Chapter 310 303. Sin

The lights on the street suddenly turned on, and the rain was still falling. The lights focused on the monkey-faced man, making him look like a clown on the stage. He had done something wrong and was going to be punished. His life was destined to end in tragedy. .

The entire Chizuru Town is now under EVA's control, and the cameras on the street are turned to Mambo Internet Cafe.

In the central control room of Kassel College, tens of thousands of kilometers away, members of the executive department stared blankly at the scene in front of the Mambo Internet Cafe.

Their three outstanding commissioners were currently surrounding the frightened man in the center with unkind expressions on their faces.

Of course, their focus is definitely not on this indifferent monkey-faced man.

A group of people stared nervously at one of the three teenagers.

Their dear S-class commissioner Lu Mingfei's appearance at this moment can simply be described as terrifying.

That is the devil who seems to have come from hell.

Lu Mingfei gently put down Aso Zhen in his arms, because if he didn't let go of the girl, he would hurt her.

His body has been constantly changing since just now, infinite power is emerging from deep inside his body, and the sharp claws on his hands seem to be able to tear everything apart easily! The temperature on his body began to become more terrifying than the sea of ​​​​fire behind him. The raindrops were evaporated into white mist by the high temperature before they fell on him, and the ground he stepped on seemed to be about to melt.

Dong dong dong...

This is the sound of a heartbeat, just like a monster, like a war drum, resounding in the control room across thousands of miles.

"This...this situation seems a little bad, right?" Professor Manstein was a little flustered, "What's wrong with Lu Mingfei?"

No one answered his question because no answer was needed.

Lu Mingfei's demonic image at this moment has been deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.

The entire control room was filled with tension, as if a heavy boulder was pressing on everyone's heart, making even breathing difficult.

"It's just...a monster." Schneider looked at Angers with a strange look, as if asking what to do.

What the hell are the guys who came back from Angtai? One Xuanhao is enough to make people worried, why now comes Lu Mingfei?

The previous Constantine was easy to explain. Although it was a bit outrageous, at least he was in human form. Angers suppressed it with all his strength, and Lu Mingfei had a special speaking spirit, so it didn't cause much trouble. But the situation is different now...

At this moment, Lu Mingfei was exposed to everyone's eyes, in the posture of a devil.

"Is he really Lu Mingfei?" Professor Guderian was a little unbelievable.

But through the slow-motion replay of EVA, everyone could clearly see the transformation process of Lu Mingfei.

Almost in an instant, they crossed a distance of a hundred meters and rescued the girl. Then they clearly saw the scales on Lu Mingfei's body growing piece by piece, and finally turned into this posture.

There is nothing left to defend.

Professor Guderian's face was pale. It was not that he didn't want to defend his students, but when faced with the truth before everyone, he felt that nothing he said made any sense.

The monster was covered in an exoskeleton and had wings on its back, revealing the beauty between an angel and a demon. The angry gaze in its eyes seemed to be able to devour everything in the world, and its golden pupils were flowing with light like lava.

What's in those eyes?

Guderian wanted to say that his eyes had not changed and he was still the kind-hearted child, but probably no one here would believe it.

After all, the existence with this appearance can be a god, a devil, or a dragon king, but it cannot be a human being.

"Maybe we can only judge that your student Lu Mingfei..." Schneider said with a hint of helplessness in his tone, "is some kind of very dangerous existence. He has very pure ancient dragon blood in his body, and even... the Dragon King himself! "

"No, no, no... what about Xuanhao?" Professor Guderian seemed to have grasped the last glimmer of hope, "Isn't that guy just as ridiculously powerful as to be incomprehensible?"

"But... he has never had anything similar to dragon transformation." Schneider turned his head, "He even let us test his bloodline without any worries. As far as the results are concerned, that guy's bloodline is extremely stable. No one Be able to produce evidence that he is not human."

"Hey, gentlemen, I think you don't have to be so nervous, right?" Angers clapped his hands to ease the tense atmosphere, "Didn't you see? Our other two students have no doubts about Lu Mingfei's current appearance. They They even joined forces to surround a poor guy."

"Are you trying to say that such monsters are on our side?" someone asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Angers' eyes flashed with gold, and his gaze became a little dangerous, "Our children are not afraid of the ugly appearance of their companions. As elders, are you not even as good as children? And if If I read it correctly... Lu Mingfei became like this because he was trying to save an innocent girl, right?"

" are covering up..."

"Covering?" Ange smiled, "No, I'm just a dragon slayer. If he is really the Dragon King you talk about, then I will send him to hell without hesitation... But as of now, He’s still controllable.”

"Do you want to..." Schneider was a little embarrassed.

He should have known that Angers would use anything he could, as long as he could slay a dragon, even if it was a devil. But he never thought that Angers would show off to everyone so straightforwardly. Now sitting here is almost everyone in the college except the vice president and director!

But he grasped the key point in Angers words - Lu Mingfei is not the Dragon King?

Schneider was a little confused. He didn't know how Angers determined this, but he was not surprised. After all, Xuanhao was also brought to the academy by Angers.

