A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 308 301. Viper Vomits Letter

Chapter 308 301. Viper Vomits Letter

Aso stood shivering on the edge of the rooftop, with the flames soaring behind her. The strong wind lifted the skirt of her cheongsam. Lu Mingfei saw the red and bruised scars on her arms and legs. These hateful bastards were treating her badly. Violence was committed.

The flames spread behind her while spitting out the letter. The group of bosozokus poured gasoline on most of the rooftop. The gasoline burned and flowed, and the flames were about to engulf the entire roof.

The temperature on the roof was at least seventy or eighty degrees at the moment. She felt like she was standing in an alchemy furnace. Her tears were evaporated as soon as they came out of her eyes. Her exposed skin turned red due to the high temperature. If it hadn't been for the heavy rain from the sky to cool down, she would have been It has been baked dry.

"How did you find the real lady?" Lu Mingfei frowned and looked at the monkey-faced man.

He couldn't figure out why this guy was able to capture Aso so quickly.

"Oh ho~ It's all thanks to you! Boy!" The monkey-faced man pulled out a girl's underwear from his pocket like magic, took off the tracker attached to it, threw it to the road and crushed it. Then he crumpled his underwear into a ball and put it to the tip of his nose, sniffing vigorously, "Ah, the real lady smells so delicious!"

"You don't think I entered the women's locker room to steal underwear, do you?" The monkey-faced man smiled arrogantly, "nonono! I never do such boring things. I only took out my underwear to put the tracker on. ! My favorite thing is to secretly put trackers on the clothes of girls I don’t know, and wait until they go home at night, then I’ll visit them. This kind of game, like opening a blind box, is really addictive!”

"I originally planned to relax after finishing you guys today, but!" The monkey-faced man's face became ferocious, and his tone became fierce, "You disturbed my hunting! What a good girl? I have no choice but to use it. Use the bait to catch you!”

"Abnormal!" Lu Mingfei yelled.

They had misunderstood before. This guy was either an underwear thief or a complete pervert, scumbag, and stalker! Everything became clear. This guy was not frightened by them at all. Maybe he was just pretending to wet his pants. He was awake all the time and saw Aso really staying with them.

Lu Mingfei was furious. Just when he was about to rush over to save people, Caesar stopped him.

Caesar also took a deep breath. He was equally angry now, but anger could not solve the problem now. He glanced at the Bosozoku's defense line. With the equipment in their hands, there was no way to break through directly, and there were also those They couldn't ignore the waitress being treated as a hostage.

The girls' cheongsams were torn to pieces, and their plain white bodies were particularly conspicuous in the dark night. The shotguns in the hands of the bosozoku were pointed at their bodies at any time, and each of them laughed wantonly, as if to warn them. , these girls will die if they dare to mess around.

"Chu Zihang has already touched it, don't get excited." Caesar whispered to Lu Mingfei, now we have to buy time.

Lu Mingfei also reacted and glanced at the manhole cover behind the Viper.

Caesar's car didn't park randomly. It had a purpose. This was the manhole cover they came out of when they got out of the Internet cafe. He parked the car here to block the sight of the Bosozoku so that Chu Zihang could sneak in and save Aso. real.

Flames are no threat to Chu Zihang, only he can save people from the sea of ​​fire.

"Did you instruct you to do this?" Lu Mingfei suppressed his anger and glared at the man.

"Instigation? The Chibei team needs someone to instruct them? Hahahahaha..." The monkey-faced man laughed so hard that his whole body trembled. "Isn't the person who can instruct Chibei the leader Takeda Shingen?"

"No matter how much money that person pays, the Gattuso family will pay three times," Caesar gestured to Lu Mingfei to translate his words, "and I guarantee you in the name of my father, the head of the Gattuso family, that you can get the money alive. .”

"Hahahaha! Don't be like this. Who doesn't know that the young master of the Gattuso family never cares about daddy?" The monkey-faced man smiled contemptuously, "Fortunately, that adult gave me your information, otherwise I would have been fooled. It’s over.”

