A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 193 186. He’s not dead, can he be saved?

Chapter 193 186. He’s not dead, can he be saved?

"elder brother!"

As soon as Old Tang woke up, he heard a painful roar.

He raised his head leisurely, his hair was messy, and he saw the figure in the flames stumbling towards him.

This figure had no arms, relying on its vibrating wings to flap the ground, moving towards him inch by inch.

His face was ferocious, as if he had come from hell.

But I don't know why, but he didn't run away in fear. Maybe his legs were weak from fear and couldn't get up.

"Everyone, replace with live ammunition."

Angers' cold voice sounded in everyone's communicator.

The students reacted instantly, this is an opportunity!

The dragon was now seriously injured.

The sounds of countless guns being reloaded came one after another, and all the guns were aimed at the dragons. But just as they were about to shoot, they were stunned.

Because there is a person standing between them and the dragons.

That was Xuan Hao, the strongest ‘S’ level specialist in the academy.

Xuan Hao raised a hand to signal.

They understood this was preventing them from firing.

But isn't this an opportunity? Do you really want to have the experience all to yourself?

Everyone looked at Xuan Hao's posture, as if he wanted to challenge the injured Dragon King to a duel. Isn't this bullying, oh no, a dragon? I think I can do it too!

"As I said, I'll give you a chance. If you can't kill me, leave it to me," Xuan Hao said calmly to Ange, "You're useless if I give you a chance. Don't look at me like this."

"What do you want to do?" Ange's eyes were full of anger, "Constantine's body will collapse soon! Kill him now, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Xuan Hao glanced at him, "Didn't you do this yourself? What, now that things are out of your control, are you starting to get nervous? You guys are really cowardly."

"How could you not be in control if you're not in the way?" Angers clenched his fists and then unclenched them.

"Okay, you're not afraid of me." Xuan Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense to Ange, "Don't worry, it won't explode here."

As he spoke, he raised his spear.

Constantine's burning body was lifted into the air.

"Let's go!"

Xuan Hao jumped into the air and kicked Constantine away with a side kick.

The burning body rose in the dark night, like a meteor flying backwards.

"What are you doing?" Angers roared.

"Don't worry, when I have enough fun, I will take care of it and it won't affect you." Xuan Hao shrugged indifferently.

The figure disappeared instantly.

The ground cracked open, these were the footprints left by his steps.

"He... flew away?"


Everyone looked at Xuan Hao in confusion as he followed the meteor and flew away.

They probably knew that this was shifting the battlefield.

Ange's expression was as cold as ice at the moment. He didn't know what Xuan Hao wanted to do. Constantine was almost certain to die after his body collapsed. Although he didn't want the Yanling Zhulong to break out in the academy after Constantine's collapse, but since the road When Mingfei failed, he originally wanted to kill it with his own hands, but if he didn't watch it die in front of his eyes, he would always feel uneasy.

However, when he looked at Old Tang kneeling next to him, he smiled again, as if he had succeeded.

Old Tang stared at all this blankly, and the words "brother" lingered in his ears.

He looked at the monster struggling on the ground and felt extremely heartbroken for some reason. It was about to die. What did this have to do with him?

He suddenly stood up and ran wildly, chasing the meteor in the sky, "No, no, no..."

Why do I always feel unspeakable sadness and loneliness in my heart.

"Brother... there are many people outside, I'm scared."

"We are going to die, Constantine...but don't be afraid, death is not our end."

"I'm not afraid. As long as brother is by my side, I'm not afraid of anything... But brother, why don't you eat me? If you eat me... no one can stop brother!"

"If I could eat you, I would have done so thousands of years ago..."

"You are very good food. I am so lonely. For thousands of years, I have only had you by my side. This is the fate of abandoning the clan..."

He remembered it all.

He fell to the ground, roaring silently, looking at the fire getting further and further away from him.

"younger brother……"

It turns out that he really has a younger brother...but in the past two thousand years, they have always missed him.

Whether sleeping or waking up, Constantine just wanted to find him, but every time he found him, he had forgotten his brother's appearance.

By the time he remembered Constantine, he was always gone...

In the shocked eyes of countless people, blazing flames bloomed around his body. A line of fire rose into the sky and exploded in the night sky. The blooming flames were like wings spreading in the night sky.

