way. No., it will be handed over to Professor Manstein to settle the accounts later.

"Don't worry about it," Caesar patted Lu Mingfei's shoulder and whispered in Lu Mingfei's ear, "Professor Manstein is famously stingy in the college. He just cares about money and doesn't really care about money. You care."

As he spoke, Caesar pointed to the craters on the ground and the nearby buildings, "But don't worry, you didn't do any of these things. Don't be afraid even if he really takes a note of you."

Lu Mingfei cried. He had just come to the academy and was about to get a demerit. Speaking of which, he really didn't do much. He just fired two shots and got beaten.

"What are you looking at one by one? Why don't you go back to study when you have time to gather here?" Professor Manstein shouted angrily, "You are really getting more and more arrogant now! You don't care about the Discipline Committee at all. Take it seriously, blatantly violating school rules! I will report it to the principal, so you don’t want to engage in such activities again in the future!"

"Hey? Professor, that's wrong," Caesar spread his hands and said, "Have we violated any school rules? Aren't these all activities within the rules?"

"There are three special school rules of the college. First, you are not allowed to use the alchemical weapons in the 'ice cellar'. Second, you are not allowed to cause casualties. Third, you are not allowed to bring strangers from outside the school to visit."

Chu Zihang recited the school rules one by one, and also gave evidence that they did not violate them, "First, we all used weapons of our respective departments. Second, there were no casualties. The injuries were caused by our own accidental falls." Yes, it is impossible for a person to grow up without falling. Thirdly, Lu Mingfei is not a stranger outside the school. He has entered the information through Norma and is now a freshman in the college."

"You! You! You are so brave! You are all going against me, aren't you?" Professor Manstein was furious. These kids really thought he was joking. If the tiger doesn't show off its power, you think I'm a sick cat?

He immediately took out his cell phone from his pocket, activated his special move, and sued the principal!


Lu Mingfei felt that his skill was quite effective, and the whole audience fell silent. The unreliable Principal Angers seemed to have a high status in the hearts of these students?

It's not that Lu Mingfei thinks Angers is unreliable, it's that he feels that the people here are so unreliable! Everyone was fooling him, and he felt like he was in a lot of trouble.

Professor Manstein looked at the phone in his hand and started counting the seconds. He had already connected. He looked like he was sure of victory and pressed the speakerphone button fiercely, as if the principal on the other end of the phone was going to back him up the next moment.

"Hello, Manstein?" A deep voice rang on the phone. He spoke fluent Chinese, but his tone was not very good. It seemed that things did not go as smoothly as Manstein imagined.

"Principal Angers, I'm sorry to bother you..." Professor Manstein was about to complain to Angers.

"I'm sorry, Manstein, is there anything we can discuss after I come back?" Angers didn't seem to want to give Manstein a chance to complain. "I'm in China now and I'm quite busy. This time The task is very important, so I have to concentrate on it."

"But principal, these students are causing damage in the college! The loss to the college..." Professor Manstein still wanted to save something.

"Are you talking about a free day?" Angers knew what was going on without even asking. "This is normal. Children have been bored for a year and only became active once. Isn't this a serious problem? You You should get used to it."

It was very difficult for Caesar and the others to hold back their laughter. They were all professionally trained and would not laugh unless they couldn't help it. Even Chu Zihang seemed to be in a good mood.

Lu Mingfei was speechless. This principal was indeed not very reliable. No, no, no, this entire college was not reliable. He actually felt that Professor Manstein in front of him looked much more normal, but now was not the time to care about that. , it would be of no benefit to Professor Manstein if he succeeded in filing a complaint, so I can only say sorry!

"But Principal! Your beloved flower bed has been messed up by these students. It will cost a lot to maintain!" Professor Manstein used his trump card.

"Ah, my flower bed was damaged?" Angers' voice sounded a little heartbroken, but his next sentence surprised Manstein.

"It doesn't matter, just deduct this fee from the school board of directors' fund. It doesn't matter if the old stubborns on the school board of directors shed some blood. They are not short of money anyway. I spend more than this amount on public travel every year." Angers said nonchalantly. .

"Ah..." Professor Manstein was speechless.

