A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 161 154. City of Bronze (8k please subscribe)

Chapter 161 154. City of Bronze (8k please subscribe)

"It's a pity..." Lu Mingfei said, "They are considered the strongest dragon-slaying family after all, right? Is this academy used to commemorate them? So they should have made great achievements in history?"

"No, what I said is a pity is not because of their achievements." Xuan Hao smiled softly.

"Why is that?" Lu Mingfei was puzzled.

"that is because……"

Just when Xuan Hao was about to explain, a radio sound interrupted him.

"Please note, first-year students, please note that the scheduled courses have been temporarily canceled due to the instructor's performance of tasks outside. The canceled courses are "Magic Mechanics" and "Dragon Family Genealogy" tomorrow morning. The two instructors will discuss the first chapter of the course. The handout will be sent to your email address, please prepare it yourself." Norma's voice echoed in the restaurant.

"???" Lu Mingfei looked confused, "Isn't this... school just started? The teacher skipped class on the first day? Two classes in a row? Show off!"

""Magic Mechanics" and "Dragon Family Genealogy"?" Xuan Hao asked, "Which two people's classes are they?"

This was different from what he remembered. He remembered that there seemed to be only one person who let go of students because of his mission.

"Professor Rundstedt and Principal Angers must be on a mission in China." Fingel didn't even look up while eating. He felt that Xuan Hao should know.

"Ange..." Xuan Hao pondered for a moment, "Hasn't he returned to the academy yet? I thought he should have come back long ago."

Originally, Angers was supposed to just go to China to inspect the progress and then return to the academy. He shouldn't be personally involved in this mission. It seems that Angers has become more cautious? Are you afraid that I will cause trouble? Tsk, Xuan Hao smacked his lips in disdain. He had no intention of causing trouble, but why do you not trust me so much? If you don't cause trouble in this way, you'll feel sorry for them. What about trust between people?

"This mission seems to be quite important," Fingel said. "Principal Angers probably doesn't feel comfortable leaving it to others."

"Mission?" Lu Mingfei was puzzled, "If I remember correctly... the mission of this academy is... to slay the dragon?"

"I don't know." Fingel shook his head. "Although it is a survey mission, there is no guarantee that a battle will really break out. Just like last semester."

"Last semester?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Yes, last semester, Chu Zihang and his team went out to carry out an investigation mission, but unfortunately, they happened to encounter an awakened dragon," Fingel said. "You should be able to find it if you go to the college forum and browse. The one who killed that dragon was the big boss sitting next to you now. If he hadn't arrived in time, the entire exploration team would have been wiped out."

Fingel said and pointed at Xuan Hao, "Why don't you hug your thighs quickly?"


Lu Mingfei took out his mobile phone and flipped through the 'Night Watch' forum. Sure enough, there was a title that said, 'S' level commissioner successfully defeated the next generation species. The next generation species probably refers to dragons, right? This reminded him of the dragon corpse he saw underground when Xuan Hao took him underground the day he first came to the academy.

"What is the approximate level of the next generation?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Emm... Is it probably the level of warm-up exercise?" Xuan Hao thought for a moment and answered seriously.

"Pfft!" Fingel sprayed a sip of drink on Lu Mingfei opposite.

"Junior brother, don't be fooled by him!" Fingel wiped his mouth, "The lowest level of dragons is Deadpool. These guys have almost no self-awareness and their strengths vary, but most of them are better than becoming Deadpool. It was much stronger before.”

"Becoming a deadpool?" Lu Mingfei wiped his face.

"Yes, the person who gave you the freshman guidance should have told you that the proportion of blood in a mixed race generally cannot exceed 50%." Finger said, "because once it exceeds, it will become a bloodline. Devour it and turn it into an unconscious Deadpool!"

"Then...am I not in danger?" Lu Mingfei was a little panicked. He remembered that he seemed to be an 'S' class. Will he become a super deadpool after his transformation?

"Okay," Fingel said, "Look at the guy next to you. He's fine. How could something happen to you? And if the bloodline is unstable, the academy usually won't accept you."

