Chapter 350 343. Should not forget

It's hard to imagine how this woman could reorganize her fragmented worldview and even believe in Lu Mingfei.

"What a beautiful world." Su Enxi raised her hand to block the sunlight on her face and smiled. She should have known that a lazy person like her couldn't create such a beautiful world. After all, she couldn't even be bothered to see the sun, so how could she want to create a world full of sunshine?

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the woman in front of him, somewhat confused. Isn’t it just ordinary sunlight? How long has this person not been out...

"Shall we go find him?" Su Enxi turned back and hooked her hand at Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei was stunned. He remembered that when he was in Gao Tianyuan, he was bossed around by this woman like a maid.

"Go to him, just like he found us. He saved us, I guess that always makes sense, right? Like now we remember him."

"But... where to find it?" Lu Mingfei had no clue at all. What if he remembered Xuan Hao? Now the whole world has forgotten this man. Even Su Enxi said that she was like a bystander watching a movie. Even if she believed it was true, what was the use?

"I know a place. Maybe someone there remembers him."

Su Enxi closed her eyes and thought for a moment, "If that 'dream' is true, then the girl must be waiting for him there."

"You mean..."

Lu Mingfei seemed to remember something and his eyes widened.

yes! How could he forget such an important person, Xia Mi! If you are a junior sister, you must remember the boss, right? After all, the boss is so kind to his junior sister...

"Are you going out?"

When Chu Tianjiao and Chu Zihang saw Su Enxi coming out with Lu Mingfei, they stepped forward and asked.

In their minds, how long has it been since this person went out? It seems that except when the world is about to end, he always hides in his room and is untouchable.

Although this 'emperor' protects this place, he doesn't seem to love it.

"Well, you don't have to follow, you just have to follow Lu Mingfei." Su Enxi waved her hand for them to leave.

Lu Mingfei shed a cold sweat watching this scene. This... have Senior Brother Chu and his son really entered their roles? Why does it feel like a real Ouchi guard!

"It's boring, isn't it?"

After getting in the car, Su Enxi looked at Lu Mingfei's unaccustomed expression while driving, and said with a smile, "That's why I don't like the world like this. I hope everything in my 'dream' is true. Sitting on the couch together and talking about it makes it feel more real to me... I hope you can prove it to me."

"Yeah." Lu Mingfei nodded gently. He also felt that it was better that way. This bullshit world was too inconsistent and things shouldn't be like this.

Soon, they came to a very ordinary residential area, so ordinary that it was easy to ignore.

There are very few people here, the houses are all short single-family bungalows, and there are not many pedestrians on the road.

Su Enxi drove the vehicle slowly to a stop in front of an old courtyard. Through the courtyard wall, she could see a big tree planted inside.

Lu Mingfei looked at the tree with some nostalgia. It had not changed at all. It seemed that in this familiar and strange world, it was the only constant thing. This courtyard seems to have been forgotten by the world. It exists here as a matter of course, but it is the most unreasonable place. Because if Xuanhao really does not exist, then who would live in it?

Lu Mingfei opened the door hesitantly. He remembered that the first time he came here, he was troubled by the inexplicable alchemy matrix inside, but this time there were no annoying shrubs.

He was slightly disappointed, of course, not because he was addicted, but because he was afraid that everything here would be unfamiliar.

But when he saw the girl squatting under the eaves and staring blankly at the center of the yard, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

That is a very beautiful girl, breathtakingly beautiful. There should not be a sad expression on such a girl's face, because it is too disgraceful.

But at this moment, the girl stared blankly at the courtyard with a disappointed look on her face, because the person who came in was not the person she was waiting for.

"Um...Junior sister Xia Mi, long time no see." Lu Mingfei greeted awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" Xia Mi sighed slightly and asked calmly.

"We are here to ask you some questions." Su Enxi came out from behind Lu Mingfei and answered the questions for Lu Mingfei.

