A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 175 168. The gun is good ~ very hard

Chapter 175 168. The gun is good ~ very hard

"Son, they said you are a center forward in the city team and are good at breaking through defenses?" The man leaned close to Chu Zihang's ear.

Chu Zihang nodded nervously.

"The negotiations have broken down," the man said. "Give me the box."

He took the box and gently stroked Chu Zihang's head,

"Remember everything I said to you, every word," he slapped Chu Zihang on the butt and roared, "Run!"

Without even thinking about it, Chu Zihang turned around and ran towards the car like crazy. It had been a long time, and he no longer believed what this man said, but on this rainy night, he held the man's warm hand and suddenly became a child dependent on his father again.

The man threw the suitcase at Odin, as if it was fresh meat to attract a wolf. Half of the shadows rushed towards the suitcase, and the other half blocked the man and Chu Zihang. Their shapes were distorted by the speed, like long snakes leaping from the ground.

The man ran back with Chu Zihang, but the man always held an umbrella in his hand and ran very slowly in the wind and rain. So the distance between him and Chu Zihang gradually widened.

The man watched Chu Zihang's back getting further and further away, and a smile suddenly appeared on his lips, "He is indeed my son, he looks so much like me when he runs."

He said this, but he didn't intend to run away. He stopped suddenly, and the black umbrella strap was blown away by the wind. A cold light flashed past, blowing a dazzling arc. The world stopped, and the sword light slashed through, even in the air. The raindrops turned into two halves.

Chu Zihang heard strange sounds coming from behind, the sound of blood gushing from the wound, and the sound of bones breaking under the blade, mixed in the storm.

He mustered up the courage to turn around and take a look, but the big black umbrella flying in the air blocked his view. He had no choice but to keep running forward.

Until he finally threw himself into the car, turned and shouted into the rain, "Dad!"

The dark umbrella finally fell to the ground, and he saw the man wielding a knife in the storm, and one shadow after another split in the light of the knife.

The sword light seemed to be cutting off everything in front of him. Nothing could reach behind the man because there was something behind him that he was guarding. The man burst into a high-pitched roar deep in his throat. The roar drowned out the whispers of the dead, and even his voice couldn't break through his defenses.

The whole world seemed to slow down, the wind and rain seemed to have become sticky, and the black shadows also slowed down, everything was like a slow-motion movie. Only the man himself was not affected. He turned around and swung his knife, stepping and sliding. Water slowly splashed under his feet, and the shadows' thick black blood slowly overflowed, temporarily suspended in the air, as if thick ink was floating. In the water. In the inky color, the man's sword shines like a silver flying swallow.

Chu Zihang never thought that a man could be so majestic, and this man was his father.

The man did not run back with him. After he got rid of the group of shadows, the man immediately turned back and ran towards Odin

The shadows that had obtained the box had already fought back, and the man's domain had expanded to cover everyone. But his domain seems to have no effect on Odin.

In the man's domain, Odin slowly pulled out Kungunir. It was not that his movements were slowed down by the influence of the man's domain, but that he was never in a hurry at all. God has absolute power.

The gun shadow flashed in the air, carrying wind and thunder. Odin seemed to have only fired one shot, but it brought up countless gun shadows. His speed has long exceeded what humans can understand. The dense gunshots came out almost at the same moment.

This mythical spear will always hit the target. Every thrust of it carries a dark golden stream of light, like falling meteors. The shadows of the spear condense into light curtains surrounding the man, attacking his different vital points and sealing them. Removed all his escape routes!

The man opened his field to the extreme, and the black shadows around him were completely unable to move, but he had no time to pay attention to these miscellaneous fish now. He dodged in the stream of light, waving the knife and spinning like a dancer dancing in the storm. His feet Dancing on top of the dead, this dance represents death. Facing the light, you leap high, and the knife in your hand strikes the god's head!

Blood suddenly poured out of his back, and he fell down, landing in the black shadow. The light he flashed returned in the wind and rain and hit him from behind.

Odin coldly withdrew Kungunir. From the moment the spear was thrust out, the outcome was already doomed, and this man was destined to fall. He didn't put much power into Kungunir, because this human being didn't deserve his strength at all. Just an ordinary thrust was already too much for this human being to resist.

The black shadows approached the man step by step, gradually submerging him.

But their movements slowed down again, and the man was still alive. The raindrops hit him, and a thick, blood-red mist evaporated all over his body, but the golden light in his eyes did not diminish at all.

"Son! Drive away!" the man shouted, holding a knife in his hand, his blade pointing directly at the god.

Chu Zihang understood that the man just wanted to attract the dark shadows surrounding them to himself, and he used himself as bait.