"Oh? It seems you know us very well?" Caesar frowned, "You were instigated by the Sheqi family, right?"

There was a gloomy look in Caesar's eyes. This monkey-faced man seemed to know all the information about them. However, it was impossible for ordinary people in Japan to know his specific situation. Only the Sheqi family was suspected of this.

"Whatever you think~" The monkey-faced man spread his hands with an indifferent look on his face.

"Tell me what you have to do to let them go." Caesar took out the soaked cigar in his pocket and found that no matter how hard he lit it, he couldn't light it. "It's really bad luck."

"It's very simple. The guy holding the gun is called Lu Mingfei, right?" The monkey-faced man's face turned gloomy, "Now use the gun in your hand to break the calves and wrists of Caesar and Chu Zihang, then throw down the gun and kneel down. Just let me catch them, and I'll let them go! We know that Gattuso-kun and Chu Zihang-jun are the top A-level hybrids. If heroes like you have sound hands and feet, we won't dare to get close. Don't worry, I also promise you in the name of that adult that I will not kill you!"

"Don't you take me seriously?" Lu Mingfei expressionlessly reloaded the magazine in the pistol in his hand, "After all, we are also S-class."

Lu Mingfei was not angry at being underestimated, and was even a little happy. This proved that this guy's intelligence source was not very accurate. Maybe he had been acting too ordinary and had not done anything since coming to Japan. The Sheqi family's information about him is very vague, which is a good thing.

But from this point of view, he can be very sure that this matter is closely related to the Sheqi family.

He didn't know who the adult was talking about in this monkey-faced man's mouth, but no matter who it was, he wouldn't believe this pervert's lies about not killing them. They are now at odds with the Sheki Hachi family, and it is estimated that all the underworld in Japan want their lives.

Caesar and Lu Mingfei behind Viper were silent for a while, and their expressions became more solemn after several conversations.

This monkey-faced man is not as easy to deal with as an ordinary minion. At least it can be seen that this guy is a very scheming pervert.

When he was captured by Chu Zihang and Caesar, he was able to judge that he was no match for these two people, and made them relax their vigilance through his superb acting skills. He was able to rationally use all the advantages in his hands, leaving the three of them helpless.

Originally, Caesar and Lu Mingfei wanted to get some information out of him, but this man was also very cautious in speaking and was vague about important information. He just said that the Lord, who knows who?

It's just that this guy didn't seem to have good eyesight and didn't realize that the only two people hiding behind the viper were Caesar and Lu Mingfei.

Chu Zihang returned to the Internet cafe along the sewer. After confirming that there was no one inside the Internet cafe, he ran wildly along the corridor. There were flames in all directions, but they could not get close to his body. He was like a monarch of flames. The flames that meet him along the way will take a detour. The corridors of this old building were not strong and many places had been burned down. Even if he was not afraid of the flames, he would not be able to pass through. The elevator was already useless.

Chu Zihang was looking for the way to the rooftop in the blazing fire. Although the map had been memorized in his mind, many layouts of the Internet cafe in the flames had changed.

Fortunately, the burned-through floor formed a new route. With his physical fitness, he could climb directly through the burned-through floor.

The golden eyes became brighter and brighter. At this moment, Chu Zihang had entered a violent state. He didn't know how much time Lu Mingfei and Caesar could buy him, and ordinary people couldn't last long in such a sea of ​​​​fire, so he had to move as quickly as possible.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Zihang had reached the third floor. There were only two floors between him and Zhen. Although he wanted to blast through the floor directly, the current house could no longer withstand Jun Yan's power. He could only find another one. On the road.

On the roof, Aso stood precariously on the edge of the rooftop. She didn't know how long she could hold on, and despair was spreading in her heart.

The fire had been burning for some time, but unfortunately there was no alarm bell she longed for in the distance. It stands to reason that such a conspicuous flame would alert the fire brigade and the police station, but it seemed that no one could come to save her.

