A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 300 293. A nuclear bomb in the face (please count the votes to save me)

Chapter 300 293. Taking a nuclear bomb in the face (please count the votes to save it)

Just when they were debating whether to retreat, there was a vibration in the water above, and then, something seemed to break through the field and move downwards like a bullet.

"Chu Zihang! Go to the right! Quick!"

Caesar suddenly shouted.

Before he finished speaking, the entire submersible began to vibrate. It was not Chu Zihang's voice that was out of control, but the violent water waves spreading from above that impacted the entire submersible.

Chu Zihang reacted and instantly adjusted Yan Ling's burst. A black pillar of fire erupted, and the entire submersible exploded to the right.

Violent fluctuations are still spreading.

A pitch-black warhead cut through the water, and the cone-shaped area formed displaced a large amount of seawater, causing the Jiaolong to tumble as it dodged.

The three people in the cabin tried their best to grab the seats. Chu Zihang gritted his teeth and tried desperately to adjust the balance of the submersible.

It took a while for the entire water area to calm down.

Lu Mingfei looked at the bubbling seawater outside the glass in shock, "What is that?"

"Quick! Come up!" Caesar did not answer Lu Mingfei's question and continued to yell at Chu Zihang.

Chu Zihang seemed to have realized something, and there was no doubt that the spirit spirit burst out and began to rise at full speed.

"That's a nuclear bomb, bastard!" Caesar yelled, "Those lunatics really want to blow us up together with the Divine Burial Hall!"

Harsh alarms kept sounding in the cabin, and dense warning messages scrolled upward on the console. On the section view of the Jiaolong, the air cabin and oxygen cabin turned red at the same time, and the red indicator lights kept flashing.

The Jiaolong was shaking violently, and the faces of the people in the cabin instantly became extremely ugly.

"The submersible is seriously damaged and oxygen is being lost. We can't stay underwater any longer!" Caesar said, "We have to surface first."

"But... our plan is not to wait for the boss to finish handling the things below, and then go up to attract firepower. Are we taking the opportunity to slip away?" Lu Mingfei.

"There's no time to wait for him. Our remaining oxygen can only last for 15 minutes at most!" Caesar pointed to the indicator diagram on the console. The oxygen storage capacity shown on the diagram was decreasing crazily, and the red indicator light kept flashing.

Two of the three oxygen tanks carried by the Jiaolong were damaged, and the last one also had cracks. Outside the cabin, their oxygen tank was slowly deflating due to water pressure. The steel wall of this deep-sea oxygen tank was several centimeters thick, but even with cracks, it could not withstand the water pressure here. Oxygen continued to leak from the cracks. After escaping, the 15 minutes Caesar said they could last included the time they could hold their breath.

"Are you sure you won't be killed by the Japanese branch if you go up now?" Lu Mingfei raised his head and looked at the dark sea water above.

"Don't worry about this for now, Chu Zihang, surface at full speed!" Caesar said, "There are still a group of zombies floating up below. We will be torn apart by them if we stay here!"

"What's the difference? It's all death anyway..." Lu Mingfei sighed helplessly.

"If there is a chance," Chu Zihang judged calmly, "with so many corpse guards floating on the water, they can help us share the firepower. Then we will see who is more vulnerable."

His golden eyes began to burn, and the four walls of the cockpit were instantly illuminated, and hot fluctuations were brewing in the air.

Jun Yan's firepower instantly condensed under the submersible. As the alchemy matrix increased, it exploded almost as soon as it condensed. The entire submersible vibrated violently. The heat released by Jun Yan after the explosion displaced a huge amount of energy. The amount of sea water instantly melted the corpse guards who wanted to get closer, and the spiral white steam flow roared in the deep sea.

The water vapor flow and flames were entangled and spiraling together. Under the high pressure of the steam explosion, the entire submersible moved upwards rapidly.