"Be obedient! No matter what, live on!" The man's burning eyes stared at Odin, but he was talking to Chu Zihang, "If I die, the only thing I will leave in this world is you. , if you die too, I will have nothing in this world."

"So son, stay alive! You have to believe in dad. If you survive, we will have the day to see each other again." The man moved his arm that was almost pierced. "You stay here, dad still has some big moves that he can't use." .”

"That car is great, you spent so much fucking money on it, God can't stop it!"

Chu Zihang faced the center console without a key, and he understood what the man had just shown off to him. There were three people in this car who could wake up the engine, and he was the third one.

"Start it up," he said.

The badly damaged Maybach miraculously started up, and the engine began to roar like the desperate roar of a wounded beast.

"Well done, son!" The man trembled and cut off the black shadow in front of his eyes, his hands trembling but his face was smiling.

Chu Zihang started in reverse gear, and the car backed up quickly. The man had secretly taught him how to drive, using this Maybach. He flicked the rear of the car to straighten the front of the car, then put the car into gear and sprinted forward.

The Maybach hit the invisible rain curtain, the rotating wind slapped the car body, and the surrounding water walls squeezed in. The twelve-cylinder engine roared at its maximum power, but it could not push the car body out of here. This place is God's In this realm, no one can leave without God’s permission!

"Hey! God! Do you want to stop my son?" The man roared and threw the long knife at Odin's head.

Odin swung Kungunir again, trying to knock the sword away, but before he could finish it, the man jumped up again, as if he was going to mount a horse to fight with this god!

Odin was angry. He was ready to kill the man now, and then use Kungunir to penetrate the boy. Countless lights rose again, surrounding the man leaping in the air.

This is a man who always lives in a double identity. He is only fierce and fierce on a few occasions, like now.

But he didn't dare to expose such a fierce side to his son, so he could only appear as a driver and pick up his son from school secretly. This was the only thing he could do. Many times he drove this Maybach and waited outside the school gate, but when he saw the Mercedes-Benz S500 coming in, he shrank and left. He believed that his son had someone to rely on, and then he fled far away.

His Mercedes-Benz didn't come to pick up his son today, and his son called him again. He really couldn't hold it back... He really wanted to say goodbye to his son. In order to deal with him, Odin's power was dispersed, and the power of the water wall weakened instantly. , the Maybach roared through it and disappeared into the thick night.

Kungunir was getting closer and closer to him, but a smile appeared on his face.

Chu Zihang's mind went blank as he drove the car mechanically in the rain.

Tears couldn't help but well up from my eyes. Dad... Dad might be dead.

Chu Zihang slammed on the brakes. The tires made a screeching sound, and the car stopped in the rain, lying on the empty elevated road. He opened the sunroof, leaned on the back of the seat, breathed heavily like an asthma attack, and looked up at the sky. He has escaped, this is the outside world, and those terrible guys can't get here.

It was still raining, and the Maybach's sunroof was broken, as if the sky had collapsed. It was as if all the rain in the world was pouring in through the broken sunroof above his head. The hard and cold rain hit his face and made him wake up. , but he felt neither cold nor pain, only the man's voice still echoed in his ears.

"Stay alive..."

What have I done? I... ran away?

"Start! Start!"

Chu Zihang's eyes were full of ferociousness, and he suddenly yelled at the center console.

The engine made a low and weak sound. The car had reached its limit and could no longer be started.

He opened the car door and threw himself down, running against the wind and rain. At this moment, he suddenly understood that he was really going to lose that man. What he left in this world, what he wanted to live on, he left behind. He was crazy. He was not afraid of the shadows, Odin, or Kungunir. He wanted to find that man, that was his father. !

A figure was sitting on the roof of the Maybach in the heavy rain. He was holding an umbrella, his eyes flashing with blazing gold, looking at the direction Chu Zihang was running, "Did you get in from here?"

The figure slowly stood up from the roof of the car and jumped lightly to the ground. In his sight, there were only running boys and a damaged Maybach on the wet asphalt road.

He was walking in the rain holding an umbrella, obviously not running, but getting closer and closer to Chu Zihang in front of him.

The figure holding an umbrella passed by Chu Zihang. The figure didn't look at Chu Zihang at all, but casually touched his neck.

Chu Zihang, who was running towards the way he came, suddenly felt that the sky seemed to be getting dark. He subconsciously wanted to turn back, but he saw nothing and lost consciousness.

"Don't be as reckless as me if you don't have immortality."

The rain curtain covering this space suddenly shattered, and the entire sky seemed to become a little brighter.

