A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 194 187. Is it awesome? In exchange for your life!

Chapter 194 187. Is it awesome? In exchange for your life!

"Senior, I see that your hall is dark. Why don't you come to me to ask this question if you don't take a good rest?"

Lu Mingfei was a little puzzled. He saw that Nuonuo's face was pale and she was in a bad state. It was no longer as simple as a bloody disaster. She really almost died last night. No, logically she should be hopeless, but she couldn't. He was miraculously pulled back.

Everything seemed like a dream, even Lu Mingfei felt that it was not real, but everything in front of him told him that it was real.

He really has the power to change his destiny, just like Lu Mingze said, that is his spirit: don't die.

It's very straightforward, just don't die.

He relied on this word spirit to rescue Nuonuo and Old Tang, and also relied on this word spirit to stop the crazy Dragon King! Oh no, it seems that Lu Mingze lent him part of his power, otherwise he wouldn't be able to stop him even if he wouldn't die.

Um? By the way, where is Old Tang?

"By the way, do any of you know Old Tang? He was the one who escaped with us last night!" Lu Mingfei suddenly remembered and asked Nuonuo.

"..." Nono frowned and thought for a moment, "Sorry... I can't remember clearly. I only remember that the two of us were chased by the Dragon King..."

How could you not be impressed? Lu Mingfei wondered if there was something wrong with Nuonuo's brain, right? Or is there any sequelae caused by his words and spirits on Nono?

If I wipe it, I won’t have any side effects, right? Lu Mingfei was a little flustered.

"Of course... everything has a price. How do you say 'everything has a price tag by fate'?" Lu Mingze's voice came from behind him, "Well~ to put it simply, it's just to come out and fool around. It always has to be paid back.”

"What should I do? I don't know how to lead a dog, right?" Lu Mingfei turned around and asked.

"It seems that brother is already immune to my appearance? He was always startled before." Lu Mingze sat on Lu Mingfei's bed, kicking his feet in small leather shoes.

"Nonsense, I've seen even the most outrageous things, what else can't you accept?" Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, brother, now is not the time for you to pay the price, didn't I say? Nothing will happen until you completely give your life to me..."

"Why does this sound so much like a loan shark?" Lu Mingfei complained. He felt that this model was like borrowing from a loan shark. If you 'enjoy' it now, you will pay a heavy price later. The only difference is that this creditor seems to be quite 'humane'?

"What loan sharks?" Fingel asked curiously, "Junior brother, are you short of money? Don't take a detour! Many college students have jumped off the building because of loan sharks!"

"How is that possible? There is a threshold for usury, right? What kind of loan should I get? A photo of myself?" Lu Mingfei covered his face. If he had that kind of good looks, why would he be worried?

"Then why did you mention this suddenly?" Fingel was a little confused.

"Oh, it's nothing!" Lu Mingfei came to his senses. This little devil was always elusive and he almost couldn't switch.

"Do you have any impression? The person who stayed with me and Nuonuo last night." Lu Mingfei turned to ask Fingel again.

"Huh?" Fingel looked surprised, "What nonsense are you talking about? Didn't you bravely get Nuonuo from the hands of the Dragon King twins last night?"

"Speaking of it, you two are really lucky. Facing the Dragon King, it is a miracle that you are alive now. I should say you are lucky." Fingel took out his mobile phone and opened the photo album.

Lu Mingfei looked at Old Tang's burning figure in the photo and his wings that jumped into the sky and spread out.

"No... how is that possible?" His mind was filled with questions. Was Old Tang also the Dragon King? How can it be? He was obviously running away with them yesterday...and the Dragon King would play StarCraft with him?

No, no, no, that's not the point. Other people's memories seem to be different from his!

In Lu Mingfei's memory, he, Old Tang, and Nuonuo were chased by the Dragon King.

But to others, it seemed that two dragon kings were chasing him and Nuonuo, and he heroically rescued Nuonuo.

What kind of script is this about a hero saving a beauty? Nothing is right at all, okay? Could it be that Lu Mingze changed their memories?

"Nothing is impossible." Nono said, "Have you forgotten everything you did last night?"

"No, I just remember that you almost died, and then I had a hand-to-hand fight with the Dragon King..."