"What do you want to do?" someone asked Angers.

"Me? I don't want to do anything. Let's take a look first. Everything will be finalized after they come back from Japan." Angers raised his head and continued to look at the monitor on the screen, "But I assure you, as long as I am here, everything will be done." I won’t let him mess around. No matter if you want to impeach me to the school board or whatever, I will go ahead.”

Angers had a smile on his face and didn't seem nervous at all. School board? How could those guys have the time to take care of Lu Mingfei when they were so screwed up by Xuan Hao? If they could really use Lu Mingfei's power, then they would be very happy.

Of course, the premise is that Lu Mingfei is obedient.

"Perhaps what we should be concerned about now is how these children will deal with these bosozokus?" Angers stared at the screen with interest, "Many of these people are ordinary people. If they go too far, they can They will all be held responsible, and we will be very busy waiting for them to return to the academy."

Everyone was speechless. Compared with school regulations, Lu Mingfei's situation was obviously more important, right? Do you actually want to use such insignificant things to change the subject and treat them as fools?

However, it seemed that no one dared to say anything. After all, apart from the school board, Angers was the largest in the college. Such important decision-making matters were not something they could decide. All they could do was report it to the school board. And now that Lu Mingfei is far away in Japan, coupled with the betrayal of the Japanese branch, what they can do is very limited.

"Lu Mingfei, what kind of look do you have? It's quite cool..." Caesar was a little jealous when he saw Lu Mingfei who had completed his transformation. He felt that his limelight had been taken away, but fortunately Lu Mingfei Only by suddenly exploding his seed could he successfully save the real lady, so he didn't care.

"Um... I don't know." Lu Mingfei was a little shocked when he saw the changes in his body. Although he knew it would be outrageous, he didn't expect it to be so outrageous. Damn it, Lu Mingze never told him that he would become like this. What a ghost...

"By the way, aren't you scared?"

"What are you afraid of?" Caesar was a little confused. He really didn't understand what there was to be afraid of. After all, Lu Mingfei was also an S-level, but compared to Xuan Hao, he was more than one and a half stars behind. Maybe this is normal now?

And Lu Mingfei didn't lose control. Although he looked a little scary, he did become like this to save others. As a young man with a sense of justice, how could he blame a hero who saved others? Ultraman can't even fight monsters well.

"I think he is the only one here who is afraid of you." Chu Zihang pointed at the monkey-faced man surrounded by the three of them.

Although he was a little surprised to see Lu Mingfei like this, as a person who has seen the world, he said that Lu Mingfei could only be treated like this, and the pressure he felt on him was not even half as high as Xuan Hao's. Not many people in the academy have seen Xuan Hao fight with their own eyes, but coincidentally, the few people here account for most of them.

As long as you have seen that guy's battle, you will know what a real monster is. What's the use of looking scary? Whether you can withstand someone's punch or not is a question.

There was a roar in the distant sky.

The three of them frowned and looked at the sky. The dark clouds were suddenly broken. A giant black bird fell from the sky. The B1 bomber flew at low altitude. The deafening sound penetrated the entire street. Three flares shot across the long street like meteors. .

Hope showed on the face of the monkey-faced man. He thought that the adult had sent a Self-Defense Force fighter jet to save him, but the fighter jet flew away immediately without stopping at all. All I saw was a silver suitcase falling from the sky, and three small white parachutes opening as it approached the ground.

"Ah, the support from the academy is here." Caesar said with some dissatisfaction in his tone, "It wouldn't be such a troublesome thing if MD came earlier."

His words made the monkey-faced man on the ground even more desperate. How should this be played? It's obviously a certain death situation, but you still need support? Do you still think his death was not heroic enough?

Caesar caught the box and opened the seal with an expressionless face. The words 'Cassell College 2013' were printed on the seal. It was indeed the equipment box of Cassell College. They finally had something to rely on for their next actions.

Caesar opened the box. Guns, ammunition, flares, and grenades were neatly arranged. Some bullets had red warheads, and some bullets had black warheads. They were mercury core blunt gold armor-piercing bullets that killed dragons, and Some bullets are general purpose brass slugs.

But in the eyes of the monkey-faced man, these are not good things. They look more like torture tools that will be used on him next. He was shaking so much that he couldn't hear it, and wished he could faint immediately. But unfortunately, he found that his will was so strong, why couldn't he faint?

Whether it was the sharp claws in the hands of the monster named Lu Mingfei in front of him or the various ammunition in Caesar's hands, he could die miserably.

He watched blankly as Caesar filled the bullets into the magazine one by one. The crisp sound was like the god of death knocking on the door.

"Hey, hey, hey! Who ordered the equipment to be released?"

someone asked in the college control room.

"Are these kids going to kill people now? You actually went out of your way to hand them weapons? Wouldn't that make us accomplices?"

