A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 321 314. Uesugoshi: Son, get out of here first

Chapter 321 314. Uesugoshi: Son, get out of here first

"who's that person?"

Crow asked Sakura confused.

"I don't know, but he saved us, so he shouldn't be an enemy." Sakura frowned and looked at the figure heading towards the sea of ​​fire.

This man was dressed in dark old clothes and wrapped himself tightly. His voice sounded like he was an old man, but neither the Eight Sheqi Family nor the Fierce Ghosts had ever heard of such a person.

"Is it someone from the academy?"

"There's no need for people in the academy to cover their faces, right? And I've never heard of the academy having older commissioners besides Angers. If it's Angers, there's no need to cover up."

"Then what exactly is going on..." Crow had a headache.

Sakura ignored him and turned to continue watching the battle in the fire field.

The entire pavilion was burned down to almost nothing but an empty shell, but the sword light in the flames did not stop.

Ryoma jumped up and slashed. With her powerful body after transforming into a dragon, she could jump four to five meters high with her physical strength alone, not to mention the butterfly wings made of wind and fire spread out behind her. She could be seen even outside the fire scene. The gorgeous figure flying in the air, the surrounding flames seemed to be dancing with her.

But beautiful things always come with deadly threats.

Only Yuan Zhisheng can truly feel that this dance is not just beautiful, but it contains power that can easily tear apart the body of an ordinary mixed race.

It's not the surrounding flames dancing with her, but the power of her dancing that affects the wind and brings the flames!

It was extremely pure power, the violence this girl gained after forcibly raising her bloodline.

"Is this the evolution potion developed by the fierce ghosts?"

No one answered his question.

Yuan Zhisheng frowned. The eight Sheqi families have been investigating the source of this potion, but there is always no progress. I don't know who made this potion, causing more compatriots of the family to turn into 'ghosts' .

There are too many things he wants to know, such as who is the person behind the fierce ghosts? Dragon King? King general? For example, where did this potion come from? These are all things that must be known to uproot the fierce ghosts. If all problems cannot be solved, even if the fierce ghosts are temporarily suppressed, they will soon reappear.

But now it seems that it can’t go so smoothly...


Yuan Zhisheng sighed helplessly. Although there are nine out of ten things that go wrong in life, and no one can have everything going as planned, his life never seemed to go smoothly.

Facing the oncoming attack, Yuan Zhisheng withdrew his last mercy.

The other party's attack was risking his own life, as if he had already given up the idea of ​​living, just to die with him! It would be foolish to show mercy in the face of such an opponent.

Sakurai Kogure held the knife in both hands and slashed from top to bottom, falling like a burning moth to the ground with wind and fire, and slashed hard with the help of gravity acceleration!

Such a life-threatening slash from the dragon-turned-hybrid species was one that even Yuan Zhisheng would not dare to take head-on.

But there is really no need for him to confront him head-on.

The difference in strength between the two sides is too great. Even if Sakurai Kogure forcibly uses potions to close the gap between the bloodlines, it is meaningless, not to mention that Minamoto is not at his strongest yet.

Yan Ling·Kingdom.

Sakurai Kogure, who was falling, did not expect that there would be an inexplicable gravity suddenly exerted on her body.

The trajectory of the falling slash was shifted, and the already powerful falling force was even more terrifying. When she fell, she cracked the granite ground on the ground, but failed to hit Yuan Zhisheng.

She wanted to raise her head and get up to continue attacking, but the gravity on her body forced her to lower her head.

"Is this the so-called 'Emperor'... This world is really unfair." Sakurai Kogure closed her eyes unwillingly, and after a moment, there was a relieved smile on her face.

Some people are born "just", and some people are born "evil", and "evil" can never win "justice". This is the imposed reality. Just like her, she was diagnosed as having a dangerous bloodline when she was five years old. From then on, the label of 'evil ghost' was deeply imprinted on her body, even though she didn't understand anything at the time.