"Isn't that right?" Fingel said, "Junior brother, are you too tired? The situation was critical at that time. Maybe many actions were subconscious. Human instinct is very strong! It's normal to not be able to remember the details. "

"Okay, let's get down to business!" Nono said, "I'm here to deliver a notice, and I want to thank you by the way."

"What kind of notice?" Lu Mingfei asked. He had an ominous premonition. With such a big thing happening last night, the follow-up processing must be very troublesome. Could it be that he was responsible for something?

"Caesar invites you to the Amber Pavilion for a combat meeting." Nono said.

"Huh?" Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, "No, no, no, I'm sorry, I refuse! I have already submitted a membership application to the Lion Heart Club, why would I go to the student union meeting? I never said I wanted to join the student union, right? ?”

"No, this is not a meeting of the student union." Nono shook his head, "This is a meeting of the college, the 'Bronze Plan'! After last night's battle, the principal handed over the execution of this plan to Caesar, and you are the special editor Personnel, personally designated by the principal, must participate!”

"What the fuck?" Lu Mingfei swore, "I didn't say I wanted to participate in any 'bronze plan!' This plan doesn't sound good!"

Yes, the Bronze Project reminded him of what Lu Mingze told him last night. He was facing the Dragon King, the King of Bronze and Fire!

No matter how much he thinks about this 'Bronze Plan', he has nothing to do with the Dragon King. And he still hasn't figured out what the situation is. According to what they said, Old Tang is also the Dragon King...

"If you want to complain, go to the principal." Nono waved her hand and yawned, "Okay, I brought the message. I'm going back to rest. Goodbye!"



Lu Mingfei watched in stunned silence as Nuonuo walked into a nearby room less than five meters away from their dormitory. What the hell? Is this dormitory mixed-sex? He hasn’t noticed it in the past few days since he’s been here! I feel like I missed out on a lot of things. Oh, no, are you so relieved to let Fingel live in this dormitory?

"Okay, junior brother, stop looking at me like this and go to the meeting quickly?" Fingel said scornfully, "The people participating in the 'Bronze Project' this time are all elites. If it succeeds, it will be an honor." ah!"

"You know again?" Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes at him, "Then what if it doesn't succeed?"

"They are also martyrs, so there is no difference, right?"


"Don't worry, junior brother, everyone has seen your strength, there will be no problem!" Fingel patted him on the shoulder.

Although it was a good thing to be praised, Lu Mingfei couldn't laugh at all. What kind of bullshit strength was he? He cheated last night. It has expired long ago. Even if the "don't die" spirit is still there, he There's no way to defeat the Dragon King, right?

"By the way...why doesn't the principal go to such an important task in person? He is obviously so powerful!" Lu Mingfei complained, "Why should we leave it to Caesar to carry out?"

"You don't know something about this, junior brother." Fingel shook his finger, "The inside story here is not that simple."

"This mission is carried out in China. The difficulties involved are beyond your understanding. The principal needs to deal with the relevant people there. He is probably busy thinking of ways to deal with the people there, but he will definitely come when the time comes. It’s at the mission site. The academy just leaves it to Caesar’s organization personnel.” Fingel said, “Caesar’s leadership skills are among the best in the academy.”

"Then why not Chu Zihang?" Lu Mingfei said, "I am obviously a member of the Lion Heart Club! Why do you want me to be a foreign aid...and it is never my turn to be a foreign aid in the Lion Heart Club, right?"

"Alas..." Fingel sighed, "This involves an issue of interests. The Gattuso family has great confidence in Caesar. Of course, the honor of slaying the dragon must be placed on their own heads. Junior brother, The water here is too deep, so you’d better not worry about it.”

"But why me..."

"Because I can't find anyone else except you." Fingel spread his hands, "Chu Zihang hasn't come back from his mission outside, and Xuan Hao can't find anyone after last night. Now the academy can mobilize people." The strongest combat power is only you! Junior brother!"

"God's strongest fighting power, I am *****!"

Amber Pavilion, in the conference room.

Caesar sat in the main seat, studying the huge diagram on the table.

