A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 160 153. Spiritual Vision (8k please subscribe)

Chapter 160 153. Spiritual Vision (8k please subscribe)

Lu Mingfei found his seat and sat down.

I don’t know when, the test papers have been placed on the desktops of each candidate. Lu Mingfei reacted and looked at Xuan Hao, finding that he had found an empty spot and lay down to sleep.

As Lu Mingfei expected, the test paper was blank, except for the place where the name was written.

He had been mentally prepared and of course he was not panicking, but compared to other students, his calmness was a bit outstanding.

The students around them all looked at each other. Such a blank test paper was unexpected. Some people raised their hands to ask if there was a problem with the printing of the test paper.

But Professor Manstein just shook his head and said there was no problem, "There are no problems in the test paper. You can discuss it during the exam, but plagiarism of other people's answers is not allowed."

The students looked left and right, trying to get useful information from other people's faces, but most of them looked confused. There weren't even any questions in this exam, so how could they discuss the answers?

Lu Mingfei was the only one who was quite calm. He looked around and found that there were surveillance cameras in all corners. The students sitting in the center were being monitored from 360 degrees. In fact, there was no need for a proctor at all.

Originally, it was true that there was no need for an invigilator to invigilate the exam indoors, but in the last 3E exam, Xuan Hao just opened the door and left. At that time, the examiner was standing outside the door and had no room to stop him, so this time in order to prevent If the students cause any trouble, the examiner will monitor the whole process.

And the deputy examiner this time is Xuan Hao, no one can do anything in front of him. Of course, if there is a student who is better than him, it will be too late for the college to be happy. What is the loss of some equipment?

There were still a few minutes left before the exam started. Lu Mingfei stared out the window in a daze. Today was another day full of hope.

The sun shines on Lu Mingfei's face through the window glass, making him almost feel like he has woken up from his trance. Today is considered the 'entrance exam' of Cassel College, and it is also the day when he officially integrates into this college. .

The weather was nice, which was a good sign, and Caesar also came to give him gifts, which made him flattered. He touched the keys in his trouser pocket and looked at the Bugatti Veyron parked downstairs through the window. Lu Mingfei felt that after all, he still To become the person you hate the most, you really can't help yourself in the world.

I originally thought that as a country bumpkin, I would have a hard time coming to the United States, but unexpectedly I did very well. Now he is probably at the peak of his life. As for whether he will be brought back to his original form in the future, it depends on Fingel and Xuanhao. Reliable or not.

"Okay, students, now the exam officially begins. Please turn off your mobile phones and put your student ID cards and other items not related to the exam on the corner of the table."

Professor Manstein's voice brought Lu Mingfei back to reality, and he reacted by placing all the 'irrelevant' things on his body on the corner of the table.

Even he himself didn't notice how handsome he was casually throwing the keys of the Bugatti Veyron to the corner of the table.

Of course, most people who pay attention to this key know that it was given to him by Caesar just downstairs, but its meaning is intriguing, because the bet on this car is an additional bet between Chu Zihang and Caesar, Few people would know why Caesar would give such an expensive gift to a freshman who had just arrived at the academy, unless there was some special relationship between them.

Lu Mingfei was a little embarrassed by the stares, but he noticed that some people didn't seem to pay much attention to him.

Like the petite girl at the front table.

It's not that Lu Mingfei is confident. He knows very well that he should be the focus of attention among his classmates now. It's really not because of how good he is, but because he has too much aura attached to him. He is just a title that is destined to be an 'S'-level student. It was already attractive enough, not to mention that he also won the 'Free Day', and Caesar personally sent him a car today, so it was strange that he didn't receive any attention.

Lu Mingfei noticed that this girl seemed to be quite eye-catching. This girl was as delicate as a porcelain doll. It was summer now, maybe she felt a little stuffy. The girl took off her school uniform jacket and put it on the chair, wearing a It was a pure white low-necked T-shirt, and Lu Mingfei could clearly see the skin on her neck that was so white that it felt cold.

