A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 323 316. The first review of the Cowherd trio

Chapter 323 Chapter 316. The first review of the Cowherd trio

"That was..." Xia Mi also turned his head and looked at the leaving black Maybach. She felt a strange smell in the car.

"Herzog, to be precise, he should be another substitute. If he dares to come in front of me so blatantly, then there won't be so much trouble." Xuan Hao's original good mood was all ruined. Forget about the ring, he still Find another opportunity.

"Let's go..."

As a few people left, the streets became deserted again, and even the fallen cherry blossoms on the cherry blossom road seemed a bit dim.

On the Maybach that was going away, the two people in the back row did not meet each other's eyes. They looked ahead, like two strangers who had never met.

"What do you want to do by going all the way to see Xuan Haojun?" A chilling voice sounded in the back seat.

The man's face was pale. If you look closely, you will find that it is not a human face, but a Noh mask. On the mask was a smiling face of a minister, with a pale face and bright red lips. His eyes were lined with thick black eyeliner, and his open mouth was pitch black. Those were teeth, but they looked more like black holes that could swallow people.

"I don't do anything, I'm just more interested in him, what? Are you scared?" Yuan Zhennu replied indifferently.

"Haha." General Wang shook his head, and a sinister laugh came from under the mask, "I'm just curious. When the Sheqi family was searching for us everywhere, you still took the risk to see him. There must be some reason, right?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Yuan Zhennu's tone was cold.

"Then I won't ask. However, your brother burned down the Kukakukan in the mountains of Osaka last night. Did you know?"

"I know, but when I rushed over, it was already too late." Yuan Zhinv said, "Is that why you came here to tell me this?"

"Some accidents occurred when the Sheqi Eighth Family besieged the Paradise Hall. The fire brigade did not find Ryoma's body in the fire scene. She is still alive, but she should have been dead." Wang Jiang turned his head and stared at the young man beside him. "When the Paradise fell, she fought with Yuan Zhisheng and took Molotov cocktail. But even with her bloodline, it is impossible to defeat Yuan Zhisheng. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky. After all, the opponent is Amaterasu of the Sheqi Eight Clan."

"But you also said that she is still alive." Yuan Zhennu said coldly.

"Yes, whether it was the side effects of the Molotov cocktail or the opponent she faced, there was no possibility of her surviving." The king said leisurely, "Aren't you curious how she survived?"

"No, she won't be able to survive even if she is rescued..." Yuan Zhinv looked out the car window, "She has already taken the last Molotov cocktail. It is impossible for her bloodline to bear it, even if she is rescued. Go, the only thing waiting for her in the end is death."

"Yes, according to common sense, this is the case." General Wang nodded in agreement.

The coquettish red light cut through the darkness in the car. The king immediately sat up straight, because the crimson blade was lying across the bottom of the mask. The girl held the scabbard in her hand and shook the blade out. The blade slid out a foot, but cut off the king's neck. The throat is enough.

"So I'm asking you to answer how she survived." Yuan Zhennu's voice was cold and ruthless. It seemed that if the king dared to say even one nonsense again, he would cut his neck with a knife without hesitation.

Wang Jiang raised his hands and did not dare to move. He knew very well whether the young man was joking. After all, it was not the first time that Yuan Jingyu had her neck cut open.

"My guess is that Xuan Hao has mastered some kind of technology, a technology that can stabilize his bloodline." Wang Jiang replied softly, "As for what it is, I'm also very curious."

No, in fact, he knew that Xuanhao's blood could stabilize the bloodline, but there was no need for him to tell Yuan Zhennu.

"So, do you know where she is now?" The blade in Yuan Zhennu's hand was getting tighter and tighter, and the blade had already cut the king's skin.

"Her identity has been known to the Sheqi Hachi Family. Even if others rescue her, there is no place to hide. Kaguya of the Sheqi Hachi Family can monitor all airports, highways and sea and land terminals. Since they know Sakura If Ikogure is Ryoma, he will definitely find a way to catch her." Wang Jiang replied slowly, "But there is a place in Japan that is not under the control of the Sheqi Eight Family."