"Am I an ordinary person who uses the back door..." Lu Mingfei complained helplessly, "What about Deadpool?"

"The next generation, there are also the Dragon Kings, known as the four great monarchs, and the legendary 'god' Black King Nidhogg!" Fingel said.

"To add, there is also the White King," Xuan Hao said expressionlessly, "It is said that Nidhogg created the White King and the Four Monarchs, but the White King is just stronger than the Four Monarchs. To be honest, I don't I understand very well why he would create an existence that could threaten him, and he was killed like a fool in the end."

"Ahem...Junior brother, I'm going too far." Fingel said with a smile, "How do we know how dragons have brains? But it's a good thing for us that they kill each other."

"Killing each other?" Lu Mingfei murmured to himself. It seems that the world is much more complicated than he imagined.

At this time, it was late at night in China, which was more than a dozen time zones away.

The tugboat 'Monyach' was trembling in the storm in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, as if it would be beaten to death by a wave at any time. Human technology looked like this in the face of the power of nature.

The world seemed to be angry. The originally gentle Yangtze River became violent and crazy in the storm. The rain mixed with the river water was picked up by the strong wind and slapped on the hull.

All other ships have docked at the shore, and only the Monyach dared to challenge the power of nature on the restless water. It was swaying in the wind and rain, crumbling at any time, but still safe and sound.

Because the people on this ship are not ordinary people, they are the elites among the elites, and are not afraid of any challenges.

Professor Mans Rundstedt is also the captain of this ship. At this moment, he is personally controlling the tugboat in the cockpit to ensure that it will not be overturned by the violent storm. His face is serious, and he has no choice but to face such a storm. Fortunately, Angers was also on the boat at the moment, so he could concentrate on driving without having to think about other tasks.

The strong wind and rain beat wildly on the front window of the cockpit, and then exploded. The hull was swaying, and the feet of the two old men in the cabin seemed to be stuck to the deck. Nothing could shake them.

There was a faint cry of a baby in the back cabin, and Mance frowned, "Ange, can you take care of the baby? The baby always cries. This is not a good sign. Doesn't anyone among us understand this?"

"How can I take care of children?" Angers smiled, "Do you think I am a person with children? It's not like you don't know the rules of the Enforcement Department. Most of the people who come are single. If you have children, People won’t let them take risks here.”

"Hell, when did the Executive Department become so reasonable? Aren't they all a bunch of lunatics?" Mance said.

"Come on, we are also members of the executive department." Angers said.

"Shit, I'm just hanging out, part-time job, you know? Part-time job!" Mance put out the cigar in his hand, "Besides, I'm a married person, aren't you envious?"

"I'm so envious!" Angers said angrily, "Leave the steering to me and you go take care of the child."

"Okay." Mance glanced at Angers, "I'm going to see what's going on with the babies. But don't you have to keep an eye on their condition?"

Mance and Anger exchanged hands. He looked at the busy figures of the commissioners in the control room next to them. Everyone was waiting for the news. Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki had been in the water for a while.

"You have to trust our commissioner," Angers said, "and you have to trust me."


Although he agreed in this way, Mance still felt uneasy. There was always an ominous premonition in his heart. Because this heavy rain was so abnormal, it reminded him of the ice sea in Greenland ten years ago... Even if Angers was here, he was still worried, because even Angers couldn't save those commissioners ten years ago.

He walked to the control room and said hello, "Selma, what's going on?"

"Professor, don't worry, there is nothing unusual at the moment." The girl sitting in front of the monitor replied without looking back. She was about twenty-three or four years old, with black hair, a typical Latin beauty appearance, and was wearing Kassel College uniform. Customized combat uniforms.

Thelma was very focused and seemed to be on task, meticulous.

"Continue to monitor and don't let go of any clues."

Mance said something and walked towards the back cabin. There was a very small child in the back cabin, a baby to be precise. Originally, it was impossible for such a mission to carry such a burden, but they had no choice. This child is the key - the 'key' - that opens the door.

