Chapter 324 317. Shoot me!

They went down the iron ladder to the sewer, and the flashlight illuminated the moss-covered brick wall. The sewer structure was old, but according to Chu Zihang, it was indeed connected to the Iron Dome Temple.

They walked along the sewer for an unknown length of time.

Suddenly, Caesar, who was leading the way, stopped and extinguished his flashlight.

"What's wrong?" Lu Mingfei asked softly. The sewer environment is closed. If the sound is too loud, it can be heard from a long distance. It would be bad if there are enemies in front.

Before Caesar could respond, Lu Mingfei shut his mouth.

Because he also heard unusual sounds coming from the tunnel ahead.

"There are patrols in front." Caesar whispered, "It seems that the back door of Sheqiba's house is not easy to enter..."

"Nonsense!" Lu Mingfei complained, "We can think of the people who come here from the Sheqi Ba family. I have already said that the security in the inner area must be stricter, right? How about... we retreat?"

"Retreat for what? I have a plan." Caesar said softly, with a hint of joy in his tone.

Even in the dark environment of the sewer, Lu Mingfei seemed to be able to see Caesar smiling brightly and even showing his big white teeth.

"I always feel like it's not a good plan..."

"First of all, let me ask a question. Is it possible for the three of us to sneak into such a fortified enemy base silently?" Caesar asked.

"Of course it's impossible..." Lu Mingfei answered without thinking. He originally thought that this infiltration was unreliable. No matter how hard he said it was necessary to engage in Genji Heavy Industries with the strength of the three of them, they were not Xuan. A perverted monster like Hao can penetrate directly.

"That's a beautiful answer," Caesar smiled, "Now let's change the plan. I remember there is a move in Chinese art of war called? To divert the tiger away from the mountain? To attack in the east and in the west?"

"I think they're pretty much the same..." Lu Mingfei was speechless. Although he knew that Chinese culture was vast and profound, you, an Italian, had actually studied this? Why do I always feel so unreliable...

"Do you want to...make some noise?" Chu Zihang asked.

"That's right! Since we can't sneak in silently, let's split up," Caesar said eagerly. "If I heard correctly, there is probably a team of no less than twenty people patrolling in front of us. The steps are heavy, and they must be all. They are heavily armed. These should be security forces to prevent someone from sneaking in. They have been circling around a place, and there should be only one entrance."

"Then... isn't it impossible to sneak in?" Lu Mingfei really couldn't figure out how they could sneak in with dozens of heavily armed guards guarding a door.

"That's why we have a plan!" Caesar stuffed the C4 explosive into Lu Mingfei's arms.

"Hey, hey, hey! Why did you give this to me?" Lu Mingfei almost didn't catch it and dropped it to the ground.

"I'll give you a glorious and arduous task." Caesar smiled.

"...Blow up Kaguya's host?" Lu Mingfei asked weakly.


"Nonsense! You've given me the bomb, why do you still need to guess?" Lu Mingfei really wanted to put this ball of plasticine on Caesar's face.

"I'll stay here later to lure away these guards, and you and Chu Zihang can sneak in together." Caesar loaded his pistol, as if preparing for a big fight.

"Hey, hey, hey, there are more than 20 people on the other side!" Lu Mingfei thought this guy must be crazy. He was fighting alone against more than 20 fully armed hybrids in a sewer like this? Are you afraid that you will be beaten into a hornet's nest?

"Please turn off the lights before you leave." Caesar patted Lu Mingfei's shoulder with a confident look on his face, "I am invincible in the dark!"

"..." Lu Mingfei felt that this guy must have started to suffer from the secondary disease again, but he seemed to have no words to refute. One thing to say is that in such an absolutely favorable environment, it was still wrong for Caesar to deal with these hybrids. If there are more than enough mistakes, if he can't do it, he will shoot himself. After all, he is one of the best commissioners in the academy.

