Chapter 352 345. We never left

"Hey you……"

Lu Mingfei was pushed towards the battlefield and wanted to look back.

"Brother, since you have made your decision, don't look back! Just keep rushing forward, the power has already been in you."


"Okay. Brother, come on!"

Lu Mingze turned his back to Lu Mingfei's leaving figure and smiled softly, and then left directly.

Lu Mingfei couldn't control his body while running. He wanted to look back and see the little devil who suddenly became strange, but he was horrified to find that he couldn't turn back no matter what.

His soul merged into his body, and he faced the exploding spear. Lu Mingze's somewhat lonely voice came from behind.

"I'll take the remaining half with me. Goodbye. Good luck to you, brother. You must remember that your name is Lu Mingfei."

"No, no, no, this is wrong? What's going on!? Lu Mingze! Lu Mingze!"

Lu Mingfei had a ferocious expression and shouted crazily. Lu Mingze's voice became weaker and weaker in his ears, and there was no response no matter how he called.

"What the hell?"

Lu Mingfei couldn't understand what was happening at all, but fear spread infinitely in his heart. He became more and more flustered and frightened. Lu Mingze never seemed like someone who would say 'goodbye' to him. ah! For some reason, he felt as if Lu Mingze had left him and would never come back!

What does it mean that the power is already in him? He finally realized something was wrong.

When he came to this island, when he woke up, he always felt empty in his heart. Did it start from that time? What happened? Why did Lu Mingze say goodbye to him suddenly? Is it because he chose to come to this island?

"Shouldn't I come?" Lu Mingfei was somewhat doubtful about what he was doing now, "Is it because I have no chance of winning in front of Odin? So Lu Mingze..."

Was he the one who harmed Lu Mingze? Did he harm the younger brother who always helped him?

"Liars, you are all liars!"

Lu Mingfei felt a little regretful in his heart. Everyone was a liar and they were all lying to him. Xuan Hao said he would ask him to collect the price, but in the end he wanted to kick him away. The same thing happened to the little devil who said he wanted his life. Why are you all like this!

Who is afraid of whom? If you want my life, take it!

Lu Mingfei felt endless emotions rising in his heart, including loneliness, anger, and sadness.

He ignored even the 'Kungunir' that was so close in front of him.

This is Kungunil, the legendary magic gun. From the moment it was released, it seemed that he was destined to die here.

so what?

"Get out of here!"

Lu Mingfei cursed like crazy.

There was a slight hesitation in the flying spear.

But the spear was still flying, and it seemed that it was only a matter of time before it penetrated his chest.

In that moment of hesitation, Lu Mingfei's hand had already grasped Kungunil's gun head. The blood on his hands spattered and dyed his clothes red, but his face was ferocious with nothing but anger and he seemed not to feel the pain.

The tip of the spear was still advancing, and Lu Mingfei's strength could not stop its advance. He could only watch helplessly as it penetrated into his chest inch by inch.

Sure enough, it was a lie to him. Lu Mingze clearly said that to kill Odin, all he had to do was tell him to get out, but he said it, and it was useless!

Still can't stop this magic gun.

"I am dead?"

Lu Mingfei could clearly feel that his heart was being penetrated. The spear carried the will of death, and nothing could stop it.

Half of Lu Mingfei's body still began to carbonize and turn black, and the spear actually slowed down. It should have penetrated Lu Mingfei's body directly, but now it struggled slowly on his body, sinking in inch by inch, and finally stagnated. .

Lu Mingfei clung to the exposed tail of the gun. He didn't know why the gun suddenly became quiet.


Lu Mingfei finally burst into laughter, and he finally understood what Lu Mingze said.

It turns out I didn’t let this spear go away...


A crisp cracking sound sounded.

Under Odin's shocked gaze, the indestructible weapon broke in Lu Mingfei's hand.

This gun may be able to kill everyone in the world, but it cannot kill him, Lu Mingfei.

"Only bugs in this world can block bugs, and only monsters can be enemies with monsters," Lu Mingfei looked at the spear in his hand with a gloomy face, "I am the biggest monster in the world!"

"Now you can go and die."

Fiery golden pupils ignited in Lu Mingfei's eyes. He stared at Odin in the distance, his eyes flashing with crazy mockery!

Lu Mingfei finally understood that the power was already in his body. No, it was already in his body. He was originally a monster, and he was supposed to roar into the world!

At this moment, a strong wind fell from the sky, driving away the thunderclouds. The rain curtain was torn apart by the storm, and the sun hit Lu Mingfei. The map of the Kingdom of Death seemed to turn into Ragnarok at this moment.

He suddenly appeared in the sky, looking up at the sun in the sky, his whole figure looked like a cross hanging in the air.

He breathed deeply, as if he wanted to suck all the air in the world into his lungs, and his blazing golden eyes looked down at Odin mercilessly. His body swelled and deformed, and the Kungunir originally attached to his body had merged with him at some point. The sharp bone spurs protruded from the surface of the body, the gray-brown scales snapped together loudly, and when the huge wings opened, they seemed to cover the entire body. world!

He came roaring with the wind, no weapon in his hand, but Odin felt unstoppable.

