A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 204 197. Fighting intention

Chapter 204 197. Fighting intention

With a violent sound, Norton's sharp dragon tail penetrated the entire bronze wall, leaving a huge hole in the middle of the wall, but Xuan Hao was no longer there.

Xuan Hao moved his body forcefully at the critical moment and moved himself away from the wall. Fortunately, with his back against the wall, he had a place to draw strength and was able to avoid the violent impact quickly enough.

Yanling Guisheng used it forcefully, causing a trace of blood mist to explode on his body. The bubbles spread with blood in the boiling river. The next moment, Xuanhao's figure was writhing in the water, and he forcefully pulled himself out of the wall. He came out, stepped on the wall, and his legs exploded with great force to push his whole body out. Like a cannonball from the barrel, it fell straight to the ground, avoiding the dragon's tail that could penetrate him.

Norton also realized that his attack did not hit the target. After the explosion just now, even he, as a dragon king, felt a little weak. After all, this dragon body was not his original one, and he was seriously injured.

But he tried his best to move his body towards the center of the water. He had to leave this place where humans could draw strength as soon as possible in order to gain an absolute advantage. He knew very well that even if such an attack hit, it would not be able to cause fatal damage to Xuan Hao. , at this moment, he has regarded Xuan Hao as a stronger being than himself now, and there will be no carelessness in his heart.

What he wants to do is not to kill this human being, but to do his best to make him incapable of fighting. The combat environment at this moment has an absolute advantage for him. As long as he can seize the opportunity to severely damage this human being and trap him under the water, he will With the consumption of oxygen, this human being will become weaker and weaker!

As a noble dragon king, breathing underwater has no problem for him. The water is an excellent battlefield for him, but this human being is different. As long as he is still a human, he cannot be immune to the effects of suffocation. At most It's just a matter of time. At this moment, he has gradually felt that this human's power is declining, and he will soon lose his energy!


Bubbles appeared in Xuan Hao's mouth, and the hot river water was churning. The heavy blow just now caused him to lose a lot of oxygen, and his forced explosion increased the oxygen consumption. At this moment, he felt an uncomfortable feeling in his lungs.

The battle must be done quickly. Yan Ling exploded, and the blood in his body began to boil, even higher than the temperature of the water outside. If he were not in the dark water, you should be able to see the boiling blood-colored steam emitting from the surface of his body, and his skin became It was red, but not because of the hot river water, but because of the fine drops of blood oozing out from his own body.

Xuan Hao's face became a little ferocious, which was caused by the severe pain caused by the physical strength breaking through the limit. If compared to the mixed-blood species, he should be considered to be in a violent state at this moment, but his violent blood is more ordinary mixed-race. The species are not exactly the same.

Other hybrids use psychological suggestion to make the "dragon" hidden in their bloodline greater than the "human" to achieve the improvement of their bloodline, and even produce the phenomenon of dragon transformation.

And his is just pure violent blood, his will will not be swallowed by the dragon's blood, but simply accelerates the blood flow and makes the blood start to boil, thereby enhancing body functions. Such an approach would cause tremendous pain, and an ordinary person might faint from the pain, but that was not possible for him.

He endured the double pain caused by blood and speech spirit at the same time, in exchange for unparalleled absolute violence!

Xuan Hao's golden pupils suddenly lit up. Under the dim water, they were like the sun rising in the dark night sky, emitting dazzling brilliance. The huge figure of the dragon was projected in his pupils, and the pupils began to shrink, as if they were locked. achieved this goal!

Norton suddenly felt a huge crisis, and his instinct made him speed up and swim toward the center of the river. However, the sense of crisis increased instead of decreasing. The god of death grabbed his heart and he could not escape.

Xuan Hao intertwined his hands, and the two ancient alchemy knives screamed sonorously in his hands. It was the infusion of endless power. These two peerless blades refined by the Dragon King were somewhat unable to withstand such power. Xuan Hao had no choice but to hold back a little. A hint of strength.

At this moment, with the blessing of violent blood and Yan Ling Guisheng, his whole body muscles were tightened, his skin was red, and fine blood beads kept coming out, and his body surface was constantly torn, and at an astonishing speed that no one knew No one knows what kind of pain he endured during the repair, but the strength gained is real.

