Chapter 320 313. Dance

The Executive Directorate has surrounded the entire Paradise Hall, and roadblocks have been set up on all roads out. Those who escape from the Paradise Hall will be inspected, and irrelevant people can leave freely. The Executive Directorate will be polite to them and will not embarrass them, but if If they are on a certain list, they will be packed and thrown into a truck to wait for processing. If they dare to resist, they will even be executed on the spot, because everyone on this list is a 'ghost', a hybrid with dangerous blood. The purpose of the Sheqi Eight Families this time is to clean up these people without mercy.

"Is there any action on Gao Tianyuan's side?" Yuan Zhisheng asked softly.

"No, it seems we are worrying too much. They really don't intend to interfere." Crow shook his head slightly.


Yuan Zhisheng nodded slightly and watched people running away in the mountains. Countless luxury cars were blocked on the bridge and horns were blaring.

A nearly burned-out cigarette butt fell from the top of the mountain, sparks hit the fuel, and the red lotus' karmic fire enveloped the entire Paradise Pavilion in an instant.

Yuan Zhisheng took the document handed over by Sakura and looked at it silently.

There are three names in total on the document, namely: 'King General: Unknown', 'Dragon King: Unknown' and 'Ryoma: Sakurai Kogure'.

This is the goal of their trip.

The leaders of the fierce ghosts all use shogi pieces as their code names. Masamune Tachibana spent ten years investigating the identities of these people, but the true identities of the general and the dragon king have always been a mystery. Gangs loyal to the Oni have never seen these two big shots. The highest-ranking Oni cadre currently known is Sakurai Kogure, codenamed "Ryoma". Although she seems to be just the female manager of the Kukakukan, many ignorant people People peep at her beauty, but she is actually a very high-ranking figure among the fierce ghosts.

The existence of Wang Jiang has been put into question on Yuan Zhisheng's list, because Xuan Hao personally killed Wang Jiang when he came to Japan two years ago. Yuan Zhisheng personally inspected the body and found that it was indeed dead, but the 'Wang General' was still alive.

According to what Xuan Hao said, he had killed the king general at least three times. Yuan Zhisheng deduced that the so-called 'king general' was probably not one person, but a group, a group of people who controlled the fierce ghosts, just like the eight Sheqi families were divided into eight. Just like home, he couldn't guess how many people there were.

As for the Dragon King of the Fierce Ghosts, Yuan Zhisheng has no clue, because this guy is more cautious than the king general and has never shown his face so far.

The vermilion windows were also engulfed in flames, and the wood bent and deformed, making a creaking sound.

"I can only accompany you so far. Please take care of yourself in the future." Sakurai Kogure looked at the eyes with a smile.

But there was no one in front of her, only a blood-red kimono hanging on a hanger in front of the window.

The flames gradually spread, and the kimono fluttered in the flames, as if someone was wearing it and dancing gracefully. He was stepping on the red lotus fire, dancing the most beautiful dance in the world, and fell into hell forever.

Sakurai Kogure also danced with him, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. Her clear black pupils seemed to imprint the non-existent person in front of her eyes. Even if the fire burns, she will always remember it. The firelight hitting her body made her She looks as solemn and distant as a goddess, and as dazed and ethereal as a moth flying into a flame.

"What is certain now is that Ryoma will face him here, right?" Yuan Zhisheng asked, looking at the burning pavilion.

"Yes, but I don't know if Ryoma will escape into the mountains." Sakura said, "Maybe there will be an escape passage under the casino. After all, the Kukakukan has been standing here for many years."

Yuan Zhisheng shook his head slightly and threw the document into the sea of ​​fire, "No, she did not choose to escape. Did you hear it? She was singing. Maybe the 'ghost' also has its own consciousness?"

There are no "ghosts" in this world, Yuan Zhisheng knows that. The so-called 'ghosts' are people who have been swallowed up by power. Their family members... became 'ghosts' because they were dangerous, frightening, and unable to control the power. This is a curse that has existed since the birth of the Eight Sheqi Family. Strictly speaking, according to the secret party's "Abraham Bloodline Contract", then the blood of all the eight Sheqi Family except him, who is the 'Emperor', exists. The problem is just whether the problem is serious or not.