Principal, is it really okay for you to blatantly try to take advantage of the school board? Lu Mingfei was ashamed. He actually mentioned the matter of traveling at public expense directly on the phone. Aren't you afraid that someone would record you and report you to the school board?

"Okay, Manstein, let's stop here. I'm really busy. If you have anything else, just wait until I come back to talk about it," Angers said as if he was about to hang up the phone, but suddenly thought of something again, " Oh, by the way, Manstein, did Xuanhao bring the freshmen to the college to report?"

"Yes, the freshmen are with me now." Professor Manstein replied.

"Well, if it's convenient, please help me tell my lovely 'S'-level freshman, Lu Mingfei, to remember to choose my "Introduction to Dragon Family Genealogy" when choosing courses." Angers said.



Before Manstein could react, Angers had already hung up the phone. He looked really busy.

Manstein also knew that this investigation mission in China seemed to be indeed important, but he did not expect it to be more serious than he imagined. Apart from the awakening of the Dragon King, there were not many things in the world that could make Ange so focused.

"Alas..." Professor Manstein put away the phone and sighed helplessly.

But now the surrounding atmosphere is strangely quiet.

Because the phone was on speakerphone just now, many people heard Angers last words.

"The principal just said... that the new student is S-level?" Someone whispered earnestly.

"So there's a reason why he won this 'Freedom Day'." Someone catered to him.

Professor Manstein also reacted. Just now, he was only concerned about the cost of maintaining the college. Now that he knew that the school trustees' fund was in place, he finally felt at ease and shifted his focus from this matter.


Professor Manstein looked at Lu Mingfei carefully again. He couldn't see anything special about this little guy, but according to Caesar, this new student really beat him.

"Oh, forget it, your studies will be the most important thing from now on! You must study hard! Do you understand?"

Lu Mingfei nodded repeatedly. He was stared at by Professor Manstein and felt numb.

On the other side of the ocean, the 'Monyach' is moving forward according to plan. The sun was not as bright as usual, which seemed to indicate that something was about to happen.

On the deck, the two old men looked at the undulating river water.

Mance watched Angers hang up the phone and rub his temples, looking distressed.

"Did something happen in the academy?"

"No, it's nothing special. It's just that Manstein sued the children of the academy for leaving the academy in a mess again on "Free Day" and was worried about the maintenance costs."

"Those little guys really don't sit still. The maintenance cost of 'Freedom Day' is getting higher year by year, and it really needs to be renovated." Mance touched his chin, "Kassel College was originally a military fortress. Soldiers They should look like soldiers, and it’s not good for them to be too unrestrained.”

"No, Mance, problems that can be solved with money are not problems," Angers shook his head slightly, "Things like maintenance costs are secondary. I am more concerned about other problems."

"What's the problem?" Mance was a little confused.

"The 'Emperor' doesn't seem to be planning to do anything anymore." Angers said, "I'm thinking about whether to go back to the academy..."


Mance was a little confused. Didn't Angers stay here because he was worried that there would be problems with this mission? The plan was about to be implemented, but he said he wanted to go back to the academy? How did Angers make sure that the 'Emperor' would not take action?

Ange shook his head helplessly. He didn't want to do this either... But he had just confirmed that Xuan Hao had taken Lu Mingfei to the academy.

This means that he does not intend to interfere in China's affairs. The reason why Angers stayed in China was because he was afraid that Xuanhao himself would cause trouble during the mission. However, the other party did not seem to have this intention. As long as Xuanhao did not do it himself, then Angers would There is no point in staying here. The action team sent by the college is not capable of handling ordinary unexpected situations.

Ange is now afraid that this is "driving the tiger away from the mountain". At the moment, he is in China, and Xuan Hao is in his base camp. Although they are exchanging homes, he will not be able to make any waves in China, but Xuan Hao may be able to directly make waves. Go through the entire Kassel Academy! He would never feel at ease unless he stared at this guy with his own eyes.

"Sigh... What a headache." Ange smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Forget it, we are almost at our destination. I'd better go back after the mission is over. It shouldn't take long."

"Ah owe!"