Xuanhao now looks like a ghost from hell. The river water boils even more with the blood seeping out of his body. The steam seeping out of his body even forms a short vacuum zone in the river water. Hot blood mist spits out from the corner of his mouth. Bloodthirsty and ferocious.

No one has ever seen him like this, and everyone who has seen him is dead, but maybe he will make an exception today as a reward for this stupid dragon to please him.

Xuan Hao stepped on the ground with both feet and exerted force, causing the entire bronze ground to crack. The two swords in his hands broke through the restrictions of the river and slashed towards the target he had locked on high up.

He was walking in the water as if he were stepping on flat ground. The powerful force was forcibly borrowed from the water. Every time he took a step, the whole river could not help but tremble. He stepped in the water, constantly tossing, and stretching his body, as flexible as on the ground. This The water of the Yangtze River can no longer be his shackles.

Extreme strength dominated everything, allowing him to move at high speeds in the water, and his position continued to rise.

Xuan Hao was suspended in the water, with his feet in the water, and his leg muscles continued to expand and explode, breaking through the constraints of physical rules.

Bloody water vapor rose around him, wrapped around his body, and obscured his face. His whole figure was like a moving bloody cannon, rushing straight towards Norton.

Those bright golden eyes revealed blood-colored steam, showing a crazy fighting spirit. He felt very relaxed now. He hadn't moved his muscles like this for a long time, and his body was almost 'rusty'.

Today he finally found a reason. Well, although he had to try not to beat the other person to death, there were always accidents in everything, so if any accident really happened, he could only express his regret and hope that he could be saved.

It's been a hundred years since he gained power, and he has never used his full strength to deal with anyone, so it's understandable that he couldn't hold back today, right? In a battle with almost the strongest creature in this world, you can't let go too much and overturn. He is not like Lu Mingze who has the power of a bug. He only has brute strength and cannot do such delicate work.

A cone-shaped vacuum zone appeared in the water, which was the river water that Xuan Hao pushed aside when he sprinted.

The sense of crisis rising in his heart also made Norton realize that from now on, it would be a real fight! This human being actually had a hand before! It's incredible.

But if you want to fight, fight! As the king of the dragon clan, how could he be timid in fighting?

The dragon body covered with bronze armor expands again, and the strong and powerful dragon arms break through the resistance of the water and bring about a reverse wave. He wants to use the violence of the dragon body to stop the human in front of him! In a head-on physical competition, there is no reason why dragons should lose to humans!

Norton only felt the roaring explosion. It was the violent movement caused by Xuanhao breaking through the water curtain. The hot steam coming from the pavement and the large amount of water mist obscured Norton's sight. As the King of Bronze and Fire, They all felt a burning sensation,

It was the burning heat of fear that came from the depths of the soul.

In a brief moment, Norton saw clearly the ghostly face of the human being behind the bloody mist, and saw the bloodthirsty fighting spirit rising in the opponent's golden eyes that were even more dazzling than him.

The giant dragon opened its bloody mouth, and its roar resounded throughout the bottom of the river. In that high-pitched roar, there was no longer a furious fighting spirit, but a deep fear.

In just a moment, Norton understood that the human being in front of him had been playing tricks on him before. He could never compete head-on with this ghost-like power, not even in his heyday!

"Shut your mouth, keep your teeth shut, and good luck!"

Xuan Hao's roar drowned out the dragon's roar and penetrated Norton's eardrums.

His legs exploded and exerted force again. His speed increased again, breaking through the shackles of the water. In an instant, the space exploded, and all sounds were drowned, leaving only the bursting sound of the river.

Norton's eyes showed a determined fighting spirit. Faced with such a powerful blow, his dignity did not allow him to retreat. He was the Dragon King, and Samson was willing to sacrifice his dragon body for him to fight, so how could he retreat! There is only one way before him at this moment, and that is to fight until the last moment!

He seemed to recall the battlefield back then. He once had boiling blood, but now he has forgotten it. What a shame. But fortunately, I finally remembered that he was the Dragon King Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire.

When he was fighting in all directions, there was always a stupid younger brother waiting for his triumphant return at home.

Unfortunately, today is no longer the same as it was then.

