A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 337 330. Xia Mi: The Yamata Insect?

Chapter 337 330. Xia Mi: The Yamata Insect?

"A family? What kind of family?" Chu Tianjiao was a little confused. The boss and these Japanese were not a family. Why could the boss intervene but they could only stay to look after the family?

"Alas..." Su Enxi sighed, "Little Sakura, please sort out the relationship with your Uncle Chu."

"Huh? Even if you ask me that, I still..." Lu Mingfei was a little confused when he was asked this, but he quickly came to his senses, "It does seem to make sense."

"Minamoto and Minamoto are brothers, and Eri is their sister. I understand that. Uesugoshi is their father. I also know that, but what does this have to do with the boss?" Chu Tianjiao asked .

"Uncle Chu, can't you see?" Lu Mingfei said, "The boss treats Eliyi as his own sister..."

"Uh..." Chu Tianjiao thought, I'm either busy being a cowherd or trying to have a good relationship with my son every day. Who has time to care about my boss's private life? It doesn't matter if it's his biological sister or his fuck sister, he won't talk too much, otherwise he will get beaten.

"Then we just stay here and do nothing?" Chu Zihang asked.

"It's not like you've done nothing, right?" Caesar chuckled, "Did you hear that? There are guests outside."

"Probably someone from the Sheqiba family." Su Enxi continued to drink red wine indifferently, "Young ladies, listen up, this is probably your last mission in Japan."

"If the sky falls, the boss will hold it up. You guys hold up the gate of Gao Tianyuan for me." Su Enxi looked disdainfully at the menacing crowd outside the nightclub's open door, "This is the territory of the 'Emperor', it no longer belongs to them. Anyone who dares to trespass will be kicked out by me, do you understand?"


Lu Mingfei wanted to ask something, but Caesar covered his mouth. This was the first time he heard the word 'emperor', and he was very shocked at this moment. In what age is there still an 'emperor'? He thought of Xuan Hao's power, and suddenly seemed to understand something, so he shut his mouth tightly and stopped talking. Several people around him seemed quite calm when they heard this word, but he was the only one who didn't know the emotion?

etc! The boss is the ‘Emperor’? Then doesn't he look like a eunuch now? Lu Mingfei suddenly felt that it was better for him to continue pretending not to know. This was all for his own good.

A flood of lights blocked the entire street, hundreds of engines roared, cars, trucks, motorcycles and even bulldozers. Huge construction machinery blocked the entrances and exits to the entire block.

"This is the second time we've been blocked..." Humpback Whale shook his head helplessly. Ever since the store was acquired by the owner, gangsters have always come to visit him.

But this time, these gangsters seemed to be a little smarter. They did not block the entrance of Gao Tianyuan directly, but blocked the street.

"What do they mean?" Lu Mingfei was a little confused.

After these guys arrived, they stayed outside and did not move. They just blocked the entire block. Although it did not affect the normal business of Takamagahara, and although new customers could not come, the guests who were already partying inside were much more at ease.

But this is a good thing, their workload has been reduced.

"It should just be surveillance." Su Enxi said, "You didn't hide when you came back. They can now confirm that the key figures on our side are all in Gaotianyuan. As long as they guard here, they don't have to worry about us affecting their plans. "

"Do they know the boss is not here?" Chu Tianjiao asked.

"I don't know." Su Enxi shook his head, "No one can detect where that guy is going and no one can find him. Even if they surround him, it's useless."

"In other words, there is no point in guarding, right? Isn't this unnecessary?" Lu Mingfei was speechless. Since these people couldn't guard Xuan Hao, and they had no intention of doing anything in the first place, they sent these people here Isn't this a waste of manpower?

"These people are just following orders. How can Yuan Zhisheng know our thoughts?" Seeing that those people were not moving, Caesar was too lazy to move. He lay on the sofa and lit a cigar. "But it's really hard work." They are doing useless work in the rain on such a heavy rainy day."