Lu Mingfei felt like his neck was about to be broken by the sudden acceleration. Who expected Chu Zihang to be so violent? He turned his head and glanced at Chu Zihang. Chu Zihang didn't look very relaxed. Such an outburst must have come at a price. Although his face was expressionless, it was already covered with fine beads of sweat.

In this way, even if they surface, they will lose a combat power, right?

Lu Mingfei felt a little desperate. If his estimate was correct, Chu Zihang was the most powerful among the three of them. Especially in such a large-scale battle, Chu Zihang played the greatest role. But according to this If they go down, Chu Zihang will lose his fighting power when they reach the sea, and he and Caesar must fight out the siege from the corpse guards and the Japanese branch with a weak person.

is it possible? Anyway, Lu Mingfei thought it was impossible.

On Gao Tianyuan deep in the abyss, Xuan Hao stood in the center of the corpse guards and was killing with ease. The entire sea area had been dyed with rich blood and he could hardly see what was ahead.

There were far more corpse guards than he imagined. It seemed that all the dragons who once lived in this ancient city had awakened today, but the corpse guards all over the city could not help him alone.

Although these corpse guards could overwhelm the mothership battle group when charging, the boundary drawn by the spear wielded by this man was like an invisible wall that could not be broken through. All the corpse guards that swarmed over were instantly dismembered.

The only regret that Xuan Hao felt was that he couldn't stop these corpse guards from escaping, because there were too many of them. Even if they stopped in place, they couldn't be cleaned up in one or two strokes. In addition, these corpse guards seemed to It wasn't that he didn't have any consciousness. What surprised him was that these guys were actually afraid!

Facing Xuan Hao's murderous aura, their attacks became increasingly perfunctory, and some of the corpse guards even fled toward the top of the sea.

But Xuan Hao soon realized that these guys were not afraid of his murderous intent. They were not afraid of any living thing, because the purpose of their existence was to tear apart all living things in front of them.

But now they feel a fatal threat.

Xuan Hao also felt it, because in this 8,600-meter deep sea there should be no other light except the light of lava, but a dazzling light came from above.

He looked up towards the sea and suddenly stopped what he was doing.

It was a dazzling light like the sun, accompanied by the will to destroy everything.

"I don't know if I can die this time..."

Xuan Hao looked at the approach of the light with an expressionless expression, which seemed to be somewhat beyond his expectation.

The next moment, white light that was more dazzling than the scorching sun illuminated the entire seabed, like a sword of judgment descending.

Xuan Hao's figure disappeared, and with him disappeared the entire group of countless corpse guards. A huge mushroom cloud bloomed on the bottom of the sea, instantly evaporating the sea water, and was submerged again by the endless deep sea.

For a short period of time, everything seemed to be calm.

Calmness is just a precursor to an explosion.

High-temperature water surged from the depths of the ocean floor, and the ruins of Takamagahara, which had been baptized by small nuclear bombs, let out cracking sounds as their last dying groans. The former residence of the gods was finally completely wiped out at this moment. Humanity seemed to have defeated the gods at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, as if the flames from hell slowly rose in the deep sea, the thunder of destruction resounded in the depths of the trench. The submarine magma was finally activated in this violent explosion. Millions of tons of magma burst from the wounds in the earth. Spewing out!

But it seems that the power of the earth's anger is far less than the power of the endless deep sea. Soon after it erupted, it was dyed from blazing gold to scorched black by the sea water, and then solidified on the seabed never to see the light of day.

It was as if there should be no life in the trench after the end of the world, but a pair of bright golden eyes suddenly lit up in the depths of the abyss.

Deep in the crater at the center of the explosion, a pitch-black spear stood like a sea-fixing needle. It seemed to be indestructible. Even mankind's most powerful weapons and the anger of the earth failed to leave the slightest trace on it. , still crumbling like a dead branch but eternal.

The moment the nuclear bomb dropped, Xuan Hao's body instantly melted into the endless white light, and his entire soul seemed to be pulled away. Logically speaking, it should be impossible for him to repair his body without even leaving any residue, but he did not die.