"After entering, you two will split up," Caesar continued, "Lu Mingfei has an invincible public face, and his Japanese should be able to handle some small episodes. As long as you are careful, there will be no problem."

"Then what I have to do is to make some noise, right?" Chu Zihang roughly understood Caesar's plan.

"Yes, the guys here will come in after I deal with it to help you share the pressure," Caesar said. "It would be best if we can blow up Kaguya's host when we go in. If we can't blow it up, we will just retreat and leave the rest to Lu. Mingfei.”

"You just trust me so much?" Lu Mingfei called out to the expert, "I'm not that capable..."

"Come on, if you can show off the state you used to save Miss Zhen, our positions should be reversed."

"I want to, but it's not something that can be used casually..."

"I know, so we will help you attract firepower, and you go blow up Princess Kaguya." Caesar said seriously, "Don't worry, if the defenses of the Sheqi Eight Family are weak, you may not be needed. Chu Zihang and I can penetrate it. Go up there and blow it up.”

"I don't think it's possible..."

It wasn't that Lu Mingfei looked down on the two of them, but it was just unrealistic. After all, they had seen roughly how strong the defenses in Genji Heavy Industries were.

"Just tell me whether you want to do it or not?"

"Let's do it..." Lu Mingfei agreed helplessly. He felt that he couldn't hold back these two killers. They said they were just trying to destroy Kaguya. Bar?

Lu Mingfei felt that even if he turned around and left now, these two guys would stay and make a big fuss. It would be too un-brotherly for him to leave like this. After all, these two people were friends for a lifetime.

Moreover... he is also very resentful towards the actions of the Sheqi Eighth Family...

"Well done, gogogo! Let's take action!" Caesar laughed loudly.

"I'll wipe it! Are you so arrogant?"

Lu Mingfei was speechless. Damn it, before he was ready, Caesar had already exposed his target!

"Someone! Go over and take a look!"

The guards in the distance immediately noticed the movement here.

"Two people." Caesar listened and said, "I'll deal with it, you take cover against the wall."

A beam of light appeared in the dark and damp sewer. It was the tactical flashlight equipped on the firearm of the guard who came to check.

The two people seemed to be extremely vigilant. Only one of them lit up the exposed position with a flashlight, and the other was responsible for covering in the dark. The light swept forward in the dark sewer.

One of them walked very heavily and the other walked very lightly, which not only made it easier for them to listen to nearby movements, but also prevented the specific location of the person hiding in the dark from being revealed.

It's a pity that they chose the wrong opponent.

As Caesar said, in the dark, he is invincible.

The specific positions of these two people were fully exposed in his Kamaitachi domain. The enemy was in the open and he was in the dark. There was a huge disparity in strength between the two sides. In addition, he had all the advantages. If such a sneak attack could not succeed, he would not be able to lose it. Pick up this person.

Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang held their breath and hid on the edge of the wall so as not to affect Caesar's performance.

And Caesar had already closed his eyes, quietly waiting for his prey to be caught.

"Da da da--"

The sound of footsteps was clearly transmitted to his ears through Kamaitachi.

A clear image formed in Caesar's mind.

The two prey, one behind the other, were slowly approaching the trap he had set.

The two guards who came to survey the situation were unaware that they had fallen into the hunter's net.

One step, two steps...

The first prey had already entered Caesar's shooting range, but he continued to wait patiently.

Because this is not his first goal.

It's a simple truth, enemies hiding in the dark are far more dangerous than lurking in the night. The reverse is also true...

Even though these two people were nowhere to be seen in Caesar's territory, he still chose to deal with the hidden one first, because these two people must be extremely confident in their own action patterns. Maybe they were like this during training. A group of cooperation.

One person serves as a bait, and the other is responsible for the ambush. As long as the enemy exposes his position, he will be shot by the person hiding in the dark. So, what if the person hiding in the dark is attacked first?

A smile appeared on Caesar's lips.


Tongues of flame spit out from the Desert Eagle's muzzle, and a bullet pierced the darkness.