The only 'key' of Kassel Academy has a higher bloodline than Chu Zihang after the violent bloodshed, but it is much more stable than Chu Zihang. Bringing him here this time requires the use of his ability, 'key' 's blood can open the 'doors' in many places, and the diving specialists will always be prepared.

Below the water surface of the Yangtze River.

At a depth of more than fifty meters, compared to the majestic waves on the river surface, it is much calmer. It can be described as "silent".

I don’t know why, no matter what kind of waves are happening above, there seems to be no way to affect this place.

The dim light of the underwater searchlight on Ye Sheng's forehead shone forward through the dim river water. Such light was like an insignificant firefly in the deep water. He could only see things very close.

If it weren't for the safety ropes attached to him and Aki, he would even worry that the two would get separated.

Ye Sheng and Aki Shutoku are the best underwater operations specialists at Kassel College, not because of how strong they are, but because of their tacit understanding and ability to read each other's thoughts from one look.

This is very important in underwater operations. Excessive verbal communication will only consume meaningless oxygen and reduce task error tolerance.

Today is their twenty-seventh underwater mission, but they don't know what is waiting for them ahead.

Ye Sheng walked in front, leading Jiude Aji forward very cautiously. Even Principal Anger came to this mission. Of course he knew what this meant, so he had to be more cautious.

He didn't want any accidents to happen, and he didn't want any accidents to happen to Shutoku Aki.

This is selfishness, and it should not be done in the first place. This is why the discipline of the enforcement department strictly prohibits male-female feelings between people who cooperate underwater, because when it comes to life and death, such feelings are fatal.

This rule was set ten years ago because it was a mistake made by the Executive Department. The lessons of Greenland’s ice and sea made them remember it deeply. No one knows what happened in that operation, but Anyone with any brains can probably guess that the result is - no one survived.

In fact, Ye Sheng could understand in his heart that the reason why they had been okay was just that the time had not come yet, but he was even more worried about letting Shude Aki cooperate with others, because others would not be like him when the time really came. , will protect her with all his strength!

So, is it better to have feelings or not to have them...

"Hey..." Ye Sheng sighed softly.

Although he sighed softly, Shude Aki still heard him.

"What's wrong?" asked Shutoku Aki, "Did you find something?"

"No." Ye Sheng shook his head.

Finding nothing was the biggest headache for him. Human beings should always be in awe when facing unknown things. "Although there is a three-dimensional sonar map provided by Norma, I didn't find anything strange."

"Could it be that the academy made a mistake? There is actually nothing here." Shutoku Aki said.

"No," Ye Sheng shook his head, "I have studied the Feng Shui of our country. This is indeed a good place to build a city."

Ye Sheng pointed to the screen of the instrument in his hand, "Based on the sonar picture sent by Norma, I can probably tell that there are mountains on both sides of this place. According to the geographical location of ancient China, these two mountains should be the 'Kuimen' At the entrance, if we want to find the 'White Emperor City' I think we have to go in first. But no one knows what's inside."

"So, are you scared? This is not like you usually..."

Shutoku Aki said softly, "Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will be by your side."

Her slender body approached Ye Sheng and hugged his waist.

This is what I'm worried about...Ye Sheng has a headache. If you're by my side, why don't you give it away together?

But now is not the time to think about such bad things. Ye Sheng concentrated and began to use his speech spirit.

Word Spirit Snake, the exploratory Word Spirit, is best suited for this kind of exploration work, but it becomes as fragile as a baby every time it is used, so it needs a fixed point.

This was exactly why Shuudoku Aki hugged him.

He was worried that there was something inside, but Shutoku Aki wanted him to use his word spirit to investigate first to make sure. This was a tacit understanding between them and did not need to be spoken out.

Shutoku Aki shot his hook to the nearest rock wall and fixed it, then hugged him to prevent him from being washed away by the current.

Ye Sheng concentrated and closed his eyes. Nothing happened around him.

But he has indeed activated the spirit of speech.

In the 'spiritual vision' that only he could see, restless 'snakes' emerged one after another. They were entangled in his mind. The almost transparent scales were glowing, and Ye Sheng began to sweat on his forehead. , he started combing and driving these guys.