In the dormitory of Kassel College, Xuanhao, who was playing games, rubbed his nose. He couldn't catch a cold with his physique. Someone must be talking about him. Oh, my damn charm.

But if he knew that Angers, a bad old man, was talking about him, he would probably spit it out on the spot.

On the bed next to Xuan Hao, there was a fat and strong man lying on his back and sleeping soundly.

Fingel was running around for a living, staying up late to secretly take photos and make news, and he was already exhausted.

However, there are currently photos of Lu Mingfei and Caesar hugging each other hanging on the 'Night Watch' forum.

The title is 'The forbidden love story between an S-class freshman and the student council president, falling in love and killing each other! ’

Xuan Hao thought that this guy was not afraid of Caesar coming over with a knife and slashing him. Caesar was currently busy dealing with the aftermath of the 'Freedom Day', so he probably hadn't seen this post yet.

When Caesar really comes with the knife, he won't stop him, and he might even help hold Fingel down.

"But why hasn't that guy Lu Mingfei come to the dormitory yet?" Xuan Hao scratched his head, "Isn't he lost? I seem to have forgotten to tell him where the dormitory is."

Lu Mingfei was not lost, but was dragged into ideological education.

After all, he came to the college out of nowhere, and no one even gave him formal freshman guidance.

In fact, the person who should pick him up was not Xuan Hao at all, but his phone call disrupted all the arrangements of the college.

The train that was not supposed to leave originally departed early, and the person who the principal actually arranged to pick up Lu Mingfei was Professor Guderian.

Guderian is a tenured professor at Harvard University, but he has been unable to become a tenured professor at Cassel College after coming to the college for so long because he has not yet successfully trained a student.

The previous Principal Xuan Hao refused to give up to him even if he was beaten to death. Now, with great difficulty, another S-level freshman has arrived, and Professor Guderian shamelessly asks Angers for someone.

But this time, he was lucky. Angers didn't hold on and happily handed the student over to him.

As Lu Mingfei's mentor, he originally planned to pick up Lu Mingfei in person, but he never expected that he would be beaten first again! It was obviously me who came first!

By the time he reacted, Lu Mingfei had already arrived at the academy. He even heard that he had 'killed' Caesar and won the 'Freedom Day'. This was big news. In the past years, the winner of the "Freedom Day" was either the Lionheart Club or the Student Union. This year, something finally changed.

But these are not important. What is important is that he has to quickly establish a good relationship with this cute student. He is now full of confidence in his future. After all, he can defeat Caesar in the first place. This 'S' level of excellence Needless to say, he is very confident that as long as this child graduates successfully, his 'lifelong professor' will not have to run away!

So Professor Guderian saved Lu Mingfei from dire straits.

He shamelessly pulled Lu Mingfei away who was being scolded by Manstein. Manstein would still give him this face. After all, the two of them had grown up and graduated from the same mental hospital. Their relationship was not ordinary. Of iron, how could Manstein bear to watch his 'tenured professor' fly away from his mouth?

Lu Mingfei was enthusiastically brought to the office by Professor Guderian.

He was very confused now. This professor was too enthusiastic towards him, as if he were a relative reunited after a long separation. He not only helped him carry the bench, but also asked him what he liked to drink and arranged it for him immediately.

If it weren't for the fact that this guy was not Chinese at a glance, Lu Mingfei even wondered if this guy was related to him by blood? After all, he already had enough backdoors to come to the academy. It wouldn't be strange to have one or two more. He could accept it. No, it should be said that the more the better! So delicious.

"Child, if you have any questions, just ask. It's time for freshman orientation and I will answer your questions." Professor Guderian rubbed his hands and sat across from Lu Mingfei, like a pyramid scheme leader who deceived people into buying shares.

"Um... I want to ask if the courses in the college are all weird?" Lu Mingfei touched his nose, "The principal asked me to choose his "Introduction to Dragon Genealogy" on the phone. Isn't there something normal in the college? Course?”

"Oh, of course! The college's courses include all the courses in ordinary universities, but you must have understood that the main purpose of our college is to slay dragons!"

