A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 309 302. The sun rising in the rain

Chapter 309 302. The sun rises in the rain curtain

Each of the dozen or so bullets landed accurately on the back of the Bosozou's hand and penetrated directly.

These guys underestimated Lu Mingfei, which made him a little angry. After all, he also had the title of S-class specialist of Kassel College, but that bastard perverted monkey-faced man actually dared to underestimate him!

Caesar suddenly changed lanes the moment he got close to the Bosozoku formation. His goal was never to kill these guys. Are you kidding me? There was a bulldozer in front of him. If he ran into it, wouldn't he be seeking death?

He swerved around these idiots, stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the blazing Internet cafe.

He pressed his two precious large-sized Desert Eagles against the accelerator, locked the steering wheel, unbuckled his seat belt and punched the front windshield with one punch, rolled over the hood and stood up, his eyes burning. A blazing golden color! The dragon's blood was boiling, making him even ignore the high temperature around him.

This is the 'peerless secret book' he tricked from Lu Mingfei, the legendary road to becoming a god!

There was a bloodbath.

The first bloodbath made him feel more confident than ever before. He opened his arms and shouted towards Aso on the rooftop, "Jump down! I will catch you!"

Caesar's figure was illuminated by the firelight, his blond hair danced wildly in the flames and wind, and his golden eyes seemed to have some kind of magic, making Aso really believe in him.

After the bloodshed, Caesar's bloodline will be purer than Chu Zihang's. The charm of those golden eyes is fatal in the eyes of ordinary people. No ordinary girl can refuse his request, even if he makes her jump off the building.

Aso looked blankly at the radiant man downstairs. This man was stepping on a viper and sprinting towards the fire, like an indomitable knight who came to save him. The scattered lead bullets seemed to be making way for him. , nothing can stop him from moving forward, and his eyes reveal absolute confidence.

Zhen Zhen stepped on the edge of the rooftop with some hesitation. Caesar's eyes at this moment did have fascinating magic, but Zhen Aso was not fascinated.

Because she already knew her ending in her heart.

In fact, she heard the roar just now. There were only two teenagers downstairs. The remaining one must have sneaked in to save her, right?

But it seems to have failed...

She knew that the chance of surviving this jump was very slim. No one could catch an adult who fell from the fifth floor with bare hands. No matter how confident the blond boy was, he couldn't deceive her.

The sparse gunshots ringing in the distance were from the obedient boy. He shot desperately for her. The boy burning in the fire had no voice. Did she kill him? The blond boy heading towards the fire downstairs opened his arms and was not afraid of the hail of bullets. Why was he so stupid? He obviously didn't need to worry about her...

Aso Zhen, eighteen years old, is in his prime. It's a pity that she has not been lovable since she was a child, and even her parents did not love her. After the divorce, she has been following her grandma. Maybe her grandma is the only person in the world who loves her.

She has had low self-esteem since she was in school because of her family background, but now...it seems like there are three boys working hard for themselves?

She didn't know whether to be happy or sad, because she was about to die. What would grandma do after she died? Can these three boys escape?

She doesn't quite understand why these three boys came for her, the so-called sense of responsibility? It seemed that she was indeed involved in them...but she never seemed to blame these boys.

Strange, why don't you have any complaints in your heart? Aso himself was very curious.

Perhaps these boys broke into the store when she was most helpless, or perhaps she experienced an adventure that she had never experienced in her life today.

These three boys protected her and fought her way out of the siege. I thought it would be a happy ending...

There was a smile on Aso's face for some reason.

She remembered her farewell to the boy in the rain. Until the end, the boy told him to go home quickly and they would attract attention. They did it. They thought they would never meet again, but fate always played tricks like this. people.

In fact, she still doesn't understand why she was captured.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Maybe it was to see them again, to say goodbye without having time.

