Chapter 338 331. Blood and Tears

God's Tian Cong Yun did not hit the 'King General'. The newborn God was far inferior to Herzog's most perfect masterpiece in terms of speed and strength. It was more like a worm, just like Xia Mi mocked.

But even so, the 'King General' still didn't dare to resist the edge of the divine sword head-on. He dodged Tian Congyun's slash, and the strong wind lifted the dark cloak on the 'King General' body, revealing the ugly body underneath. An extremely ferocious human form.

Apart from the human form, there is no human appearance anymore, so it is no wonder that the 'King General' needs to wear a mask and a cloak.

The ferocious muscles bulge, and even the scales covering the surface cannot completely cover it.

This is the price of power.

An ordinary body cannot withstand such a powerful force, so Herzog abandoned the human appearance and built this puppet into a pure killing machine.

The knife in his hand suddenly fell, and a pale head rose into the sky with a gushing column of blood. The 'King General' cut off one of the gods' heads!

However, his attack was not over yet.

Herzog’s purpose is to kill the god in front of him!

His word spirit, Naraku, can control all unconscious flesh and blood, including, of course, gods! The blood of a god will not immediately lose its effectiveness due to death. As long as he follows his plan step by step, when he becomes the new god and comes, he will still get a perfect ride!

The vast sea and the misty night sky are connected together, so chaotic that it is impossible to distinguish between water and sky. Thunder clouds rolled in the dark sky, and the roaring thunder god was like a drum, playing the magnificent movement of the new god's enthronement.

He will step on the body of the old god and rule the world, and no one in the world can stop his pace!

In severe pain, the god let go of all the heads biting at the mouth of the well, and besieged the 'King General' who fell on it, but the 'King General' was more like a monster than it was, and its ferocious body burst out with power that should not exist in a human body. suppressed God.

The giant blade was cutting and tearing at the god's body, as if it was trying to pull its heart out of its huge body!

Two bodies, one large and one small, fell into the well, and the god roared and wailed as it fell. Thousands of years have passed, and no one is waiting for its return. Its era has come to an end, and what greets it is the rebel's butcher knife!

The heavy body of the god fell into the well again, splashing a huge wave more than ten meters high. The 'King General' jumped up high and returned to Herzog's side. His hideous appearance was as disgusting as a corpse. The only thing left was The only thing that can be considered normal is the official mask with a smiling face on his face.

Xia Mi quietly watched everything happening in front of him, frowning slightly.

The ugly body of the king's general was clearly a puppet at a glance, and it was impossible to kill Herzog's real body. So the body with the face of 'Tachibana Masamune' in front of me should be Herzog's true body. After all, this guy would not fail to attend such an important ceremony in person no matter how cautious he was.

But she always felt that something was wrong.

Because Xuan Hao said that Herzog should be as timid as a mouse, but now Herzog is confidently standing under the spotlight, standing in the center of the stage, admiring the fight between the two monsters.

He was laughing maniacally as he stood on a high place, seemingly defenseless. If someone suddenly appeared now, he could easily be killed.

This is completely inconsistent with the image of an old Yinbi who has been plotting for decades!

But what is the problem? Xia Mi couldn't figure it out at all.

"It looks like it's quite lively here tonight, right?"

A sullen voice suddenly sounded at the entrance of the Hongjing construction site.

Two figures were slowly walking towards the bloody construction site.

Yuan Zhisheng frowned and looked at the figure in front of him. It was the person he was familiar with, 'Tachibana Masamune'. This old man was laughing wildly at the performance in front of him. Even if he heard someone coming from behind, he still had no time to put away the smile on his face. .

The old man turned around slowly and looked at him with contempt. This joking look made it impossible for him to put the old man in his memory together with the guy in front of him.

But the facts are still before us, and they are indisputable!

The ferocious figure wearing a mask quickly stood in front of Tachibana Masamune. From that body, Yuan Zhisheng felt a sense of terror and oppression.

"Is this the so-called King General?" Yuan Zhisheng said in a cold tone, "So you and he have always been in the same group..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

To Minamoto's surprise, Tachibana Masamune suddenly started laughing wildly.

"Welcome, my good boy." Tachibana Masamune looked at Minamoto's angry eyes and smiled even brighter, "I knew you would definitely come."

"But you guessed wrong. We are not in the same group."

"What?" Yuan Zhisheng didn't quite understand.

As if to reveal the answer to him, the 'King General' next to him slowly took off his mask, revealing the same face as Tachibana Masamune behind him.

"How is this going?"

Minamoto was stunned, why did Wang Jiang and Tachibana Masamune have the same face? Don't tell him that these two are brothers just like him and Zongnu. He doesn't believe it!

The face of General Wang who took off his mask also had an arrogant smile, which was completely in sync with Tachibana Masamune beside him. Both faces were smiling wildly and smugly, as if they were mocking the stupid child in front of him.

"I see..." Xia Mi lowered his eyes and watched this scene quietly.

She seemed to already understand what was going on.

Yan Ling·Nai Luo. As the Dragon King, she saw that she knew all the spirits very well. No wonder she always felt that the aura emanating from either Tachibana Masamune or the 'King General' made her feel strange.