Yuan Zhisheng stepped forward slowly, the spider cutter in his hand reflecting the light of the fire.

Sakurai Kogure put down the knife in her hand, knelt on the ground and used her last strength to raise her head, but the direction she was looking at was not Minamoto Chisheng.

With tears in her eyes, she looked at the almost burned-out stage not far away, smiled into the air, and whispered in a tone that Yuan Zhisheng could not hear, "さようなら."

It's like saying goodbye to someone you don't know.

She seemed to see people still dancing on the stage.

When they first met, the man invited her to listen to his opera among a row of girls.

She blushed and realized that she fell in love with this man at first sight.

The two introduced themselves to each other, and she put her hand on the man's hand. It was the first time someone held her hand.

At this moment they met and got to know each other.

"My name is... Sakurai Kogure."

"I am the second son of the Yuan family. I am a person who likes to sing."

A flashy dream, three lives are indistinct, and there is no trace of karma. Although we can love each other, why meet again.

The soil is full of life, but the water flows eastward without end.

Sakurai Kogure sat in the middle of the sea of ​​fire with her back to Minamoto and sang a song again.

It’s just that she is no longer so beautiful. The kimono she is wearing is tattered by the flames, and the makeup on her face is covered by scales. She squints her eyes slightly to retract the tears and tries her best to show a beautiful smile, because this is what she left to Yuan. The last moments of childhood.

Yuan Zhisheng stopped behind her with an expressionless face, holding up the spider cutter, as if to introduce the wrong person.

He didn't know what mistake the girl in front of him had made, but things had come to this point and no one could save the girl.

The effects of the Molotov Cocktail are still continuing, and the girl's transformation into a dragon is getting more and more serious, and one day she will turn into an unconscious monster.

At least let her die as a human, right?

"Go to sleep, you won't feel the pain..." Yuan Zhisheng murmured in a low voice.

The spider cut quickly, and he was confident that the girl would die without noticing, even though her neck was now covered with ugly scales.

But when he wanted to swing the long knife, he found that it seemed to be stuck by something.

"Huh?" Yuan Zhisheng raised his head in confusion.

Then I heard someone swearing.

"Damn! It was such a close call, I almost died!"

An old hand clamped tightly on the spider's cutting blade, and no matter how hard Yuan Zhisheng tried, he could not move it at all.

"How can this be?"

Yuan Zhisheng looked surprised, where did this guy come from? This power is a bit outrageous!

He took advantage of the situation and worked hard! This guy can keep his knife from moving just by holding the back of it with one hand.

"How is that possible? Get out of the way!"

The old hands grabbed Yuan Zhisheng's shoulders, lifted him up and threw him aside without any explanation.

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned for a moment as he stabilized his body. What on earth is going on with this person?

He is also an ‘Emperor’ after all! Are you shameless?

Having said that, Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were full of vigilance at this moment.

Because the old man touched his back silently and with such strength that even the emperor was surprised.

Unless he is confident that he can touch the person behind him silently, there is no one in the whole Sheqi family. It is estimated that only Ange in the academy can do it, and Xuanhao is not mentioned!

With Angers character it is impossible to hide his face. This person sounded like an old man, and the wrinkles on his hands proved it, so it couldn't be Xuan Hao.

After Yuan Zhisheng eliminated all the options he could think of, he still couldn't find such a number one person in his impression.

Who is this person? When did monsters become so common! Xuan Hao is troublesome enough by himself, but now why does an inexplicable guy appear again!

If it weren't for this guy not sneaking up on him from behind, he would have done it now.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't know the purpose of the visitor. Is a guy with such power an enemy or a friend?

"Damn it's so hot. I'm exhausted from running all the way up the mountain."

The visitor took off his old-looking clothes, revealing his strong muscles and sharp angular lines. If Yuan Zhisheng hadn't been able to tell that he was an old man, it would be hard to imagine that this was the figure that an old guy should have.

The old man shook his clothes and took out a potion that he didn't recognize. It didn't have a weird color like a Molotov cocktail. He had no idea what the potion was.