"After hearing what you said, I suddenly felt that our company is quite humane?" Lu Mingfei complained.

"Isn't that right? Have you ever seen a company where the boss was at the forefront and let the employees take advantage of the situation?" Su Enxi patted Lu Mingfei's hand to indicate that he did not need to continue the massage.

She stretched and stood up, as if she was going to go back to her room to catch up on her sleep. "I'm going upstairs first. Call me if anything happens."

"Are you really... not worried at all?" Chu Tianjiao's mouth twitched. This girl has the most carefree life among them. She eats, drinks, and sleeps all day long, and she is very good at calling people. She was like this when she was in China. If anything happens, they, the tools, are always at the forefront.

"What am I worried about? Even if there is, you will bear it first. Do you want me, a weak woman, to charge into the battle?" Su Enxi walked arrogantly without any panic.

In the room deep in Gao Tianyuan, Su Enxi slowly sat down, but she did not sleep, but entered a rare working state.

She quietly looked at the good news that appeared on the screen, oh no, it was bad news.

It was a notice from the Meteorological Bureau, telling people to evacuate.

According to a report from the Meteorological Bureau, the atmospheric and geological conditions are completely out of control. Unexplained mysterious forces are causing stress in the formation. The earth's crust has sunk by as much as half a meter in just half an hour. The most serious situation is the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. Large areas nearby sank below sea level.

The gears of doom have begun to turn, and the carnival guests in Gao Tianyuan have not yet realized what is happening outside. Everything happened too suddenly.

But now even if he realizes it, he can't get out. After all, Gao Tianyuan has been surrounded by everyone from the Sheqi Eighth Family.

"It finally started..."

The black Hummer was racing on the mountain road on a rainy night.

Yuan Zhisheng frowned at this moment. If his guess was correct, Hongjing was no longer under the control of the Sheqi family.

Tachibana Masamune's betrayal made him angry, but he did not lose his mind. Minamoto Chisheng knew very well that it would be easy to control Benei with Tachibana Masamune's methods. It was too late for him to fly there now, but he still had to go.

What an irony, the former patriarch of the eight Sheqi families turned out to be the biggest mole. His 'justice' was completely shattered the moment he knew the truth.

At this moment, Yuan Zhisheng even felt that his life for the past twenty years had been in vain and was completely meaningless.

But whether it is the resurrection of the 'god' or Tachibana Masamune, he must come to an end. This time, he will not do anything wrong again.

A figure appeared in the distance, standing in the middle of the mountain road blocking his way.

"Brother, I knew you would come."

Yuan Jingnu stood in the rainstorm with a smile, her blood-red hunting clothes dancing wildly in the storm, and there was still no sword on his waist.

"Have you been waiting for me here?" Yuan Zhisheng asked.

"Of course, I have always believed that my brother will believe me." Yuan Zhennu said, "After all, we are brothers. We should not be enemies with each other. A long time ago, there were only two of us in this world who depended on each other. No one can live without anyone.”

"Then...are you here to help me?" Yuan Zhisheng asked hesitantly.

Yuan Zhisheng, who already knew all the truth, didn't know how to face his younger brother. Although Yuan Zhisheng was controlled from killing, those girls always died in his hands.

But Yuan Zhisheng, who has lost his 'justice', is no longer qualified to draw a sword on his brother in front of him.

"Sorry, I can't help you."

Yuan Jingnu shook her head helplessly, "Kazema Ruri is under that guy's control. I didn't bring a knife, because even if I did, it would only be pointed at you."

"Then why are you standing here?"

"Waiting for someone, please lead the way."

Yuan Jingnu looked into the distance.

"Who are you waiting for?" Yuan Zhisheng was a little confused. Who else would come here besides him?

Soon, another dark car drove towards this side and stopped steadily in front of the two people.

The door was pushed open, revealing a shirtless old man with a kitchen knife in his hand.

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned because he saw the tattoo on the old man's body.