Crow and Sakura were stunned for a moment. They concentrated and listened carefully. Sure enough, in addition to the creaking sound of burning, there seemed to be the sound of someone singing softly in the wind and fire.

It was an extremely charming female voice, singing to a kabuki tune, but the lyrics were in Chinese.

Although Crow's Chinese was only at the level of 'Hello, Goodbye', even if he couldn't understand the lyrics, he could still hear the complex emotions in them, like sadness and relief, and the singing seemed to penetrate the soul.

There was no gorgeous background music, Sakurai Kogure just sang acapella this song that she had heard countless times.

"As evidence of this, the hairpin was given to me by the emperor himself in the past;

Don't forget your romantic feelings, just chat with him and repay him, and you will be lucky in a moment of kindness;

Returning Chai's thoughts to Linqiong, Three Thousand Weak Waters East, the clouds are red again;

The shadow of the moon has long since melted, and there are many dangers;

The journey is lost, looking back is all in vain..."

Yuan Zhisheng listened quietly, then stood up slowly, "This is "Yang Guifei" sung by Bando Tamasaburo. I once heard him sing it live. You stay here, I will go down and talk to Ryoma."

"Hey, hey, hey! Boss, this is in a fire scene! If the building collapses and something happens to you, even if we commit hara-kiri and apologize, it's not enough!" Crow's face turned green, "If you don't think about me and Yasha, you should also think about Sakura. Miss, think about it..."

"Shut up." Yabuki Sakura kicked the crow, her face flushed by the fire looking expressionless.

"Don't worry, this little fire won't burn me to death." Yuan Zhisheng mentioned Spider Che, "A person singing this kind of song in a building that is about to collapse must be thinking about someone. Maybe I can ask something... "

Yuan Zhisheng used the scabbard to push open the hot copper door.

The pavilion was surrounded by flames, the gauze curtains were burning, the wooden ladies were burning, and the playing cards on the floor were burning and curling up. If it weren't for the fact that the Paradise Pavilion didn't cut corners in construction, all the wood used would have been treated with chemicals. The building is made of wood with good fire resistance, and it would have burned down long ago.

There is an extreme lack of oxygen in the fire scene. A normal person cannot survive here for a while before being choked and fainting, and then either burned to death or suffocated to death.

But Yuan Zhisheng is different. He is the 'Emperor'. Apart from the monster Xuan Hao, he believes that there is no hybrid species with better blood than his in the world, so not only can he move freely in the fire scene, he can even smokes.

Pick up a burning card, light the cigarette in your hand, walk in the flames, and move towards the vermilion pavilion, where the singing comes from.

Opening the door gently, the sound became clearer and more pleasant.

The burning Paradise Pavilion echoed with slow and obscure ancient Chinese lyrics.

Sakurai Kogure's voice is very clear and her pitch is very accurate. She sings slowly and beautifully, as if she is immersed in her own world.

Yuan Zhisheng did not disturb her. Although the whole building was burning with raging fire and it was not known when it would collapse, for some reason he couldn't bear to interrupt the singing of the woman in front of him.

Because it was so beautiful, more beautiful than any song and dance he had ever seen.

In the swaying firelight, the dancing figure is as gorgeous as a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

Sakurai Kogure didn't open her eyes until the dance ended.

“A flashy dream, three lives are indistinct, no trace of cause and effect;

Although we are worthy of love, why meet again? Life is born in the soil, who is like the passing water, flowing eastward without end;

And keep the Penglai Palace for yourself, far away from the impermanence, the song is pure and peaceful. "

A solitary applause rang out from the burning flames. Yuan Zhisheng clapped his hands gently and looked at the graceful girl in front of him.

This was not what he imagined "Ryuma" to look like. He thought he should be a pitiful person addicted to power, but what he saw was a girl with elegant temperament.

Sakurai Kogure looked a little dazed when she heard the applause. She smiled and bowed for the curtain call.

He was the focus that she could never reach with all her efforts, just as the song "Yang Guifei" she sang could never be as good as his.

At this moment, she looked at Yuan Zhisheng who was applauding her. The familiar shadows overlapped and she felt as if she was recognized by the person chasing her.