"I finally woke up..."

Angers stared at the wings spread out in the night sky and murmured to himself, "Dragon King, Norton!"

"Is this your real plan?" The vice-principal came to Angers at some point. "You originally knew that the four great monarchs of the Dragon Clan were all twins. You could have easily eliminated any one of them, but But you chose to wake them up? What on earth do you want to do?"

"Well, you have to be prepared when doing things, right?" Ange shook his head helplessly.

"What's the meaning?"

"I've been thinking about it for the past hundred years."

"What are you thinking about?" The old cowboy frowned.

"Think about how to kill the Dragon King," Angers paused, "No, it's not just the Dragon King, there is a guy more terrifying than the Dragon King, you know..."

"'Emperor'?" the old cowboy asked, "So this is the result of your thinking?"

"That's right..."


The old cowboy was silent for a while, "No, I still can't understand. What's the connection?"

"Leonardo, do you know how to stop the dragon clan's resurgence and resolve this war between humans and dragon clan once and for all?"

"You... want to destroy the dragon clan, rather than constantly preventing them from awakening?" The old cowboy frowned, "But how to do this?"

"They have eternal time," Angers said indifferently. "To kill them, we can only force them to retreat until they are unable to retreat, and force them to be willing to risk their eternal lives to fight us!"

"There is no way to retreat?"

"Yes, there is no retreat!" Angers whispered, "Humans are stupid creatures and are always swayed by emotions. But I suddenly discovered that dragons are also quite cute. The bond between twins is actually stronger than that of humans It’s even deeper. They have only close relatives as companions in their endless lives, and their loneliness makes them cherish each other more, even more than human emotions!”

"..." The old cowboy's eyes changed when he looked at Ange.

He can't tell clearly now. Is the man in front of him really a human being? Who is the dragon clan and who is the human being...

"When your loved ones are in a desperate situation in front of them, do you think they have a way out?" Angers eyes became cruel, and his golden eyes were already lit by hatred.

The wind blew, still mixed with the undissipated temperature.

But it made the old cowboy feel a cold feeling on his back. He curled up like a potato and sighed silently.


"But what does this have to do with the 'Emperor'?"

"I can't kill him." Ange whispered, "But maybe the real king can... When the Dragon King twins are forced to a dead end, when they become one, the real throne will come!"

"Crazy! Crazy! Are you crazy?" The old cowboy felt that he could no longer communicate with Angers.

"Don't worry, I'm measured." Angers responded indifferently, "The King of Bronze and Fire is the best test subject, because his palace happens to be in China..."

"Let's see who is the final winner."

The flaming meteor fell into the water.

The fire gradually extinguished, revealing the fragile body underneath.

A dark, slender figure hugged him like a young child and swam towards the water.

"Are you alive?" The man landed on the shore and stuck his spear in the soil.

"He's not dead." The female voice was a little sad, "But he was seriously injured and his current condition is very bad."

"Can it be saved?" The man said without any nonsense, "Those people said he was stunted and hopeless."

"Yes, just because humans can't save him doesn't mean we can't either." The female voice sighed, "But I'm not the one who can really save him."

"What should we do?" The man scratched his head with a headache, "You said he was your old friend and asked me to take him out, but I did. Don't blame me if he dies then."

"Don't worry, I don't blame you. This is none of your business in the first place... I should say thank you."

"That's not necessary." The man shrugged and pulled out the spear stuck on the ground. "You stabilize his condition first, and I'll hold down the person who wants to cause trouble."


The girl comforted the boy in her arms, scarlet blood flowed from her fingertips, and the ancient spirit sang in her mouth, like a gentle lullaby.

The boy's trembling body became quiet, the flames on his body were offset by the inexplicable power, and the originally ferocious face became slightly calmer, as if he was asleep.

In the early morning, the sun shone into dormitory 303, and Lu Mingfei stared out the window blankly.

The college is still in a mess at this moment.

What happened last night was still vivid in his mind, and he even felt like he still had phantom pain in his body, but the peaceful campus now felt particularly unreal to him.

"What happened next?" Lu Mingfei was a little confused. After he shot the bullet, he fainted from exhaustion and had no idea what happened after that.

"Junior brother, big news!" Fingel suddenly rushed over.

