Chapter 343 Chapter 336. Torture

If Herzog skillfully controls the White King's authority and can even use the power of the law, then there may be some trouble for Xuan Hao.

It's a pity that Herzog's dirty soul is completely incompatible with this body, and he has no ability to control the power and power of the White King. No matter how in-depth his research on the dragon clan is, it is still just talk on paper.

He neither has the same level of pure violence as Xuan Hao, nor does he have the power of law that can restrict Xuan Hao's actions, nor does he have the dragon king level to use the spirit of speech. In other words, at this moment, Herzog has absolutely nothing that can be used to fight against Xuan Hao. What Xuanhao and the others fought with.

Compared with physical attacks, Xuan Hao is very confident that except for the Black King, no one in the world can be stronger than him.

When it comes to Bi Yan Ling, probably no one knows it better than a sober Dragon King like Xia Mi.

The outcome has been decided from the beginning. If Herzog immediately ran away and hid after becoming a god, and then waited until he fully grasped the ownership and power of the White King, Xuan Hao might feel a headache at that time.

But this assumption is not valid. Herzog has been dazzled by the joy of success. This is no wonder for him. After all, how could he have thought that he who has become a 'god' can't deal with a hybrid? He knew nothing about Xuan Hao except that he had a bloodline close to that of a pure-blood dragon. He had never even seen this man attack with all his strength.

The information between the two sides was completely unequal, and Herzog's self-confidence was intoxicated by the powerful power in his body, causing him to lose his only chance of victory.

He was completely defeated when he descended from the sky to challenge Xuan Hao and launched an attack. He never imagined that humans could knock the god down and deprive him of the power to rise to the sky again.

It can still move! hurry up! Herzog kept roaring in his heart. His body was recovering quickly. The White King's power gave him a vitality close to immortality. These small injuries were not scary at all.

At this moment, Herzog had only one thought in his mind.

That's escape!

He wanted to leave here, build a new cocoon first, make sure that he would not die, and then find a way to seek revenge on the man in front of him.

For the first time in his life, Herzog felt so hopeless and powerless.

He still couldn't figure out why he lost. It didn't make sense at all. He was the new dragon and the successor of the White King. It was impossible for humans to defeat the White King. This was the truth in the world, but the person in front of him overturned the truth. !

Until he raised his head again and looked at Xuan Hao. The moment their eyes met, he only saw one thing clearly.


The words that made him extremely frightened filled his mind almost instantly.

"Who are you? Who are you? What on earth are you?" Herzog finally broke through the fear and roared.

"Me?" Xuan Hao looked down at him indifferently, "Just an ordinary human being."

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible!" Herzog couldn't accept the fact that ordinary people, how could ordinary people have more power than him? How could an ordinary person be pierced through the heart by a divine sword? What do ordinary people use to defy the truth of the world! ?

"I know your mind is full of questions right now."

Xuan Hao sneered, "But I won't tell you the answer, because I like to see you confused. Dr. Herzog, don't you call yourself a genius? Then think about it now and think about the reasons for your failure. , guess why I can win? I sincerely hope that you can think about these issues clearly before you die."

Herzog stared blankly at Xuan Hao in front of him.

fail? No, he has not failed, he has obviously succeeded! It succeeded...but why did it lose? Decades! He has worked hard to prepare for it for decades! A seamless plan and a perfect implementation. What should have been in front of him was the Avenue to Heaven. Why? Why would such a being appear and block his way! ?

"Impossible! I don't believe it! I won't die!" Herzog roared hysterically, "How many years did it take me? It took me so many years to get to where I am now. I am now the most perfect person in the world. It exists! How can it be killed! How is it possible!?"

Yes, Herzog can only comfort himself in this way. He is a perfect creature with an almost immortal body. It is absolutely impossible for the person in front of him to kill him!

"Except for me, any carbon-based creature will die if it is killed." Xuan Hao stated this fact expressionlessly.

"What are you talking about? I can't understand what you are saying!" Herzog was confused.

"You don't need to understand, and I don't intend to let you figure it out before you die. Take your doubts and go to hell to repent!"


Herzog's body flew backwards, rushed out of the red well, and fell into the mountains near the Tama River.


Herzog opened his mouth and spurted out dragon blood. The hot blood caused the vegetation on the ground to wither in an instant.

He roared angrily, and the turbulence in the space was guided by him. The fire element was concentrated and exploded suddenly, looking like a napalm bomb exploding in front of him.

Word Spirit: Junyan, he shortened his chant. Although the power would be sharply reduced, he knew that the man in front of him would not give him time to activate a large-scale Word Spirit.

He didn't want to cause harm to Xuan Hao, he just wanted to delay it for a while until his wings could recover!

But he was disappointed in the end.

He watched desperately as the man walked out of Jun Yan's explosion range unscathed, with a cruel smile on his face.

Why! Why? This man is obviously not the Dragon King, so the spirit of words should be effective on him! Why was it unscathed? There was one more question on Herzog's mind.

