A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 311 304. Uesugoshi: It’s great to be young

Chapter 311 304. Uesugoshi: It’s great to be young

Until the screams lingering in his ears stopped, until the heavy rain extinguished the flames, Lu Mingfei still didn't get the answer.

But the only thing that is certain is that he has no regrets at this moment.

Don't regret using your power, don't regret saving others, it doesn't matter even if you bear the guilt.

Lu Mingfei returned to his original appearance again, still the boy he once was. The three teenagers set out on the journey again, but some things had changed.

When Aso woke up, he found himself lying in a hotel suite.

Her first reaction was to check her body and found that nothing seemed abnormal.

Rubbing her aching head, she couldn't remember what happened, but she always felt as if she had forgotten something important. Why was she here? What happened again? After thinking for a long time, I still didn't find the answer.

Three teenagers were walking on the road in the heavy rain.

Caesar poked Lu Mingfei's chest with his elbow and said jokingly, "I mean, you really don't want to leave a name?"

"Why leave your name?" Lu Mingfei was a little confused.

"Are you the legendary Mr. Lei Feng who does good deeds without leaving his name?" Caesar looked bored.

"No!" Lu Mingfei changed the subject, "It's you, senior brother. You promised me to help her go to college. Don't forget it when you go back."

"Yes, yes!" Caesar shrugged.

"But is this really good? This is a good opportunity!" Caesar said and asked Chu Zihang for advice, "I think Miss Zhen is good, what do you think?"

Chu Zihang was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"Don't come here..." Lu Mingfei was speechless. Although he was the only single dog here, he was not

"Miss Zhen is just an ordinary person. If I were an ordinary person, I would probably find a girl like this to spend my whole life, right? But she will be very dangerous when mixed with dangerous people like us, just like today."

"Alas..." Caesar sighed helplessly, "What you said makes sense."

It was indeed dangerous. If Lu Mingfei hadn't suddenly exploded today, they probably wouldn't be in the mood to joke around in the rain. However, Lu Mingfei actually became sentimental, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Can you consciously classify yourself as a dangerous person? Caesar smiled softly and patted Lu Mingfei on the shoulder.

"Let's go to Gaotianyuan and meet Xuan Hao. Then we are planning to make a big fuss and let these Japanese know who they shouldn't mess with!"

The heavy rain was pouring, and black vehicles surrounded the burned-out ruins of Mambo Internet Cafe. Each vehicle had police lights flashing, but the real police stayed away from the area. The Sheqi family passed through the internal police circle. Relationships block the street.

Yuan Zhisheng stood silently in the torrential rain, the soft seven stars in his hand had been wetted by the raindrops and could not be ignited.

"No complete wreckage was found." Crow shook his head with an ugly face. "Many brass bullets were found at the scene, with a caliber of 7.62 mm. Judging from the deformation of the bullets, they should be modified guns. They are extremely powerful and can kill any part of the human body. Crushed. In addition, we found the remains of corpses that were burned beyond recognition in the fire scene. The members of the Red Bei Group... are probably buried here. Those three guys are really ruthless!"

"I found the girl who works here and asked. The fire was set by the Akabi team, and those three boys saved everyone here," Sakura said.

"Who ordered the Red Bei Group to kill them?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned slightly. He did not feel sympathy for the experience of the Red Bei Group. These thugs had violated the family's bottom line. Smuggling drugs and arms was not a small rampage. Clan gangs can participate. Although they don’t know who is behind it, they do deserve to die.

What Yuan Zhisheng didn't expect was that he seemed to have misunderstood the three people from the academy. They were not children sent by the academy, nor were they the foils who followed Xuan Hao to make soy sauce. They were all lions with sharp claws. lion.

"No, there are no clues." Sakura apologized, "The people behind it were very careful and did not leave any traces that could be captured."

"Where are the three people from the academy headquarters going? Are there any clues?"

"Not yet..." Sakura shook her head.

Yuan Zhisheng felt a headache.

Recent events had made him upset, but there was nothing he could do about it.

And what worried him most at the moment was where Eriyi was taken. After the Sumeruzu incident, Xuanhao took Eriyi and disappeared. He finally got some information about the people in the academy headquarters. He originally wanted to follow the clues. , but now the clue has been cut off.

Eriki's bloodline is extremely unstable, and may even be life-threatening if time goes on for too long.

"Young Master, maybe we can go to Gao Tianyuan and look for it?" Crow suggested, "Maybe we can get some clues?"

"Would they go to such a conspicuous place?" Yasha couldn't believe it. Although Gao Tianyuan's boss on the surface is a humpback whale, everyone in the Sheqi family knows that the person behind it is Xuan Hao.

It's just that the place is too obvious, and Kabukicho is within the influence of the Inuyama family. If there is any news, it should have been reported long ago.

"I've sent people to look for it before, but nothing was found." Sakura shook her head.

Yuan Zhisheng frowned. Based on his understanding of Xuan Hao, this guy shouldn't be so quiet now.

His father's plan had offended him, and it stands to reason that the Sheqi family should now face this guy's crazy revenge, but it was still calm after so long, which made Yuan Zhisheng feel more and more uneasy.

