A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 353 346. Bulbasaur ate the Bulbasaur

Chapter 353 346. Bulbasaur eats Bulbasaur

Below the iron gate is a dark tunnel. The walls of the tunnel are made of hard frozen soil. There are no lighting facilities. This place does not seem to be intended for people to visit, so there is no need for such things.

Very few people come here, and very few people are qualified to come here.

He walked along the tunnel countryside and found an old elevator.

"Does this elevator work?"

"Okay, this is the only equipment that can go down. Don't worry, there is no alarm device, because no one can come here without permission."

The elevator rumbled and sank.

The descent was very slow. As the elevator descended, the chill gradually deepened. Xuan Hao could clearly feel the turbulent flow of elements below.

There seems to be something terrifyingly powerful below.

After a long time, the elevator finally reached the end.

As the elevator door opened, Xuan Hao frowned.

"Didn't you tell me there was poisonous gas here?"

The space here is filled with deadly poisonous gas, and anyone who breaks in unpreparedly will only die. It is precisely because of this that there is no need for guards here.

"Aren't you going to die?"


Xuan Hao didn't bother to argue with this guy and walked out of the elevator directly.

What came into view was an empty space. Dark red light from an unknown source vaguely illuminated everything here. Even brighter was the huge alchemy matrix at his feet, with faint blue mercury flowing in the matrix.

A similar alchemical matrix is ​​also found in the underground ice cellar of Kassel College. This is an alchemical matrix similar to a magnifying glass, which can increase a certain word spirit hundreds of times.

Of course, an alchemical matrix like the Great Sword requires extremely high alchemical attainments. The person in charge of the Word Spirit Matrix at Kassel College is the vice-principal, or tutor Flamel. His own Word Spirit is the 'Commandment', and the effect is Almost all speech spirits were disabled, and with the help of the alchemy matrix, the entire Kassel Academy became his domain.

The alchemy matrix here also has the same amplification effect, but it is used to maintain the Nibelungs in the haven. As for why the technology of Kassel Academy can create the Nibelungs, of course it is because they used the people imprisoned here. thing. It should be said that it is not that the safe haven came first and then the Nibelungen, but that the entire safe haven was established on this basis.

"Next to it is the lift."


Xuanhao started the lift smoothly according to the instructions.

Huge things rose from the mercury pool. They were four broken bronze pillars. They were the same as the bronze pillars Xuan Hao saw at the Divine Burial. There was no doubt that they came from the ruins of a dragon city. If nothing else, , here used to be the ruins of a dragon city. The people from Kassel College found something here and set up a safe haven here to facilitate their research.

The mercury slipped away from the surface of the copper pillar, and the blazing golden body was shimmering with light, engraved with incomprehensible totems.

There is a red gold chain hanging on each copper pillar, hanging a pale human figure in the center. A twisted dark golden spear stuck in the humanoid's chest.

He had been immersed in the mercury pool for an unknown number of years, and the mercury seemed to have penetrated deeply into his skin, so his entire body was a strange gray-white color, as if he were carved out of limestone.

The mercury flowed away from his face, revealing a small face that still looked childish.

Xuan Hao looked at the hanging figure expressionlessly, and then at Lu Mingze standing next to him.

"Can you tell me exactly what happened?"

The reason why he was confused was because the hanging figure looked exactly like Lu Mingze next to him. It just always feels like there is some essential difference.

He couldn't tell what the difference was. Although they looked the same, they just felt different.

"Of course, I brought you here to tell you the truth. If you don't know anything, you can't help me." Lu Mingze also looked at the hanging figure, but his face was full of anger .

"Say it."

"Do you know who the god of this world is?" Lu Mingze asked.

"Black King?"

"No, he's not." Lu Mingze sneered and shook his head, "The people at Kassel College know nothing! The gods in their eyes are just beings that are too powerful to fight against. The Black King can be called a 'god' by them. ', White King can do it, and even if you want, you can do it. As long as you destroy the world in front of them and make them afraid, isn't that a simple thing? "

"So you want to say that 'gods' don't actually exist at all? As long as they are powerful, they can be called 'gods'?"