Odin only felt a familiar breath descending from the sky, which was both nostalgic and terrifying. He was back...

Odin knows very well that the only thing in this world that can break the branches of the world is the World Tree itself! And the guy in front of me is a monster with only the power of the World Tree!

"Have you really returned?" Odin's heart was filled with doubts, "No, not yet!"

He looked at Lu Mingfei with conviction, his eyes were crazy and irrational. The king needed an opportunity to return!

Dodging Lu Mingfei's attack, Odin galloped his horse through the sky, with Sleipnir stepping on thunder. The lightning-fast figure hovered around the island, surrounding Lu Mingfei in the middle.

Thunderstorm-like hoofbeats continued to sound, and the eight-legged horse roared. Odin pulled out the iron-colored heavy sword from nowhere. High praise.

Then, two ferocious figures collided with each other like lightning, and the fight between monsters began. The sharp claws and heavy swords drew red and black blood streaks. They roared and they fought. This was the first battle in the return of the king. The king is destined to return in triumph!

"This blazing look is so nostalgic..."

Odin muttered to himself and said some incomprehensible words. He rushed forward to fight Lu Mingfei, his golden eyes filled with joy.

"Can you defeat me?"

Odin roared and roared, questioning Lu Mingfei in front of him.


Lu Mingfei's ferocious face was full of anger. He couldn't understand what Odin was saying at all, and he just wanted to tear this annoying guy into pieces!

The sharp claws flashed past, leaving scratches on the mask on Odin's face, but Odin didn't care and continued to fight Lu Mingfei with his heavy sword, as if he would not stop fighting to the death.

It's like the demons in hell are biting each other.

The iron sword and sharp claws tore through the air, leaving traces of frost and fire. As soon as the blood splashed out, it was turned into blood-red steam by the high temperature. The shock wave roared in the clouds above the island, and the entire Nibelung seemed to be destroyed. Collapse, the world is crumbling.

"You can't kill me like this!"

Odin roared at Lu Mingfei, his eyes suddenly filled with anger.

"Come back! Come back! Really come back! You are not such a irrational monster that I know!"

He was frantically attacking Lu Mingfei in front of him, as if he was venting his emotions. How many years has it been? How many years has he been waiting? Been waiting for today! The mistake he committed should have been punished by the king himself!

bring it on! bring it on! I am ready!

Odin rushed towards Lu Mingfei frantically. The two figures kept going back and forth in the air. Both sides were repeatedly injured. Every knife and every claw was almost fatal! They want to pierce the opponent's internal organs and tear apart the opponent's bones without any mercy.

Because this battle requires no mercy!

This is a divine war, a holy war!

Odin knew that only the king's true return could change the world, and if he couldn't defeat himself, what was the point of returning?

"Come on, come on! Defeat me and tear me apart!"

Odin roared crazily, and the heavy sword pierced the sky and slashed towards the ferocious figure in front of him, but was caught by the figure with his bare hands. Then the sharp claws came in an instant, and a large amount of blood filled the sky, and the sharp claws pierced the body. Shredded ribs.


Sleipnir howled and stamped on the sky, opening his mouth to bite the ferocious figure fighting Odin in his body.

But the next moment, his head was also penetrated by sharp claws.

The monsters hugged and bit each other, their mouths full of blood, and their sharp claws left deep marks on each other's bodies. They gnawed at each other's flesh and blood without stopping. If you keep fighting, you may even be able to exchange blood types.

The two sides suddenly separated, and a war horse fell from the sky. Only two equally ferocious figures were left, spreading their wings and facing each other in mid-air. They were covered with scars, and large blood stains were spattered on their scales. That was the opponent's blood and lava. The golden eyes flashed in the sky, like candles about to be extinguished in the wind.

They were breathing heavily, and their heartbeats were beating as fast as war drums. They were not dead yet, just tired.

The golden color in Lu Mingfei's eyes gradually faded.

"Where am I? What am I doing?"

He completely forgot what happened just now. Looking at the hellish scene in front of him, the memory gradually emerged in his mind.

Odin's figure was ferocious and covered in blood, and that was his doing.

"I am indeed a monster!"

Lu Mingfei looked at the sharp claws in his hands with a silly smile, "Hahahahaha——"

"King! Have you finally woken up?" Odin shouted hoarsely.


Lu Mingfei was a little at a loss, "What king?"


Odin suddenly fell silent, his eyes full of shock, "How is that possible? No, it shouldn't be you! How could it be you?"

Why is this happening?

Odin couldn't understand at all why he still had this boy's personality? Where is the king? Where is the king he is waiting for? impossible! Obviously when he wakes up again, this boy's personality should no longer exist! The one who returns should be the supreme being!

"What are you talking about?" Lu Mingfei frowned. Why was Odin in front of him saying something incomprehensible? Could it be that it wasn't him that Odin wanted to see?

"It's not you!" Odin roared angrily, "You shouldn't exist! It's him who should return! It's the supreme and only existence! He's the real god and demon! He's the Supreme!"


Lu Mingfei was silent. So that was it. He understood. It turned out that the person Odin wanted to see was Lu Mingze!