Surrounded by dense black shadows, the man was covered in blood and bruised, and the long knife in his hand kept him from falling.

Opposite him, Odin, riding an eight-legged divine horse, was pointing at him with Kungunir in his hand, preparing to give him the final blow.

But there was a moment of lag due to the sudden shattering of the rain curtain.

"Who! How dare you trespass into the divine realm!"

Odin's words were filled with anger. How could a mortal without permission break into the divine realm?

"It's really a touching picture..."

The visitor didn't seem to hear the so-called anger of the gods, but just looked at the scene in front of him and sighed.

This picture reminded him of the time when there was an old man who tried to stand in front of him and fight against the so-called 'god' alone.

"It seems that I came in time. You are lucky."

As he spoke, this person was already standing in front of the man, his golden pupils looking directly at Odin in front of him, cold and ruthless.

The surrounding black shadows didn't seem to even know what was going on. They were clearly surrounding the man in the middle, but they didn't know how the figure got between them.

"Who are you?"

The spear in Odin's hand was pointed at the person in front of him, and the surrounding black shadows also let out a low roar.

"Xuanhao, I think you haven't heard of it, right?" The man shook his head slightly, "But I will let you remember it, Odin."

"How dare a mere human call God by his name?" Kungunir in Odin's hand lit up again.

"You're a Nordic god, why did you come to China?" Xuan Hao's tone was questioning.

"Human! Do you want to question the gods?"

Odin's tone was full of anger, and the heavy rain and thunder in the sky seemed to feel his anger and became more violent, and thunder light lingered on Kungunir.


The sound of broken bones suddenly sounded.

Xuan Hao, who was originally standing in front of the man, disappeared from the spot at some point.

When no one could react, a whip hit the eight-legged horse's four front legs.

"Who allowed you to set foot on my territory?"

The strong horse's legs were broken at the sound. The god's war horse let out a painful cry, and the front legs that had lost their strength plopped to the ground.

"Don't use your questions to answer my questions."

Xuan Hao was now on the horse's head, looking down at Odin on the horse, his blazing golden pupils looking directly into his single eye, his eyes full of disdain.

Continuous thunder sounded, setting off a stronger storm, the storm became more violent, Xuan Hao's clothes rustled, his face was expressionless, his pair of golden eyes became brighter and brighter, surpassing the only god in this world, and it was so dazzling that he was the only god in the world. It is the only one in the world.

At this moment, his figure seemed to become taller, as if the real God of War had descended on him. No, he was the God of War!

Streams of thunder struck down from the sky like sharp swords reaching down from the sky, falling towards Xuan Hao on the horse's head.

The battle is about to break out.

Thunder struck Sleipnir, but Xuanhao was no longer where he was. Bathed in thunder, thunder light surrounded Odin and his throne. Not only did these thunder lights not hurt the war horse, but it gave it strength. Even the broken front legs began to recover under the thunder light.

The Nordic people call the storm Odin's hunting. He rides a war horse and gallops around the world, carrying wind and thunder. It should be said that the war horse under his crotch is the incarnation of wind and thunder. In this world of his, as long as the storm doesn't stop, they have an absolute advantage.

"Wish you good luck~"

Xuan Hao landed in front of the man, and in his surprised gaze, he picked him up with one hand and threw him far behind.

"Okay, now it's time for us to settle the score."

Turning his head and looking at the restored war horse and Odin on its back, Xuan Hao clenched his fists. Yes, he did not bring any weapons today.

The rain-stained asphalt road was devastated by lightning, but none of the lightning could touch Xuan Hao in the slightest.

The electric current spread to him along with the rain, but he didn't seem to feel it. He still moved quickly, wandering among countless black shadows.

Black blood bloomed in the storm, and black shadows fell every second. It seemed that Xuan Hao was planning to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers first and save the main course for last.

"Human! Who are you?" Odin's words were full of anger.

But no one answered his question.

He angrily summoned thunder to haunt his spear.

You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. This shot will decide everything.

The divine spear, Kungunir, has a very simple and powerful ability. Once thrown, it will definitely hit the target. It is known as the divine spear that always hits the target.

It can penetrate anything and then return to its owner. The only flaw is that it can only lock onto any target once.

With this blow, Odin aimed at the heart of this human being.

Kungunir has already taken action, his fate has been sealed, this is a fatal shot, no one can survive after being pierced through the heart!

The spear pierced the night sky and stabbed straight into the target's heart.

Xuan Hao, who was standing in the shadows and killing, seemed to feel something. He turned his head and saw that it was a spear like a dead branch with angry lightning lingering on it. This lightning was enough to destroy everything.