"No, God really exists." Lu Mingze stared into Xuan Hao's eyes, "You don't need me to prove this to you, right? Where does your 'immortality' come from? You should know best yourself. .”

"You even know this?" Xuan Hao looked at Lu Mingze in surprise.

"Of course I know, because I used to be a god!" Lu Mingze was almost hoarse when he said these words. His golden eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, looking ferocious and terrifying. It seemed that nothing was more disturbing than this. He was angry.


"Yes, once."

Lu Mingze looked fiercely at the figure hanging in mid-air.

"There was once only one throne in this world, and that was me. I was the origin of this world, and I created this world! And this world betrayed me!"

"Create the world?" Xuan Hao was stunned, "As far as I know, the only person who can create this world is... Yggdrasil?"

"It's an obvious answer, right?" Lu Mingze smiled softly.

"Then what is this guy?" Xuan Hao pointed at the figure nailed to the pillar by 'Kungunir'. Since Lu Mingze is the world tree, it is obvious that he will not be bored enough to nail himself to the pillar. On the pillar of shame.

"He? He is the one who betrayed me..." Lu Mingze's eyes were filled with anger, "Aren't we here just to kill him?"

"The Black King—Nidhogg!"

"Wait a minute..." Xuan Hao scratched his head, "Why... why does this guy look exactly like you? He is the Black King and you are the World Tree. They can't be brothers no matter how you think about it, right?"

"This matter starts from the twilight of the gods..."

"No, no, no! Thank you for picking the key points!" Xuan Hao interrupted Lu Mingze's singing. He didn't have that much time to talk nonsense with this kid. No matter whether he was World Tree or Black King, he just wanted to finish his work quickly and go back to accompany him. Xia Mi.

"Black King Nidhogg gnawed at the roots of the World Tree and usurped part of my power." Lu Mingze suppressed his anger, "What he wants is to devour me completely and then replace me and become a true god! "

"Is it that simple?" Xuan Hao was stunned.

"It's that simple." Lu Mingze said expressionlessly, "I am World Tree, and all creatures in the world are my children. They should worship me, respect me, and fear me, but he chose to betray me!"

"I understand this. Is it the so-called rebellious period?" Xuan Hao suddenly realized that this was the legendary "gorgeous betrayal of my father" and the legendary treasure phantom against his father! Mordred called him an expert.

At this moment, he looked at the two people again and finally understood the difference. The one who was nailed to the copper pillar was the Black King, the king, and the one beside him was Lu Mingze, the god. The essential difference is like Herzog usurping the White King's power but not having the Dragon's Heart. How could a guy who wanted to usurp the 'divine position' from Lu Mingze have the temperament of Lu Mingze?

It is a kind of self-centered temperament that is full of tears, like a devil, a god, and a supreme being. He is the only existence in this world, Black King? What a fart!

"What is the rebellious stage? He really wants to devour me!" Lu Mingze said that he was not joking with Xuan Hao.

"I understand, Mordred also really wants to kill his father." Xuan Hao spread his hands, "Isn't this kind of thing normal? Even in the homes of ordinary human emperors, plots of patricide and usurpation of the throne will occur. Don’t say that you have control over the world. So the Black King’s plan to usurp the throne must have failed, right? Is this your doing?”

Xuan Hao touched his chin and looked at the Black King who was nailed to the pillar miserably. Without even thinking about it, the one who could nail him to the pillar must be Lu Mingze.

"Yes, how could I stand there and not resist?" Lu Mingze sneered, "Betraitors are nailed to the pillar of shame. Isn't that what it should be?"

"Then why don't you just kill him?" Xuan Hao didn't understand at all, "Don't tell me that this is your own son who you can't bear to part with?"

"I..." Lu Mingze sounded helpless, "I can't kill him."

"What do you mean by being unkillable?" Xuan Hao was stunned, "Is it possible that he is like me?"

"No, he can be killed. But the key is that he has swallowed up a large part of my power. If I kill him, I will be severely injured. By then, the whole world will fall into unpredictable chaos."

"Killing him is equivalent to killing yourself?" Xuan Hao looked at Lu Mingze speechlessly, "This is indeed a problem, but according to what you said, doesn't the Black King not be able to die? No matter how he dies, you will be severely injured. There will be more rebellion from those who take a look at your power."