"Takamagahara?" Yuan Jingmei looked at the busy traffic on the street through the car window. The black Maybach drove slowly past the nightclub named Takamagahara without stopping for a moment.

"That's right," General Wang smiled, "I think you came to Xuan Haojun just to ask about this matter, right?"

After being silent for dozens of seconds, Yuan Jingnu did not speak again. He just stared at Gao Tianyuan who was getting further and further away in silence, without sadness or joy.

"You came to me suddenly and told me so much. Do you want to ask me if I have found out the purpose of doing this from him?" Yuan Zhimu snorted coldly.

"Yes, you really understand me very well." General Wang exclaimed with relief, "I am indeed very curious, there should be no reason for him to do this."

"The Sheqi Ba family wants to dig out information about you and me from Ryoma. There will be a general and a dragon king behind Ryoma. Anyone would guess that, right? But now that Ryoma has been taken away by them, the clues have been cut off. This is equivalent to helping Fierce ghosts." Yuan Zhennu sneered and said, "But if you think that he and I are in a cooperative relationship, then you will be disappointed. I did intend to cooperate with him, but unfortunately I was rejected... Moreover, even if it is true, If you cooperate with him, you will not help your fierce ghosts."

"That's really sad." The Wang General's tone could not tell whether he was happy or sad, "But this is also a good thing for us. The attack of the eight Sheqi families has come to an end here, and it is our turn to go next. It’s chess.”

"I'm not interested in what you want to do."

"Then are you interested in who saved her?" Wang Jiang asked with a smile.

"Aren't we already sure it's Xuan Hao?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned. He thought his speculation was correct, and General Wang seemed to agree with it. So is there anything else to say?

"No, although he should have been the one who ordered it, the person who did it is very interesting. You will definitely not guess who he is."

"Who?" Yuan Zhennu held the knife harder and harder.

"Don't use such force. How can I speak if you really cut my throat?" Wang Jiang smiled, feeling confident.


The red light flashed out, and the sheathed sword returned to Yuan Zhinu's waist.

The king wiped the knife mark on his neck. In an instant, the knife wound was covered with blood scab. "Speaking of which, he is a difficult person to deal with. I don't know where he came from. It's really nerve-wracking." .”

"Don't talk nonsense." Even after taking back the sword, the girl's eyes were still cold.

"The last emperor of the eight Sheqi families was Uesugoshi." The king said solemnly.

"Isn't my brother the last emperor in the world?" Yuan Zhennu frowned.

"I used to think so too." The general Wang smiled, "But there are always people who surprise me. Why is the last emperor who has disappeared for decades come back now?"

"How did you know?" Yuan Zhinu stared at the king in front of her, "You weren't there when the Kukakukan was besieged by the eight Sheqi families, were you?"

"Haha," Wang Jiang continued to smile, "What do you think?"

"Your eyes at the Sheqiba Family are quite useful, aren't they?" Yuan Zhimu snorted coldly, "Stop the car!"

Maybach placed the girl in a deserted corner and walked away.

Yuan Jingnu stood on the side of the road with an ugly face, holding the long knife firmly with her hand.

At that time, the only person who played chess with Sakurai Kogure in the fire was his brother, and it was impossible for his brother to tell other people about his meeting with Uesugoshi...


The sound of swords clashing echoed throughout the streets.

"Tachibana Masamune."

This name came to Yuan Jingnu's mind.

This is the person that my brother trusts most in Sheqiba's family. He even regards him as his father. Only this person can understand such information from his brother.

All the clues are connected.

The man who kicked off their brother's tragedy.

"So this is ah……"

Yuan Zhennu's face was as frosty as she suppressed her anger.

He turned around silently and put the long crimson sword into its sheath. After he left, only deep cracks in the ground were left on the deserted street corner.

He didn't know the relationship between Tachibana Masamune and Wang Shougang, but it was obvious that the two people were together.

It seems reasonable in retrospect. How many years have the eight Sheqi families been inherited? What do the fierce ghosts mean?