Genji returned to Genji Heavy Industries without any gain.

Arriving at Eri Yi's room, Eri Yi was no longer here. Of course, the purpose of coming here was not to see Eri Yi.

Pushing open the paper partition door, he knelt down opposite the person sitting in the room.

"Dad." Yuan Zhisheng looked worried, "All the clues have been lost. We probably won't be able to find them for a while..."

Tachibana Masamune was lying in the room with a calm face. Although he was covered with many bandages, Yuan Zhisheng did not see any pain on the old man's face. It seemed that the old man could remain calm no matter what time.

Just like now.

Yuan Zhisheng still remembers the scene when his father found him seriously injured.

It's hard to imagine how this old man survived Xuan Hao's hands, but he did come back alive, at the cost of being temporarily unable to move.

The reason why he was recuperating in this room was because it was a forbidden area for Genji Heavy Industries, and only certain doctors, elders, and young masters could come here.

The news announced to the outside world is that the former head of the family is dead, and now the young master Minamoto Chisheng is now the head of the Sheqi family. Eri is not here, and the doctor cannot enter here, so now only Minamoto Chisheng can see Here comes the old man.

He didn't feel anything wrong with his father hiding the fact that he was still alive, because this was also an explanation to Cassel College and the Gattuso family, telling them that the culprit was dead.

"Is that so..." Masamune Tachibana said in a calm tone, "I'm really worried about Eriki."

"I'm also very worried. It would be very dangerous if her bloodline goes wild." Yuan Zhisheng nodded, "I will continue to look for them. They should not have left Japan. I have sent people to watch all the passages abroad. There is nothing suspicious. People leave Japan.”

"Thank you for your hard work, Zhisheng." Masamune Tachibana sighed, "Dad can't help you now. The burden of the entire Sheqi family is on your shoulders. Isn't it troublesome?"

"Yeah," Yuan Zhisheng sighed helplessly, but smiled again, "But fortunately, the fierce ghosts have suddenly become more peaceful recently, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to handle it."

"No, childish, you have to be vigilant at all times," Tachibana Masamune frowned, "It's very abnormal for the fierce ghosts to choose to stay calm at this time. The quieter they are, the more dangerous they are. Maybe they are plotting behind the scenes. Something even more terrifying. And...I suspect that the real burial place of God is not in the Japan Trench."

"What?" Yuan Zhisheng looked at Tachibana Masamune in surprise, "Did you find anything during this operation?"

"Do you remember my original plan?"

"It is to bury all the fierce ghosts and the people from the academy headquarters in the Japanese Trench..."

"But until the end of the matter, I didn't see the figures of the fierce ghosts." Tachibana Masamune looked serious, "And judging from Xuanhao's reaction, there doesn't seem to be a god buried there, so... I doubt it. The divine burial place is elsewhere!”

"Then the fierce ghosts are so quiet now..." Yuan Zhisheng's eyes widened, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

"Perhaps... they are looking for the real burial place of the gods, or maybe they have already found it! They are trying to awaken the gods!" Masamune Tachibana looked worried, "Is there anything unusual in Japan recently?"

"Not really..." Yuan Zhisheng frowned. He really didn't find anything unusual, but this strange calmness made him even more anxious.

"Sorry for being so naive." Masamune Tachibana suddenly apologized.

"What do you need to apologize for?" Yuan Zhisheng was a little surprised.

"When the family needed the head of the family the most, I fell..." Tachibana Masamune apologized, "It seems that I was wrong and a little confused. This action was my mistake... I want to destroy the entire family." It seems a little too early to entrust all the burdens of the Sheqi family to you. After I recover from my injuries..."

"Don't say that, dad." Yuan Zhisheng shook his head, "It's the best outcome for you to come back...and I said that when the family is at risk, I will stand up."

Yuan Zhisheng stood up with a firm look, "Dad, just take good care of yourself. I will take care of everything. I will not let the Sheqi family end in my hands."

He seemed to have made some determination and stepped out of the room.

Yuan Zhisheng hesitated for a moment and took out his mobile phone to summon all the heads of the eight Sheqi families to the conference hall for a meeting.

After making the call, he returned to his office and waited for the time to pass.

Ying An stood quietly at the desk and made coffee for him. He saw the worry in Ying's eyes, but he didn't know what expression to use to reassure Ying.

Now he feels as if he is at the end of his rope.

Although he promised his father that he would not let the Sheqi family end in his own hands, there were too many things to worry about.

Eriki's safety should have been his biggest concern, but now he was burdened with the survival of the entire family, and he couldn't even do his best to find his sister.

Cassel College and the Gattuso family were relatively stable. Although this made him feel strange why they were silent, this was a good thing for him, as it gave him less headaches.

Next, there is the matter of the fierce ghosts... What is this shadow that is against the family planning? He believed in his father's judgment, so he didn't dare to take it lightly.

And what on earth does that man named Xuan Hao want to do? Yuan Zhisheng felt like he was about to burst. There were too many things that could destroy the eight Sheqi families, and now all the dangerous factors were concentrated. The most dangerous one was probably the man named Xuan Hao.