"That will be the real end of the world." Lu Mingze smiled softly, seemingly not nervous.

"Seeing as you can still laugh, does that mean there's a solution?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I bring you here?"

Lu Mingze looked at the Black King and seemed to see this guy suddenly open his eyes and rush towards him. However, he had nothing to be afraid of. Everything had been prepared. Even if the Black King woke up at this moment, he could not change the defeat.

"All the preparations I made were to wait for him to wake up and to ensure that I could get my power back while killing him. But unfortunately, I couldn't defeat him without losing any money."

"So you let me kill him?"

Xuan Hao guessed his plan without even thinking.

"Yes, unlike the twin Dragon Kings, my brother and I are twins," Lu Mingze explained. "My brother is in charge of the power, and I am the one who limits the power. I tried my best to let my brother and I The deal is actually to separate us."

"Why are we separated?" Xuan Hao was a little confused.

"After we are separated, we are two souls that have no influence on each other. That way, even if you kill me, he will not lose anything. Moreover, my presence in the Black King's body can also weaken the Black King's power." Lu Mingze Staring into Xuan Hao's eyes, "So you understand now, right?"

"Uh... do you want to sacrifice yourself to the Black King, and then I kill him!? And then let Lu Mingfei get back that part of the power?"

"That's probably the logic." Lu Mingze shrugged, as if he was saying it was no big deal.

Xuan Hao was stunned when he saw Lu Mingze's suddenly sad expression, "You are such a good brother..."

"Aren't you also a good brother?" Lu Mingze tilted his head and looked at Xuan Hao, "I saw it all when you tried every means to save Hui Liyi. It was because of this that I finally decided to completely trust you to guide me. You come here. There is no point in just handing over the power to the Black King, because he himself does not have the power to match it, so he will not become stronger. I think if it were you, you would definitely be able to kill him."

"Have you told Lu Mingfei about this plan? He will probably be moved to death." Xuan Hao frowned and looked at Lu Mingze in front of him, feeling that this little devil was not a real devil at all, he was just a poor child. For the sake of my brother, I even wanted to bear everything for him in the end.

"Actually, I originally wanted to eat my brother..."

Lu Mingze's eyes suddenly became cold, "My brother and I are in charge of the power and power of this world respectively. He has power but no power to use it. In the end, he will only be devoured by the Black King. But I am different. As long as he has no power, he will be devoured by the Black King." If my brother is willing to give everything to me, I can try to take everything back from the Black King! But even then... I am not 100% sure."

"But! Your appearance made me change my plan." He stared at the man in front of him, as if making final confirmation, "Your appearance made me confident, because I saw that you are not the person who should exist in this world. ! Your appearance has broken many of the original rules, and you are the game-breaker I need most! It is much easier for people outside the chessboard to change the game than it is for me, an insider..."

"According to the current plan, I can probably achieve a perfect ending. The price is just that I take a little risk of being swallowed up." Lu Mingze laughed playfully as he spoke. He looked at Xuan Hao sincerely, "You, are you willing to help me? ?"

Facing Lu Mingze's firm gaze, Xuan Hao was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Haha, there's nothing I don't want to do, this is our deal."

"All you have to do is kill him, and I'm completely ready for the rest."

When Lu Mingze saw Xuan Hao agreeing, he smiled even more happily, as if he was really just a teenager.

"There's no need to say thank you." Xuan Hao said generously that it was his duty to help others, "However, you only used not to interfere with the painting of Li Yi in exchange for killing the Black King. I seem to be at a loss. ! You have to pay more!”

"You misunderstood, I didn't intend to say anything to say thank you."

Lu Mingze smiled softly, and a tray suddenly appeared in his hand. There was a small jar of white wine and two cups on the tray.

He moved his fingers gently, and the wine jar poured out clear wine liquid. The aroma of wine filled the entire space, and even the poisonous gas was dispersed.

"The promises you make on your lips are all bullshit. When things come true, I will do my best to do one thing for you."

"Wait!?" Xuan Hao seemed to notice something, "So you won't die?"