For a long time, the fierce ghosts felt that their side had become "high and proud" and had formed a "balance of power" with the Sheqi family. The Sheqi family had to exercise restraint against them. Even he was confused by the appearance. However, the actual situation is not like this. How could the underworld supreme being be unable to deal with a small group of fierce ghosts?

Now everything seems to make sense. The so-called "Huairou" is just fart. The reason why the fierce ghosts have not been exterminated by the Eight Sheqi Family for so many years is because the heads of the Eight Sheqi Family colluded with the fierce ghosts. ! As the head of the family, Masamune Tachibana can of course easily suppress those extremists by using the reason that "all the fierce ghosts are of the same race".

The poor brother is still kept in the dark. Yuan Zongnu's angry golden eyes are staring at the tallest black building in the center of the group of buildings in the distance.

He really wanted to go up and kill the guy named Masamune Tachibana with his knife, but this was a stupid move. He turned his attention to Gao Tianyuan in the distance behind him.

He was thinking about whether to go to Gao Tianyuan and try again to cooperate with Xuan Hao.

But it is a pity that he was rejected this time.

Because Gao Tianyuan is closed today.

The reason is that several top names and bosses are not here.

Only then did Yuan Zhinv recall that Xuan Haojun was probably busy dating his female companion at the moment. Even if he found her now, it would probably be counterproductive.

Gao Tianyuan, in the room of the Cowherd trio.

"There are 15 pounds of C4 explosives in the equipment box. Is it enough?" Chu Zihang took out bags of plasticine-like things from the equipment box.

These plasticine are all dark green and can be shaped into any shape at will. They are easy to carry and use. They come from the equipment department of Kassel College. This is a good thing. It is safe and easy to use. It can be lit as a match to light a cigarette. When the plasticine is decompressed and a detonator is inserted when needed, it becomes a dangerous explosive. It is a C4 plastic bomb that terrorists all over the world deserve.

"Hey, hey, hey... why are you bringing out the explosives?" Lu Mingfei shivered, "Can't we just go in and destroy Princess Kaguya? Do we really want to blow up the entire Genji Heavy Industries? There is something inside There are many ordinary employees!”

"Don't worry, we have done our homework. Kaguya's floor is an independent floor. There will be no ordinary employees. We just need to blow up that floor." Caesar fixed Dictado's leather sheath on On the outside of the thigh, the Desert Eagle was inserted into the holster on both sides, and the magazines were filled with live ammunition.

"But didn't Senior Brother Xuanhao say that the Sheqi Bajia and Yuan Zhisheng were just used by Herzog?" Lu Mingfei was a little puzzled. If it was all a misunderstanding, why do they do this?

"Have you forgotten what these guys did to us?" Caesar snorted coldly, "One yard is the other, and the revenge that deserves it must be avenged."

"Okay, okay, what you said makes sense, just do it! But let's say it first, we are not terrorists, and we have the right to blame! Just don't hurt those operators, they are ordinary people... ..." Lu Mingfei followed Caesar's example and took two pistols from the equipment box and inserted them into the holsters on both sides, then put on a black windbreaker to cover the crime tools.

"Yes." Chu Zihang responded softly to express that he would not mess around. He put the long knife on his back, wore a black windbreaker and a black baseball cap.

Don't ask why they dress up in such a uniform way, ask them because those guys in the Japanese branch are screwed up. To design such a set of executive bureau uniforms, the designer must have watched too many gangster movies.

"How should we get in?" Lu Mingfei asked the two senior brothers, "How is your Japanese learning going? What if the person pretending to be the Executive Directorate is exposed?"


There was a brief silence in the air. Caesar and Chu Zihang looked at each other. They never dreamed that they would be overwhelmed by Lu Mingfei.

But there is one thing to say, this guy is indeed the best in Japanese among them, and now he can be said to be the one who loves learning the most among them. Oh no, he is the only one who puts his mind on learning Japanese.

"You can't force your way in. Genji Heavy Industries is a heavily defended building. Especially after Xuanhao made a big fuss here two years ago, the defenses were strengthened. The level of defense may be even higher than that of the Japan Self-Defense Forces Headquarters." Chu Zihang said.