Professor Guderian looked directly into Lu Mingfei's eyes, "So the other courses are not particularly important. The major courses are still the special courses of our college, such as the "Dragon Genealogy" and "Dragon and the Spirit" you mentioned. "Technology", "Dragon Bloodline Theory", "Dragon Genetics" and other courses. Of course, in order to facilitate the activities of academy specialists around the world, we have also arranged driving courses for various means of transportation, as well as various language subjects as required courses, among which Chinese is particularly important, but since it is your mother tongue, you can save some energy for studying other courses."

"Huh? Wait, why is Chinese the most important?" Lu Mingfei discovered Hua Dian, "Is it because there are so many people?"

"Son," Professor Guderian looked at him deeply, "I think you should have a little more so-called national self-confidence."

"China is indeed the most populous country in the world, but this is not the key factor. The most important thing is that it is very powerful, and the power contained in it is unfathomable. Maybe you have never thought about how powerful it is, because that was In the dark where you can’t see.”

"In the war of slaying dragons, China played a vital role. In the past, the figures of dragon-slaying warriors all had the shadow of China. But now, in the far east, there is an 'emperor' sitting in charge, even if Ang is Re, as the greatest dragon slayer in our Kassel Academy today, we dare not touch his majesty easily."

"So much?" Lu Mingfei was shocked, "There is an 'Emperor' in this era? Why have I never heard of it?"

"As I said, it's in a place you can't see." Professor Guderian explained, "Just like you would never know that there are dragons in the world if you hadn't come to Cassel College. In a world you don’t know, the war between humans and dragons has been going on for thousands of years. Humans won the ancient war, so they wrote a history without dragons, but every corner of this history There are dragons hidden in them all, and their existence cannot be erased, no matter how reluctant humans are to face it. It is also difficult to cover up the fact that they were once enslaved!"

"Is this... escaping reality?" Lu Mingfei asked hesitantly. In his opinion, doesn't this kind of behavior mean escaping reality? He's good at it.

"It doesn't count, because not all humans have the ability to fight dragons. This secret is too shocking for ordinary people. If it is leaked, it may lead to serious consequences. This is why we need you to sign a confidentiality agreement. ! The secret party has guarded this secret for thousands of years. In the past, countless powerful families with "blood descendants" have shouldered the mission of slaying dragons. They cultivated their descendants into warriors proficient in various technologies, and sent them to the battlefield to slay dragons. Do whatever it takes to bury the Dragon Clan’s resurrection even if the family declines!”

Professor Guderian closed his eyes, "And our Kassel College was established by inheriting their will! We are the only humans in the world who can defeat the dragons - hybrids!"

Guderian opened his eyes, his pupils shining with dazzling gold. Even for an old man like him who looked over fifty years old, his eyes were still full of intimidation to ordinary people.

"Are golden eyes the sign of a mixed race?" Lu Mingfei said, "But I don't have them..."

"That's because you haven't awakened yet. After you pass the 3E exam, you will naturally be like us." Professor Guderian said with a smile. He was full of confidence in the student in front of him. "Now, I officially welcome you to Kas. Sayre College, Lu Mingfei!"

"Any other questions?"

"Yes," Lu Mingfei thought for a moment, "Although I almost know about the existence of dragons, what I want to ask is, you... what should we use to fight against that... powerful existence, technology? "

Lu Mingfei recalled the giant dragon that Xuan Hao took him to see in the Well of Oblivion. Could it really be defeated by human power?

"That's a good question," Professor Guderian said with a smile on his face. The student in front of him looked eager to learn, which made him feel more at ease. "You guessed half of it right."


"Yes, we can indeed rely on technology to fight against the dragons now, but have you ever thought about it? How did people fight against the dragons in the past?"

"..." Lu Mingfei was silent, "Could it be a super power?"

This was the only answer he could think of. Even the Dragon Clan had it, and after seeing the inhuman skills of Chu Zihang and Caesar, he felt that it was not surprising that someone with super powers would appear now.

"Superpowers?" Professor Guderian smiled, "You can say that, but it's not accurate. Do you remember the courses I mentioned?"

"'Dragon and the Spiritual Art'?" Lu Mingfei suddenly realized.