"It's a joke, how could I die?" Lu Mingze said disdainfully, "Didn't I say it? It's just a risk. The risk doesn't mean it will definitely fail. If the plan goes well, both my brother and I can survive. That's what I want I want the perfect ending. I have to thank you. Without you, this ending would not have been possible."

"But aren't you planning to feed yourself to the Black King?"

"It's like he can digest it if I feed it to him." Lu Mingze suddenly laughed wildly, and raised his glass to signal Xuan Hao.

"Tsk - that's okay, little brother! What you're doing is as wonderful as Bulbasaur eating Bulbasaur and entering Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse!"

Xuan Hao took the wine glass and clinked it with Lu Mingze. The crisp sound echoed throughout the underground cave, and some kind of contract seemed to be established.

Xuan Hao drank the wine in the glass and started to laugh. Originally, he thought there would be some sad farewell, and he even couldn't bear to do it. He didn't expect that this guy had a back-up plan. Should he be called a little devil?

The two of them looked at the thin figure that was nailed to the copper pillar with evil intentions. A human being who claimed to be a good person, a former god, but now he looked like two heinous maniacs looking at the girl who was stripped naked. Two pairs of golden eyes emitted a chilling light.


From the depths of the extremely cold ice cave, two arrogant laughter came. They were laughing, they were drinking and reveling, their voices were full of emotion, like two crazy devils in hell, their laughter was eerie and terrifying, The figure who was crucified on the copper pillar shuddered unconsciously.

Far away in the east, in an ancient courtyard.

The girl squatting under the eaves was stunned for a moment. She raised her head and looked at the sky in the distance, seeming to feel the changes in the world.

"Lu Mingfei really succeeded..."

Xia Mi whispered to himself, then slowly stood up.

"Then I should get ready to go."

She gently opened the courtyard door and found that there seemed to be a black car waiting for her outside.

Chu Zihang saw Xia Mila who was going out, opened the door and asked her to get in the car, and then he got into the passenger seat. The driver was Chu Tianjiao.

"Did Su Enxi ask you to wait for me here?" Xia Mi asked.

"Yes," Chu Zihang nodded lightly, "She has made preparations and asked us to wait for you here. Now that you have gone out, we can set off."

"You two are going too?"

"Of course," Chu Tianjiao laughed, "How could we be left out of such a lively event? The boss is really too outspoken, and he didn't even take us with him."

Xia Mi looked at the two people with a chuckle. They didn't seem to realize that they had forgotten that man.

The car stopped by the river. At this moment, the riverside was completely on alert. It was not only surrounded by iron walls but also heavily guarded.

Xia Mi, led by Chu Tianjiao and Chu Zihang, followed the only passage to the inside of the iron wall.

As soon as they came in, they saw Su Enxi and two figures standing by the river chatting. Half of a huge dragon's head was exposed in the river in front of them.

"elder sister."

When Fenrir saw Xia Mi coming, he raised his head happily, and there was a slight sound coming from the huge dragon head.

"Shhh-keep it down."

Xia Mi gently touched his head. Although the area was under control, its excited voice was too loud.

"Yeah, sister, are we going to travel somewhere?"

Fenrir asked a little silly. He saw that everyone had packed their equipment and seemed ready to go.

"This time we are not going to have fun, this time we are going to help my brother fight the bad guys."

"Beat the bad guy?" Fenrir immediately became interested when he heard this, "Okay, okay! I want it too!"

Several other people looked at the beauty chatting with the evil dragon with weird expressions on their faces, especially Chu Zihang. He had only recently learned that Xuan Hao had such a big guy in the country, and what shocked him even more was that this The big guy calls Sister Xia Mi! What if those old guys in the academy knew about it and would go crazy?

Although his father told him not to make a fuss and that it was no big deal, Chu Zihang still felt very inconsistent in his heart. This is no longer enough to describe it as outrageous, right? Think about how a year ago I was looking for dragons to kill all over the world at Kassel College, and then look at the dragon Xuanhao raised in his home.

Good guy, Chu Zihang is really good guy, hybrids all over the world are still in the stage of slaying dragons, Xuan Hao has already started to raise dragons.

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