"What are you waiting for? Get in the car quickly! I'm in a hurry to kill people!"

Uesugoshi's tone was irritable. He originally planned to run all the way here, but found that twenty kilometers was indeed a bit too far. Fortunately, he happened to pass a taxi halfway. Originally the driver was not willing to take him to such a remote place, but when he took off his shirt to reveal the tattoo on his back and showed a kitchen knife, the driver suddenly became much more honest.

Yuan Zongnu didn't say anything, she just smiled and opened the passenger door and got in the car.

Minamoto was carried into the back seat by Uesugoshi.

"I have a car..."

"What a fart!" Uesugi glared at him, "Sit tight, please, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I'll cut you!"

As he spoke, he waved the kitchen knife in his hand.

Yuan Zhennu smiled through the rearview mirror and looked at an old man and a young man sitting in the back seat, and stretched out her hand to guide the driver.

The vehicle sped up again.

"Excuse me, are you..." Yuan Zhisheng was a little at a loss when facing the old emperor, but he breathed a sigh of relief. If there was an emperor who was more powerful than him, things would be much easier to handle.

"I'm your father! Now I'm taking you to kill people. What's the problem?"

"Uh..." Yuan Zhisheng was a little confused, but he still kept his mouth shut obediently. He knew that now was not the time to talk unnecessary nonsense, and any more nonsense would just be scolding.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became eerily quiet.

The driver wearing a peaked cap drove the car honestly under the guidance of Yuan Zongnu.

Red well.

This is the core of the storm, but it seems so calm at the moment. The huge raindrops hit the pool of blood, like ripples on the red lake.

None of the engineers from the eight Sheqi families who were originally here are still alive.

Their mission has ended. In Herzog's eyes, the last meaning of their existence is to offer blood sacrifices for the resurrection of the 'god'.

Herzog stood on the white steel beam, letting the rain falling from the sky hit him. The heavy rain was pouring, but his figure did not have any sad atmosphere. On the contrary, the lightning illuminated his crazy smiling face. He was laughing like a mad scientist in the rainstorm.

He asked about the wonderful breath, which is the breath of birth of life. Unfortunately, this life was not created by him.

The great being is waking up, he has been waiting for this day for decades.

His laughter woke up the sleeping girl next to him.

Xia Mi slowly opened his eyes, and his first reaction was 'struggle'.

Then she was 'surprised' to find that she was tied to the experimental table with heavy chains. She wasn't the only one, there was Eri lying on another experimental table next to her.

However, Eriki is not like her. Eriki will not struggle under Herzog's control.

Xia Mi stared fiercely at the figure standing on a high place overlooking everything here.

"You're awake, beautiful lady."

Herzog seemed to have changed into a suit specially to prepare for the grand scene. He politely saluted the lady tied to the experimental table with a smile on his face.

"Then please enjoy this beautiful scene with me."

As Herzog's words fell, a rumbling mechanical sound sounded in the red well, and twelve streams of water poured into the deep well. This was the 'nutrient' prepared by Herzog, as red as blood.

A large number of bubbles rose from the bottom of the water, as if something was blowing bubbles at the bottom of the well.

White foam accumulated on the surface of the water, and the strong smell of blood filled the deep well. The water temperature gradually increased, approaching boiling. Millions of dead snails floated up with bubbles, and the stench of boiled protein mixed with the smell of blood was nauseating. The wastewater was like a soup pot filled with flies.

"What the hell do you call beauty?" Xia Mi questioned this guy's aesthetics. He wouldn't be so disgusting even if he stewed in a pot.

"Shut up!" Herzog suddenly became furious as if he had been stabbed in a sore spot, "What do you know?"

Xia Mi didn't want to argue with him, so he just sneered.

"Watch it carefully, the next step is the highlight."

Herzog slowly poured the small cup he had prepared into the deep well.

That is blood, the most perfect blood in the world. This is thanks to Xuan Haojun's contribution, which allowed him to perfectly reproduce the blood that is so close to that of a god.