Don't ask him why he pays attention to these strange places. As an adolescent boy, what's wrong with seeing such a place? Isn't it normal? And he looked at it with appreciation and had absolutely no other thoughts. He would look at this girl and feel that he seemed to know this girl.

Although he had seen only a handful of blond girls in his eighteen years of life.

Lu Mingfei swallowed his saliva. This girl exuded an aura that would keep strangers away. Her platinum hair, which was so light that it was almost pure white, was braided and tied into a bun on the top of her head. She looked like a noble lady. The ice and snow princess has a unique temperament, which is completely different from other girls.

She was special. For some reason, Lu Mingfei always felt this way in his heart.

The environment suddenly darkened, and the black curtain silently lowered from the carved wooden window mezzanine. All the windows were sealed, blocking out the sunlight.

Lu Mingfei had never heard of anyone having to answer questions in the dark during their exams!

Everyone in the examination room looked at each other.

"Now, the 'discipline' that enveloped the academy has been lifted." Professor Guderian's voice sounded.

After receiving the prompt, the candidates invariably lit up their golden eyes.

This made Lu Mingfei feel very embarrassed. Why do you all have your own lighting but I don't? This is not fair!

"Now you can start answering the questions."

Professor Manstein's voice rang out in the dim examination room. At this time, there were probably only three people in the entire classroom with golden eyes.

Professor Manstein, Xuan Hao, and Lu Mingfei.

There is no need for Professor Manstein. He does not need to answer the questions. He only needs to see clearly the movement of each pair of eyes in the dark. No one can see his expression at this time, and no one can know who he is looking at.

And Xuan Hao...he probably won't wake up until the exam is over.

As for Lu Mingfei, he couldn't light up the golden eyes at all. He felt that his 'S' class face would be lost.

But when he saw that the people around him had golden eyes, but their eyes were full of confusion, he felt a little proud. His eyes were so bright, weren't they? Are you stunned because you don’t know how to answer the questions?

Just when Lu Mingfei was picking up his pen and preparing to answer the questions, the Boeing system in the classroom suddenly played music.

Then the whole world changed.

"During the exam, music mixed with 'Word Spirit Emperor' will be played. The hybrid will produce a 'spiritual vision' effect when it resonates. There may be some chaos at the scene. Brother Shi, you have to protect yourself."

Lu Mingfei suddenly remembered Fingel's instructions. Now he finally understood what "some confusion" meant. Are you sure this is not a lunatic asylum?

Each of these people looked like they were suffering from epilepsy, which made his scalp numb.

"Hey...be quiet during the exam."

A cold voice sounded in the darkness.

Lu Mingfei turned around and looked over. It was too dark and he couldn't see the man's face clearly, but that location was exactly where Xuan Hao slept, and there was no one else but him.

Lu Mingfei thought Xuan Hao was just woken up from his sleep and complained, but to his surprise, these guys seemed to have really calmed down.

Although they have not completely returned to normal, there are various expressions in their eyes, and their faces are still full of struggle, but they are much restrained.

That's good, he can answer questions with peace of mind.

Lu Mingfei quietly rolled up his sleeves. On his arm was a cheat sheet he had typed up. He had no choice but to do so. His memory was really limited. It was impossible for him to memorize eight pictures in one day, so he had to give it to him. Got some 'tips' myself, he's a genius.

As for what the examiner said about cheating? That only counts as cheating if you get caught!

Lu Mingfei picked up his pen and started writing and drawing on the white paper.

Professor Manstein watched everything happening in the classroom calmly.

It seems that the new 'S' class is indeed very special. He watched Lu Mingfei's movements with interest. The speed at which this child answered the questions was simply amazing, even faster than Xuan Hao's speed during the last 3E exam. If you want to be quick, well, Xuan Hao didn't answer the question at all, but only drew a picture at the end.

In comparison, Lu Mingfei's writing was like a divine aid. While others were still struggling with their spiritual vision, he had already finished drawing eight test papers and fell asleep on the table.

Manstein looked at Lu Mingfei with black lines on his head, and then at Xuan Hao, who was also sleeping in the corner.

Is this an 'S' class? What a virtue! Those who didn’t know thought they could connect in dreams.