Under Yuan Zhisheng's surprised gaze, the old man plunged the potion into the body of the girl in front of him.

"I don't know if it will work..."

Yuan Zhisheng could tell that the old man's voice sounded anxious.

Of course Uesugi was anxious. The person in front of him might be his second daughter-in-law. If she died in the hands of his eldest son, wouldn't it be a tear?

The first time he saw Yuan Zhisheng, he knew that this was his son. As for how he judged...

Looks like me! He is half as handsome as I was when I was young, you can’t go wrong! And this super-standard combat power has already explained a lot of things. Although he only saw some from a distance, it was roughly enough for him to judge. Which ordinary mixed-blood species has the ability to easily subdue a deeply dragon-transformed and violent hybrid species?

Seeing that there seemed to be no reaction after the medicine was injected, Uesugi became even more anxious.

This potion was delivered to him by Xuan Hao along with his mobile phone. He said it would always be useful, but he didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly. He ran all the way home to change clothes just to get this thing.

But now he is a little worried about whether the potion Xuan Hao gave him is really that effective, because he has never heard of any potion that can stabilize the violent bloodline.

But soon the horns on Sakurai Kogure's head and other changes on her body caused by the Molotov cocktail disappeared, and she became the beautiful girl again, but she seemed to have lost consciousness and was in a coma.

Uesugoshi finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the girl return to normal. He laid Sakurai Kogure flat on the ground, rolled up the clothes he took off and used them as a pillow for her.

"Boy, do you know what you did?" Uesugi couldn't breathe easily, but he still felt very unhappy and couldn't vent the anger in his heart.

Damn it, is this what it feels like to be a father? It’s really hard to be the head of a family, and you have to worry about family conflicts all the time. Can’t you guys just calm down and give birth to grandsons for me!

Although Uesugi wanted to yell loudly, he remembered that his identity could not be revealed for the time being, otherwise he would alert the guy named Herzog, so he finally endured it.

"I...just clean up the fierce ghosts for the family..." Yuan Zhisheng didn't quite understand the question asked by the person in front of him, "But the result may not be like this. I didn't intend to kill her...she took the evolution herself. The potion will fight me tooth and nail."

"Oh, that's it. Are you still reasonable?" Uesugi was so angry that he felt so aggrieved... He said that he should not let his son know about me teaching him a lesson.

He was thinking about how he could let the bastard in front of him know what mistake he had made. He actually dared to chop his own younger siblings, it would be lawless if he didn't teach him a lesson!

"Um..." Yuan Zhisheng was a little confused, was what he said wrong? From the perspective of the Sheqi Eight Family, he did not do anything wrong. So... the person in front of him is an enemy?

"I want to take her away now, do you have any objections?" Uesugoshi pointed at Sakurai Kogure.

"Who are you? A member of the Fierce Ghost Clan?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned, "She is the Dragon Horse of the Fierce Ghost Clan. I can't let her go."

"What fierce ghosts? Weak ghosts? Do you know how to kill 'ghosts' every day?" Uesugi has a bad temper. If you have time to kill ghosts, you might as well hurry up and work hard to give birth to cubs for me! Bullshit Sheqi Bajia, are they important?

"It seems that you are not a member of the Fierce Ghosts, so this matter has nothing to do with you. Please do not interfere with the housework of our Sheqiba family." Yuan Zhisheng held the spider in his hand and frowned at the person in front of him. .

The person in front of him was very strong, he could feel it, and if possible, he didn't want to cause trouble.

"What did you call me? Your Excellency?" Uesugi was so angry, damn, Herzog, Herzog! It’s all about the one named Herzog! As a result, he was unable to recognize his son for the time being.

This bastard actually asked him not to interfere in household affairs?

"Oh no, are the eight Sheqi families great? I'm going to beat you today, what's wrong?"


A punch hit the charred wood, causing sparks and splinters to fly.