After a painful lesson, Yuan Zhisheng deeply realized the horror of this monster. He could withstand a nuclear bomb without dying and destroy Xumizuo by himself. What kind of power is this? He now has no doubt that this man has the power to destroy the Sheqi family overnight.

And now this man chooses to remain silent, is he waiting for an explosion? If this is really the case, what method should he use to calm the anger in this man's heart? In exchange for the survival of the eight Sheqi families?


Xuan Hao rubbed his nose. It was impossible for him to catch a cold due to his physical condition. When he was about to say that he didn't know whose girl was thinking of him, he glanced at Xia Mi who was carrying a shopping bag in the convenience store and decided to forget it.

Yuan Zhisheng probably never dreamed that the man who gave him such a headache was now shopping with his girlfriend.

Of course, it cannot be said that Xuan Hao went shopping with Xia Mi today and had nothing to do with Yuan Zhisheng.

Because they went out this time to buy some daily necessities and underwear for Eriki.

Xuanhao didn't know much about these girls' supplies, so he had no choice but to drag Xia Mi out to purchase them.

They did return to Takamagahara with Eri.

The people from the Jakihachi family couldn't find them because they happened to be out. After all, little girls' underwear and the like can't be bought in Kabukicho...

There are shops in that area that everyone knows, and they sell more interesting styles. If he dares to buy them for Eri, he will be beaten to death.

"Ding dong——"

The convenience store sensor door beeps.

Xia Mi walked out with a shopping bag and hung the bag on Xuan Hao's arm.

"Okay, mission accomplished, where should we go next?"

"It's dinner time, shall we go eat first?"

Xuanhao glanced into the bag. Xia Mi seemed to have a clear idea of ​​Eriki's preferences, and even bought a little yellow duck for bathing. He didn't know why the relationship between women progressed so quickly. Maybe what they talked about when they were on the Xumizuo?

But this is also a good thing. After all, who would mind if his girlfriend has a good relationship with his sister? He had already explained Eriki's situation clearly to Xia Mi, and he didn't feel panic at all. The considerate Miss Natsumi seems to have regarded Eriri as a younger sister.

Xuan Hao expressed that he was very ashamed. Xia Mi was good at taking care of children, and his former sister didn't really need him to take care of him.

Erika's situation is a bit special, and Xuanhao can't handle it, but facing such a child with an immature mind, Miss Xia Mi said it's a piece of cake.

The two of them walked on the road facing the slightly cool evening breeze. Xia Mi didn't ask Xuan Hao where he wanted to take her to eat, but just held his hand quietly.

Xuanhao actually had another purpose when he came out this time besides shopping.

He took Xia Ya on the path behind the Tokyo University campus, looking around hopefully.

As dusk approached, the setting sun hit the fallen cherry blossoms, and an old man pushed a cart to the school gate.

He set up a stool and gently swept away the fallen petals on the ground with a broom in a leisurely manner.

Xuan Hao held Xia Mi's hand and watched quietly as the old man sorted everything out before slowly walking over.

The master's life seems to be very Buddhist. People who want to make money would not just set up their stalls at this time, and they can act so leisurely.

"That old man seems quite strong?" Xia Mi asked softly.

"Well, he is Eriyi's father." Xuanhao has nothing to hide from Xia Mi.

"Huh?" Xia Mi felt that his brain was a little exhausted, "But he looks a bit old..."

"Don't be so tactful..." Xuan Hao couldn't help but smile, "The reasons for this are a bit complicated, but genetically speaking, he is indeed Eryi's father."

"Oh." Xia Mi nodded in understanding.

Xuan Hao shook his head. It was too troublesome to explain twice. He planned to explain it together later. The purpose of coming here was to let this old guy know that he still had children, and all this was for Eli Yi.

Taking Xia Ya to sit down, Uesugi said hello warmly, "Hey, have you been waiting for a long time? Speaking of which, it's been a long time, kid, it's been two years, right? Is this your girlfriend?"

When Uesugoshi was setting up the stall, he saw this boy holding the girl's hand and waiting quietly beside him. He still had a good impression of such a young man. From the first meeting, he felt that this young man was good.

Xuan Hao smiled and nodded, "Yes, I'm coming to Japan again this time. I promised to come back and take care of your business."


Uesugoshi stirred the soup pot, and without asking Xuanhao what to order, he started to move down the pot.

His movements were skillful, and the hand holding the spoon was as steady as holding a sword, "Two bowls of ramen, add eggs, is that okay?"

"Yes." Xuanhao nodded lightly. He had only eaten this kind of ramen here.

Uesugoshi placed two bowls of ramen in front of the two of them, and then smiled and watched the two young people eating ramen.

"Ah, thank you." Natsumi saw that there were a few more pieces of barbecued pork in his bowl than the person next to him. He showed a bright smile and thanked Uesugoshi. He said to himself that this old man is very good, regardless of whether it is Eri Yi's or not. Dad, in short, my sister will cover you from now on.

"Hahaha..." Uesugi smiled and looked at the two people in front of him with emotion, "It's great to be young..."

I think back then, he was also charming, handsome and attractive, loved by everyone... (omitted here)

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