But besides Lu Mingfei, there was another student who deserved attention. Professor Manstein noticed the new student from Russia. It was said that the college suddenly discovered and specially recruited him, and he had a very good pedigree.

You can tell from her performance at this moment that she is really special.

'Quiet' was the only word that could be used to describe her current state.

This girl was so eerily quiet, with no sparkle in her eyes, that she answered the questions quietly, as if she were taking an ordinary exam, and the test paper in her hand was just an insignificant quiz to her. She was shocked. She couldn't bear the slightest commotion in her heart, and couldn't even frown.

However, she did not answer questions at an exaggerated speed like Lu Mingfei. She just answered the questions normally. After finishing the answer, she sat quietly, as well-behaved as a ceramic doll.

"Brother, long time no see."

Lu Mingfei raised his head, and he saw that the person on the seat in front of him had changed. It was originally the petite blond girl, but now it turned into the boy who claimed to be his brother! Fortunately, this guy wasn't wearing women's clothes, but looking at the boy's handsome face, he thought it might be appropriate for him to wear women's clothes.

"Brother, don't have such strange thoughts."

The boy looked at Lu Mingfei with a smile. He sat back on the chair, swaying on his feet wearing small leather shoes, and seemed to be in a good mood.

"You read my mind again." Lu Mingfei complained, "What are you here for this time?"

"Brother's thoughts are written on his face, so you don't have to read your mind at all." The boy smiled, "And this time it's not me who comes to you, but you who come to me! Honestly, if brother can come to me, It makes me very happy.”

"What? When did I take the initiative to look for you? Why do I look for you?" Lu Mingfei looked confused.

"Brother, haven't you noticed yet?"

Lu Mingze got down from his seat, with a faint smile on his face. He came to the window, the sun shone on him, and the boy shone like an angel bathing in the sun.

Lu Mingfei finally came to his senses. The world suddenly lit up. The windows of this classroom should have been covered by black curtains, but now there was sunlight coming through.

"Here is your 'spiritual vision', brother!" Lu Mingze opened his arms, "Everyone's 'spiritual vision' is different, but there are things in common. They will all be in their own 'spiritual vision' See the things you want to see most, such as relatives, lovers, and even enemies! I am honored to appear in my brother's 'spiritual vision', so I am very happy."

"No, no, no, you are too happy too early," Lu Mingfei complained, "How do you know how I feel when I see you? What if you are an enemy?"

"Impossible brother," Lu Mingze smiled and shook his head, "I will never be my enemy until the end of the world."

"You should say this to a girl. It's too disgusting and I can't stand it." Lu Mingfei shook his head crazily.

"Huh? Brother, I am the person who loves you the most in the world." Lu Mingze looked a little aggrieved.

"Don't do this, who knows what you have in mind?" Lu Mingfei said.

"It's not my inner thoughts, brother, our minds are connected," Lu Mingze said, "It's like I can feel what you are thinking."

"But I don't know what you think?"

"You have to ask yourself this," Lu Mingze tilted his head, "What did my brother want to do when he called me over for the first time? And for what purpose?"

"I told you I don't want to see you!" Lu Mingfei retorted.

"No, everyone will have something they want and want to do, but it may still be hidden deep in your heart and you can't even notice it." Lu Mingze stretched out his finger and poked Lu Mingfei's cheek. Chest.

I don't know when, this boy has been in front of Lu Mingfei, his finger poked Lu Mingfei and felt heartache.

"What do I want to do...?" Lu Mingfei said to himself.

Finally, he shook his head, "I don't know..."

"Human beings are very stupid things, and so are you. The only difference between you and them is that you deliberately make yourself stupid." Lu Mingze said lightly, "But it doesn't matter, this world is like this, there will always be people or things , they will force you to make a choice, and when that time comes, you must do it even if you don’t want to admit it. It sounds cruel, right? "

Lu Mingfei did not answer, but just lowered his head. The sunlight did not shine on his face. At this moment, even Lu Mingze couldn't see his expression clearly. "It is very cruel, but I can't go back."