He is probably dead, right? Aso really thought this to her heart. She didn't dare to open her eyes and look downstairs. She would die if she went down to the fifth floor, and she would be burned to death if she stayed upstairs.

Both the front and the back are dead ends.

Of course she saw the Viper that came back to save her. The two teenagers were hiding behind the car but there was nothing they could do. This group of bosozokus were so cunning that he not only had weapons in his hands but also took them as hostages.

"Have you not made a decision yet?" The monkey-faced man laughed and said, "Lu Mingfei, hurry up and break the hands and feet of the two people around you! If you don't hurry up, Miss Zhen will be burned into charcoal. Oh~"

"You set the whole building on fire, and the police will be here soon. What will you do then?" Lu Mingfei threatened loudly.

But the monkey-faced man didn't seem to be afraid at all, "Hahahahaha! Police? What is that? You have no idea of ​​the power of that adult. No one can stop what he wants to do! How dare the police come here? Don't be delusional. Someone will help you!"

"It looks like a big shot wants our lives." Caesar sneered.

"Yuan Zhisheng?" Lu Mingfei could only think of Yuan Zhisheng.

From the information extracted from the monkey-faced man, they could infer that the person who wanted to deal with them was a high-ranking figure in Japan. He had great power and could even suppress the Metropolitan Police Department. Moreover, this figure knew Kassel College and Gato very well. Suojia.

In the Japanese branch, there is no one else with these conditions except the heads of the eight Sheqi families, and they do not believe that the old man named Tachibana Masamune can come back from the Sumeru Seat alive. Based on their understanding of Xuanhao, this man There will definitely be no one left alive, so now the head of the eight Sheqi families will only be the original young master.

"I don't know, but I will take note of this grudge first." Caesar silently made a note in his heart.

"Hey, hey, hey! Can you grown men stop being so stained? Do you want to watch a woman burn alive because of you?" Later, the man picked up Aso's underwear with his fingers, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it. "Ah, it smells really good. As for the sandalwood scented underwear, I never get tired of it no matter how many times I smell it! Her body also smells like this, right? Will it also emit a nice sandalwood scent after being burned to death? If so, maybe it can be used To be used as incense?"

"Damn, pervert!" Lu Mingfei wanted to get up and kill this pervert with a single shot.

But that guy is hiding behind the bulldozer shovel. Even if you give him a Barrett, you may not be able to kill him with one shot, not to mention that he only has a broken pistol in his hand now.

"Thank you for the compliment, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha-" The monkey-faced man heard Lu Mingfei yelling angrily. He didn't feel ashamed but felt proud of it, and looked up to the sky and roared.

However, he didn't seem to realize that he had fallen into Lu Mingfei's delaying strategy. Five minutes had passed while they were chatting, and Chu Zihang should have been very close to the target.

Chu Zihang, who was in the sea of ​​​​fire, finally came to the door leading to the rooftop. Because the road was blocked by collapsed ruins, he made a long circle. Fortunately, the remaining passage was not destroyed by the flames, and he could see through the door. Through the glass, he could clearly see the slender figure in the flames, the red cheongsam flying in the flames, and the desperate expression on Miss Kazuma's face.

"It's coming soon, Miss Zhen, please be patient..." He murmured to himself. Although he wanted to yell to reassure the girl, now was not the time to reveal his target.

"Why doesn't Chu Zihang beside you say anything?" the monkey-faced man asked jokingly.

Although he couldn't see exactly how many people were behind the Viper due to the distance of more than a hundred meters and the heavy rain, how could he not leave any backup plan as he was always cautious in doing things?

Caesar and Lu Mingfei felt nervous when they heard the joking tone in the monkey-faced man's words.

"Oops, the secret is revealed. This monkey looks smarter than we thought..."

It's a pity that they don't have communication equipment to remind Chu Zihang.

This monkey-faced man seems to have anticipated their actions and will definitely set a trap for Chu Zihang to jump into. Now he can only pray that Chu Zihang can handle it...