Her eyes were a little blurry, and she smiled absently, "You're back..."

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned for a moment, Sakurai Kogure also reacted, and then a regretful smile appeared on his face, "Welcome."

Her smile made Yuan Zhisheng hesitate for a moment. Is a girl with such a beautiful smile really a 'ghost'?

The answer was yes, and he quickly gave up the remaining trace of pity in his heart.

He is here to defeat the fierce ghosts... The current situation of the Sheqi Eighth Clan has no time to sympathize with the fallen tribesmen.

Sakurai Kogure looked at Minamoto with a smile. She was holding a wooden sword with a white sheath in her hand. It didn't look lethal, more like a decoration.

"Are you Mr. Nagamoto Shosei, the current head of the Sheqi Eight Family?" The smile on Sakurai Kogure's face gradually became professional. She asked the Minamoto Shosei in front of her, as if she was entertaining guests from afar. , not caring at all that they were all in a sea of ​​fire at this moment.

"Are you Ryoma?" Yuan Zhisheng confirmed again, looking at the young girl in front of him, perhaps he was also afraid deep down that he might have mistaken the wrong person.

"Yes, I am Sakurai Kogure, Ryoma of the Fierce Demons." Sakurai Kogure nodded gently, "Are you here to kill me?"

"No... I think we might be able to talk," Yuan Zhisheng said without pulling out the spider cutter, "Are you the only one here? Or do the Dragon King and the King regard you as an abandoned son?"

"No, there is no king general here, nor is there a dragon king." Sakurai Kogure shook her head slightly, "The fierce ghosts have come to an end, and there is only the last ghost left here, and that is me."

"Do you want to carry everything for someone?" Yuan Zhisheng said, "There is no point in doing so... Listening to your singing, I can tell that there is a person hidden in the song. At this time, you will still think of him, That person must be very important to you, right? Is he the Dragon King or the King General?"

"I told you, I'm the only one here." Sakurai Kogure still had a professional smile on her face.

"Actually, you don't have to die for anyone. Our goal is to find out the person behind it. Although we don't know what he is planning, it is definitely a very dangerous thing. If we continue to let it go, many people will die," Yuan Zhisheng Say, "If you will tell us, I promise you that I will keep you safe and free."

"Freedom? You put my kind in prison, and now you say you want to give me freedom? Don't you think it's ridiculous?" The smile on Sakurai Kogure's face changed and became a little mocking, "You are such good people, what do you think? Knowing the identity of the Dragon King and the King General is to save the world? How great... Do you know what we call people like you?"

Yuan Zhisheng was slightly startled.

"Hypocrite." Sakurai Kogure pointed the wooden sword in his hand at Minamoto Chisheng, "Saving all sentient beings is just a psychological comfort you give yourself, and giving me freedom is just a means to achieve your goal. In fact, what you long for deep in your heart is What exactly is it? Can you say with a clear conscience that you are really a great man who cares about the world?"

"..." Yuan Zhisheng fell silent.

"Can't you? In fact, we are all the same, we are just forced to take different paths." Sakurai Kogure smiled indifferently, "The path you were forced to take is called 'justice', and We can only choose 'evil'. This is the path we are destined to take since we were born! You are the great Amaterasu. You will always stand in the sunshine, and you can only stand in the sunshine..."

"You will never feel the coldness of the night, because this world does not allow it!" Sakurai Kogure took out a small emerald green cup and a wooden box from her sleeves, and broke the last dark purple potion in the wooden box. Pour it into a cup, "As moths in the darkness, we are destined to rush into the fire and be burned to death, but you can only be bound to the sun and endure the burning torture of the scorching sun."

"No!" Yuan Zhisheng shouted when he saw her actions.

The spider cut out of its sheath and rushed towards Sakurai Kogure like lightning, but it was too late.

"Respect this sad fate." Sakurai Kogure looked up to the sky and drank the potion in the cup with a relieved smile on her face. It seemed that as long as she drank this cup of wine, everything would be over.

In the burning flames, the butterfly spreads its wings, which are composed of wind and fire. The burning butterfly wings are sad and gorgeous.


Through the flying sparks, Yuan Zhisheng saw the black-purple blood crawling up from Sakurai Kogure's plain neck, and soon reached her face, like a group of thin snakes, making her originally beautiful face look a little... ferocious.