"It doesn't matter if you can't find the goal. It doesn't matter if you don't know what to do. I just need to keep moving forward, right?" Lu Mingfei raised his head and stared at the boy in front of him. "As long as I don't make myself regret it, that's it. Bar?"

"No, brother, this is not enough." Lu Mingze shook his head slightly, "What you are about to face is far more cruel than you imagined."

"Is it more cruel than if I go back and continue to be a waste, accept my fate as a waste, and then live my life like a monkey?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"you are wrong."

A voice sounded from behind Lu Mingfei, "What is cruel is not fate, but that after you know your fate, you are unable to change it."

Lu Mingfei turned around suddenly.

He saw Xuan Hao standing behind him. He once again saw this man's eyes were different from usual ones. His cold and emotionless eyes made him unable to feel that the man who usually took good care of him was different from the guy in front of him. the same person.

"Wait a minute..." Lu Mingfei seemed to realize something, "Isn't this my 'spiritual vision'? Why do you appear here too?"

"It means you have me in your heart." Xuan Hao had a kind smile on his face, as if he had returned to his usual state.

"No, no, no, God has you in his heart!" Lu Mingfei was going crazy. According to Lu Mingze, spiritual vision will see the people or things he cares about most deep in his heart. In this way, he cares about the most. It's actually a man? There are two of them!

"Oh my god, I don't really like men..." Even he himself doubted whether he was abnormal.

"Brother, do you want to see your own destiny?" Lu Mingze asked.

"Huh?" Lu Mingfei turned his head in confusion. But he found that Lu Mingze was not looking at him.

The boy raised his head and stared at the sun outside the window. The sunlight shone on his face, and there seemed to be a glimmer of light. Lu Mingfei knew they were tears. The boy didn't seem to want them to flow down, but he didn't understand why. Will shed tears suddenly.

Lu Mingfei felt his heart being held by an invisible hand, and the heartache made him gasp for breath. Endless sadness inexplicably welled up in his heart. The sadness with despair spewed out and drowned him in an instant.

Lu Mingfei felt that the whole world had become twisted and dark, and the ground began to twist, sucking him into the ground, as if it were swallowing him up like quicksand. He lost his balance and began to fall.

He struggled to grab something and asked the two people next to him for help.

But Xuanhao looked at him indifferently. Lu Mingze was waving goodbye to him, with no expression on his face.

Everything around him disappeared, leaving only endless darkness and the deepest loneliness.

He could feel that he was still falling, and he didn't know when it would end.

"Is this my destiny?" Lu Mingfei felt a little sad, "The future is really bleak..."


Lu Mingfei's head hit the table, and a loud noise broke the silence in the exam.

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

The exam is over. What happened to this person? Sleepwalking?

Lu Mingfei was covered in cold sweat. He felt that he finally stopped falling, and finally fell to the bottom of the endless abyss, shattered to pieces.

But in a blink of an eye, he found that he was back to reality, and the pain was only in his head.

He rubbed his dazed head and looked around. Professor Manstein was collecting the test papers. The exam seemed to be over. Did he fall asleep again?

"Are you awake?" Professor Manstein walked up to him holding the test paper.

"Uh... um." Lu Mingfei said subconsciously, "Is the exam over?"

"Yes, if I hadn't seen that you had already completed the test paper, I would have thought you had given up on the exam." Professor Manstein stretched out his hand, "Hand in the paper!"

"oh oh!"

Only then did Lu Mingfei realize that the test paper was being pressed by his hand and Professor Manstein could not take it away.

He picked up the test paper and took a look at it, and found that there was even his own drool on it... It looked like he was sleeping soundly.

"Do you want a final confirmation?" Professor Manstein asked.

"Oh, no need..."

It was copied anyway, Lu Mingfei muttered in his heart.

"Okay." Professor Manstein took the test paper and counted it, "There are nine in total, right? It seems that you answered well."

Although the 3E exam is not about who can answer more questions, it is definitely an advantage to be able to answer so many questions.

"Wait! Nine...nine pictures?" Lu Mingfei's head was buzzing, "Professor, are you counting correctly?"

"Huh?" Professor Manstein counted again, "One, two, three..."

