A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 294 287. Not in the same channel

Chapter 294 287. Not on the same channel

But in addition to being curious, she was also a little worried, because the man in the black windbreaker was standing in front of the gangster. His expression looked terrifying, and the aura on his body made her feel a little suffocated.

"They won't fight in the store, right?" Aso Zhen clenched her hands nervously. Only now did she see clearly that two of these people were carrying knives. Could it be that the underworld was fighting for territory? Or is this the boss who said someone from 'above' will handle the problem?

"What is going on..." Lu Mingfei asked Caesar in a low voice, "The atmosphere doesn't seem right?"

"I don't know, I'm also very curious." Caesar touched his chin, "But this guy is just disturbing the business and he won't sink into the sea, right? I heard that it is popular in Japan to cut off fingers to apologize?"

Lu Mingfei didn't quite understand. Why was Yuan Zhisheng standing in front of this gangster with a gloomy look on his face, as if he had done nothing? Although it is indeed not good to learn to be a gangster at a young age and come to a handicraft store to scare girls, but it is not like provoking Yuan Zhisheng, right?

He didn't seem to realize at all that Noda Hisashi was a few years older than him, nor did he realize that Yuan Zhi was born as a young underworld master and wanted to be proud. I didn't even realize that I didn't seem to be on the same channel as everyone else around me.

In Lu Mingfei's eyes, this is probably just a fool chasing the girl he likes in the stupidest way, but in Yuan Zhisheng's eyes, this affects the family's face, because these are all guests from the headquarters, and as a young man, God, he actually encountered this kind of thing when he was working as a tour guide. It was really embarrassing to tell about it.

Maybe he will be labeled as "Japanese branch management is negligent and poorly prepared, nothing more than that".


Yuan Zhisheng felt very embarrassed being stared at by these idiots, as if he was being looked at like a monkey.

And the person who caused all of this was the ungrateful little gangster in front of him. This guy was wearing flashy clothes with the snake logo embroidered on them. He was carrying a baseball cap and holding a comic book in his hand...

Isn't this just an idiot who didn't graduate from middle school? Yuan Zhisheng felt ashamed for him. It has completely disgraced the Japanese mafia.

"What's your name?" Yuan Zhisheng looked down at Noda Shou coldly. He was in a bad mood now. Although this guy didn't do anything, he was so lucky that he was bumped into by these idiots. If he didn't deal with it, Are the Sheqi family shameless?

The family has no standard procedure for dealing with such a completely unscrupulous little gangster. Usually, the most it can do is scare him, but what makes Yuan Zhisheng embarrassed now is that the current situation conflicts with the family's face. If it is just To scare you, the rough-edged idiots next to you would probably look down on the Japanese branch even more, but if the punishment was too severe, he would think it was unfair.

Yuan Zhisheng really wants to find a place to go down.

"My name is Noda Hisashi, the future third generation of the Noda group, and now I work with the second generation... I was born on May 4th, the sixth year of Seihei, Gemini, and I was born in the year of dog..." Noda Shou lowered his head, his attitude was very sincere, and even his birth date and horoscope Everything was explained, although Yuan Zhisheng didn't ask about it at all.

"Noda group? Never heard of it." Yuan Zhisheng frowned, but this is no wonder for him. As the young master of the eight Sheqi families, he has a lot of things to do in a day. How can he have time to learn the names of every club in Japan? Usually these trivial matters Sakura was taking care of every little thing, but today he didn't bring her with him.

"Actually..." Noda Shou opened his mouth to explain.

But Yuan Zhisheng didn't give him a chance. He felt uncomfortable being watched by a group of people. How could he have time to listen to a gangster talking about his family tree? Besides, these are not important at all.

"Do you know what you did wrong?" Yuan Zhisheng asked.

"I..." Noda Shou raised his head and wanted to defend, because he felt that he had done nothing wrong... Isn't it normal for the underworld to collect protection fees? Moreover, the previous owner of this store also paid the protection fee honestly, but now that the owner has changed, he no longer pays. He is just here to threaten me. It’s impossible for the young underworld master in front of me not to understand, right? These are all the rules on the road, and everyone is a man of rules.

But as soon as he raised his head to meet Yuan Yuan's naive eyes, he swallowed his words instantly.

Those eyes were meant to kill. Noda Shou felt that if he said the wrong thing, this man would tear him apart.

Then he keenly observed the gloating looks of several people next to him. These people seemed to be friends of the young master of the family? They are here to watch the young master’s jokes!

Noda Shou reacted immediately, his body trembled, he stood up and bowed at 90 degrees, "I'm sorry, I know I was wrong!"

Noda Shou swore that this was the most formal and sincere apology in his life. Although he was a chuunibyou, his ability to observe people's emotions was learned from his cousin since he started working in the underworld. His cousin told him who he could mess with. , who should not be messed with, as a small society, they should abide by the small society's way of survival.

"Then do you know what to do?" Yuan Zhisheng asked again.

"I know!" Hisashi Noda took out the short knife from his trouser pocket, squatted down on the chair and was about to cut off his fingers to apologize.

"I voluntarily apologize to my family. I know that I have violated my family's rules and I am willing to accept the punishment!"

Although he said this, the hand holding the knife was shaking violently. He knew the rules, but he had never thought that such a punishment would actually fall on him.

Noda Hisashi never dreamed that he would have to cut off his fingers to apologize for a visit to the handicraft store, but the current situation is like this. The young master of the family is very angry, and the consequences will be serious. He still knew which one was more important, his life or his fingers.

"Hey, hey, hey! I didn't ask you to be so self-conscious... Just pretend, right?" Yuan Zhisheng wanted to facepalm, why do you keep meeting fake people recently?


Aso's face turned pale. She didn't expect that a scene like this that she only saw on TV would happen in front of her, in a shop on the street in broad daylight.

The gangster's trembling hand was already holding the knife. With just a slight downward force, a section of his finger would be cut off.

Aso really felt that this was not the case. Although this gangster looked fierce and scary, at least he didn't do anything rude to her when he came to the store. He just sat and read comics. The most important thing is that the boss's salary is still paid, and her work is much easier when there are no customers in the store... She just doesn't know how long the store can survive, and she will be unemployed again.

"Hey, Yuan-kun, there is a girl here." Caesar frowned slightly when he heard Aso's soft exclamation.

"No way? Do you really want to cut it off?" Lu Mingfei was shocked. He didn't expect that what Caesar said was true. The Japanese underworld is really scary. If someone comes to chase a girl, he has to cut off his fingers to apologize? Okay, this guy seems to be hindering people's normal business, but that's not it, right?

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