It was just a few dozen milliliters of blood. Originally, pouring it into this deep well shouldn't have caused any waves, but the moment the blood beads touched the water, the entire red well began to vibrate violently, as if something huge was stretching its body in the depths. .

"It's coming! It's coming!" Herzog shouted excitedly, "Let us welcome God's return!"

Fine water droplets trembled on the surface of the water. The stagnant water in this pool suddenly became thick and terrifying, like a rolling blood river in hell. The blood river began to roll and rotate, and a deep vortex appeared on the surface of the water. There was something there. He is moving toward the surface of the water, seemingly attracted by the blood dripping in from Herzog.

It greedily wants to devour the blood and use it to replenish itself. Because it is incomplete and needs genes from elsewhere to complete it, and this blood is the most perfect sacrifice.

The water surface exploded, and the liquid mixed with thick blood rose into the sky, like a dragon emerging from the water, bringing up water columns to the sky, but what appeared was not as majestic as the dragon.

The plain white shadow broke through the red liquid and emerged from the water. It grabbed the layers of iron frames on the well wall and climbed upwards at high speed. Its size was about the same as that of a killer whale, and its weight was estimated to be more than ten tons. Those iron frames were simply Unable to support its weight, the layers collapsed after it crawled through.

"It's so beautiful! What a powerful force and speed. This is the power of God!"

Under the bright light, what looked like a huge cocoon wrapped in white silk threads rushed out of the well and leaped into the air. Under it was a ferocious long tail, which seemed to have not yet hatched. But even so, it still ignores the rules of physics and moves upward at such a high speed, which is a miracle.


Xia Mi couldn't help laughing.

"Is this the beautiful God in your eyes?"

She mocked this idiot for not seeing the world and actually treating a worm as a god.

"Shut up!" Herzog shouted again, "Just watch! This is not its true posture!"

As if being encouraged, the white cocoon couldn't wait to prove itself.

A roar that reached heaven and earth erupted from the giant cocoon, it was the wrath of God.

The pale tentacles tore open the last cocoon, and grabbed the smooth well mouth to steady themselves.

"Yama no Orochi!" Wang Jiang looked excitedly at the majestic figure standing at the mouth of the well.

The myth seemed to shine into the display. What grabbed the mouth of the well was not tentacles, but eight curved dragon necks. The thing had eight heads, and its sharp teeth bit the entrance to prevent it from sliding down. Its lower limbs are deformed and short, and it can only use its eight heads as feet.

It looks very funny.

Although it looks a little funny, eight pairs of golden eyes like lanterns flicker in the air, and the strong sense of oppression makes people feel like they are seeing the devil.

"A bug is still a bug." Xia Mi curled his lips and smiled.

It's just a deformed creature that is not fully developed. If this thing can be called a god, then who is she?

"What do you know?" Herzog became angry, "It is still growing. This is not the true posture of God, and I will show the world what a truly perfect God is!"

He waved his hand gently, and a dark figure flashed in front of him.

"God, rest in peace."

A ferocious smile appeared on his face. What he longed for was never the resurrection of ‘god’. What he wanted was only the power of ‘god’!

The reason why he is so excited is because the God who appears in front of him now is exactly as he planned! Such an undeveloped God is exactly what he wants to see. He has neither the ability nor the courage to wait for the God to fully awaken and regain his power. Now is the best opportunity!

The 'King General' holds a special knife in his hand. Your knife is like an enlarged scalpel. It seems to be specially prepared for the creature in front of you. Everything is Herzog's experiment. In order to complete his great experiment, that It is an experiment leading to Shinto.

Yamata no Orochi seemed to sense the danger approaching, and suddenly an arc of light flashed through, like a peerless sword cutting through the night sky towards the 'King General'.

"Tian Congyun," Herzog became more and more excited, "That is a divine weapon!"

God not only sacrificed his body for him, but also gave him a divine weapon! Everything is a tribute to his coming as the new god!

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