"Are you here too?" Xia Mi looked confused, "What do you want to ask?"

"Ask about the boss."

Lu Mingfei's expression suddenly turned serious. He stared at Xia Mi's expression, fearing that she had really forgotten.

"As expected, you still remember him..." Xia Mi had a genuine expression on her face. Xuan Hao had told her before leaving that Lu Mingfei was a special person and would probably never forget him.

Xia Mi's answer made Lu Mingfei relieved.

"That's great, junior sister! I knew you would definitely remember the boss!"

"Of course I remember. Even if the whole world forgets, I can't forget." Xia Mi didn't intend to get up, but turned his head and continued to stare at the yard in a daze.

"Junior sister, do you know where the boss is now?" Lu Mingfei asked anxiously.

"I suggest you not to get involved in this matter," Xia Mi replied coldly, not even bothering to look at Lu Mingfei, "because he said before leaving that it was his own decision."

"But...but..." Lu Mingfei didn't know what to say.

"What did he decide?" Su Enxi pushed Lu Mingfei away and asked at the crux of the question.

"Do you still remember him?" Xia Mi looked at Su Enxi in surprise.

She could understand that Lu Mingfei still remembered Xuan Hao, but how could Su Enxi remember it? He is obviously just an ordinary hybrid, with no ability to violate the kind of power that can change the rules of the world.

"Listening to what you mean, he is indeed the real emperor! This makes me unhappy!" Su Enxi glared at Xia Mi, "Since you know that I am not the real emperor, why do you continue to cooperate with me in my performance?"

Su Enxi is now certain that her memory has been tampered with by some inexplicable force. Everything she has experienced is false, but the memory she thinks is a 'dream' is real.

In this false memory, she was the 'Emperor', leading thousands of troops. Not only did she subdue the King of Bronze and Fire, but even the King of Earth and Mountain in front of her had to obey her orders. But now it seems that some of them are true and false, because the Dragon King in front of her has always known the truth, but he just didn't tell her.

"Because it's his decision." Xia Mi replied expressionlessly. No one could tell what her mood was at this moment. "He said he asked us to do nothing, so we did nothing."

"You?" Su Enxi became even more angry, "So Norton and Constantine also know about it?"

Xia Mi didn't answer, but the answer was obvious.

"Can you tell me why everyone forgets the boss?" Lu Mingfei grabbed the irritable Su Enxi and asked.

Xia Mi sighed helplessly, "Because he is the one who wants to leave, and the world no longer needs him."

"What do you mean you don't need him?"

"I don't want to be some bullshit 'emperor'!"

Both Su Enxi and Lu Mingfei said they could not accept it.

"He also doesn't want to be an emperor, because this world should not need an 'emperor', but it is a pity that this title must be retained temporarily for the sake of the stability of order."

Xia Mi looked at Su Enxi coldly, "He once showed his power to the world because he wanted everyone to fear the name of 'Emperor'. As for who this emperor is, it doesn't matter at all. People only need to know that King Bai died after the emperor Just take it in your hands, this is for the stability of this land. Even if the process is changed, the result will remain unchanged..."

"So that unscrupulous boss dragged me to carry the bag and ran away with the bucket?" Su Enxi rolled her eyes, as if I didn't care so much.

"I said it's only temporary. When what he wants to do is successful, the world will really no longer need the emperor, so naturally the title will no longer be needed."

Xia Mi continued, "And this also leaves a way out. Now you are the emperor, and he just doesn't exist, so even if he fails in the end, it will not change the current pattern of the world..."

"So the boss is thinking so much just for the peace of here? No... no... no!"

Lu Mingfei shook his head crazily in denial as if he was stimulated, "This is even more wrong! He has done so much, but everyone will forget about him. Is this okay?"

"Yes." Xia Mi pouted, looking like he was not in a good mood, "At least that's what he thinks. He is determined to get rid of that annoying name and put the world back on track. I can't stop him."