Like a bystander, he watched his body reborn from scratch so intuitively for the first time, feeling the pain that struck his soul countless times, as if the strange power of the Creator violated the rules of the world and transformed his body into something new. The body is reshaped from nothingness, once, twice, three times...

"Amazing, right?"

A voice reached the depths of his soul, and the pain that reached his soul disappeared when he heard the voice.

"Ha ha--"

Xuan Hao calmed down and turned to look at the illusory figure emitting white light.

He raised his hand, looked at his own somewhat illusory figure, and frowned, "What's going on?"

"As you can see, you are in a soul state now, and I have temporarily cut off the connection between your soul and body," God shrugged, "otherwise I don't think we can communicate normally."

"Don't you want to see me in pain? Isn't this a good opportunity? Why cut it off?"

"Because I'm talking to you," God said matter-of-factly, "Also, I don't have a hobby of listening to a man moan. The sign of pain is not necessarily a scream, understand?"

"Tsk! There's so much shit." Xuan Hao smacked his lips, "Tell me? What's the hidden agenda behind this sudden appearance?"

"I am a god, how could I have such evil ideas?" The man was a little confused.

"I don't have time to joke with you. What's going on?" Xuan Hao sighed, "Isn't it because your curse doesn't work and I'm going to die? That's really a good thing!"

"How is it possible?" The man shook his finger, "It's impossible for you to die. If you really die, wouldn't I be embarrassed? How could a god be defeated by a human thing? Although you are weak, let this time The recovery may seem slow, but you will survive anyway."

"Am I weak?" Xuan Hao pointed at himself. It was hard to accept it at first, but when he looked at the man in front of him, he suddenly realized that he was indeed very weak and couldn't resist at all.

"Yeah, it's very weak. You can't even comb the middle of the earth. A small nuclear bomb can wipe your body out. Isn't this weak enough?" The man laughed, "Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"..." Xuan Hao was silent. He suddenly realized that if the guy in front of him wanted to take away his precious things, there was nothing he could do.

It's not strong enough...

When did he start to feel that he was strong enough?

The strength I thought was only against the creatures in this world. He seemed to be invincible here, but there were still things that could threaten him, just like the nuclear bomb just now. Although it couldn't kill him, if he met an enemy , can do a lot of things while he recovers.

"Are you here to remind me?"

"Haha, that's right," the man smiled faintly, "If you continue to be satisfied with the status quo and live happily like this, I will have no fun at all. By then..."

"Are you going to cause trouble then?" Xuan Hao's eyes became a little dangerous, "You want to do something to the people around me?"

"Don't tell me I'm so boring, okay? It would be too shameless for me to attack people myself," the man sneered, "So I'm here to remind you? Come on, don't let me rush you personally."

"Do you care about being embarrassed? Then it's not embarrassing to curse an ordinary person like me?"

"Well~" The man scratched his head, as if he didn't want to answer the question, "Who said you were disrespectful to me when we first met? I am a god after all, don't you want to lose face?"

"As a god, you don't have any tolerance at all. Isn't it shameful?"

"Are you qualified to ask me to show my strength?"

"..." Xuan Hao's expression was a little tangled, and he was suddenly speechless, because this sentence sounded very familiar. Oh, by the way, he himself had criticized the school directors like this before. Unexpectedly, Such bad retribution so soon.

"Haha..." The man chuckled softly, "I just like your expression, what do you think? Angry, unwilling? Or do you realize how weak you are?"

"Okay, you win." Xuan Hao lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly, but he could tell from his cold tone that he was angry, but anger was meaningless because he couldn't win at all, "Excuse me, is there anything else? Anything else?"

"Of course, I know you are angry, but the exciting things that are coming next have just begun. Concentrate, watch and listen carefully, and don't miss the wonderful part. This is the stage I have built for you personally... "

The man's voice echoed in Xuan Hao's ears, and was immediately drowned out by the explosion.

Until the aftermath of the explosion fades, until the anger of the earth subsides.

