A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 312 305. Uesugoshi: I will be responsible

Chapter 312 305. Uesugoshi: I will be responsible

"If I had children, they would be about the same age as you by now. It would be time for a relationship, right?"

Uesugoshi sighed while wiping the table, but he just made a few general remarks. He had no regrets about being childless, because he always felt that the 'Emperor's Blood' would just end with him, so Passing on the cursed bloodline will only increase the sorrow.

After hearing Uesugoshi's emotion, Natsumi turned to look at Xuanhao with some confusion, meaning, 'This old man doesn't know that he has such a lovely daughter? ’

She seemed to understand Xuanhao's purpose of coming here today. It turned out that he was looking for Eryi's long-lost biological father?

Xuanhao sighed helplessly, smiled at Uesugi and said, "Actually, you do have children."

"Hahahaha..." Uesugi thought he was joking, "No need to comfort me. After so many years, I have looked away."

His hand wiping the table paused for a moment, but he soon calmed down with a warm smile on his face.

He has been living in seclusion here selling ramen for these years, and has long been prepared to die alone. When he feels that his end is approaching, he will find a place to lie down by himself without disturbing anyone.

"I'm not joking with you, Uesugi Koshi." Xuanhao put down the chopsticks in his hands with a serious look on his face, "The former Hidden Emperor of the Sheqi Eighth Family and the former head of the Uesugi Family of the Sheqi Eighth Family, he is a quarter of Chinese descent. One-quarter French, one-half Japanese, your mother Charlotte Chen is Chinese-French, and your father Uesugi Hideo is Japanese, am I right?”


A hole was made in the table top of the house car by Uesugoshi's slightly strong hand. The original warm smile on his face disappeared in an instant, and his expression was as cold as if he wanted to kill someone. "Who are you?"

Inuyama Ga is the only one in Japan who knows about him selling ramen here, and about his mother, it has always been a secret buried in his heart. No one except the old people from the Sheqi Hachi family knows, and those old guys are all dead. Got it!

"That's right." Xuanhao was not moved by Uesugi's cold face, but nodded slightly, "Speaking of which, although we have met several times, I have never introduced myself."

Xuan Hao stood up and stretched out his hand, "Let's get to know each other again, Xuan Hao, a grade 08 student of Kassel College."

Uesugi looked coldly at Xuan Hao's outstretched hand, not wanting to hold it.

Kassel Academy? snort. There are three things that Uesugoshi hates the most. One is Angers, the Kassel Academy, and the last is the Jakihachi family. However, now he just wants to be an ordinary ramen chef, and as long as these people don't mess with him, he can say anything.

"Did Angers send you here? Has he investigated me?"

"He's not worthy yet." Xuan Hao still stretched out his hand.

"Not worthy?" Uesugoshi was stunned for a moment, wondering if he had heard something wrong. A student from Kassel College said that their principal was not worthy of sending him here to find me? Are all students today so arrogant? But I like it!

Uesugoshi suddenly felt that it was not impossible to shake hands with this boy. After all, as long as you hate Angers we are good friends.

"I advise you not to refuse my kindness. Not everyone is qualified to shake my hand."

Xuanhao's tone was calm.

"Haha?" Uesugi raised his eyebrows, "Are you crazy?"

"I'm just stating a fact," Xuan Hao shook his head slightly, "However, even if it is for your children and the entire Sheqi family, I suggest you accept my kindness."

"Are you threatening me?" Uesugi snorted coldly, "I won't do this! I have no children at all. As for the Sheqi Hachi family? I have nothing to do with them anymore. I am just a ramen chef. Who cares about that? What about the Supreme Family of the Underworld? I will not participate in any mixed-race disputes. Even if the world is destroyed, it has nothing to do with me."

"Then it doesn't matter if I destroy the Sheqi family?"

"You?" Uesugi glanced at Xuanhao. Although he could tell that this boy was no ordinary person, but...

"Why did you destroy the Sheqi family?"

"Two years ago, I came to Japan and demolished Genji Heavy Industries, leaving a gap in front of Mount Fuji." Xuanhao counted the good things he had done, "I also had the Rock Flow Research Institute bombed. I went to the Divine Burial Hall a few days ago and sank the floating platform of the Sheqi Eighth Family."

"..." The more Uesugi listened, the more outrageous he felt. This... is this kid really that capable?

"Hum, I forgot that you have nothing to do with the Sheqi Ba family. You shouldn't pay attention to these things, right? You don't know even if I tell you, right?" Xuan Hao shrugged indifferently.

But in Uesugi's ears, it was a very obvious way to provoke him. The other party guessed his mind and knew that even if he lived in seclusion, he would not know anything about what was happening in Japan.

Uesugoshi had indeed heard about these things...it was quite a big deal, and it was hard for him not to know.

Calculating the time, it seems to be correct. This kid did come two years ago, and nothing else happened in the past two years. The Xumizuo sank a few days ago, and today this kid appeared in Japan... Uesugoshi After thinking about it for a while, I started to believe it a little bit.