"Then we are still going?"

"Of course!" Caesar said, "I feel unbalanced if I don't explode something."

"Senior brother, were you infected by someone from the equipment department?" Lu Mingfei was speechless.

"No, I just can't swallow this breath. The men of the Gattuso family must avenge themselves. Don't talk to me about settling accounts later. I like to settle the accounts on the spot." Caesar seemed eager to give it a try.

Lu Mingfei realized that he had misunderstood. He originally thought that Caesar's level of killing embryos was far inferior to that of Chu Zihang, but now it seems that they are probably about the same. Sure enough, the opponent of killing embryos can only be another embryo killing.

"Caesar and I spent a few days trying to save Genji Heavy Industries. From the first to the twentieth floor are ordinary office areas, and above the twentieth floor are the office areas for the Sheqi Ba family's own use. Access cards are required for entry and exit, and The security guards patrol 24 hours a day. Those security guards are armed and armed. Even if they are wearing the clothes of the Executive Bureau, they will be harassed if they meet each other. Besides, we can't make the access card without Norma's help." Chu Zihang spread out the map, "The only one The only possible way is to enter the so-called 'inner area' through the sewer, and there is no access control system in the inner area."

Good guy, Lu Mingfei calls him a good guy, these two ruthless people are actually doing research behind his back. Don't ask him who he is researching, he doesn't know, but he can almost imagine two embryo killers doing research while Cowherd is working. Taking the time to discuss how to create a scene at Genji Heavy Industries, how big of a hatred would this be?

You must know that their work in Gaotianyuan is not easy. Lu Mingfei falls asleep after finishing his work every day.

"What if we are discovered?" Lu Mingfei asked tentatively.

"Of course, fight out." Caesar said matter-of-factly, "You're not afraid, are you?"

"Am I afraid if you are joking? I am very brave, okay..." Lu Mingfei had already said the words before he could react.

"That's no problem, let's go, let's go!" Caesar put his arm around Lu Mingfei's shoulders with an expression like "I knew you could do it."

The elevator reached the lowest floor, the door slowly opened, and it was dark outside.

Chu Zihang turned on the tactical flashlight, and the light beam illuminated the gray statue of the Virgin. Although it has changed color over time, the statue of the Virgin still glows with a luxurious red-gold color.

This is the second underground floor of Gao Tianyuan, a place that is never open to the public.

"I finally understand why the boss chose this place as a base..." Lu Mingfei looked at the environment below and admired the boss's foresight in his heart. He even thought about how one day they would reach here and blow up Genji Heavy Industries. Or did the boss have the same idea?

"This was a Catholic church before World War II. After the Meiji Restoration, many priests came to Japan to preach. People who believed in Catholicism were very jealous at that time. This was once a stronghold for believers in Tokyo. Dozens of priests lived here and held regular services and masses." Chu Zihang said.

"We will not be punished by God if we do bad things in the landlord's territory, right?" Lu Mingfei complained.

"You have to believe that we are the righteous party, and the Lord will bless us." Caesar said lightly.

"Senior brother, do you believe in religion?" Lu Mingfei was curious.

"I don't believe it." Caesar and Chu Zihang said in unison.

"..." Lu Mingfei was speechless.

Chu Zihang uncovered a well in the corner of the hall. It was covered by the old cast iron manhole cover, but there was no trace of rust on the iron material. It was obvious that someone had cleaned it. It seemed that Lu Mingfei could guess There is nothing wrong. Xuan Hao does have a plan to start Genji Heavy Industry here, but it has not been implemented yet.

The heavy manhole cover required the joint efforts of Chu Zihang and Caesar to move it away. You could tell who put it here at a glance.

"Is it really possible to touch the inside of Genji Heavy Industries here?" Lu Mingfei was a little doubtful. If it was really that simple, wouldn't Genji Heavy Industries be a stretch?

"Iron Dome Temple, the underground drainage system in Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo underwent a large-scale transformation of the sewer system ten years ago and connected all the old sewer systems. Now almost all the underground sewers in Tokyo are connected." Chu Zihang explain.

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