"Yes, there are nine." Professor Manstein sorted out the test papers and confirmed again.

"Ah, please wait a moment, let me take a last look..."

Lu Mingfei took back the stack of test papers in Professor Manstein's hand.

"Okay, but no more changes can be made now," said Professor Manstein.


Lu Mingfei looked at his answer sheet. Well, he was indeed the one to draw it. The first eight children's simple drawings were in line with his own standards. They were definitely right. But when he saw the last drawing, he was stunned. .

This...was drawn by me? This painting does not exist in his memory at all. Lu Mingfei can't remember when he painted this painting, but the notes are indeed his. I won't be sleepwalking, right?

"Have you finished reading?"

Professor Manstein reminded.

"Oh, um!"

Lu Mingfei blankly handed him the answer sheet again.

"Since there is no problem, let's go back and wait for the results." Professor Manstein sealed all the answer sheets and left the exam.

What do you mean by no problem... This is a big problem! Lu Mingfei complained in his heart, but he should be able to pass the exam, right? I have already copied all my answers, so the extra one is just a bonus at best. But can I really draw that well?

Lu Mingfei never realized that he had a talent for painting.

"Let's go, it's dinner time."

Xuan Hao leaned against the door and waved to Lu Mingfei.

Only then did Lu Mingfei realize that it was almost noon when the exam ended.

"Senior brother...I didn't do anything weird during the exam, right?"

"How do I know?" Xuan Hao said seriously, "I sleep harder than you."

"Then we just..." Lu Mingfei wanted to ask if they had connected in a dream.

"Nothing happened just now, and you didn't know anything." Xuan Hao put his hand on Lu Mingfei's shoulder, "Do you understand?"

"Understood! You must understand!" Feeling the strength on his shoulders, Lu Mingfei shivered.

"Very good, little boy can be taught."

Xuan Hao smiled and led the way, "Let's go, you haven't been to the college cafeteria yet, right?"

"Yes, yes." You are right. Lu Mingfei followed him obediently.

To be honest, he was curious as to why this senior brother would go to the cafeteria even though he was so rich.

But when he arrived at the college cafeteria, there was no doubt.

How the hell does this look like a canteen? Sure enough, it was the poverty that once limited Lu Mingfei's imagination.

He originally thought that Shilan High School, as an aristocratic college, had a decent cafeteria, but compared with this place, it was simply shameless.

The cafeteria of Kassel College is like a cathedral from the age of knights, filled with a classical and upper-class atmosphere.

Xuan Hao led Lu Mingfei into the cafeteria. A huge crystal tree-shaped chandelier hung on the curved dome. Each 'leaf' was a finely carved crystal lamp, like a huge work of art. No, It might really be a work of art, just displayed in the cafeteria. With the financial resources of Kassel College, it is not impossible.

Fingel had already ordered a meal and was waiting for the two of them in the cafeteria. As soon as he saw the two of them walking in, he stood up and waved. He had no 'aristocratic' temperament at all, and it was quite a sight in a restaurant like this. Lu Mingfei felt a little embarrassed.

But Xuanhao didn't seem to care much about other people's eyes, and very calmly led Lu Mingfei to the dining table and sat down.

"Can't you change the dishes?" Xuan Hao glanced at the dishes on the table, and his head was full of black lines, "If you eat any more, you will almost turn into a roasted pork knuckle!"

"No, no, no, the roasted pork knuckles are provided for free, so don't take them for free~" Fingel said confidently, "And it's limited to me."

He seemed to be very great when he said this, sharing his limited supply of pork knuckles with two people was simply selfless.

"I..." Xuan Hao felt tired. He felt that he should not let Fingel take the order, "Where is the meal money I gave you? Are you just going to keep it for your own pocket?"

"No, no, no, junior brother, look, I also ordered side dishes," Fingel pointed to the kimchi next to him, "I know you two are Chinese, so I ordered kimchi. I remember that the Chinese have their own home-made kimchi. Are you used to making pickles? Do you miss this taste?"

"Kimchi...is free of charge, right?" Lu Mingfei asked weakly.

"Nonsense, of course I know it's free!" Xuan Hao almost flipped the table over, "Waiter."