The ancient majesty suddenly rose in the river, and the upward momentum broke through the river surface, pointing directly to the sky, and the majestic fighting spirit reached the blue sky!

This is the fighting spirit, the fighting spirit from ancient times, awakening in this world.

Even Xuan Hao was a little surprised for a moment. He seemed to see that the dying king had returned to his strongest posture two thousand years ago. It was a proud posture that looked down on the world and was invincible, like a god!

This is not the kind of fighting spirit that mortals can have. This is the endless fighting spirit that has been accumulated over thousands of years. It is a fierce murderous intention, majestic and vast, and the roar of the ancient gods seems to be heard again in the world.

Xuan Hao grinned. He clearly understood that the Dragon King in front of him had no retreat and was desperate. This was a desperate fight from the ancient king!


Norton roared from his mouth, resounding throughout the world.

Lu Mingfei was shivering on the river.

The sudden loud noise made him feel as if Grandpa Hell was waving to him. In the war roar, he seemed to see with his own eyes, on the ancient battlefield, endless gold and iron horses, and a man in green armor charging forward. , this is the battlefield of the ancient gods, and the battlefield of the ancient gods seems to be reappearing in front of his eyes.

This man was unafraid of life and death and rushed towards his enemy. His golden pupils were filled with a determined fighting spirit. It was a fearless and invincible fighting spirit. However, for some reason, Lu Mingfei saw a hint of tenderness in this man's eyes.

Who is left with the tenderness in the eyes of those who go to the battlefield? Without thinking, he understood that it was definitely not left to the enemy. There were probably people at home waiting for him to return.

An inexplicable sadness surged into Lu Mingfei's heart. Is this the battlefield? It's really cruel. In fact, no one wants to die. No one wants to go to the battlefield to kill, right? But why is there war in this world? This is probably not a question that a person like him can figure out. He just subconsciously feels that the death of such a person is meaningless and worthless.

"So, don't die, my friend."

Xuan Hao looked at Norton's arrogant fighting spirit with a hint of respect in his eyes.

This is not the pity of the strong for the weak, but the reverence due to a warrior who died generously. At least at this moment, he recognized the opponent in front of him.

"Well done."

He turned the blade around and finally decided to use the blade to face the enemy. If the opponent used the back of the blade, it would be an insult.

He will not hold back this knife. Life or death depends entirely on God's will.

The rising bloody figure swept through the scarlet mist, and its double blades broke through the shackles of the river. The impact caused by the extremely high speed separated the entire river, like a ground-breaking strike, making the entire water area turbulent.

There was no fear in the eyes of the huge falling figure. He used all his strength to fall toward the oncoming slashes below. Just like before, even if he was dead or alive, he would not step back at all!

At the moment when the swords were fighting, the water currents collided together, and there was already a stormy wave on the river. Lu Mingfei clung to the small canoe to prevent himself from falling into the river. He gritted his teeth and looked under the water, although he didn't know What exactly happened, but one thing he knew very well was that this was an unprecedented battle, and mortals were not even qualified to watch it.

Just for a moment, time seemed to have stopped for the collision between the two. It seemed that the outcome was no longer important at this moment, but the ending was often cruel, and the winner had to be decided in the end.

In an instant, the river became more violent, and even began to flow upstream and soar into the sky. The space where the two collided seemed to explode. The entire water area collapsed, forming a vacuum zone, and the water in it turned into a bloody mist.

It was the collision of the extremely powerful blade and the Dragon King's life-saving blow. Gorgeous blood flowers exploded in the water, dyeing the entire water red.

The human and dragon bodies were pressed together, and the Seven Deadly Sins seemed to have reached their limit. The sharp blades broke apart the moment they collided. Xuan Hao used the broken blade to leave a deep mark on the dragon's body!

It seems that this kind of battle is no longer something that this set of swords can participate in. The next person and dragon who collided with each other competed with pure strength!

But it is obvious that humans have the upper hand. At this moment, all physical laws are trampled under the feet of this human being.

The awesome guy calls out to the expert, "Brother Newton, it's time for you to retire!"

It seemed that what Xuan Hao was stepping on was not invisible water, but solid earth. Waves of ripples spread out under his feet, and he forcefully pushed the huge body above him upwards.

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