Yuan Zhisheng dodged the punch in horror, watching the old man's fist sink into the wooden stake with his back turned to him.

This speed and strength are simply... outrageous! This is not the power that ordinary hybrids should have at all. Even 'A' level hybrids are far from it, unless they are hybrids whose bloodline is out of control.

But when he saw that this old man didn't have any signs of dragon transformation, there was only...

"Damn... what the hell!" Yuan Zhisheng was stunned because he saw the tattoo on the old man's back.

There is a complete painting tattooed on the back of this old man. Countless yakshas and countless tigers are fighting in the clouds of fire. It is a war between the country of yakshas and the country of tigers.

The old man slowly moved his shoulders and back. As his muscles stretched, the cinnabar-red Yaksha and the indigo-colored tiger came to life. They grabbed each other's throats, bit with sharp teeth, and struck with thunderous hammers. The killing intent is vividly depicted. It was a picture that could only be drawn by the devil in hell, condensing all the violence in the world and writing it on the back of one person.

‘The Wrath of the Worlds’ is the highest-level tattoo in the underworld. In the past, the only people who could tattoo this painting on their backs were the elders!

At this moment, under the light of the fire, this tattoo looked even more murderous.

Even Yuan Zhisheng was stunned.

Of course, he was not afraid of the tattoo, but was thinking about the identity behind it. As far as he knew, the only people with such tattoos on their bodies were Angers and the former heads of the eight Sheqi families. But this person was not Angers, so... he was the former head of the family?

Etc., etc! Yuan Zhisheng's mind was a little confused. He couldn't tell which patriarch this person was. But in this case, this person was his senior?

That’s not right either! He had never heard that an old man older than his father was still alive.

"Who are you?" Yuan Zhisheng asked loudly.

"I want you to go to hell!"

Uesugi was too lazy to talk nonsense to his stupid son, so he punched him again. This idiot knew who the devil was every day, and he didn't know his last name until he was beaten.

Yan Ling·Kingdom.

Yuan Zhisheng's golden eyes lit up, wanting to stop the old man's actions. To be honest, he didn't want to fight the person in front of him, because if this person was really the former patriarch, there should be some misunderstanding. In short, they didn't will be the enemy.

But what surprised him was that his royal power seemed to have only a momentary effect on the old man.


Dense cracks appeared on the floor under the old man's feet, which was caused by the gravity of the king's power.

His royal power really worked.

"Good boy!"

However, Uesugoshi's actions were not affected at all, and the sound of creaking bones continued to sound on his body. This sound frightened Minamoto.

Yuan Zhisheng felt mmm in his heart, this voice sounds familiar to me! Keel state! This is his unique trump card as an emperor, but he never expected to see it in others.

Am I not the last emperor of the eight Sheqi families? Yuan Zhisheng was extremely panicked because he contacted this person who was the former patriarch of the eight Sheqi families... the former emperor, plus the patriarch! I wipe it! ?

As the head of the family, Yuan Zhisheng naturally knew the history of the eight Sheqi families, and he found the most likely one from his memory.

Historically, there was such an emperor among the eight Sheqi families. He was the last emperor before the appearance of Minamoto, Uesugoshi!

If the hidden emperor is still alive now, he should be at this age, right?

Yuan Zhisheng was extremely shocked.

This emperor has disappeared for decades. Almost no one in the Sheqi family knows that he is still alive. Of course, they don't know where he is now or what he is doing.

Yuan Zhisheng never dreamed that such a ruthless person would appear in front of him.

The blood of the eight Sheqi families seems to be very precious. When the Hidden Emperor reigned, he was the strongest emperor and the last emperor. I thought that after this, there would be no more emperors in the Sheqi family, but Tachibana Masamune suddenly appeared. He returned to Yuan Zhisheng who was living outside and inherited the royal blood.

Yuan Zhisheng was wondering if there was any blood relationship between himself and the person in front of him...

According to the historical records of the eight Sheqi families, this emperor can be said to be the sinner of the family.

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