"I want to ask too!"

Lu Mingfei roared, "Why did I stay? If it was that omnipotent little devil, he should have done a better job than me, right?"

He also couldn't figure it out. Originally, he should be dead by now. Lu Mingze said that he would take his life away. What was the result? In the end, he left him and disappeared!

Everyone left, so what's the use of leaving him as a loser?


A gentle sigh sounded in Lu Mingfei's ears.

"Brother, I know you can't do it without me, right?" Lu Mingze's teasing voice sounded in Lu Mingfei's mind.

Hearing this familiar voice, Lu Mingfei suddenly burst into tears.

He looked around wildly, but there was nothing around him except Odin and the island.

"No need to look, brother." Lu Mingze said softly, "You can't find me because I'm no longer here."

"I came to say goodbye, brother."

"Where are you?" Lu Mingfei roared, "Where are you going? You are all gone... Where should I go?"

"Don't worry, brother, I'm only leaving temporarily. As long as you keep moving forward, you will definitely meet me again." Lu Mingze said, "Then, let us finally overcome the first difficulty in front of us together!"

Lu Mingfei opened his eyes, and his coquettish golden pupils flickered in his eyes, "What do you mean it shouldn't exist?"

Lu Mingfei questioned Odin in front of him. Endless majesty radiated from his body, making the whole world seem a little darker. "Are you qualified to deny our existence?"

Odin's body continued to tremble, but it was not because of fear, but because of excitement.

He looked at the young man in front of him, feeling the majesty that enveloped the world, and his heart couldn't be more excited. "You are back! You are really back!"

"It's not me, it's us!"

Lu Mingfei roared, strong winds whipped up in the air, and a huge shadow emerged behind him, covering the sky and the sun, like a giant dragon turning clouds and rain in the sky, and the king descended from the sky.

"We never left, we just never roared into the world."

The whizzing claws were as violent as thunder, and Odin subconsciously raised his heavy sword to block.


Cut off, the sharp sword that could tear the Dragon King's body into pieces was cut off neatly.

Odin's eyes were filled with fear, and his whole body couldn't help but retreat backwards.

"Go forward! Brother!"

Lu Mingfei's eyes regained clarity. He looked at himself moving forward with his claws, and in front of him was Odin who was retreating!

"What a worrying brother. Don't get confused just because of a few words. You have to remember that you are Lu Mingfei, you are just Lu Mingfei! You are my brother, and no one can deny you!"

"I... am Lu Mingfei."

Lu Mingfei suddenly remembered what Lu Mingze had said when he left, asking him to remember that his name was Lu Mingfei!

Only then did he understand what half Lu Mingze said he took away, not half of his life, but Lu Mingze himself... They were originally one, but now half of them are missing.

"Go forward, go forward! Lu Mingfei! Think about why you are here, don't stop, don't stop!"

Lu Mingfei roared at him.

Suddenly, his entire body was on fire, his wings vibrated, and his speed suddenly increased.

The flaming dragon claws rushed in the direction of Odin's retreat. He felt like he was about to explode, but he couldn't stop. It seemed that someone was pushing him from behind to make him move forward. He knew that there was no one behind him, but there was someone. Such a feeling. Everyone is helping him, how can he stop here!

Odin stopped retreating and stared at the figure whizzing in front of him in trance.

He began to hesitate, not knowing who the person in front of him was. What he was sure of was that this was not the person he had been waiting for, but this power was indeed the power of the person he was familiar with.

"Who are you anyway?"

The roaring flames melted away the iron mask on Odin's face, revealing his shocked face.

The flames were burning on him, unable to resist or escape.

The sharp claws in the man's hand lightly scratched his neck, and a firm voice sounded in his ears.

"Remember, my name is Lu Mingfei!"

The dragon's blood was burned by the flames in an instant, and the severed head rolled in the air, turning into ashes and dissipating between heaven and earth before it could fall to the ground.


The whole world seemed to collapse, and the veil covering the world was burned to the ground by a fire.

At three o'clock in the morning, the entire haven was asleep.

The beam of the searchlight cast a circular spot of light on the dark clouds, and nothing could be seen on the ground except pitch black. No one knew that the uninvited guests had sneaked in here, and the Nibelungs used by the haven to prevent outsiders from entering did not work at all. effect. Even the hounds mixed with dragon blood did not dare to bark.

A black shadow entered here unobstructed.

"Are you sure this is here?" Xuan Hao asked softly.

Yes, he is the intruder here. If people here see him like this at the moment, they will probably think of him as a lunatic besides screaming and sounding the alarm.

Because he was talking to the air.

Xuan Hao looked through the thick layer of snow covering the snow and found a tightly sewn iron door, like an iron block embedded in the ground.

"There seems to be a combination lock."

Xuan Hao continued, he didn't have the password, but he could forcefully open the door, but then the alarm would probably be triggered and he would be discovered.

"password is……"

Listening to the voice ringing in his ears, Xuan Hao nodded slowly and entered the password without any doubt.

The icy air flowed out from the crack in the door, making him shiver. The breath coming from below had a chill that hit his soul.

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