The cup fell to the ground and shattered, and the fragments illuminated by the fire reflected Sakurai Kogure's distorted face.

A crystal teardrop fell on the fragment. Sakurai Kogure leaned her head, her long hair covering her cheeks. Perhaps it was because she was a little sad to see her ugly face reflected on the fragment. At this moment, she finally became A real evil ghost can no longer face the man he loves deeply.

"It's really ugly..."

She raised her head, with a hint of unwillingness in her golden pupils, and looked at Yuan Zhisheng in front of her, "Fortunately, it's not him who is standing in front of me."

"I'll wipe it!" the crow roared anxiously and rushed down the hillside.

Sakura Yabuki was faster than him.

They originally thought that if Yuan Zhisheng failed to persuade him to surrender, they should kill the opponent with a knife. After all, Yuan Zhisheng seemed to have made a lot of determination when he came here, but now they realized that their boss was always soft-hearted when he shouldn't be. Speaking of which, It's not suitable to be a bullshit parent!

Now it was fun. When they heard the sharp roar coming from the fire scene, they knew that something was wrong without even thinking about it.

A violent metal collision sounded in the fire scene, like something colliding together. What could collide with the 'Emperor' head-on? A rampaging 'ghost'? He must be a ghost with extremely high bloodline!

A fierce battle apparently broke out in the Paradise Pavilion, and Yuan Zhisheng was dragged inside. The crow thought mmp, it would be fine if that dragon and horse among the fierce ghosts were burned to death inside. He was probably a lunatic anyway, so he had no intention of coming out, but it wouldn't be fun if their boss was burned to death... It didn't matter that he and Yasha committed seppuku. , Miss Sakura, how can it be okay if a girl wants to commit seppuku?

Sakura and Crow ran towards the direction of the fire. The Paradise Pavilion was already on the verge of collapse. The flames almost covered the entire corner. The tongues of fire rising into the sky were like the breath of a giant dragon, as if they could devour all life.

Crow and Sakura got in easily. They thought it would be easy at first. They thought they could just push the door and get in. But now that they got closer, they realized how difficult it was! They are not even remotely inferior to Yuan Zhisheng, who is the 'Emperor'.

Such fire is enough to burn most hybrids to death, including them of course!

Before they could even rush inside, they were already forced back by the flames.

The high-temperature air of more than 100 degrees makes it difficult for them to breathe, and they will be burned if they touch the slightest flame.

"Be careful!" Crow grabbed Sakura's wrist, fearing that the girl would lose her mind because she was worried about Yuan Zhisheng's safety. The fire scene here was not something they could rush into. If they went in, maybe Yuan Zhisheng would be able to come out. Because saving them fell into a more serious crisis.

But Sakura ignored him and turned around and rushed into the flames. Compared with Yuan Zhisheng's life, her life was simply insignificant.

"Hey Hey hey!"

Crow hurriedly followed and tried to pull her back.

And then...then the two of them were surrounded by flames.

"Damn it..." Crow's face looked extremely ugly, now it was fun.

They are now in a dilemma.

"Sigh... What can young people nowadays not think about at such a young age?"

A hoarse voice sounded behind the two of them.

Sakura and Crow were alert and wanted to turn their heads, but before their necks could move, two wrinkled hands were placed on their shoulders.

Inexplicable fear arose in the crow's heart. Who could walk behind them silently? Although their bloodline is not as good as Yuan Zhisheng's, as Yuan Zhisheng's retainers, their strength is comparable to that of the eight Sheqi families except for a few family heads.

Before the crow could figure it out, he felt his body flying.

"I wipe it?"

Not only did he fly, but Sakura also flew.

It was that person who threw it!

The crow understood that it was the figure that suddenly appeared, and threw himself away, and then threw Miss Sakura over. The movement was as easy as throwing two paper balls at random.

The crow landed heavily on the ground outside the fire scene, and it wasn't over yet.

The man's accurate throw allowed Sakura to hit him accurately.


The crow was hit so hard that he spat out. If Sakura hadn't strictly controlled her weight as a ninja to not exceed 50kg, he felt like he couldn't bear it.

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