As if under orders from Li, these restless 'snakes' began to calm down and moved forward along Ye Sheng's body towards the river.

On board the Monyach, in the control room, Thelma monitored the sudden appearance of powerful biological currents under the water.

"Ye Sheng is using Yanling to conduct investigations," Selma said. "I think there will be results soon."

This monitored biological current is Ye Sheng's Word Spirit Snake, serial number 18. This Word Spirit is a snake of the void that can transmit surrounding information to the surroundings and directly back to the user's brain. It is invisible and dense. The coverage area is based on the user's upper limit of ability.

From a scientific understanding, it is a kind of biological current. The range and speed of propagation are also closely related to the environment where the 'snake' is located. This is the bottom of the water, which is very conducive to the development of the 'snake'. Ye Sheng's speech ability at this time It is much more powerful than when used on land. The area within a radius of five kilometers is his 'field of vision', and nothing can be hidden.

But at this moment, Ye Sheng's only powerful thing is his spirit. After all, he is a spiritual spirit, which can expand his spirit countless times. The price is that his body will be as weak as a baby at this moment.

Jiude Aki hugged Ye Sheng's body tightly, trying to transfer her body temperature to him. At the same time, she was vigilantly paying attention to all the movements around her, because she knew that Ye Sheng needed her protection at this moment, and she could not make any mistakes. .

Ye Sheng's body was as cold as a corpse, and his pulse only kept beating at a rate that could sustain life. His livid face could be seen through the mask. If it weren't for the pair of shining golden pupils that were still shining, maybe I really thought he was dying.

Ye Sheng's golden pupils exuded a strange look. His 'snakes' were searching in all directions, and Ye Sheng could see everything their 'eyes' saw. Countless pictures flashed through his mind. If it weren't for Yan Ling The amplified mental power is extremely powerful, and he may have a splitting headache at this moment.

He felt that about forty meters deep under the ground in front of him, his 'snakes' stopped moving forward. They began to become restless and did not dare to move forward anymore, and this distance was far from his limit.

"Is there any result?" Professor Mance finally asked the 'key' to be quiet for the time being.

He immediately returned to the control room to inquire about the situation.

"We have to wait a little longer. Ye Sheng should still work hard." Thelma replied, "It's just Professor, there is one thing I'm curious about."


"We insist on sailing under such harsh conditions. Why doesn't China's Yangtze River Waterway Maritime Safety Administration respond at all?" Selma asked, "This is near the Three Gorges Reservoir. Aren't they afraid that we will cause some trouble?"

"Because our operation was 'permitted'." Professor Manns sighed.


"The 'Emperor's' order allows us to search at will in the Yangtze River Basin." Professor Manns said, "Don't worry about these things. Issues at this level are not what we should be concerned about. At the moment, it is best to focus on the task. important."

"Yes." Thelma closed her mouth and continued monitoring.

"Stay vigilant and always pay attention to the situation of the two commissioners underwater," Mance said in a deep voice, "I have a hunch that tonight will not be too peaceful..."

In the dim river water, the golden light gradually disappeared.


Ye Sheng took a deep breath of oxygen to adjust his physical condition. His heartbeat began to speed up, his blood flow returned to normal, and his body temperature began to rise. He felt the coldness in his limbs gradually dissipate, and signaled Shutoku Aki to let go of him first.

"How's it going? Did you find it?" Shuode Aki asked.

"Most of the 'snakes' have been recovered, but there are a few that don't obey my command." Ye Sheng's face was still a little uncomfortable, and it seemed that he was really out of his mind. "They are about forty meters underground in front of us. There, my snakes are out of control when they get there. I put a few snakes there and they all have the same effect."

"You mean there's probably..."

"Dragon King Norton's palace!" Ye Sheng looked serious.

"But there is a rock underneath," Shuudoku Aki asked, "Why did Dragon King Norton stuff his palace into the rock?"

"This should be a layer of rock accumulated over a long period of time. 'Baidi City' has probably been sleeping here for a long time."


The whine of an alarm sounded in the control room.

"Professor!" one of the commissioners shouted, "Underwater crustal movement detected! Something is moving! It may cause an underwater earthquake!"