Aso suddenly wasn't afraid anymore, because they came to save her. Three kind-hearted, upright, brave and fearless teenagers were like warriors in fairy tales. This was a scene she had never dreamed of, although compared to Snow White's seven dwarfs are still a few short...

She threw off her high heels, opened her arms and leaned downward, letting the hot air hit her face with a relieved smile on her face.

The high heels were swallowed by the fire, and the burning flames were like her outstretched wings. She flew up, and crystal tears slipped from the corners of her eyes and dissipated in the flames.

The Viper passed between the two box trucks and rushed towards Aso. Caesar stepped on the hood and jumped high. His physical fitness after the violent bloodshed allowed him to jump higher and his senses were heightened. Keen, in his eyes, the speed of falling raindrops seemed to have slowed down. The sound of each raindrop falling to the ground was clearly audible, and the sound of each lead bullet tearing through the air was also particularly harsh. The girl in the red cheongsam seemed like a The flame butterfly fell with only its wings spread out. Her wings were being washed away by the heavy rain, and there was nothing to support her falling body.

He saw the expression on the girl's face. She was smiling softly with her eyes closed and mumbling to herself.

Caesar couldn't understand what she was saying, but he pulled out a few words he could understand from the complicated Japanese.

"Thank you" and "Goodbye".

He couldn't understand what could make a girl say goodbye to the world with a smile. It was as if he knew he was dead.

You also have to ask some of us if we can do it!

The golden color in Caesar's eyes became more intense.

Fine scales began to appear on his body.

Bloodshed twice.

In the name of the Gattuso family...oh no, in the name of Caesar, he blocked up all his pride and wanted to save this girl.

A violent stamping sound sounded under Caesar's feet. In order to ensure the height of his jump, he collapsed the carriage of the van and jumped towards the girl in mid-air.


You can definitely catch it! To be safe, he even activated a second burst of blood. According to his speed and jumping ability, he would definitely be able to catch the falling girl. The impact of the fall is nothing to him. With his current physical condition, even if it is a pig that falls, he can easily catch it. Not to mention this weak girl, even Lu Mingfei can catch it. Hold her and run easily.

The surrounding barrage also became sparse, and everything seemed to be going extremely smoothly. Lu Mingfei's fire suppression was very effective. Those little brats could only hug themselves and tremble under our ace sniper rifle.

But an alarm sounded in Caesar's ears, and his sickles and weasels sent back a sinister laughter like a poisonous snake spitting a message.

A gunshot that was different from a shotgun rang out, and the muzzle of a pistol spurted out fiery tongues of flame.

In an instant, it was like death falling from the sky.

A weak pistol bullet hit Caesar's shoulder. This shot fell on Caesar, but issued an ultimatum of death to the fallen Aso.

"No! Shit! Lidisprezzo!" Caesar cursed his native language excitedly.

The sound of curses echoed throughout the sky.

It belongs to Caesar. He cursed the monkey-faced man for his insidiousness. From the corner of his eye, there was a teasing smile on that sinister face. This bastard was waiting for this moment.

Caesar's movements were somewhat halted by this precise shot. The monkey-faced man held a mini pistol in his hand, seemingly mocking his incompetence.

"Look, a small pistol can shatter all your pride. The young master of the Gattuso family can only do that!"

Caesar stretched out his hand desperately. This small injury was nothing to him. In the violent state, he was confident that he would not die even if he resisted the shotgun bullets! But it was this tiny bullet that made him hesitate for half a second.

The gap between this half second... is life and death.

"Asshole! Lu Mingze, get out!"

No one noticed another roar further away. The heavy rain and distance drowned out Lu Mingfei's voice.

But it was clearly conveyed to someone's ears.

Aso is hovering quietly in mid-air, with falling raindrops surrounding her slender body. The picture is frozen at this moment, and through the rain curtain she looks like a princess sealed in a crystal coffin.

"Hey, hey, hey... I heard you, brother, don't be so loud, my poor ears!" Lu Mingze took out his ears and squatted in front of the wellhead, looking down at Lu Mingfei, who was using the wellhead as a cover.