The sound of bullets entering the body was gone.

Then the bullet was accurately sent by Caesar into the heart of the figure in the darkness, killing him with one blow without any reaction time.

By the time that person's teammates reacted, it was already too late.

The guard walking in front didn't panic at all at first, because he was holding a blast shield in his hand, and an attack from the front was meaningless, until he heard the sound of his teammates falling behind him.

The guard turned his head and panicked for a moment. He did not expect that the teammate behind him would fall first. The opponent's shooting skills were so accurate that he actually avoided his accurate shot and took away his teammate! Is this a coincidence?

No, that's not right! He quickly reacted and prepared to fight back. He held the explosion-proof shield in front of him and seemed not to be afraid of the enemy's gunfire at all. He vaguely saw the flames of the shot just now. The enemy was in front. As long as he was engaged in a head-on firefight, he would not Fearful, with a shield in one hand and a gun in the other, he is a mobile fortress!

But as soon as he raised the gun in his hand, he was stunned.

A cool feeling ran across my neck, followed by a warm spring flowing through me.

The moment he turned his head, Caesar had already crossed the calculated distance and came to him.

I am dead? The guard had a look of disbelief in his eyes. The last thing he saw was the cut blast shield in his hand and a pair of golden eyes.

Caesar wiped the blood off the hunting knife on this man and put the hunting knife back into its sheath, his face expressionless.

"Cool, senior brother!" Lu Mingfei shouted 666 from behind.

Caesar used one bullet to kill two enemies, completing the double kill almost instantly.

This Italian nobleman seems to be a qualified hunter. After all, a hunting knife like Dictado in his hand cannot be useless at all. He has enough patience to set traps and wait for his prey, and in an instant he will send out a fatal A blow.

Of course, he is never afraid to fight head-on with his prey.

"I'll lure those people away, and you can take advantage of the chaos to sneak in."

Caesar said as he picked up the hunting knife and walked forward without looking back.

"No. 3? No. 4? Please answer if you receive it!"

The captain shouted over the intercom.

He had just heard gunshots, and there was only one shot and he couldn't tell what happened.

At first, he thought that the two men sent out killed the intruder with one shot, but after calling out, he realized that something was wrong.

Because neither of them responded.

"Prepare for war..."

"Bang bang bang..."

Before the captain finished speaking, he remembered the continuous gunshots in the sewer.

The light sources used for lighting in front of the entrance were extinguished one by one, revealing the bullets of Lu Mingfei and Caesar.

The two of them worked together to extinguish all light sources.

"Don't panic! Find a bunker position and guard the door!"

The captain's judgment was very correct. As long as they guarded the door, the enemy could not easily break through.

The guards did not turn on the flashlights equipped on the guns, because this would expose themselves to the enemy in the dark and become a living target.

Not all guards held their breath in the darkness. They listened quietly to the enemy's footsteps, trying to determine the enemy's location through the sound of footsteps.

But this action seems to be unnecessary, because the enemy is approaching openly, and his pair of golden eyes are particularly conspicuous in the darkness.


Someone fired.

The golden eyes in the darkness disappeared, and there was no sound of footsteps.

The guard thought he had killed the target, but suddenly, the golden eyes lit up in another place.

The golden pupils flickered on and off in the dark night, and their moving trajectories were as mysterious and unpredictable as ghosts.

No footsteps!

The guards couldn't help but have cold sweat on their foreheads. The other party flashed like a ghost, and the distance got closer and closer every time the golden eyes lit up.


Finally there were footsteps.


There was also the sound of blood spurting.

A guard fell.

Caesar opened and closed his eyes in the darkness, strolling around. His steps were very light, like dancing ballet, and the noble prince was dancing in the dark night.

This is the dance of death, and he is accompanied by the Kamamaita and these prey.


"what's the situation!"

"what happened?"

There were questions from all sides, but no one knew what happened.

They could barely hear the enemy's footsteps, but every time they sounded, someone fell.