"Selma!" Professor Mance's expression changed after hearing this, "Let Ye Sheng and Shude Aki come up quickly! Something is coming!"


Thelma immediately connected to the contact device.

"Ye Sheng, Aki! Come to the surface immediately! There is a situation below! The survey mission is cancelled!" Selma's urgent shout sounded in the headphones of Ye Sheng and Shuode Aki.

"Understood! Come up!"

Ye Sheng's expression changed, he was careless! There was something going on that he should have discovered first, but he had consumed too much and the spirit of speech had been withdrawn, so he was unable to sense the danger coming.

"Let's go, Aki!"

The two of them were about to come up, but the surrounding environment suddenly became restless, and the calm water bottom became turbulent. They could even feel the rocks under their feet shaking, as if something was stepping on it hard, and for a moment , landslides and landslides!

"Damn it!" the commissioner yelled, "the earthquake has started! Pull them up quickly!"

Professor Mance also panicked and yelled at the first mate in charge of the cables, "Did you hear that? Hurry up and retract the cables! Pull them up. It's too late!"

"Angers!" After saying this, Mance left the control room and rushed into the cockpit where Angers was.

But when he arrived at the cockpit, he found that Angers was not driving the ship, but the third officer on the ship.

"Where did Angers go?" Mance was furious. It would be fun if Angers was gone at this time.

"The principal went to change the equipment!" The third officer heard the movement behind and probably knew that the situation was urgent.

"Very good!" Mance rushed back to the control room, "How is the situation?"

"It's broken!" the first mate yelled.

"What's broken?" Professor Mance shouted.

"The md lifeline is broken!"

The first mate cursed angrily, "Why did those guys in the equipment department check the equipment! It's so useless!"

"Grass (a kind of plant)!" Mance punched the roulette wheel wrapped with a lifeline. The roulette wheel was rotated rapidly by the hammer, but the lifeline above it had broken. No matter how it turned, it could not turn the two below. Pull people up.

"Mance, calm down." Ange's voice came from behind, "The more times like this, the less likely you are to get distracted."

Professor Mance turned around and saw that Angers had changed into diving equipment and came to the control room.

"Why did the lifeline break? The equipment department can't make such a stupid mistake!" Mance looked gloomy, "It's not that I'm not calm, but the current situation may be worse than we imagined."

"You mean..." Angers also frowned.

"Even if there is an earthquake, it will not affect the lifeline to pull them up!" Mance said, "There must be other reasons..."

A faint light flickered in the dim whirlpool, and the tiny light drifted with the current, spinning rapidly in the whirlpool.

Ye Sheng hugged Jiude Aki desperately to ensure that they would not be separated. This was the only thing he could do now.

The faint light was the spotlight hanging on their mask, and they were now being swallowed by a powerful force.

The whirlpool seemed to be pulling them down into the abyss. It was this powerful force that abruptly broke the lifeline and dragged them down.

Ye Sheng felt that they were still going down, and he didn't know where the deepest part of the whirlpool was.

The earthquake just now cracked the rock they were standing on, and the balance under the water was broken by this crack. The endless water was pressing down on them, and the open crack sucked them in like a huge mouth that swallowed everything. middle.

Faced with the power of nature, Ye Sheng and Shude Aki had no time to react, or even if they reacted, they couldn't stop it. Even the equipment department's special lifeline couldn't resist this force.

There was deathly silence in the control room of the Monyach. Mance scratched his head frantically, but even if he scratched his hair, he couldn't figure out what to do now.

There was a hoarse sound of electricity coming from the contact device, and the buzzing sound hit everyone's heads, like a death knell. They might have lost their companions again. The only ones who could contact Ye Sheng and Shude Aki were the rescuers. The rope has broken.

This means that their direct signal is interrupted, and they cannot sense whether the two are still alive, nor do they know their whereabouts, which means that even rescue is a problem.

"Maybe I can go down and see if I can find them." Ange said solemnly.

"Are you crazy?" Mance retorted, "Now we don't even know what they encountered and where they are. Even you can't find them in the Yangtze River. And there may be dangers we don't know below. .”