"What's the big news? What happened yesterday?"

"Yes, last night, after such a serious invasion, Caesar still had the heart to show affection to Nono." Fingel took out his mobile phone and looked up the headlines on the campus network, "Look, the fireworks in the sky last night, besides Who else is Caesar?”

And your dad! Lu Mingfei was too lazy to talk to the good-for-nothing senior brother. He thought it was some big deal. Is this kind of thing considered big news? Will I tell you that I set off these fireworks? Labor can even help Caesar be crowned king!

By the way, why didn't he make the news last night when he fought the dragon so heroically? What is going on in this world? Is entertainment really the most important thing? I'm a mighty 'dragon-slaying warrior', but I'm not as good as a 'flower-slayer'?

Well, it was Lu Mingfei who sent the flowers. Why should he be competing with himself? And the principal said that his behavior last night was a bit scary. He needs to keep a low profile now and suppress the news. It's best if he can suppress it. I guess Fingel is helping him divert his attention. Alas... It doesn't matter. There are fireworks anyway. It’s not for these fools. You should keep a low profile and hide your merit and fame!

Lu Mingfei shook his head and sighed silently.

"By the way, Caesar invited you like that yesterday. Have you decided to join the student union?" Fingel asked.

"By the way...why are you able to talk about these inconsequential daily topics so calmly?" Lu Mingfei didn't understand this guy's thinking, "A big accident almost happened last night, right?"

"It's none of my... nonsense?" Fingel looked confused, "Why should a small person like me worry about such a big thing? It's better to have more... oh no, interview our 'S' class more, you His whereabouts are big news!”

"Okay..." Lu Mingfei raised his forehead. He remembered that Fingel was the head of the Information Department. He was a ruthless guy who was afraid of chaos in the world.

"Right, right? Am I right?" Fingel nodded with his hands folded, as if he was very satisfied with his logic, "Have you decided yet? Which club to join?"

This guy really doesn't forget his original intention.

"Nonsense, of course I'm going to the Lion Heart Club where Senior Brother Xuanhao is! Senior Brother Chu is also an acquaintance of mine, so of course I have to hug him tightly." Lu Mingfei didn't even think about it, "By the way, where's Senior Brother Xuanhao? Last night we were there He didn’t come back.”

He looked at the empty bed next to him.

"Don't worry, anything can happen to anyone in this academy, not him." Fingel shrugged nonchalantly, "Maybe he's dating a girl right now."

"Dong dong dong..."

A rapid knock on the door suddenly sounded.

"Huh? Is senior brother back?"

Lu Mingfei quickly went over and opened the door, then slammed it shut.

"Dong dong dong!"

The rapid knock on the door rang again, accompanied by a grumpy female voice, "Hey! The door is open, what do you mean?"

"Haha?" Fingel came over curiously, "Okay, you kid, dare to poach Caesar's corner? It seems to be quite successful?"

"Check out!"

Lu Mingfei pushed Fingel away angrily, and then opened the door helplessly.

He closed the door because he was scared.

Nuonuo's face was so pale that he thought he had bumped into a female ghost.

Well, after all, he just saw her 'die' in front of him last night. He almost forgot that he seemed to be the one who 'saved' her, and he almost didn't react and was careless.

"What's the matter?" Lu Mingfei carefully opened the door and asked weakly.

"What happened last night?" Nono asked, "I woke up and couldn't remember anything. They told me that you saved me and that you stopped that... Dragon King?"

"Probably..." Lu Mingfei was a little embarrassed. After all, he was so brave because of cheating.

But Fingel will not be embarrassed, "Yeah! You didn't see how brave my wet brother was last night! If you want to see it, I have photos here, do you want them?"

"I'll wipe it!" Lu Mingfei reached out and grabbed the photo in his hand, "Senior brother, please don't mess with me! The principal said these things can't be leaked out, someone will make trouble for me!"

"Don't worry, I only have this photo here, and I'm very tight-lipped!" Fingel said with a serious look.

"Stare-" Lu Mingfei looked unbelieving.

"Okay..." Nono rubbed his temples, "I probably know what the situation is."

oh? Lu Mingfei then remembered that this girl seemed to know how to profile? But he shouldn’t be able to deduce how he saved her, right? Because it's totally illogical, okay...

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