"School rules are dead, but people are alive. People should pay the price for what they do wrong. Since these people dare to shoot at our commissioners, they should be prepared to be killed for so long," Angers said in a cold tone. "Even if they don't have weapons, what they want to do will not change. And now they need weapons to deal with the pursuit of the Japanese branch. Isn't it too chilling to give up supporting the students because of a few scum?"

The control room fell into silence again. Angers' judgment always had reasons that people could not refuse. Only then did they remember that this old man with white hair was a dictator. The reason why he was able to become the principal Position relies on cold and ruthless iron-blooded methods. Things like rules are just one of the means to achieve the goal and cannot affect his decision-making at all.

"What should we do next?" Chu Zihang asked.


He was answered by Caesar's gunfire.

Continuous gunshots rang out, piercing the calves of the bosozokus who were struggling to escape on the ground. The bright red blood dyed the rain on the ground red, reflecting the firelight not far away, as if hell was shining into reality.

"Did you use live ammunition?" Lu Mingfei looked at Caesar. He saw the exploded muscle tissue of the Bosozokus. Frigga's bullets could not imitate such an effect.

"We were too merciful from the beginning," Caesar sneered, pointing his gun at the monkey-faced man. "That's what I just learned."

"I remember the school rules seem to stipulate that ordinary people cannot be killed?" Lu Mingfei asked again.

The monkey-faced man felt hope again after hearing Lu Mingfei's words. He didn't expect this guy who looked like a demon to be... so kind? No, this is an angel!

"Wow~" Angers exclaimed, "Did you see that? Our monster still remembers the school rules of the academy?"

He pointed at Lu Mingfei's ferocious appearance on the screen and admired everyone in the control room.

But in the eyes of everyone, this sounded more like a mockery of them. Unexpectedly, the one who obeyed the most rules was the one who looked the most like a monster.

Everyone stared at Lu Mingfei on the screen speechlessly, thinking that this terrifying appearance was in vain, and the monster's face was completely lost to you.

What Caesar and Chu Zihang said next made their faces feel like they were being slapped.

"When have you ever seen me care about school rules?" Caesar pulled the trigger again.

The monkey-faced man's newly raised hopes were drowned by the gunfire. He screamed in despair and wanted to get up and escape, but he still had no ability to run, and his legs exploded under the gunfire.

Chu Zihang dragged the immobile bosozokus into the fire scene one by one, his face expressionless throughout the process, as if he was just destroying some useless garbage.

"This group of bosozokus who took a lot of hallucinogens were playing with fire and accidentally burned themselves to death. It was just an accident."

The thoughtful Chu Zihang has already thought up the reasons, and they are well-founded. Even Lu Mingfei can't find any fault. This group of bosozokus did take a lot of hallucinogens, and it seems that they set the fire themselves. …

The conversation between these three people was like the whisper of a devil in the ears of the monkey-faced man. At this moment, there was nothing else but despair in his heart.

He used his remaining two hands to desperately try to crawl away from here.

But there was another gunshot, and his right hand exploded. The severe pain made him unable to move with his only remaining left hand.

Caesar stood in front of him expressionlessly, lifting his hair.

"Can you understand English?"

The monkey-faced man's face was full of pain, and he looked at Caesar's heartless face in horror.

"We don't have time to extract a confession, and we don't have any patience for guys like you. If you want to die more comfortably, tell us honestly, who is the man behind the scenes you are talking about?" Caesar pressed the muzzle of his gun against his forehead. , it seems that as long as he is willing to tell the truth, he will be freed immediately.

" don't know!" The monkey-faced man sounded frightened.

"Haha? So you know how to speak English?" Lu Mingfei grabbed his remaining left hand, "You asked me to translate just now. It seems like you were kidding me? Do you look down on me so much?"

"No, no, no...don't dare!"

The man screamed, and his wrist was instantly crushed to pieces in Lu Mingfei's hands.

"Forget it if we can't get any information. We have to leave here first." Chu Zihang reminded, "The power around here has been restored. It is estimated that people from the eight Sheqi families will arrive soon."


Lu Mingfei expressionlessly dragged the monkey-faced man's body with only one hand toward the sea of ​​fire.

The monkey-faced man cried out in pain, "Didn't you say that you couldn't kill ordinary people according to your regulations?"

"You don't really think I will let you go, do you?" Lu Mingfei's cold voice was emotionless, "I just asked the brothers if they had any opinions. It would be so embarrassing if I was the only one who wanted to kill you. ?”

"Devil...devil..." the monkey-faced man cried nervously.

"Devil? Even if God comes today, he can't save you."

The fire burned the sins, and the painful screams came and went in the sea of ​​​​fire. Lu Mingfei stood in the remnants of the sins and looked up at the sky, as if he wanted to burn away the sins on his body. He killed someone, right now, in the middle of the process. , but what made him feel strange was that, looking at the screaming scum in his hands, he didn't feel the slightest regret in his heart, because this man deserved to die. Drug trafficking, arms smuggling, arson, murder, every crime can make him die ten thousand times.

But Lu Mingfei never thought that one day he would be the one to carry out the trial. He had doubts in his heart, did he really have this power? Decide the life or death of others.

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