But when did such a monster appear again in Cassel College?

Xuanhao smiled at the increasingly serious expression on Uesugi Yue's face. If it weren't for Eri, he wouldn't be bothered to come here and meddle in other people's business.

"Okay, okay, okay..." Uesugi sighed, "Why did my useless descendants provoke you, a monster? What did you want to do when you came to me?"

Uesugoshi finally understood the cause and effect of the matter. It turned out that this was what this boy meant by children! Those useless losers, when they cause trouble, they still need an old man like him to step in and settle it.

"I suggest you shake my hand first, and then we can sit down and talk. How about it?" Xuan Hao smiled and looked at the old man in front of him. He didn't know why he always felt unhappy.

Because this old man is Eri Yi's father, and Eri Yi is now equivalent to his sister. So, he became someone else's son for no reason? This is not possible. Eriyi calls you daddy, I call you brother, we can talk about our own things!

"You want me to shake hands with you on behalf of the Sheqi Eighth Clan to make peace?" Uesugi Yue sneered and shook Xuanhao's hand, then squeezed it slightly.

"No," Xuan Hao said with a smile, "I was just thinking that if I want to have a calm conversation with an arrogant Yin Emperor, I must first let him know whether I have the qualifications."

The smile on Uesugoshi's face gradually solidified, and then became a little twitching.

"Oh no! What kind of monster is this?" His heart was full of shock, and he shook hands with God to make peace. He felt that he was so wrong. This guy wanted to shake hands with him just to show him his strength!

As an emperor, he actually lost in strength to a boy who looked like he was only in his twenties?

A trace of cold sweat dripped from Uesugoshi's forehead. Now he completely believed that this boy was not fooling him. This guy did have the power to scorn the Jakihachi family.

Because he felt like his palm was about to be crushed by the young man in front of him. Are you kidding me? He is the emperor! Although he is old, it does not mean that his strength has become weaker. Even Angers cannot defeat him, a super hybrid with royal blood, in a pure strength competition. But the young man in front of me did it.

"What kind of monster did Kassel Academy raise?"

"There's one more thing I forgot to mention," Xuan Hao let go and smiled, "I'm from next door to you, where they call me 'Emperor'."

"..." Uesugi suppressed the pain in his hands and tried to force a smile, breaking out in cold sweat.

You should have told me earlier! He felt that he was being fooled. If this guy had said that he was the 'Emperor' earlier, he wouldn't have talked so much nonsense.

As the Hidden Emperor, he still knew about the so-called 'Emperor'. During World War II, China was almost the only country that was free from war. After the Eight-Nation Allied Forces were driven out of the country, no one could trample on that sacred territory anymore, because With the 'Emperor''s cavalry guarding the coastline, no one can set foot on their territory.

"Have you met my mother?" Uesugoshi suddenly realized that this guy knew about him. Did his mother tell him?

"Unfortunately, no, your mother did come to China, but she was missing when I tried to find her." Xuan Hao said lightly.

The original Charlotte Chen should have died in the massacre of World War II, but his arrival changed some trajectories. To be honest, Xuanhao couldn't understand. If Uesugoshi's mother did not die in the massacre, then how could he? Why did he still give up his status as the Hidden Emperor and come here to sell ramen?

"That's right... that's right. How could you have seen her?" Uesugi murmured to himself. The young man in front of him could not have seen his mother. "Yes, she was already dead. France was defeated in World War II and died in In a French monastery..."

"..." Xuan Hao didn't answer.

Destiny always plays tricks on people, and Charlotte Chen's death seems to be an inevitable trajectory in this world. In other words, people in this world have their own fixed destiny trajectories, and not everyone can change their destiny. It's a pity that this woman seemed not so lucky and failed to meet someone who could change her destiny.

"Huh? Young man? No! You look like..." Uesugoshi finally discovered something was wrong. He always thought the man in front of him was a young man! But this guy said he was the "Emperor"?

"This is not important, the important thing is..." Xuan Hao took out a photo from his pocket and waved it in front of him, "What a cute child, and what a cruel father would not want her?"


Uesugoshi squinted his eyes and turned his head, "Don't think that I will believe you if you just take a photo..."

Although he said that, Uesugi Yue had begun to believe Xuanhao's words in his heart. If this man was really the 'Emperor', then there was no need to lie to him, right? And when he looked at the girl in the photo, she was indeed very cute. It seemed like she had good genes.

"So what is your purpose?" Uesugoshi sighed.

"What do you mean, what is my purpose?" Xuan Hao hummed, "I just wanted to tell you from the beginning that you still have children! You don't believe it, and you think I'm joking with you?"

"Um..." Uesugoshi was speechless for a moment. It seemed that he was indeed doubting this and that... This person seemed to just want him to believe that he had children?

"What about the Sheqiba family..."

"What kind of bullshit is the Sheqi Eight Family?"

"Eri...means...my daughter?" Uesugoshi pointed at himself in confusion. He didn't know what expression to put on. After all, they were all about to be buried. Now someone suddenly told him And a daughter? If someone talked to him like this, he would think he was crazy, but this man just proved that there was no need to lie to him.