A naked figure grasped the spear. The moment he pulled out the spear, the entire seabed seemed to shake. This was anger, the anger from people.

Xuan Hao stood there in a daze, suppressing his anger and thinking about the words that echoed in his ears. It was another vague reminder. He had no idea what this guy who claimed to be a god wanted to do, but these words still made him very sad. Uneasy, because this guy said 'you', which means it's not just him...

Xuanhao moved his body and felt that there was nothing abnormal for the time being, but the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

Because he once again realized how terrifying the power of the so-called 'gods' is. This time his situation was completely different from before. In the past, his injuries were repaired and strengthened from the original body, but this time it was made out of nothing.

It seems that no matter how he dies, if God tells him to live, he will definitely live. This is absolute power...

"Speaking of which, I should be the first person in this world who can still survive after receiving a nuclear bomb on his face, right?" Xuan Hao laughed at himself, and then his smile gradually disappeared. He looked up at the dark water with cold eyes.

"How courageous are you? Do you really dare to build a nuclear bomb? Although I still can't defeat the so-called god, I'm not someone you can bully, right?" Xuan Hao murmured to himself, seeming to be questioning someone.

He really didn't expect that Herzog's timid character would have the courage to drop a nuclear bomb here. Wasn't he afraid that if he was not careful, his face would sink with Japan?

However, he looked at the scope of the explosion and seemed to understand. This nuclear bomb seemed to be a reduced version of the power. It only barely flattened Takamagahara, and even many zombies who escaped escaped.

That guy's target seems to be only him in Takamagahara.

The entire Japanese archipelago was trembling. The earthquake waves caused by the submarine explosion had already reached the land. The huge waves on the sea were about to hit the Xumizuo, but they were split in half in an instant.

Tachibana Masamune looked at the sea with an expressionless face. On the sea illuminated by searchlights not far from Sumeruza, the small boat seemed not to be affected by the waves. The surrounding waves seemed to be afraid of the figures on the boat, and it was as quiet as if they were asleep. Same.

Eriki stood on the bow of the boat, her long dark red hair messy by the sea breeze. She faced the huge waves, and then pulled out the cherry red long knife in her hand. The moment the knife came out of its sheath, the oncoming giant wave hit her. The wave was divided into two halves, and then flattened by invisible forces.

Tachibana Masamune looked at the scene in front of him and nodded with satisfaction. As long as Eriki was guarding the sea, no one would be able to come out alive.

At this moment, there are not only wind and waves on the sea, but also raging flames. As early as after the Jiaolong dived, Masamune Tachibana ordered a 10,000-ton oil tanker to be brought in, and a thick layer of oil was spread on the sea. At this moment, the sea surface The oil layer above has been ignited, forming a barrier of flames blocking the seabed and the sky. Everything that floats up will be engulfed by the flames.

Corpse guards have already emerged from the sea, but what greets them is a scene like purgatory.

There is also a girl holding a long knife standing in this purgatory. She is waving the long knife casually with an expressionless face, harvesting them like the god of death. Every time she swings the knife, the corpse suddenly breaks open from the middle.

At this moment, Eri Yi seemed to be standing on a battlefield amidst ancient wars. She waved the knife in her hand and gave orders to kill everything in front of her! Whether it is the sea of ​​fire, the waves, or the innocent souls crawling out of hell, they will all be crushed under her command.

This is the Word Spirit Judgment, a Word Spirit that no one has ever seen in history. There are only legends about it because everyone who has seen it is dead.

Groups of corpse guards continued to emerge from the sea. Eriyi's face remained expressionless, and she kept waving the long knife in her hand faster and faster. The cherry red long knife was held by her slender hand, and it seemed that there was no movement. She swung with no weight or resistance. Although she looked slender, the dragon's blood flowing in her body was destined to be strong.

Death shrouded the sea, and Eriki kept giving death orders, making the corpse guards feel fear. The girl standing on the bow of the ship seemed to be the God of Death himself.

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