"Why are you calling me so late at night?"

"It's time to work!" Lu Mingfei's voice was a little anxious.

"Oh?" Lu Mingze didn't seem to understand what he meant, he raised his head and looked around.

"Where? Where? Where is the work that I need to do?"

He looked around, as if he was looking for something, but in the end he shook his head regretfully, "Brother, don't joke with me, okay? My business is very busy, so there is nothing that I need to deal with to solve." thing?"

"Idiot, didn't you see it?" Lu Mingfei pointed at the fallen Aso Zhen, "You tell me you can't see such a big living person?"

"Ah, this? You saw it, what's wrong?" Lu Mingze nodded matter-of-factly.

"You're still asking me what's wrong? Save her!" Lu Mingfei didn't quite understand what Lu Mingze said.

"Save her? Are you kidding?" Lu Mingze tilted his head in confusion, "My ability is not used to save an ordinary person! No way, right? You wouldn't waste four points on an ordinary girl. One of your precious lives, right?”

"Why not?" Lu Mingfei couldn't understand.

"Brother, you should think twice!" Lu Mingze covered his face and said amusedly, "Do you know what kind of power that is?"

"What?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"What you exchanged for your life is the power that can save the world! Even the Dragon King can only tremble in front of this power, but you actually used it to save an insignificant ordinary person?" Lu Mingze said that such a request is simply unreasonable. Unreasonable, "Brother, are you okay with your brain? I didn't see you so decisive when I met the Dragon King?"

"Shut up, little brother, now I'm going to teach you how to be a good person!" Lu Mingfei climbed out of the well with a dark face, pointing at the nose of the child in front of him and gesticulating.

"..." Lu Mingze shrugged.

"First of all, human life is regardless of high or low. There is no difference in my opinion between saving one person and saving the world. If I have to say...Rather than waste my life to save a group of people I don't know, I would rather save myself. Someone you want to save.”

"Second, this is what you taught me, don't wait until something happens before you regret it!" Lu Mingfei waved aside the frozen rain curtain and walked towards Aso's direction.

He recalled that when he first saw this girl, she was just an ordinary girl, very similar to him, huddled submissively in the checkout counter, with uneasiness written on her face.

He recalled the girl's life experience. She was a poor girl, and her parents didn't want her anymore... There was only one grandmother in the family.

He still remembered that this girl once tried to stuff him into the locker room of the locker room. She was a very kind girl. She was obviously involved in troublesome things, but she still wanted to help them.

"I think I will regret not saving this girl. No, not only me, but all three of us will regret it. What the hell, is it embarrassing to be saved by a girl? Isn't it embarrassing that three grown men can't protect a girl?"

"..." Lu Mingze looked at Lu Mingfei's back without looking back, feeling speechless. He suddenly felt that his brother was really a brave man. He was gentle, kind, upright, brave and selfless. He was not very conspicuous at ordinary times, but he was always there for others. Overcome fear and stand up when needed. Although sometimes you are forced to have no choice...but you are still the template of a brave man.

"Silly brother, you spent a quarter of your life to save Nono, and now you spend a quarter of your life to save this girl. Why do you feel like you do it for others every time... Will I create a need next time? The scene where you hero save a beauty, so that you can willingly sell your life to me?" Lu Mingze shook his head slightly, "Can't you be more selfish and overbearing? This way I can be happier when dealing with you."

"Third, I have no control over my life no matter what I do!" Lu Mingfei's angry voice penetrated the rain curtain, "Is this overbearing enough?"

Lu Mingfei only thinks about saving people now. He only knows that he will regret it if he doesn't save people. This is probably considered selfish, right? He knows his ability very well, save the world? Slay the dragon? This kind of earth-shattering event is not suitable for a humble person like him. How can a boss get his turn...

So, let’s do the little things we can, right?