What should I do if I can't fight with my physical strength, my elemental attacks are ineffective, and my high-level word spirit has no chance to be released? Herzog became increasingly desperate.

"Are you desperate? Dr. Herzog?" Xuan Hao came to him again and asked with a smile.

Herzog didn't dare answer.

He had become a new god, but he didn't dare to speak. He was scared, and he was afraid of the monster in front of him.

"A very good expression." Xuan Hao looked at his expression and nodded with satisfaction, "Now, can you still confidently say that you are a god? Gods can actually feel fear? But I have clearly heard that gods have no human emotions. Huh? Can you answer it for me?"

"you you you you you!"

Herzog's eyes were filled with horror, and his whole body was about to collapse. I heard that gods don't have human emotions? Has this man seen God? Who is he? ?

"It seems you can't answer my question." Xuan Hao said with a cold expression, "Then you have no final value."

"I, I, I..." Herzog was speechless.

"But don't worry, I'm a good person who sticks to my word." Xuan Hao said to himself, "I said I would set off fireworks to celebrate for you, so I'll keep my word."


Horror filled Herzog's eyes, and he felt that the objects around him were moving backwards.


The wings behind him were broken again. Not only the wings, but also the bones on the back were being continuously destroyed.

"Boom - boom -"

Continuous roaring sounds continued to be heard from a distance.

Yuan Zhisheng and others who were evacuating couldn't help but sweat broke out on their backs. What kind of brute force was needed to sprint so arrogantly regardless of the terrain?

They only saw a black shadow rushing against a white figure like a cannonball, turning everything it passed into a scene of devastation.

The sprinting direction of the two figures seemed to be the seaside!

The sound of impact exploded in Herzog's ears, and the dust raised in the ruined city was pulled into a long straight line. At this moment, he was pushed backwards by the man in front of him like the front shovel of a bulldozer, and his whole body became torn to pieces. .

The man in front of him was so arrogant, so powerful that he had no strength to resist!

Across the ocean, people at the Kassel Academy and the Gattuso family could only see bursts of smoke and dust on the screen. Their sight was blocked by the smoke and they had no idea what was happening, but they were also incomparably shocked. .

This was the first time that the 'Emperor' showed his true power in front of them.

A force that makes people desperate and unable to resist.

"Is he still human?" Pompeii's face was solemn.

"I think we should hope that he is human." Schneider's voice was hoarse. "If he is not human, the world will face an irreparable disaster. Even the resurrected White King is as fragile as a toy in front of him. I imagine If nothing else can defeat him, do we expect the legendary Black King Nidhogg to be on our side?"

"Forget it, forget it, there's no way to play with this." Pompeii quickly asked people to withdraw the 'God's Punishment' hanging over Tokyo. Who knows if this thing can kill this monster? If it can't kill it, it will be over. Damn it.

"At least for now, he should be on the side of humans." Angers said with helplessness in his tone, "As long as we don't provoke him and the place he protects."

"The East is really a mysterious place." As an alchemist, the vice-principal's focus is always different from those of these serious people. "It is possible to raise these monsters. I remember that Lu Mingfei is also from there, right?"

"Yes..." Schneider nodded, "His exposure is also scary. How should we deal with it when he returns to the academy?"


The air suddenly fell silent.

No one wants to anger these monsters.

Because after today’s battle, hybrids all over the world will know that there is a monster like the ‘Emperor’ in the East, and they will not provoke him if they don’t want to die.

"If Lu Mingfei is controllable, we can try to use it." Ange said solemnly, "But even if we can't use it, we can't handle it ourselves. He has a very good relationship with Xuan Hao. I think you should not be willing to take advantage of him again." Threats coming over there.”

"Do they really dare to defeat us?"

"If you don't believe me, why don't you give it a try?" Ange said with a cold tone, "Anyway, as far as I know, there is nothing that that man can't do."


A deep trace was carved on the path from Mt. Tama to the coastline.

The waves are broken and create white waves.

The diffuse smoke and dust were split in half in an instant. The dust in the sky whizzed past with the strong wind. Blood dyed the gravel red, and the flesh and blood exploded on Herzog's body!

In the end, Herzog only felt that his vision went dark, and the world fell into silence.

He was pushed into the bottom of the sea by Xuan Hao in front of him.

Below this is...below this is the burial place of the gods! Herzog was extremely horrified. The man in front of him reminded him that he was going to die all the time.

The fear of death slowly approached him. This man put a sickle on his neck like the God of Death, tortured his soul, and infinitely amplified his fear!

How much hatred is this? Herzog suddenly felt a little regretful for offending the person in front of him. If he had not offended the person in front of him, would he now...

Continuously falling, the dark water becomes deeper and deeper.

Fear spread rapidly in Herzog's heart, as endless as the ocean.