The sound of kicking footsteps was like the stinging sound of death, which was despairing.

"Shoot! Shoot!" the captain ordered, shouting into the walkie-talkie to give the order to shoot.

"But captain, you will hit your own people!" Someone retorted. The enemy's most offensive method is close combat, and it is weird. If you shoot randomly, the whole situation will become very confusing.

"Don't worry! Shoot, or we'll all die here!"

The captain roared loudly and took the lead in firing. He knew very well that there was a huge disparity in strength between the two sides. Although he didn't know who the intruder was, it was definitely not something they could deal with. They could delay it for a while.

But he only fired once and then stopped.

Because a cold hunting knife was placed on his neck.

"You are the one who roared the loudest." Caesar's cold voice reached his ears.

"Shoot at me!" the captain shouted loudly, seemingly risking his life.

"I'll wipe it!"

Caesar was stunned, what a cruel man!

The guards were stunned for a moment, and then seemed to react. A series of gunfire exploded in the darkness.

Ahead was a long and low passage. There were no windows as far as the eye could see. The ventilation fan was rotating slowly. Lu Mingfei looked back worriedly when he heard the sound of gunfire coming from behind.

"Brother Caesar, are you okay?"

He heard the gunshots and it seemed that the fight was quite lively. Caesar only had two desert eagles and a hunting knife in his hands, and he didn't know if he could handle it.

"Don't worry." Caesar's voice came from the headset, which was also mixed with continuous gunshots.

The tone seemed quite relaxed. Caesar was leisurely hiding behind the bunker and waiting for the gunfire to stop. The group of people were shooting randomly with guns, not knowing who they would hit, but they couldn't hit him anyway. He just had to wait for them to empty their bullets and then go out and harvest.

The walls were painted a heavy dark red, and white paint was used to write path directions that Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei couldn't understand. This is the inner area, a place that makes people feel slightly suffocated, and has a very small Japanese architecture. style.

Chu Zihang was holding a long knife to clear the way in front. As long as someone appeared, he would become the opponent's first target to attract firepower. Lu Mingfei was walking behind with his face covered and holding two guns. He couldn't show his face yet. After he successfully sneaked in, , that’s when he used his popular face to blend into the crowd and fish.

Passing one white light after another, this place looked like a mysterious research institute and an infinitely extending maze. It always gave people the feeling that they would encounter a super giant robot weapon at the end of the maze. Lu Mingfei felt that he Now it's like following a big boss and grinding dungeons.

"What are these?" Lu Mingfei looked a little horrified at the scene in front of him.

"I don't know." Chu Zihang replied coldly, frowning.

They walked around in a big circle here and came to this room unexpectedly.

The contents inside made both of them want to vomit.

This is a room full of tools, a rusty iron operating table, various sharp props, gears for cutting bones, iron hooks hanging from the air, and the smell of blood filling the air. See here It looks like a slaughterhouse!

What's even more shocking is that the opposite wall is entirely made of glass. Behind the wall is an unknown liquid, and weird snake-like creatures are twisting inside. They are like baby snakes that have just grown white scales, but they already have sharp... Bone claws and ferocious muscles.

"Is this Deadpool?" Lu Mingfei asked uncertainly.

"Have you ever seen Deadpool with a snake tail?" Chu Zihang asked.

"Of course I haven't seen it..." Lu Mingfei shook his head. He had seen a real dragon and a human being turned into a Deadpool, but he had never seen a Deadpool with a human body and a snake tail. This thing should exist in mythology.

"The deadpools we are talking about refer to humans who have been corroded by dragon blood. Even so, it is impossible to transform into the form of a human body and a snake's tail, because they are always the deadpools that inherit the human body. Although they have lost their humanity The consciousness of human beings is dead, but in fact the body is alive. Deadpools are living creatures. Although they have lost their minds, they are full of flesh and blood. Biologically speaking, they are no different from living creatures, and they even have the ability to reproduce. ." Chu Zihang said.

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