"Alas..." Lu Mingze sighed helplessly, "Okay, brother, since you have already decided, I won't stop you. But in fact, you can also save her with your word spirit that doesn't want to die... "

"Don't think of me as a fool..." Lu Mingfei looked up at the falling rain curtain in the sky and the girl hanging in mid-air, "You all say that this kind of spiritual spirit has a price and is an overdraft of life, right? Forcibly squeezing the human body's potential. In order to achieve the purpose of recovery...how much life force can an ordinary girl squeeze out?"

"Tsk," Lu Mingze smacked his lips, "Okay, but since you are going to do it, make it beautiful for me. You are killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. If you don't do it beautifully, I can't afford to embarrass this person! Go ahead... Crush them!"


A violent roar echoed across the sky.

Everything changed in an instant, and no one knew what happened.

All you can see is the smoke and dust where Aso Makoto fell.

The moment time began to pass, Aso Zhen fell gently into someone's arms. She felt that the sky had cleared up after the rain, and the sun seemed to rise in the thick fog to disperse everything.

When she took a closer look, she realized that they were a pair of bright golden eyes. The boy holding her suddenly opened his eyes, as warm as the sun rising in the rain.

Her body that was soaked by the rain felt warm. It was a face that looked like a somewhat ordinary boy, but his eyes were full of inexplicable charm. He was gentle, kind and brave. He turned the tide in her moment of crisis. Everything seemed to be like It's like a dream.

She heard the roar of the engine. It was the running Viper rushing towards the two of them. Everything happened in an instant, from her fall to her rescue. It only took a moment, but it was forever engraved in her mind.

When the smoke dissipated, the front of the Viper had deformed, and a scaly palm pressed against the front of the car, making it difficult to move.

The roaring viper was choked, and its fangs could not touch the girl in the boy's arms in front of him.

"Go to sleep and forget everything when you wake up..."

Lu Mingfei said softly, his voice mixed with the power of words and spirits. The girl felt that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. She tried her best to open her eyes, as if she wanted to carve the face in front of her into her mind.

Speaking of which...she didn't know their names yet. These teenagers had never mentioned their names. She was afraid that she would forget them when she woke up.

"May I have your name……"

The girl murmured and closed her eyes.


Lu Mingfei raised his head and looked at the monkey-faced man not far away with cold eyes, as if he wanted to choose someone to devour.

The fine scales finally climbed up his cheeks. If this look was seen by this girl, wouldn't it leave a psychological shadow?

"Well done, Lu Mingfei, I owe you a favor."

Caesar on the side said expressionlessly. He reached out and casually took off the bullet embedded in his shoulder. He turned his head and looked at the bastard with cold eyes.

The monkey-faced man hadn't figured out what happened. Everything was too sudden. The young man named Lu Mingfei rescued Aso as if he teleported. Even the viper that hit him was stopped by one hand. It was like a abnormal!

"You... you..."

The monkey-faced man was so stunned by the two pairs of golden eyes that he backed away nervously.

But as soon as he took a few steps back, he found that he seemed to have hit something.

He turned back blankly.

Another expressionless, indifferent face.

The young man named Chu Zihang's hair was a little wet and messy, and the clothes on his upper body had been burned away, but there was no trace of burning on the chest he hit. The flames seemed to have no harm to this young man.

Chu Zihang stared down at the monkey-faced man in front of him with golden pupils, his eyes equally cold. He spent some time in the Turkish bath to extinguish the fire on his body, and after coming out, he knocked down these bosozokus.

The monkey-faced man realized at this moment that all the bosozoku around him had fallen to the ground, and the girls were also missing. They must have been bypassed by Chu Zihang.

He retreated step by step, but no matter where he retreated, he was surrounded by these three terrifying guys. He had no way to escape!

The monkey-faced man knelt on the ground with his legs weak, and light yellow liquid flowed out from between his legs again, but this time he was really scared to the point of peeing.

Despair gradually spread on his face. At this moment, he wished he could really faint.

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