Chapter 303 296. Eternal Price

"Let me... live?"

"Correct answer, but there is no reward." God chuckled and stood up, looking down at Xuan Hao, observing the expression on the face of the human in front of him.

Xuan Hao's pupils shrank sharply, and he seemed to suddenly realize something, "So you responded to her wish?"

"Yes, as a god, I will occasionally respond to human beings' wishes." God said matter-of-factly, "Not to mention such an interesting wish. Speaking of which, this girl's wish is different from all the human beings I have seen. Same thing, normal people should want to resurrect themselves after death, right? But she first considered you as her brother. Such selfless people are rare, so I am happy to fulfill her wish."

Xuan Hao lowered his head and fell into silence. He probably already knew what was going on. The god in front of him never told him the truth from the beginning. The reason why he would not die was not a curse at all, but a wish made by his sister...

"Stay alive no matter what."

"It's a very heavy wish. She must have been very anxious when she saw you jumping off the high platform, right? How could an ordinary girl know the weight of such a wish? Not being able to die is a curse for humans. !" God shook his head helplessly.

"But you still responded to such a wish, right?" Xuan Hao was a little confused, "Why?"

"As I said, everything has a price," the god's cold voice contained no emotion. "I will not respond to indifferent wishes. If it is just a dead person who wants to resurrect himself, then I will let him die. .But your sister paid a sufficient price for her wish. Human, you are lucky."

"What's the price...?" Xuan Hao clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

He actually didn't know anything. He only remembered that he was running around when his sister was terminally ill, but he didn't understand her feelings, and he couldn't even stay with her for the last period of time.

But there was nothing he could do about it. At that time, he had the only relative left, and he wanted to save her no matter what, but in the end, no matter what he did, he was left with only despair.

He couldn't watch her leave. He didn't know what his sister's wishes were before she died, and he didn't know that the girl was still thinking about him even after she died.

What's the cost? Xuan Hao simply couldn't imagine what a dead girl should pay for such a heavy wish. This was a wish that defied all rules to keep him alive.

"I asked her what she could give me." Shen lowered his head and stared at Xuan Hao, "But she had nothing. She was just a lonely soul wandering in the world."


"She gave me everything, everything she had, including her soul. Although the human soul is of no use to me, I still agreed to her request because there seemed to be something different in her soul. I I really want to know what made her have such a strong obsession. So strong that even if her soul is gone, she still wants you to live! So I snatched her soul from the hands of the God of Death. Speaking of which, it is not easy to snatch people from the hands of the God of Death. , so some damage is inevitable, right?”

God stretched out his hand and placed it on top of Eri's head who was frozen in place. A dazzling light converged on his palm. This light was extremely weak, but it made people feel warm. It seemed to be able to dispel all the haze in this white world. .

"This is..." Xuan Hao stretched out his hand to grab it.

But just when he was about to touch it, God suddenly withdrew his hand.

The god shook his finger, light lingering on his fingertips, "This is your sister's soul, but... it's fragments~ When I was fighting with the God of Death, it was torn into pieces. It must be very painful, right?"

"Fragments..." Xuan Hao stood up and rushed forward, "Give it to me!"

He looked at the light in front of him with some despair. What did he hear just now? If you heard me distraught? It seems like all this was caused by him?

Xuan Hao stretched out his hand in despair, but no matter how he moved forward, he could never touch the figure in front of him.

"You look really embarrassed." Shen looked at Xuanhao's excited look and was unmoved, and continued to talk to himself, "But you can't blame me for this. I gave your sister a choice at the time and gave you a warning. If she pays the price, then everything she has will belong to me and cannot be taken away by death. This also means that she will never enter reincarnation and lose the qualification for reincarnation. But her attitude is very determined. To be honest, I really This was the first time I saw such a strong desire, so strong that I couldn’t bear to refuse.”

Xuan Hao stopped moving and stared blankly at the god in front of him.

One person and one god just faced each other in silence for a long time.

At this moment, Xuan Hao realized that everything seemed to be his own fault. If he had not chosen to commit suicide, nothing would happen next. But this was just a refutation. As an ordinary person at that time, it was impossible for him to know these consequences. He was just a desperate person who had lost hope. How could he know that his sister's soul was still guarding him after her death?

Maybe thinking about seeing his family after death was his last desire at that time, right? But he actually forgot a simple truth at that time. What the deceased family members must have hoped for was that he could live well, right? If he had been by his sister's side before she died...

With his sister's character, he would definitely smile and say to him, "Brother, don't live without me, otherwise I will look down on you."

"I think you must be desperate now?" God broke the silence.

"Isn't this what you want to see?"

"Yeah." Looking at Xuan Hao's eyes that became a little hollow, Shen nodded and shook his head, "But to be honest, it made me feel bored when I saw it. Sure enough, that's the end of it for you? Really? It’s a pity that your sister obviously made a bet with me that ‘you can find her no matter where she is’, are you about to give up now?”

"She... made a bet with you?" Xuan Hao's eyes suddenly regained a trace of clarity.

"Yes, a human girl actually has the courage to bet with me. The funny thing is that she doesn't even have any chips, because everything about her already belongs to me." God held the ball of light in his hand, "But she said she didn't A bet is needed, because she can't lose! Is it interesting? I really want to know where her confidence comes from, so I took a gamble with her, well~ there is no loss for me anyway."

"What...are you betting on?" Xuan Hao looked at the ball of light in the god's hand. He seemed to hear a familiar voice calling him. It had been calling him since just now, but he didn't notice it.

"Brother, you can't admit defeat."