"But I haven't forgotten him!" Lu Mingfei shouted hoarsely, "How could I forget the person who picked me out of the trash and gave me a new lease of life?"

"Why not? Don't you think she has almost forgotten?" Xia Mi pointed at Su Enxi, "Or do you think it's unfair that you are the only one who hasn't forgotten?"

"Don't point at me!" Su Enxi clapped her finger angrily, "I have never forgotten it! I just... thought it was a dream. And this is really unfair to me! When did I say that I Want to be the emperor? How dare you cheat me! When I find him, I must...have to..."

Su Enxi started to get scared as she spoke, as if... the unscrupulous boss was here, she was the one doing the work? Is there any difference?

There are still some! At least the boss is sitting in that position, and she can usually be a salted fish with peace of mind, guarding her nest and not having to worry about anything!

"Anyway, I think what he did was wrong!" Su Enxi said sternly, "We must find him back!"

"Yeah, I think it's unfair." Lu Mingfei stared into Xia Mi's eyes, "Do you think it's fair? He was obviously here waiting for him to leave, but everyone forgot about him. Is it fair to him? You obviously wanted to help him, right? But he asked you to do nothing! Is it fair to you? "

"Maybe I..." Xia Mi tried to convince himself.

"Do you really think this is correct?" Lu Mingfei asked again, "Without caring about other people's feelings, he arbitrarily tamperes with people's memories. All traces he has left will be erased. When we die, we will not Someone remembers him, do you think that’s right or fair for him?”

"I..." Xia Mi was a little panicked by Lu Mingfei's stare. She didn't understand what this guy was excited about. She should be the saddest one!

"I think the boss did something wrong this time." Lu Mingfei's eyes were firmer than ever before, "Although the boss never seems to have done anything wrong, I always thought that he did everything right. I don't have to worry about anything with him. , but...this time I think he is wrong!"

"Can you tell me where he is? I want to bring him back."

"So what if I bring him back? Everyone has forgotten about it." Xia Mi turned his head and looked at the yard angrily, "What if he was wrong? Everything is doomed. I can't stop him. With my strength It can't change anything. Do you think I don't want to save it!?"

Lu Mingfei seemed to have caught something, "Is there a way to save it?"

"So what if there is a way?" Xia Mi looked at Lu Mingfei, "If there is a way, it's not something we can do. If I could do it, I would have gone!"

"How will you know if you don't try?" Lu Mingfei asked, "If you don't take action, nothing will change. This is what you taught me! Tell me what to do!"

"Are you sure?" Xia Mi stared at the boy in front of him.

She didn't know whether she should tell this young man the truth, because Xuan Hao did this just because he didn't want to involve anyone else, but if it was Lu Mingfei, maybe he could really do it! But would it be too selfish to tell him?

"Tell me." Lu Mingfei's eyes were firm, "The boss once told me that everything has a price, and he also said that sooner or later he would collect the price from me, but now he wants to kick me away. What's the matter? ? He has helped me so much, it’s time for me to do something."

Lu Mingfei looked at the girl in front of him sincerely, without any regret in his heart. Just like Su Enxi said, it is always meaningful for the boss to find him and save him.

He believes that what he does now must be the right thing to do, and he will regret it if he doesn't! that's enough.

"I understand..." Xia Mi nodded slightly, seeming to have made up his mind.


After knowing what to do, Lu Mingfei turned around and left directly. He originally planned to go home to celebrate the New Year, but after thinking about it, he didn't seem to have any family, and his uncle and aunt didn't know whether they would like him or not, so he got on the train heading north. s plane.

There were only two girls left in the courtyard at this moment.

"Do you really want him to come back?" Xia Mi asked Su Enxi curiously.


"But you are the emperor now, the emperor who is feared by the whole world. When he comes back, you will be a miserable wage earner again. Are you willing to do so?"

"What's there to be unwilling to do? Just like Lu Mingfei said, without him, there would be no me." Su Enxi smiled indifferently, "I just want to be a salted fish quietly, and I don't even bother to turn over. This burden is too heavy for me. It’s too heavy to say.”