Now I finally know why.

Because both bodies are puppets. Herzog is indeed very cautious and has not revealed his true identity until now. So what does he want to do?

"Why are you talking so much nonsense to him?"

Tachibana Masamune was stunned because he did not guess that Yuan Zhisheng was followed by someone else.

A shirtless old man slowly walked up to Yuan Zhisheng holding a kitchen knife. He lit a cheap cigarette in his mouth, as if he wanted to dispel the strong fishy smell here.

The muscles on the old man's body bulge, and one can clearly feel the explosive power contained within them. The tattoos on his body twisted with the muscles, as ferocious as a living Ukiyoe.

Although the old man deliberately suppressed the anger in his eyes, the dazzling golden eyes clearly betrayed him.

Because he saw Eri lying quietly on the experimental table not far away.

"No matter what happens to him, one person at a time, chop him down first and then talk about it!"

After yelling at Minamoto, Uesugi held his sword and rushed towards the king general in front of him.

"Who are you?"

Two voices came out of Wang Jiang and Tachibana Masamune's mouths almost simultaneously.

"I am your uncle!"

The furious Uesugoshi grabbed the kitchen knife with one hand, veins popping out on his hand, and almost instantly arrived in front of the general.

The silver sword light hit the smiling face that exposed him like a meteor.

"Stop your grandma!"

A kitchen knife taken casually from the cart looked like a peerless sword, and it turned into silver light the moment it was held by the old man.

As for why it was a kitchen knife, it was because he didn't have time to go home and get those treasured ancient knives. He couldn't wait to tear this guy named Herzog into pieces, even with his hands!


But after all, the kitchen knife is just an ordinary kitchen knife. It completed its final mission with absolute violence.

The king's face was shattered along with the smashed kitchen knife. This knife directly shattered his skull, and the huge impact blasted the king's entire body away.

"Hoho? Not dead yet?"

What surprised Uesugoshi was that the guy whose face was cut in half and whose head was deformed could still stand up as if nothing had happened.

"It looks like the stage will be very lively tonight?" Even though the king was repelled by Uesugi Koshi's move, Tachibana Masamune on the side didn't seem to be in any hurry.

There was still a faint smile on his face, as if everything was still under his control.

Tachibana Masamune looked confidently at Minamoto Chisheng who had not yet drawn his sword.

Although some unexpected people appeared, they had little impact on his plan.

It just might be a waste of a puppet.

To be honest, he was quite reluctant to part with the 'King General' puppet. After all, it was his hard work, but it was insignificant compared to his plan to become a god.

"I'll just play with you!"

Tachibana Masamune's expression suddenly turned ferocious.

Along with the change in his expression, the king on the side also began to change, but not the expression, because the puppet no longer had a face.

The king's body began to expand continuously, and the scales that could not protect the muscle tissue burst.

Just like Herzog's original design, this puppet does not need a beautiful appearance, because it is a container used to contain power. It is a complete monster and a killing weapon.


The roaring sound was like the wail of a corpse, and the chopped face was twisted into a ferocious mouth. At this moment, the king no longer looked half human. The joints of his feet were turned over, his back was covered with bone spurs, and his hands had already It developed sharp claws and has completely transformed into a ghoul stitched together with flesh and blood.

"What the hell is this?" Uesugi frowned as he looked at the guy who suddenly turned into a monster in front of him.

On the other side, Tachibana Masamune, whom Bianyuan was facing, also experienced changes.

However, Tachibana Masamune's body changes were much milder, except that green and black scales grew on his body, and his face became more ferocious.

Even this made Yuan Zhisheng frown a little.

Because the power displayed by this guy is not much better than that of the emperor.

The two long knives exchanged and made a fighting sound. Yuan Zhi stared at the old man in front of him. This ferocious face suddenly made him feel so strange.

Let his heart gradually become cold.




No one answered his question. The 'Tachibana Masamune' in front of him just laughed at him with a sarcastic face. It seemed that the angrier he became, the happier this guy would laugh.

Looking at his ferocious smile, Yuan Zhisheng finally understood. He waved the long knife to push the old man away, raised his head, closed his eyes and faced the sky.

"I trust you so much..."

He muttered in his mouth, his voice low, like sobbing.

Finally, he trembled and opened his eyes. Blood and tears were mixed with endless anger. His whole body was trembling, but the hand holding the knife became firmer.

"do you know?"

Yuan Zhisheng slowly stepped forward, and Tachibana Masamune suddenly knelt down.

"I once took you..."

Tachibana Masamune knelt on the ground, unable to move at all. The strong gravity crushed almost every bone in his body. He looked at Yuan Zhisheng walking towards him with some surprise.

Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were filled with tears of blood, but the tears he left were not of sadness, but of anger. The extreme anger boiled his royal blood to an unprecedented level.

The kingship at this moment was the strongest he had ever experienced in his life.

Even Tachibana Masamune's strengthened body can't resist at all!

Yuan Zhisheng moved forward slowly and unsteadily. He didn't have much energy left to move.

It took almost all the strength to maintain the king's power. Not only his eyes, but also his ears, nose, and mouth began to bleed.