He was supposed to be a god that soared in the sky and was worshiped by people, but now he was sinking to the bottom of the sea like a pebble and was buried in an unknown place! The sea water suddenly became extremely hot, and a light appeared behind him, but the light made Herzog feel as desperate as if he had seen the Red Lotus Hell.

That was a red light, enough to melt all earth veins!

If he came here in his complete form, he might not be afraid.

But if his broken body is forced into the magma at this moment, then the red lotus karma fire from hell will seep into the wound and burn every nerve in him!

Not only that, Herzog may soon regret becoming a species with tenacious vitality like the White King, because even if he is burned by this karmic fire, he will not die immediately. The White King's body will continue to repair, and then continue Be burned until the end of your life when all your strength is exhausted! It was simply a torture even more cruel than Ling Chi’s!

Normal people probably can't imagine such torture.

But Xuanhao is not normal.

He knew best the feeling of life being worse than death. In the past, only he could experience it, but now he could finally share it with others. He is indeed a good man and is actually willing to share things with his enemies.

"Shall we play a game?"

Herzog listened in horror as Xuan Hao whispered in his ear, the voice sounded like a real devil.

"As long as you can drink up all the magma here, I will consider letting you go, how about that?"

What a joke! Herzog struggled crazily with all his strength, trying to get rid of this devil's clutches. This was a leyline. The man in front of him had no intention of letting him go. He just wanted him to die, and die in pain!

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Seeing Herzog struggling desperately, Xuan Hao laughed wildly. He had long wanted to kill this guy who had offended him many times, but unfortunately he never found the chance. Today, not only did he catch the main body, but he also got a gift gift.

He suddenly felt that Herzog becoming the White King was not a bad thing. If not, how could he make this guy feel what despair was?


The two figures fell like meteorites, and the powerful impact caused the ground veins to bloom into fire-red flowers, as gorgeous as fireworks blooming under the sea.

But it is the flower of death and destruction.

The entire leyline began to roar as if it was irritated.

The magma boiled and the earth trembled, which was more intense than when Herzog ascended to the throne of God. The scene at this moment was more like the end of the world.

The screams and the sounds of underwater volcanoes were drowned by the dark water.

No one could see this terrifying fight. Humans on the Japanese land could only feel the tsunamis and earthquakes, as if the end was coming.

They long for someone to save the world.

But those who have the ability to save the world are pushing the world to destruction.

Herzog struggled to escape from the magma, but was pulled back by a strong hand every time.

He is desperate, angry, unwilling, and difficult to understand.

This human being looks like a real devil from hell at the moment.

Drag him into the depths of hell and release him again and again, as if giving him hope, but when he breaks out of the magma surface, he will be pulled back.

Every time he was about to escape from this hell, this man would always hold his neck, cover his mouth, and let him swallow the magma in his mouth, letting the scalding heat burn his internal organs and whisper in his ears. Edge whispered.

"Don't waste it. This is a gift from the earth."

Devil, devil, devil! Herzog thought he was the devil, but this man was even more frightening.

Half of the scales on his body were torn off, and the lava burned his bloody body, but he couldn't open his mouth to scream, because every time he opened his mouth, lava would pour into his mouth, and this man would let him swallow it!

At this moment, nothing about Herzog is complete from the inside out, but he is still alive and has inherited the power of the White King. This tenacious vitality keeps him alive, but now he just wants to die immediately!

Herzog even had the idea of ​​committing suicide, but the man in front of him obviously would not let him succeed.

At this moment, all his power has been taken away, and he can only die in pain in this endless torture. Even until his death, he will not understand what kind of monster this man is.

All his sins will be burned in the deepest part of hell, and not even ashes will be left.

Su Enxi looked nervously at the distant waves, and the ground couldn't stop shaking.

"It's over, it's over, it's over...Boss, you've killed us!"

She was a little desperate, not just her, but the whole of Japan was in despair.

The eruption of an undersea volcano set off unprecedented huge waves. In a few minutes, this huge wave coming from the sky will flood the entire Tokyo.

"It looks like Japan is about to be wiped off the map." Angers sighed slightly as he looked at the satellite footage.

At this moment, almost all the mixed-race executives from all over the world are focusing their attention here.

They all stared at the sea. Although they didn't know what happened to the man when he fought the White King on the bottom of the sea, but as far as the result was concerned, Japan was going to be lost.

Just when they thought Japan was hopeless, a naked figure rushed out of the sea.

He stood on the beach, calmly looking at the waves that covered the sky.

"It seems that the trouble has gone too far..." Xuan Hao sighed helplessly, "I don't know if I can withstand it."

No, you must resist it. This is Eri's home!

"Everything should end here."

He took a deep breath.

Suddenly, the muscles on his body bulged slightly, and he bent his knees and lowered his body slightly. The cracks on the ground under his feet spread, and power rose from the bottom up, like a beast being released.

The wind roared like a ferocious beast roaring between heaven and earth, and the strong wind swallowed up the oncoming sea tide.

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