A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 302 295. Little sister, put down the knife and obey me

Chapter 302 295. Little sister, put down the knife and obey me

"Are you surprised? Surprised? Touched?"

A vast white mist rose from the ice on the sea at some point, shrouding the whole world in white.

A familiar voice echoed in Xuan Hao's ears and asked him questions.

Xuan Hao looked in front of him coldly. Eli Yi was not moving like a wax figure that was frozen in place. Behind her, there was a man emitting white light standing.

"What on earth is going on?" Xuan Hao asked again.

"What's going on... It's a long story. Do you mind listening to me explain it slowly?" The man tilted his head.

"Tell me." Xuan Hao looked at the man in front of him expressionlessly, hoping that this guy could give him a reasonable explanation, "Why did I hear my sister's voice from Eri Yi's mouth just now?"

"One day, when I was wandering around the world, I met a lost girl." The man paced on the ice and recounted the past in a slow tone. "To be precise, it was the soul of a girl lost in the world. She is obviously dead, but she is still alive in the world. Unfortunately, I met her too late, and even if I wanted to save her, I could no longer change the rules and resurrect her from death."

“Where have the miracles of God gone?”

"When has God ever given salvation to people?" the man asked himself, "Actually, I asked myself the same question at that time."

"The final conclusion is that... all the legends about God's redemption in history are caused by human beings accepting God's actions as their own benefits. God has never been obliged to save human beings, and human beings are not qualified. Ask me for tenderness.”

At this point, the man kept nodding his head and seemed very satisfied with his conclusion.

"So when I heard the girl's last words, from a god's point of view, human beings are really too insignificant. An ordinary girl dying in front of me doesn't arouse any interest in me."

Xuan Hao clenched his fists, and a surge of anger rose in his heart. He knew that this so-called god would not tell him any boring stories. This story must be related to him... So the girl in the story is very likely to Eighty-nine is his sister!

"Taking a dead girl and whipping her corpse, is this what you call a god?"

"Don't worry~" The man shook his finger, "Listen to me..."

"The human soul is not allowed to wander in the world, but that girl stubbornly chose to stay in the world. In the end, she either lost her soul or was found and taken away by the God of Death. I am very curious about the reason why she chose to stay in the world. What, then...I saw you."

The man faced Xuan Hao again.

"Seeing you standing on the rooftop, what should I say? As a human being, it takes a lot of courage to not be afraid of death, but it is also stupid."

"None of your business..." Xuan Hao turned his head.

"Do you know why your sister doesn't want to leave that world?"

"for me?"

"Yes, she was afraid that you would not be able to think about it after she died," the man shrugged, "but she didn't seem to realize that even if she stayed, there would be no way for you to change your mind about seeking death. In the end, she would just look at herself. My favorite brother died in front of me. That’s why I say humans are all stupid.”

Xuan Hao suddenly regretted his choice at that time.

"However, the unprecedented thoughts and intense feelings that girl showed me just before her soul was about to dissipate are the cry of her soul that I have never felt before. Maybe you can't see it, right?" The man waved lightly. Waving his finger, the scene in front of Xuan Hao suddenly changed.

When he reacted, he was standing on the rooftop.

This seems to be a memory from a very long time ago, but it is slightly different.

He couldn't control his body and could only watch as he walked towards the edge of the rooftop step by step.

This was a replay of what had already happened, and he could only watch but was powerless to change anything.

Only this time, he saw not only himself, but also the illusory figure desperately pulling on his wrist.

That was his sister, her sister's soul. She was crying and shouting, but she couldn't hear any sound.

Xuan Hao wants to slap himself now, because he knows what will happen next, and he will jump without hesitation.

But at that time, he didn't know how much harm such an action would bring to his sister's dead soul. At that time, he just wanted to die.

Now he regrets it, but it's a pity that it's useless. He can't change anything at this moment. This is the fact that it has happened. After more than a hundred years of time and space, he can't even make the body in memory shed tears. He can only watch Looking at his former self, he jumped off the rooftop with eyes as gray as death.

His sight was getting closer and closer to the ground, but this time, he no longer only saw the cold and hard floor, but also his sister's soul. He couldn't even feel the sound of the falling wind, and there was even a trace of warmth. She opened her arms to embrace the falling figure, as if she wanted to save him, but ended up falling and shattering with him.


The man's crisp finger snapping brought Xuan Hao back to reality.

In an instant, a feeling of powerlessness and despair surged through Xuan Hao's body. He stared blankly at the god in front of him, and suddenly felt that everything this guy did was right. He really deserved to be tortured. .

"So, I have laughed at your stupidity more than once." God's voice became extremely cold, "But this is normal. Human beings are selfish creatures. The first thing they think of is definitely themselves, and the only one they care about is naturally themselves. Feelings. So now do you understand what despair feels like?”

Xuan Hao silently looked up at the sky. The realm of God seemed to have enveloped the entire world. At this moment, he could not even see the sky. He seemed to have been deprived of all qualifications and rights.

"Don't despair yet~" God sneered, "The story isn't over yet!"

"But... isn't it already over?" Xuan Hao looked at the god in front of him with dull eyes, "It was over the moment I chose to jump..."

"No, no, no, it's not over yet." God smiled softly, "What was that girl shouting about? You don't know yet, do you?"

Xuan Hao shook his head. He really couldn't hear the cry from his soul. Maybe it was because he was still alive and there was a distance between life and death between them. "Did you...hear it? What did she say?"

"If you hadn't heard it, you wouldn't be here now." Shen's voice was full of joking. Even if Xuanhao couldn't see his expression, he seemed to be able to feel that this guy... was laughing.

"That girl is praying to God! She shouted with all her strength, begging God to respond to her." God leaned down and whispered into Xuan Hao's ear, "Do you know what the wish she made is?"

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