A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 293 286. Well-behaved and sensible

Chapter 293 286. Well-behaved and sensible

However, Lu Mingfei didn't seem to pay attention to his actions, and was even bargaining with Aso Zhen. Buying the figures was the purpose of his entering the store. After he bought the figures with satisfaction, he recalled that he had other things to do when he came in. Coming?

But this made Noda Shou angry, and he was about to get up.

Aso was really scared and reminded Lu Mingfei to stop bargaining and leave quickly. This figure is for you!

However, Lu Mingfei said that the problem was not big, and he turned around and came to Noda Shou.

""JoJo's Bizarre Adventure"? The person in the passage!" Lu Mingfei leaned next to Noda Hisaru and looked at the comic book in his hand, as if he had found a confidant.

This made Hisahi Noda stunned, no, I am a gangster! Underworld!

"Wow, brother, your baseball bat is not bad! Where did you buy it?" Lu Mingfei picked up the bat next to him familiarly and patted Noda Shou on the shoulder, looking familiar.

"..." Hisashi Noda felt a little numb. The otaku in front of him seemed to think of him as a similar person reading comics in the store?

Just when he was about to get angry, Lu Mingfei leaned into his ear and whispered.

"So that girl's name is Aso Makoto? She has good taste."

"Uh..." Noda Shou was stunned.

"You...how did you know?" He lowered his voice.

"Do you like her?" Lu Mingfei asked quietly, licking his lips at the girl next to him.

"You, you, you..." Noda Shou's face was slightly red, "Who are you? How do you know?"

"Didn't you write this yourself?" Lu Mingfei knocked on the baseball bat. The iron bat had a girl's name neatly engraved on it. It looked very attentive, at least for a gangster to write like this. The neat words are really thoughtful.

"You can't do this!" Lu Mingfei looked like a life mentor, "Don't you see that she is afraid of you?"

"I... you... want you to take care of it!" Noda Hisashi was anxious, "What do you know?"

"I understand, brother..." Lu Mingfei sighed, patting his shoulder lightly as if he had been through it before, "But you can't do this. Your courage is in the wrong place. Instead of occupying the store, it will have an impact." If you are still frightened by others at work, why not work up the courage to go up and confess your feelings, and of course, remember to apologize before confessing."

"I..." Noda Shou opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something. He seemed to be a gangster? Why can this guy educate him with a serious face?

Lu Mingfei sighed again and patted his shoulder lightly, with a look like, 'I'm here to help, that's all.'

Aso looked at the two people whispering strangely. Ever since the boy entered the store, the tense atmosphere in the store seemed to have disappeared.

Everyone was a little confused when they saw Lu Mingfei getting acquainted with the gangster.

The key point is that as the two people were chatting, the little gangster's face turned red. Unexpectedly, Lu Mingfei was good at picking up girls but not men?

The atmosphere in the store became a little weird.

After Lu Mingfei and Noda Shou finished chatting, they ran to the shelves to select figures, and then chatted next to the cashier.

Noda Shou sat on the chair with his head lowered in a daze, seeming to be struggling in his heart.

Seeing Lu Mingfei chatting harmoniously with that gangster, Xia Mi felt as if the problem had been solved. He took Xuan Hao's arm and walked into the store, then ran to the nearby figure rack to choose figures.

"Brother, you have worked hard guarding the goal, keep up the hard work."

When Xuanhao passed by Noda Hisaru, he patted his shoulder affectionately, then turned to look at Natsumi fondly, who was holding a figure of Haruhi Suzumiya, and he had forgotten that this girl was still a homebody.

"Am I the gatekeeper?" Noda Shou was stunned.

"Come on, brother, would you like to have a cigarette?"

Caesar also entered the store to join in the fun, and even took out a cigar from his arms and gave it to the brother who was guarding the door.


Noda Hisashi was a little stunned. Is this a cigar? Do all college students smoke this kind of thing nowadays?

Then Chu Zihang couldn't stand outside and follow him in, but he didn't say anything and just followed silently.

But this frightened Noda Hisashi. He didn't notice when they got together just now, but now he saw what the facially paralyzed boy was holding. It was a samurai sword, and judging from the texture, it was definitely not a toy!

Noda Shou swallowed his saliva. Fortunately, he was not impulsive just now. Are all students nowadays so wild? Smoking and smoking cigars and carrying a knife when you go out?

No, that's not the point. The point is that Noda Shou doesn't dare to move at all now because he sees someone standing at the door.

Just now, because he was sitting at a relatively low angle, and because these people were crowded together and blocked his view, he didn't see him. But now everyone else has entered the store, and the man in a black windbreaker who was left at the door is particularly eye-catching.

The sunshine outside the store door shone brightly on half of the man's body, but Noda Hisashi could not feel the warmth at all. The man held a long knife with a dark red scabbard in one hand, and wore a The silver ring with gentian pattern looked at him with cold eyes.

The current executive director of the eight Sheqi families is Yuan Zhisheng.

Hisashi Noda remembered the ring that symbolized status. When he first joined the group, his cousin told him that it was a token of the head of the Minamoto family in order to prevent him from offending the wrong people.

The head of the Yuan family, the young master of the Eight Sheqi families, the man in front of him was not much older than him, but his status was very different from him. The most important thing is that this person is in charge of the executive bureau!

Law enforcement officer, a title that scares all the underworld in Japan. The reason is very simple. When you meet a law enforcement officer, you usually commit a crime and need to be dealt with. As for how to deal with it...

Noda Shou was panicking, and cold sweat had soaked his whole body, right? This can kill people!

He had heard about the fate of those who met the law enforcement officers. It was said that the easiest one was to be poured into a concrete pillar and sink into the sea. He never thought that things would get to this level!

But Noda Hisashi felt that he didn't do anything extraordinary, he just made a few verbal threats, and it was only directed at the shop owner. He was respectful to Miss Zhen and didn't provoke her at all. No one from my family would come here just because of such a trivial matter. Looking for him? And the person coming is still the young master! Is he worthy?

Just when his face was filled with nervousness, he saw Yuan Zhisheng walking towards him.

This made Noda Shou feel a chill running from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and he suddenly became upright.

Several other people in the store also stopped what they were doing and looked at Yuan Zhisheng and this little gangster as if they were watching a show. They seemed to be very curious about how the Japanese branch handles underworld affairs. They were just curious and had absolutely no bad intentions.

Aso Zhen, who was standing at the checkout counter scanning goods, was very curious when she saw this scene. What she was curious about was the identity of this group of teenagers, and why just walking in could make that fierce gangster suddenly become well-behaved and sensible.

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