"Yes, it's heavy." Su Enxi's face suddenly became serious. "Perhaps this magical experience is not completely without benefits. At least it made me know what it feels like to be an emperor... But to be honest, it is not easy..."

She sorted out the completely different memories in her mind, and by comparison, she found that her original life was so damn easy, and her boss was really kind to her!

"It is difficult to bear the expectations of all living beings and protect the peace of one place." Su Enxi scratched his temples, "Maybe he is right. When will the emperor be no longer needed here?"

"There will come a day..." Xia Mi suddenly remembered. A long time ago, two men, an old man and a young man, were drinking in this courtyard and discussing how to make the world peaceful. "This is their agreement."

Xia Mi looked towards the north, which was the direction the man left.

He said that there was the first and last emperor of this world, the Black King - Nidhogg.

"Have they all gone north?" Su Enxi asked.

"Yes." Xia Mi nodded slightly.

"Aren't you going?" Su Enxi looked at Xia Mi with interest, "Even if he wants to carry everything alone, you don't have to listen to him, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't tell Lu Mingfei what to do. . You said he would leave, right? Is it really okay not to follow him? "

"If I really followed him, he would probably be furious, right?" Xia Mi smiled, "When he left, I told him that it was very dangerous along the way and asked him to bring more people, but he didn't want us to Follow his adventures.”

"Because he is the only one who is truly immortal."

"But my opponent is Nidhogg. He is the oldest emperor. What if something unexpected happens?"

Xia Mi was suddenly startled and his eyes became serious.

"Are you worried? If you're worried, just leave~" Su Enxi smiled softly and opened the door without looking back.

Xia Mi stared blankly at the empty courtyard. Lu Mingfei was gone, and Su Enxi was gone as well. Will she continue to stay here and be obedient?

"What! You said Lu Mingfei went to the North Pole?" Ange's eyes widened when he heard the news, "Why did he suddenly want to go there?"

"have no idea."

Schneider handed over Lu Mingfei's leave request report to Angers.

"The vacation we gave him was originally just to go home to celebrate the New Year and then return to the college. But yesterday he suddenly applied to the Executive Department to extend the vacation on the grounds that he was looking for something there."


"He didn't say anything specific, he just said it was important."

"It's very important..." Ange's eyes flashed, "Let the execution department prepare and call all our elites back. Maybe the final battle is about to begin!"

"What!?" Schneider looked at Angers in surprise.

"Yes, you heard it right." Ange's expression was more serious than ever before, "If my guess is correct, the war will start soon, because our emperor has already personally set off for the Northern Expedition!"

"Is the emperor you are talking about... Lu Mingfei?" Schneider frowned. He always felt that something was wrong. Does the title of emperor really belong to Lu Mingfei? Why do I always feel a little inconsistent...

"Yes, this is an unprecedented war, a war between emperors." Ange stared at the north with burning eyes, "The emperor is personally marching on the expedition, how can he not bring thousands of troops with him? Go and prepare! I miss you You’ve been waiting for this day for a long time, haven’t you? Professor Schneider.”

On the endless ice sea, Lu Mingfei stood shivering on the ice, with the night sky above his head, and the huge black shadow of a whale swimming under the ice, as if it would break out of the ice at any time.

Lu Mingfei looked at Lu Mingze who was fishing on the ice.

"Hey, hey! Are you sure this is the right way?"

"Of course, brother, when have I ever lied to you?"

"But there's nothing here! What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Mingze asked, "Across this ice field is where you are going, brother. Don't worry, I want to chat with you more."

"Who has time to chat with you?" Lu Mingfei was speechless.

"Brother, to be honest, I didn't expect you to decide to come here alone." Lu Mingze didn't care about the disgusted expression on Lu Mingfei's face, but turned his head and smiled at Lu Mingfei inexplicably.

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