Give up or rescue? Mance's brain was spinning crazily. If they met the Dragon King down there, what they should do was not rescue, but prepare for a confrontation! Even if Ange were allowed to go down, he would not be a match for the Dragon King in the water!

But below are his two most proud students! What choice does this leave him? Of course he hopes Angers will go to the rescue, but is it too late?

"I don't know how many years ago, when I looked at the space in the past, there was only a humble light, reflecting the dead bones everywhere, so I lit the flames that burned the world, burning time, bleeding every drop, and living just waiting for the last death, Profanity produces bronze in fire, and darkness disgusts me."

A calm recitation sounded in the control room.

Mance and Ange both raised their heads in surprise. That was Ye Sheng's voice.

"What is this?" Mance asked.

"This is what I saw on the 'door'." Ye Sheng's voice sounded again, "This is Ye Sheng. Yaji and I are both fine. I am talking to you through the current of the 'snake'. Now we have Arrive at the palace of Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire."

"Are you sure?" Angers voice was a little excited.

"The description on the door is enough to confirm that this is his palace," Ye Sheng said, "but we are not sure whether he is still in the palace at this moment..."

"Why?" Mance asked.

"Because we can't get in," Ye Sheng replied, his tone full of helplessness, "Unless the Dragon King comes out to greet us, how will we know if he is at home..."

Deep under the water, although he was saying optimistic words, Ye Sheng was holding Aki Shutoku's hand tightly at the moment.

Shutoku Aki could clearly feel the man's nervous mood at this moment.

The two of them were suspended in the green water. The water of the Yangtze River was not very green, but the reason why everything they saw now was green was because of the endless city wall in front of them.

This is a city wall made of bronze. It looks the same from all directions. It is boundless and has no end. There is a huge bronze door in the center that is tightly closed.

At this time, the earthquake had stopped, and after the dust settled, the two of them had been brought to this door. This door was too big, and Ye Sheng didn't know how to open it. Of course, he wanted to take Yaji away, but it seemed that There is only the way forward blocked by this door, and there is no other way out!

"This is a huge bronze city." Ye Sheng said, "It is buried underground, dark and dark. No one could find it originally, but this earthquake brought us here. Is this fate?"

"Whether it's fate or not, withdraw it immediately. Your oxygen reserves should be insufficient!" Professor Mance's voice came, "You only need to mark the points, and Angers will handle the rest. !”

"I'm sorry, Professor... I actually want to come back." Ye Sheng reluctantly refused.

He raised his head and looked above. There was nothing, no way out. Logically speaking, since they were involved, there would be a gap to get out, but the endless rock wall above seemed to have never been broken.

"Why?" Mance didn't know what was going on.

"Professor, this is a desperate place... Apart from entering the city, I can't think of any other way out." Ye Sheng said, "To be honest, I am quite excited now. No, it should be my snakes who are very excited. They are trembling. In fear.”

Mance was silent, "Are you afraid?"

Ye Sheng's bloodline is not low. His 'snake' ranks second in the academy. The one who can make the 'snake' feel fear... is Norton himself in it?

"Are you... sure?" Mance glanced at Angers and took a deep breath.

"I don't know." Angers shook his head.

"I don't know." Ye Sheng responded through 'Snake', "But now I can only give it a try."

"Then let me give it a try." Anger put on his mask and walked out of the cabin.

"Angers is ready to go down to pick you up," Mance said, "but we don't know how to get to where you are. It may take some time. You try to hold on, do you understand?"

"Understood." Ye Sheng glanced at Ya Ji, and the two looked at each other and nodded, "But this is also an opportunity. Maybe we will gain something."

"The idea is good, but do you understand that you have to put your own safety first?" Mance frowned.

"Okay, professor, please allow us to use the 'key' to open the door now." Ye Sheng took out a special memory from his combat uniform, which contained the blood of the 'key'.


Thanks to: Niu Lanshan, Yang Longjie, Shuyou20170203225501246, Jiubuyui, Zhang Liang counselor, Aoxue Wuqing for their rewards

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