A familiar voice echoed in Xuan Hao's ears, and he finally heard clearly the words that the light wanted to convey. In fact, it had happened more than once. He should have known that everything was not over yet in the dream he had had.

"What's the bet on? Isn't it clear enough?"

God put the light back into Eriki's body, "This is it..."

"Your lovely sister said that you can find her no matter where she is, so I scattered her soul fragments into countless worlds. Do you understand? She put everything on you. If you now You can admit defeat if you want, but that means your sister also loses. Is this really okay?"

"Of course it's not good."

Two voices sounded at the same time.

The god was slightly stunned. Because these two voices came from Xuan Hao.

"Ah..." God scratched his head helplessly, "So is there anything else I missed?"

Xuanhao's body suddenly emitted a burst of light that was the same as the soul fragment just now. It was the light hidden deep in his soul. Even the soul fragment on Eryi's body began to resonate with the light of this light.

God silently looked at everything in front of him, and an illusory, almost transparent figure appeared behind Xuan Hao. He still remembered this stubborn girl, who was the purest soul he had ever seen in the world, and she still remained even after she died. Maintaining its original appearance, he could see in this soul what he had discarded. It was an extremely intense emotion, something that as a god he should have forgotten long ago.

It was also the only thing that made him regretful - human emotions, so-called love!

This was something he had to throw away because it was an incurable weakness for God.

But for some reason, things that have been discarded should be insignificant, but now they still shock him as a god.

"When did you...plant the seeds in him?" God asked for the first time.

He never remembered when the girl buried her soul fragment in her brother's body.

"At the end, when we fall together."

Xuan Hao had a gentle smile on his face, and even his eyes became softer than ever before. Two tears slipped from the corners of his eyes. This was the first time he shed tears in more than a hundred years.

At this moment, he couldn't control his body, or he was unwilling to control it, because he felt that his sister was back. It should be said that she had never left, and had been buried in the deepest part of his soul.

It was his sister, Xuanya, who controlled his body and spoke.

But why have I never felt it before?

Xuan Hao remembered that he had indeed had several dreams related to his sister. Now it seemed that these were not dreams, but that she was trying to communicate with him. It's just that the power of the broken soul is too weak, and even meeting him in a dream is a luxury.

Today, God guided the soul fragments out of Eriki's body. Perhaps it was because of this that the resonance of the two fragments allowed her to regain some of her 'spirit'.

"Do you want to cheat?" Xuanya's voice was a little weak, but her tone seemed very tough.

"That's what I'm saying..." God shook his head slightly, "I'm a God, why do I need to bet with a little girl and cheat?"

"Then why are you trying so hard to make my brother admit defeat? No matter how you look at it, we are going to win, right?" Xuanya snorted, "You see that my brother has found me, and you are one step closer to failure. So you’re starting to panic?”

"What are you talking about? I don't understand." God shrugged, "What do you mean I'm one step closer to failure? It's still early. Do you know how many soul fragments are left and where they are?"

"Don't know, but we can find it."

Xuanhao's eyes became firm. At this moment, he finally understood why he felt so kind to Eriyi when he saw her for the first time. It wasn't how cute Eriyi was, nor was it her past that made him Feeling pity, if you really want to say it, there are tragedies everywhere in this world, and it is impossible for him to pity everyone.

Then the only explanation is that they have the same soul in their bodies.

This is the intimacy that comes from the depths of the soul. He believes that no matter where the remaining soul fragments are, he will definitely be able to feel it as long as he meets them.

“Wherever I go, I’ll find it.”

"Haha..." God just smiled softly, "So, do you know how to take out the soul fragments?"

God touched Eri's head and suppressed the light of her soul.

The light on Xuanhao's body also disappeared at the same time, and suddenly he felt empty inside, unable to feel his sister's presence again.

"Are you... really afraid of losing? Are you so anxious to cut off our contact?"

"So I said you are stupid. Do you really think that with her weak power now, you can use your mental power to control your body and speak at will?" God's tone was a little angry, "Idiot, you thought you would finally be able to control your body and speak in these hundred years. After some growth, did it end up with just muscle?”

"Uh..." Xuan Hao was speechless. She really couldn't let her consume too much power, otherwise what if there were any consequences?

But what he didn't understand was why did this guy suddenly become violent? This seems to be the first time that he gets angry when he sees a so-called god, right? Moreover, he was not the one who said this guy was afraid of losing. It was obviously her sister who said this, so what her sister said could be wrong?

God seemed to realize his gaffe, coughed lightly, and continued, "You don't really think it's enough to find it, do you? Have you considered how to take out the fragments and how to resurrect your sister in the end?"

"So you have something you can do?" Xuan Hao's eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt like this god was helping him?

"What can I do? Even if I can, I won't help you, human being." God returned to a calm tone, "However, I can kindly tell you how to take out the soul. There is the simplest method, just kill Just kill her, it’s pretty simple, right?”

God rubbed Eriki's head, "It's just a pity for such a cute girl, but...she didn't live long to begin with. There is no difference between dying in your hands and dying in the hands of others, right?"

"You want to fool me again?" Xuan Hao frowned. Although this guy claimed to be a god, what he said was no different from that of a god. Few words could be believed. Just like what this guy said about cursing him to live forever, if it were true It's his sister's wish. This should be considered a blessing, right? It's just a little heavy.

"No, what I said is true." God's tone was very serious, "But you must also consider it clearly. This child has your sister's soul in her body. Although it is only a part, killing her is equivalent to your own death. ...Kill your own relatives!”

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