"Smart!" Guderian looked like a coward. Now he looked at Lu Mingfei more and more. If he had a daughter, he might find a way to give it to him.

"Word Spirits are the basis for the strength of dragons and hybrids! The stronger the bloodline of hybrids, the stronger the Word Spirits! Humans used to rely on this to fight dragons, but Word Spirits have their limits after all, and facing the Dragon King level of existence, the effect of the spirit is not ideal. In the past, we were able to defeat the dragons mostly by relying on the accumulation of lives..." A trace of disappointment flashed in Guderian's eyes, "But with the current technology, we can face the I am more sure of the Dragon Clan!"

"Can I also have a voice?" Lu Mingfei asked, "But my dad and my mom..."

His question suddenly froze him. He used to think that his parents were just ordinary people, but now that he understood the situation, everything made sense. What a bullshit archaeologist! Such a mysterious thing is really not as simple as archeology! If he guessed correctly, his parents would probably be of mixed race in this academy, and their level would not be low! Otherwise, how could we open the back door for him?

"Of course you will also have a word spirit. You will definitely have it after you awaken your bloodline," Professor Guderian said with a smile. "Your parents are both mixed race, and their class is very high! The reason why you are rated as 'S' The level is not without reason, there is no doubt about your bloodline, child!”

Professor Guderian became more and more excited as he spoke, as if he was the one with such a powerful bloodline. This made Lu Mingfei a little overwhelmed. I said to myself, Professor, what are you so excited about? I haven't even recovered yet! He, a good mammal boy who grew up under a red flag, is about to turn into a reptile. He is now in the largest reptile museum in the world. There are even specimens of ancient dragons in it, which is not too exciting.

"What levels are Caesar and Chu Zihang? In addition to S level, are there any higher bloodlines?" Lu Mingfei suddenly asked.

This was the biggest doubt in his mind. If he could be called an S-class, then there would probably be S-class everywhere.

"Caesar and Chu Zihang's bloodline assessments are both A-level." Guderian said, "Theoretically, there should be no higher level above S-level. The level of bloodline depends on the purity and the proportion of dragon blood in the body. It is also a factor that determines the bloodline. Generally speaking, it cannot exceed 50%, otherwise it will be gradually transformed by the dragon blood into a follower of the dragon clan and no longer a human. Then it will be judged as a dangerous bloodline by the secret party. "

"The consequences of dangerous bloodline are..."

"Erase." Professor Guderian said expressionlessly.

"I... didn't exceed it, right?" Lu Mingfei trembled.

"Of course! More than 50% of people will not be admitted to the academy." Guderian said, "Son, your bloodline is very excellent, and there are only a handful of them."

"Really..." Lu Mingfei was ashamed.

He is getting more and more confused now. Is he an S-class? It doesn't look right no matter how you look at it. If you want to say that Xuan Hao is S-level, then Thaksin believes that in his opinion, Chu Zihang and Caesar are not at the same level as Xuan Hao, and he and Chu Zihang are also not at the same level. of.

The gap between the same S-class can't be so big, right? Lu Mingfei felt that even if he could really awaken some bloodline as Professor Guderian said, he would still not be able to reach the level of Xuan Hao, who was a ruthless man who could challenge a giant dragon alone! He felt that it would not be enough if he went up to give the dragon a tooth as a sacrifice. As expected, people cannot generalize.

Lu Mingfei's outlook on life suffered a severe blow in a short period of time, and he was stunned. In the end, even he himself didn't know if he was living in a dream.

So, he gave up thinking.

After asking where his dormitory was, he prepared to go back to the dormitory first. Professor Guderian told him to have a good rest when he went back, because the 3E exam seemed to be going on soon, and he was quite pressed for time, so he told him to take a good rest. Prepare for it, but he doesn’t even know what the test is about! How to prepare?

Book friend 20200205180734114 rewarded "Questions Starting from the Dragon Clan"

Thanks to: Bookworm Zhang San, Niu Lanshan, Jiu Bu Yui, Aoxue Wuqing, Book Friends 20200409195203870, Book Friends 20210301174453917, Broken Sword Lao Lao Lord Feng Bujue, Jia Deo Great Emperor’s reward

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