Kungunir rolled and flew towards Xuanhao, looking like a black-purple meteor under the thunder light. It was not fast, and it was also strangely quiet, because it did not need speed, it would definitely hit, and it did not need a huge momentum, because Death is inherently quiet.

"Death?" Xuan Hao looked at the spear blankly and smiled.

Time seemed to slow down in his eyes, and Odin's movements stopped at the moment when he took action. At this moment, he thought about many things, and the revolving door had already come out. In the end, he came to the conclusion that it might not be bad to be killed. ?

He couldn't dodge this spear, and it seemed that nothing could stop the spear from moving forward. He could only watch it slowly pierce into his heart. How do you describe this feeling? Somewhat helpless.

Xuan Hao subconsciously reached out his hand, and then held Kungunil's gun head.

Immediately blood spattered, and the thunder surrounding the gun burned his arm, which instantly became scorched black, causing pain that pierced his soul. The blood dyed his clothes red and was wet by the rain, but he didn't care. He even had a smile on his face. This smile was a bit relieved. Can he finally die?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

He grabbed the spear with a strong force, "It's too slow, let me help you!"

Kungunir stabbed himself in the chest under his power!

Xuan Hao looked at Odin in the distance, a crazy smile on his face, and endless ridicule flashed in his fiery golden eyes.

"Try it and see if you can kill me!"

He could clearly feel the tip of the gun slowly piercing his heart, and his heart was slowly being penetrated. This gun indeed carried the will of death and could make anyone fear it, but not him!

The power on the spear spread along with his heart, and the lightning on it began to explode, seeming to scorch Xuan Hao's entire body.

The impact caused Xuan Hao's body to retreat on the rainy ground, but the force was not enough to make him fall.

The spear gradually slowed down, progress became extremely difficult, and finally stopped. The spear that was supposed to penetrate everything failed to penetrate the human body.

"That's it? I've already seen the revolving door and you show me this?"

Xuan Hao clutched the spear tightly, which was now nailed to his heart, and the power spreading on it was almost gradually causing his body to begin to decay.

He should have died if this continued. But he could feel a more domineering force swallowing Kungunir's power, crushing it, and leveling it.

"No, how is that possible!"

Odin looked at the man's decaying body and thought he had succeeded.

But he suddenly discovered that Kungunir could not be taken back! This spear would have returned to its owner after killing the target, but at this moment he felt that the connection between himself and Kungunir was being severed by a powerful force, no, it was swallowed, it was a domineering force. The will can cut off cause and effect, cut off life and death!

Under Odin's unbelievable eyes, Xuan Hao's extremely corrupted body began to slowly revive, returning to its integrity at a speed visible to the naked eye. The spear was slowly pulled out by him. At this moment, his chest was covered with nothing but holes in his clothes. There are no other wounds.

"Honestly, I'm very disappointed." Xuan Hao held the spear in his hand and stretched his newly recovered body.

"I originally thought you could kill me, but you made me wait in vain. Is this what the so-called 'god' is capable of?"

"Who are you...?"

Odin's eyes were full of vigilance. There shouldn't be such a being in this world. Even Kungunir couldn't hurt him. How could this be possible?

"I'm just a human being," Xuan Hao said, "not something divine."

He waved the spear and adjusted, "The gun is good, now it belongs to me."

This gun is good. The key is that it is very hard. He is very satisfied with it.

"You!" Odin glared at Xuan Hao angrily, humiliating him.

The spear he threw not only failed to kill the man, but was even taken away by the man. Is this reasonable?

Without Kungunir, the current situation of the war would be completely reversed. He was even thinking about whether to retreat first, yes, retreat, before this guy learned to use Kungunir.

He was very clear about the power of this divine spear. This spear should have penetrated everything, but it could not penetrate the man in front of him. However, he did not doubt whether this spear could penetrate himself!

If this guy had mastered the usage, he would die here today. He had gotten what he wanted, and losing Kungunir was completely unexpected. It would be meaningless if he continued to stay here and fight this person.

"What? You don't want to run away, do you?"

Xuan Hao seemed to see through the thoughts of the guy in front of him who called himself Odin, "Gods can also be afraid?"


Odin did not answer, but the horse under his crotch seemed to feel uneasiness and began to neigh.

"Our accounts haven't been settled yet." Xuan Hao approached step by step with a spear.

"When you came to China, the storm you brought caused traffic jams, car accidents, and economic losses. This spear alone cannot withstand it."

As he spoke, he stepped on the battered asphalt road and looked at the battered fence next to him.

"If you run away like this, it will be very troublesome for me."

Xuan Hao had a kind smile on his face and faced Odin with a smile and squinted eyes.

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