A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 280 273. Who wants to accompany some grown men?

Chapter 280 273. Who wants to accompany some grown men?

"You can't see it, right? You can't tell it. How else would you call it a secret weapon? This is the 'ultimate weapon' of the Sheqi family. They call her the 'Sword of Judgment'. These self-righteous guys , has been hidden all this time, the academy probably doesn’t know about it, it’s normal that you can’t see it.” Xuan Hao’s words were filled with sarcasm.

"They actually used a girl as a weapon?" Lu Mingfei frowned. He could hear the displeasure in Xuan Hao's tone. Anyone who had seen this girl would be displeased with this matter.

"No wonder the old men in the family don't like the Japanese very much. They didn't understand it before, but now they can see it." Caesar smiled.

The Gattuso family's properties are spread all over the world, but they don't even have a single piece of real estate in Japan. You can imagine how much those old men dislike these Japanese people.

"Do you know what her speech spirit is?" Chu Zihang frowned and looked at Xuan Hao. From the surface, he couldn't see anything special about Eri, but he could easily understand it. Just like himself, if this girl possessed a high-risk word spirit, she could indeed be called a secret weapon.

It's just that he doesn't quite understand what kind of spirit can make the Japanese branch take it so seriously? Even hidden as the 'ultimate weapon'.

They will not doubt what Xuan Hao said, because they all know that although this man does not look very interesting, his mission has never failed. Since he had been to Japan before, it was not surprising to know this secret information.

"Yan Ling Judgment. Serial number 111. Extremely high risk." Xuan Hao said in a deep voice.


The three people's eyes were filled with shock.

"Is this... really a speech spirit that humans can possess?"

They looked at each other, thinking that Chu Zihang's Jun Yan was already a dangerous enough word spirit, but they didn't expect that there were even more outrageous word spirit owners in Japan.

Word spirit·judgment.

They have all seen it on the periodic table of words and spirits. The periodic table of words and spirits ends at number 118, and it is number 111. It is the high-risk word spirit at the end. It is no longer a category that humans can control. According to common sense, it can be controlled. Only pure-blooded dragons are at such high risk!

"Don't be so excited." Xuan Hao shrugged, "I'm just reminding you to prevent you from messing around without knowing anything. Just do what you should do, and I'll be here for the rest."

"That's right...that's right."

The three of them looked at each other, feeling a little helpless. It seemed that this mission was just too much for them. Fortunately, they were still competent at some ordinary small tasks. Xuan Hao told them this probably to remind them not to be too showy when doing things.

After all, the boss has limited energy and he has to protect his girlfriend, so how can he have time to care about the personal safety of these rough guys every day.

"Okay, you continue chatting, I'm going back to the room." Xuan Hao stood up, took a bottle of 1998 Moet \u0026 Chandon from the wine rack, then ignored these guys and walked towards his room.

It's so late, who wants to talk to these men all night long?

"Uh... let's change places?" Caesar suggested. He was afraid that there would be some inappropriate noises coming from Xuan Hao's room later, which would affect their discussion of the battle plan.

"Go to my room." Lu Mingfei nodded in agreement. He specifically chose the room farthest from Xuan Hao's room. Don't ask why he is so smart. Ask him because he was trained. Who knows what he was trained to do in the academy? How much dog food is stuffed? If you come out now, you must stay away.

"Tell me the plan."

The three of them moved their positions, and Chu Zihang closed the soundproof door of the room.

"Actually, there is one thing I still don't understand." Lu Mingfei raised his hand and asked, "Why should we leave this kind of task to a few of us? It would be faster and safer to let Senior Brother Xuanhao carry it out."

The academy assigned them a special mission before they left, sneaking into Kaguya's control room to steal the information hidden by the Japanese branch.

You must know that Kaguya's control room is inside Genji Heavy Industries, the headquarters of the Japanese branch, and this place is said to have been cleared the last time Brother Xuanhao came, so it's okay to come again now, right?

So why let them do these laborious things? Lu Mingfei couldn't understand. Could it be that Senior Brother Xuanhao really didn't have a good relationship with the college, but wasn't he a school director? Or is it that even if the boss becomes a school director, he really doesn’t care how the college is doing?

Lu Mingfei was already confused by Xuan Hao's operation. He knew that his senior brother and the principal seemed to be a bit uncooperative, but now that he is a school director, he should do something for the college, right? He had already thought about following the boss, but he didn't even understand the boss's thoughts.

"What are you talking about?" Caesar was a little confused. "Isn't what we have to discuss now where to go next?"

"Huh?" Lu Mingfei was stunned.

"Caesar is right." Chu Zihang nodded, "Now is not the time to carry out a mission. We have just arrived in Japan and have not yet figured out the terrain clearly. It is inconvenient to move, and... at least we will not fall out after we blow up the embryo. when."

"Is it necessary to fall out before performing the mission?" Lu Mingfei was unable to complain, "Can't we complete the mission quietly in a gentler way? Brother Xuanhao just reminded us to be careful..."

"He just asked us to try not to cause conflicts with those people we met." Chu Zihang analyzed matter-of-factly, "Now that we know who we cannot touch, it will be easier to execute the plan, and there is no need to waste energy and be so careful. "

"What did the principal say? Students who dare not cause trouble are not good students?" Caesar also agreed with Chu Zihang's opinion.

"What you said makes sense..." Lu Mingfei was unable to refute. Now two against one, he felt that nothing he said seemed to be of any use. If he persisted in his objection, it would seem that everyone who came to Japan this time was fearless, and he was the only one who was a coward?

Lu Mingfei was helpless. Should we say that the college executive department deserves to be a violent organization? What kind of specialists have you trained? A peaceful solution never seemed to exist in their minds. No matter how much we discuss, there seems to be only one conclusion in the end, and that is ‘Do it! ’

Lu Mingfei once tried to "get out of the mud without getting stained". After all, he was not good at fighting, so he wanted to try to solve the problem peacefully. I still feel too young now, as if I can't look back long ago. If I stay with a group of embryo killers, I will be infected sooner or later.

"Okay, let's have fun for a few days first. We've come to Japan, so we have to bring some souvenirs back." Lu Mingfei gave up the struggle and lay straight on the bed.

But buying souvenirs is fake. Who knows if these few days are his last days in this beautiful world. He has to cherish it. After all, when the time comes, he may just repatriate his body and bring some souvenirs with him.

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