"Yes, sir, do you need anything?" The waiter on the side came over with a strange expression.

"Pack the pig knuckles for this person, and then give me two of the best set meals, thank you." Xuan Hao handed over his student ID card.

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waiter took the student ID card and left respectfully.

In addition to cash and credit cards, the remaining payment methods in the cafeteria of Kassel College are to directly use student ID cards to pay. Xuan Hao and Lu Mingfei's student ID cards basically don't have to worry about any food problems. Of course, with Fingel'F ' level authority, the canteen has put him on the blacklist, and he can only pay in cash. Even the pork knuckles that were supposed to be free are limited in supply to him, which is quite pitiful when you think about it.

"Wait, why two portions? Aren't there three of us, junior brother!" Fingel said with a sad face.

"Go back to your dormitory and enjoy your favorite pork knuckle." Xuan Hao said expressionlessly.

"No, junior brother!" Fingel tried to struggle and winked frantically at Lu Mingfei next to him for help.

Lu Mingfei could only express his condolences and secretly hid his student ID card.

The two waiters carried two exquisite German-style lunches and placed them directly in front of Xuan Hao and Lu Mingfei in an elegant manner, without giving Fingel any chance.

"Junior brother, you will lose me if you do this." Fingel looked at the pork knuckle in front of him, and then at the feast opposite him, "Junior brother Ming Fei, you shouldn't be able to finish all this, right?"

"Um..." Lu Mingfei looked at the things in front of him. Is there much?

There are really not many. Kassel College is a college named after the Kassel family, and Kassel is a German surname. Most of the dishes here are German dishes.

But in Germany, we don’t actually pay much attention to lunch. The most sumptuous thing in Germany is not lunch and dinner, but breakfast. Compared with the richness of breakfast, lunch generally emphasizes efficiency.

Most lunches in Germany are real fast food, so although it is the best set meal, it is actually just a more exquisite fast food.

The platter of schnitzel, potatoes and salad looks elegant and refined, and paired with a drink, it satisfies nutrition without being wasteful.

To be honest, Lu Mingfei thinks pork knuckle might be better?

But after he took a bite, he found that there was still a difference. Sure enough, the taste was incomparable... Free things have their own reasons for being free.

"Hey..." Lu Mingfei reluctantly took out his student ID card and called the waiter next to him, "Well, could you please give him one too?"

The kind-hearted Lu Mingfei looked at Fingel's pleading eyes but could not be cruel after all.

"Junior brother, I love you so much!"

"Why is it a cutlet set meal?" Lu Mingfei asked while cutting the cutlets on the plate, "Shouldn't a high-end place like this have a higher-end set meal?"

"This is always the college cafeteria, junior brother." Fingel said, "Although Kassel College is in the United States, the surname Kassel is from Germany, and it was the most powerful dragon-slaying family in Germany, so the dining style It’s also in accordance with German custom. I just made a reservation a long time ago to find pickles for you.”

"So, you are quite attentive?" Lu Mingfei was speechless. Why did he feel that this guy was fooling him again?

"Of course!" Fingel said, "You are my dear roommates and junior brothers."

"Speaking of which..." Lu Mingfei had another new question, "Why would a German family open a college to the United States?"

"Oh, junior brother, this is a tricky question." Fingel nodded, "But the answer is actually very simple, because Principal Angers is an American."

"????" Lu Mingfei didn't understand, "No, didn't you say this is a college run by the Cassel family? How could it be opened to the United States according to the principal's wishes? I remember that Principal Angers' surname is not Cassel. Serge..."

Lu Mingfei clearly remembered that when he greeted the principal at the airport that day, Nono told him that the principal's name was Hilbert Jean Angers!

"Who told you that if it's called Cassel College, it must be opened by the Cassel family?" Fingel said seriously, "Everyone in the Cassel family has died long ago. How can anyone come to open a college?"

"All dead?"

"Yes, they are all dead." Xuan Hao suddenly interrupted, "What a pity."

Thanks to: Book Friends 20210625004957104, Yang Longjie, and Bookworm Zhang San for their rewards

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