"I've called you all together today to inform you that all your classes will be canceled for the next period of time." Caesar said solemnly, "Of course, canceling classes is not to let you relax, but to require you to participate in training. You are here today. Everyone is a candidate for the 'Bronze' program, it's an honor and the opportunity is rare, I hope everyone takes it well."

"Honor is such a ghost! Didn't you know that someone would die? Don't you all consider the consequences of doing things..." Lu Mingfei said in his heart that this college is full of madmen, and he is the only normal person. He is always criticized because he is not crazy enough. And he is incompatible with this group of people.

"Please take the training seriously, because what you have to face is an unprecedented enemy. I hope everyone will be mentally prepared first, and then we will fly to China. The first decisive battle against the Dragon Clan will begin! Codenamed 'Bronze'. "Caesar said, "Everyone, do you have any comments you can make now?"

"Everyone has no objection, so the meeting ends here?"

Caesar looked around, but no one seemed to have any objections.

"Um...can I refuse?" Lu Mingfei suddenly said weakly.

"I'm sorry, I can't." Caesar smiled, "I know you are tired from a fierce battle just now, but you are the person named by the principal, and you are also our important fighting force. Don't worry, we are not asking you to go to massacre with us right away. Long, there’s still some time left for the training camp, you can adjust your condition well.”

Lu Mingfei looked at Caesar's expression, "I'm very optimistic about you, and I understand that you want to keep a low profile, but brother, we need you, don't hide anymore" and didn't know what to say.

Brother, it’s not what you think, I really don’t!

"Don't show such an unconfident expression," Caesar chuckled, "Where did your momentum from fighting the Dragon King last night go? Think about it carefully, China is your home court."

"No... so what about the home court? Is there a buff bonus?" Lu Mingfei thought silently, "Why do all of you think I'm so powerful, but I don't know? Aura? Am I very powerful? Then You have to pay for it with your life! Labor and capital only cost a quarter of your life!"

"Hey, hey, hey, can you please be reasonable?" Xuan Hao dodged the flames that were about to spray into his face, with a look of helplessness on his face.

But the man in front of him seemed to have lost his mind and couldn't hear what he said.

Just attack like crazy.

"Oh... it's so troublesome. Can I kill him?" Xuan Hao's figure kept moving on the ground, bringing up afterimages one after another to avoid attacks.

The flames were burning, and the blazing high temperature almost melted the surface of the earth, but it did not affect Xuan Hao who was walking through it at all, and it did not even touch the corners of his clothes.

The man's body was covered with pitch-black scales, and the scales were covered with blazing light. This was burning flame, as if he was wearing a blazing armor.

He had a ferocious face, and sharp claws stretched out from the tips of his fingers, waving them with a heat that was enough to melt steel. If he was touched even slightly, he would be instantly burned to charcoal and then reduced to ashes.

"No, you promised me you would save them."

A naughty voice came from the earphones, and it sounded like I was in a good mood. After all, I didn't have to worry about it myself. I found a useful tool. It was really nice.

"Damn girl, stop talking sarcastically. I agree to your request. If you don't behave one day, see how I deal with you then."

Xuan Hao took off his headphones angrily and threw them into the flames.



"Damn it! You're being mean to me again! Huh!" The girl took off her headphones, rubbed her ears that were numb from the shock, and complained. But she seemed to only dare to complain.

Xuan Hao looked helplessly at the man in front of him whose body was on fire.

Be prepared to calm him down first.

This is a delicate job, much more difficult than killing him.

Fortunately, he also studied dragon cooking when he had nothing to do. Ahem, no, about the body structure of dragons, well, it doesn't seem to be of much use now, and I don't know what the body structure of the humanoid Dragon King is like. Yes, you need to study it carefully...


The figure in the flames roared with anger.

A pair of terrifying pupils flashed with red-gold light, and anger overflowed from his pupils. He just wanted to tear the person in front of him to pieces and take back his brother.


He kept chanting in the air, and it seemed that the whole world was only his own voice, and he could hear nothing else.

"It's really nerve-wracking... The dragons are all really problem children, and every one of them is in terrible trouble." Xuan Hao looked at the guy in front of him and shook his head helplessly.

This guy is like a crazy crying kid, but for some reason, he thinks these little lizards are much more innocent and cute than those disgusting conspirators.

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