"That's right, Eri Yi, Uesugi Eri Yi! Your biological daughter..." Xuan Hao sighed, he still had half a sentence to say, 'Now your daughter is my sister'. How can he explain the relationship? He didn't want this old man to take advantage of him for no reason.

Uesugoshi sat down suddenly. The sudden appearance of his daughter seemed to be a bit difficult for him to digest. "Can you tell me what is going on? I...I can't figure out where the daughter came from, no matter how hard I think about it?"

"It's just that you can't figure it out." Xuan Hao shrugged helplessly. After all, all this was caused by Herzog. Who would have thought that others would be so kind as to help him create two sons and one daughter?

"Listen clearly, you not only have a daughter, but also two sons."

"Ah this..." Uesugi covered his face, as if he thought of something, his voice was trembling, "Could it be...could it be that Yui gave birth to her?"

"Yu Yi? Who is that?" Xuan Hao was stunned.

"Not Yui? That's... Chiyoko?" Uesugoshi hesitated and gave another name.

"I bet, you bad old man lived a pretty good life after leaving the Sheqiba family?"

"No, I have taken safety measures!" Yue Uesugi said with a serious face, "I will never leave any romantic debts, so I am sure that I will never have children... Are they plotting against me? Or do they just ignore condoms? Use? Where’s the modern technology we agreed on?”


"You might as well die alone here."

Xuanhao said that he was going to pull Xia Mi away from here. He felt that this old bastard didn't need the care of his children. Now that he thought about it, Eri didn't seem to need multiple fathers. It was enough to have a reliable brother to protect him. , what is this kind of bastard dad doing for?

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't leave! Make it clear!"

This time it was Uesugi's turn to become more anxious. He suddenly heard that he had a son and a daughter. He felt his heart was shocked. He pulled Xuanhao's arm, not even noticing that his strength was too strong to crush the bones of an ordinary mixed race.

"Tch~" Xuan Hao slapped his hand away angrily, "You donated genetic samples to the Germans. Your son and daughter were both test-tube babies made by someone using your genes, but they did inherit them. I have your royal blood, I can guarantee you this! If you don’t believe it, I can bring Eri Yi to see you, and you can do a paternity test.”

"..." Uesugi fell silent. It sounds like his child, like him, should not have been born in the world...

"What? It wasn't you and your girlfriends who made it? You don't want to be responsible?"

"I..." Uesugoshi was a little incoherent, and his mind was a little confused.

If he doesn't want to be responsible, it means he doesn't want children. But when he hears that he has children, why does he feel that his old heart beats more powerfully? I even feel like I can live a little longer!

If he is willing to take on this responsibility, then why has he persisted for so many years? He insists on letting the royal blood end here!

He has been cursed by the royal blood all his life. Before he was born, his father almost killed him in the womb because of this dangerous blood. If his mother had not persisted and even left his father and fled to France to give birth to him, otherwise he would not have appeared at all. In this world.

His birth was a mistake.

But his mother still loved him very much. What was hateful was that he didn't realize that his mother was the most important person in the world. At that time, he was full of second thoughts, thinking that he was the chosen one. When the Japanese found him and said that he was their emperor, he foolishly believed it and actually left his mother for the stupid throne! But I never thought that this farewell would be forever.

Of course, the mother is very happy that he can go to his father. She thinks that this way her child can reunite with his father. How sad would it be if he grew up without even experiencing his father's love?

Now Uesugi wants to say that it is not very sad. His choice to leave his mother was the beginning of the tragedy. If he had not left France at that time, would he have been able to protect his mother on his own?

His father was a thoughtless stallion who was busy breeding every day and eventually died of exhaustion.

And the reason why he was taken back to Japan was because those dirty guys took a fancy to his bloodline and wanted him to succeed his father as a stallion. What a ridiculous group of people. His birth was obviously just an 'accident', but actually Being taken so seriously?

At that time, when he was intoxicated with his status and unaware of himself, he didn't care about what was happening in the outside world. He didn't even know about the war in France. When he reacted, it was too late when he learned about his mother's death. .

He felt so ridiculous that he missed the most important person in his life because of this bullshit bloodline and a group of bastards who believed in the royal blood! And even now, he is still reluctant to die and is still living on the last breath. He is even happy to know that he has children.

Is this really okay?

Uesugi asked himself, he thought he should be angry when he heard that he had descendants. This was the bloodline that shattered his family and killed his mother. Should his descendants be cursed because of this?

No, as long as I am here, I will not let them suffer! Uesugoshi's eyes suddenly became firm. The curse of bullshit bloodline, he wants to live until these children grow up smoothly, get married and start a business. Anyone who dares to peek at the royal blood will be crushed by him!

"I will be responsible. Tell me, where are they?" Uesugi stared at Xuanhao.

Thanks to: Dasu 710, God King sw, Meditation to Seek Demons, Rewards for Immortal Cultivators in the New Era

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