Time was running out and Chu Zihang opened the door before he had time to think about other things. A large barrel of gasoline rained down on his head. When he reacted, it was too late to avoid it.

This group of bosozokus had long expected that someone would sneak in to rescue people, so they placed a barrel of gasoline on the door leading to the rooftop. This was a simple and crude trap, but it was unexpectedly effective.

Chu Zihang was originally an extremely cautious person, but he had no time to think now, because Aso was about to be swallowed up by the flames, and the girl would fall into the abyss in no time.

But the mistakes caused by small mistakes can be fatal.

It was not fatal to Chu Zihang, but to Aso Makoto.

Chu Zihang was instantly drenched in gasoline, and the flames were attracted by the gasoline and swept toward him, burning his clothes and hair in an instant. The evasive movement and the sudden burning caused him to lose his balance and roll down the stairs. Jun Yan couldn't dispel the flames attached to his body. The gasoline soaked through his clothes and became sticky on his body. He had to take off his clothes quickly to put out the fire, but there was nothing here that could extinguish the flames. He was not afraid of being burned by the flames. Burn, such a flame can't kill him, but he can't bring the flame to Miss Zhen, that will burn her to death!

The rescue plan failed. Chu Zihang roared unwillingly, as if he wanted to remind Lu Mingfei and Caesar below to think of other solutions.

The flames burned more fiercely. When they heard the roar in the flames, the monkey-faced man jumped up and slapped his butt, pointing at Lu Mingfei and Caesar and laughing wildly, "Hahahahaha——"

"Idiot, do you really think I'm blind? Your friend will be burned to charcoal along with Aso right now!"

"Fuck!" Caesar secretly scolded Chu Zihang for being useless, but he was not worried about Chu Zihang's safety at all, because that roar was full of anger. Chu Zihang didn't look like a person who could roar and scream. It was because he encountered some very annoying situations that he couldn't save Aso Makoto.

"I'll drive over, you find a bunker and cover me!" Caesar got into the driver's seat and said to Lu Mingfei.

They had no other choice. Aso was really crumbling in the fire. The high temperature and low oxygen environment made the girl almost unsteady. If she continued, she would definitely die.

Force a breakthrough! This is the only option.

Although it is troublesome for the other party to have a bunch of hostages in their hands, according to the behavior of this group of lunatics, if they don't take action, these girls will be killed sooner or later.

What they have to do now is to save every one they can at all costs.

With a foot of the accelerator, the Viper raised its head in violent acceleration and sprinted like a poisonous snake hunting. Caesar drove the car straight into the formation of the red team.

The moment Viper left, Lu Mingfei opened the manhole cover and jumped down, stepping on the steel ladder and aiming at the mouth of the well.

The distance of 100 meters is a bit too far for a pistol, but with his shooting accuracy there is no problem at all, even if there is a problem, he still has to shoot. This is the only thing he can do now, and only he can do it!

He is the man who almost blew off Caesar's head when he picked up a pistol for the first time, and is the current ace sniper of the Lionheart Club!

The other bosozokus were obviously not as smart as their boss. After all, they were just a group of teenagers who had taken a lot of hallucinogens. When they saw Caesar driving over, they couldn't help but raise their shotguns and shoot like madmen. gun.

But as soon as they raised the shotgun, they felt a pain in their hands.

Bullets pierced the rain curtain one after another. Lu Mingfei raised his gun and fired rapidly. The bullets in the magazine were emptied instantly. It was not over yet!

There was no pause in the movement of his hand. He unloaded the magazine, loaded the magazine, and loaded the gun. The whole movement was done in one go. This was the movement he practiced most in the academy. He could complete it in one second even with his eyes closed. Just now he was hiding. Behind the Viper, all the bullets contained in the drugs had already been loaded into several spare magazines.

A pistol forced him to achieve the effect of bursts of fire. This was Lu Mingfei's limit without resorting to any strength. He was precise, fast, and ruthless.

The moment he drew his gun, he put aside all distracting thoughts and saw only the target, not the person.

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