But he still has to move forward...

Yuan Zhisheng threw the ribs on his body in front of Tachibana Masamune. This ribs was originally prepared for him. He planned to end everything and go to Xuanhao to apologize and pray for the man to let the Sheqi family go, but he didn't expect that he would Comes in handy at times like this.


Holding the long knife in his hand high, Yuan Zhisheng softly called to the old man in front of him, as if he wanted him to understand, and wanted him to pick up the ribs in front of him and admit his mistake.

"Do you know? I once regarded my biological father!"

What responded to him was the increasingly ferocious smile on Masamune Tachibana's face, which became more twisted and more unrestrained.

"That's it..."

Yuan Zhisheng's tone was cold.

The long knife in his hand was swung down without hesitation.

A head with a twisted smile flew in the air.

"Pa bang bang..."

Applause suddenly came to mind in the dark corner.

The lights fell from the sky, as if the spotlight on the stage illuminated all the actors performing affectionately on the stage. At the same time, Tchaikovsky's dance music "Swan Lake" echoed in the red well. The high-power loudspeaker system played this dance music with great momentum. It is majestic and seems to be cheering for the passionate performance of Minamoto and Koshi Uesugi.

The lifting platform rumbled down, and the LED lights around the platform lit up. The colorful lights decorated the simple engineering equipment like a stage. On that shining stage, there were faintly dancing figures, dancing the steps of the prince in "Swan Lake".

Gen Zhisheng, who was kneeling on the ground, and Uesugi Koshi, who was fighting the 'King General', were both distracted by this bizarre scene.

The dancers wore slim-fitting tuxedos, crisp trousers, bright purple shirts, white silk bow ties, and black and white brogues.

Surrounded by LED lights, he is so handsome and tall, he is simply a handsome and elegant man. He hit every beat accurately and spun briskly and lively. Even ballet superstars would be impressed by this old man's dancing. His dance steps were flawless. The only flaw was that the dance was supposed to be sad and desperate, but he couldn't hide the ecstasy when he danced.

Dance finished.

The old man clapped his hands.

It seemed that he was applauding himself, but also seemed to be applauding Minamoto and Uesugoshi who were performing on the stage.

There was a smug smile on his face, and he seemed very satisfied with the performance of these people.

"What a wonderful, wonderful performance." Herzog's voice was full of joy. He chuckled and said to Yuan Zhisheng, who was kneeling on the ground, "I didn't expect you to have such deep feelings for my puppet?"


As he spoke, he could no longer hold back and laughed loudly.

"" Yuan Zhisheng looked at the old man in front of him with some despair, the same face again.

"Surprised? Curious? Unbelievable?" Herzog was in high spirits, "My silly boy, haven't you figured it out yet? You are all just my puppets, Tachibana Masamune, Wang Jiang, you... I have your dear brother~"

"Who are you!?" Yuan Zhisheng roared in a low voice.

He didn't understand, who was the person in front of him? Why do you have this face? Then who was the person he killed just now?

"Herzog, Dr. Jung von Herzog, was once the youngest scientist in the Academy of Sciences of the Third Reich and the sole person in charge of Black Swan Port. The human being who knows dragons best in the world, although his bloodline cannot be compared with You monsters compare, but I think like a dragon." Herzog introduced himself politely, "And today will be the moment when I become a real dragon!"

"Did you see that? My power is very close to that of you monsters!"

He pointed at the puppet who was as good as Uesugi and showed off to Minamoto, "Today is the moment when I surpass you!"

"Poor child, let me tell you the truth." Herzog leaned over and smiled at Yuan Zhisheng, "I am about to succeed. I will be very sad if no one shares the joy of success with me~ Thank you very much Come and participate in my coronation ceremony!”

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The light in Yuan Zhisheng's eyes became dimmer and dimmer, and Herzog whispered in his ear, telling everything about these years.

For example, he is Yuan Zhisheng's teacher, for example, he is also Yuan Zhisheng's teacher, for example, he controls the operation of the entire Japan and plays with everyone at his fingertips. Furthermore, Yuan Zhisheng's life is more tragic than that. Written by his own hand.

"...Child, would you like to congratulate me?" Herzog squatted in front of Yuan Zhisheng and asked as if taunting him, "Your father is about to ascend to the throne of God! Isn't that something particularly worthy of celebration?"


Yuan Zhisheng wanted to get up angrily.

But the royal power just now had exhausted all his strength.


Herzog smiled even more happily when he saw Yuan Zhisheng's ridiculous appearance. He stood up gently and kicked Yuan Zhisheng in the chest, and then walked towards the experimental table without looking back.

"Watch carefully how I landed on the throne of God!"

Herzog looked greedily at the two girls tied to the experimental table. Originally, he was not 100% sure about becoming a god, but God gave him two perfect containers. The effect of one plus one is not only equal to Two is so simple, he will become the most powerful god in history!

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the direction Herzog was walking in fear.

"Eriyi! Eriyi!"

That's his biological sister! He shouted at the top of his lungs, but there was nothing he could do.

No matter who it is, please save her! Yuan Zhisheng screamed in his heart, but who can change the current situation?

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