Chapter 354 347. Fate

"Do you know where exactly the boss went?"

When Su Enxi saw Xia Mi sorting out Fenrir's arrangements, she pulled her aside and asked.

"Of course I know, don't you know?" Xia Mi asked curiously.

"Nonsense, if I knew the specific location, I wouldn't have to wait for you..." Su Enxi whispered, "He didn't tell me."

"Actually, you don't need to know where he is. When the Black King recovers, the whole world will know." Norton looked solemn on the side.

"Yes." Xia Mi nodded slightly, "I have almost seen the scene of Ragnarok reappearing in the world. The Black King will revive. Either the world will be destroyed, or we will destroy it."

"Is it as scary as you said..." Su Enxi was a little timid, "If it were that kind of scene, I wouldn't be of much use!"

"For the sake of safety, I think you should stay in the country for remote support. And when the time comes, someone will need to direct the response to the disaster." Chu Tianjiao, who has cooperated with Su Enxi for many years, fully agrees with Su Enxi's view. This guy has a good brain, but here There is no use at all on the battlefield for such a head-on decisive battle. It is better to stay and deal with the various natural disasters associated with the Black King.

Arctic Ocean.

The huge ship broke through the ice. If Xuan Hao were here, he would find that it was the ship he had been on before, the YAMAL.

The ship lost its real captain and should have lost financial support and returned, but now he is sailing again, and the direction is toward the end of the world.

At this moment, Caesar stood on the bow of the ship and looked out. All he could see was a vast expanse of white hard ice. The bright sun hung low on the sea level. It was a very ordinary Arctic scenery. Who would compare this with the end of the world? Are they linked together?

But he knew very well that the end might be near. If Principal Ange's speculation is correct, this place will soon become a battlefield that determines the fate of the world.

If they win, they can prevent the end of the world from happening. If they lose, the history of the world will sink with this sea of ​​ice.

There was the sound of champagne bottles being opened behind him, and Caesar turned back to the table. This dining table is set on the deck of the YAMAL. It has a white tablecloth, sterling silver tableware, and a small mother-of-pearl spoon specially used for eating caviar. It is simply a dining table in a top restaurant in Paris.

The end of the world does not seem to affect this group of people's eating. After all, faced with such a situation, there is no point in being nervous. It is better to be full and ready for war, which has a bit of a "last supper" meaning.

"Sea bass from Peru, paired with 1990 Salon Champagne, please enjoy it while it's hot." Patsy opened the silver lid on the dining table.

"It's so deserted."

Caesar sat back in his seat, looked at the table in front of him and a few scattered people, and sighed.

Originally, he thought that saving the world would be a lively scene, but in the end, only a few people came here. Xuan Hao was nowhere to be seen, Chu Zihang no longer worked for Kassel College, Su Qian felt the same, and Lu Mingfei was walking in front alone. As for Nono, Caesar’s request here is not to let Nono come here.

The principal clearly said that he would summon the graduating elites, but it seemed that he was the only one who came. The rest were ordinary commissioners and old men who were about to die. Even Fingel from the atmosphere team didn't know where to go. .

This made Caesar wonder. Is he the only useful member of the younger generation in the academy?

"Principal, where are the thousands of troops you mentioned?"

Caesar drank champagne and raised his eyebrows and asked Angers aside.

"Don't worry, we are not the only ones taking action." Angers smiled, seemingly not nervous about the upcoming war, and even a little happy.

It is indeed something to be happy about, because this is his long-cherished wish. He lives just to wait for this moment. He originally thought that time was not enough, but someone accelerated everything.

"According to the information I got, Xuan Hao has gone to find the Black King alone, and his people have begun to move. Your friends are probably among them. It seems that my guess is right. We will be there soon. It has begun. This is a war related to the survival of the world." Angers's eyes were filled with gold, and his eyes were so hot that they seemed to melt the hard ice in this extremely cold place. "It won't be too lively when we get there."

"Where is that?"

In fact, Caesar had always had doubts. This time the academy dispatched in a hurry. It seemed that the incident happened suddenly and there was no way to make sufficient preparations. Even the ship was bought in a hurry with a lot of money.

"I don't know, but Youlu Mingfei will take us there."

Ange looked at the glaciers in the distance, "No one knows where the Black King will revive, but Lu Mingfei will definitely find it. We just need to follow him."

"So the main purpose of our coming here is to find Lu Mingfei?" Caesar asked, "But how can we find such a large ocean?"

"We have long expected that such a day would come." Schneider's voice was hoarse, "So during the Nibelungen Project, a tracker was implanted in Lu Mingfei's body, so that no matter where he goes, we can find him. "

"Oh?" Caesar raised his eyebrows, "Then you are really well prepared!"

That's why he hates these old guys, each one always does things that disgust him.

"This is a major matter concerning the survival of the world, and we can do whatever it takes." Angers couldn't deny it.

Is it a big deal about dragon slaying? Caesar rolled his eyes. Who doesn't know that Angers will do whatever it takes to slay the dragon? As for saving the world, does anyone really care if the world is good or bad? It's just because the destruction of the world touches the interests of these people in power.

"At present, we have found the location of Lu Mingfei and sent a vanguard to check the situation." Schneider took out a tablet and explained in a hoarse voice.

On the screen were two red dots overlapping each other, only a hundred kilometers away from them.

"Who did you send out?"

Caesar frowned. He saw two overlapping light spots on the screen, "Have you found Lu Mingfei?"

"No, no. According to the location, Lu Mingfei is indeed somewhere there, but he didn't find Lu Mingfei, but found something else." Schneider's voice was low, hoarse and trembling, not because of fear, but excitement.


"Just now, he sent news that something was approaching there. The weather conditions changed drastically within ten minutes, and the temperature dropped from minus 20 degrees to minus 40 degrees!"

"Elemental turbulence?"

"No, something is approaching that sea of ​​ice, bringing extreme cold." Ange shook his head slowly, "I think it's going towards Lu Mingfei. After all, they should be considered mortal enemies."

"What do you mean?" Caesar couldn't understand what Angers was talking about. Why were he and Lu Mingfei a mortal enemy?

"That's a white thing, the god of death under the ice sea, Leviathan." Schneider's voice was full of anger, and the old killer seemed to be unable to restrain his emotions.

"That is a white whale that can affect a wide range of environments. That kind of power must be possessed by the first generation species."

"Death?" Caesar seemed to realize something. The existence that could make the professor in front of him so angry was probably the only one who made the old professor lose everything, right?

"Are dragons emerging from the Greenland ice incident?"

The incident in the Greenland Ice Sea is no secret, because everyone knows how Schneider got the injuries on his face.

"Yes." Schneider's voice trembled, and Caesar felt that if the old man hadn't been immobile, he would have rushed across a hundred kilometers of ice fields with a knife to challenge Leviathan.

"Why is that kind of thing a mortal enemy of Lu Mingfei?"

"All dragons are mortal enemies of Lu Mingfei, because Lu Mingfei is the person most qualified to kill them in the world. They are afraid. Because of fear, they want to kill Lu Mingfei when he has just awakened and is weak. Him," Angers said.

"What kind of confusing relationship is this?" Caesar frowned, "Can you explain it more clearly? What do you know?"

He felt that Ange had been hiding something. What was Lu Mingfei's identity? He had been suspicious as early as a year ago when he and Lu Mingfei returned to the academy, because this was too strange. It was impossible for the academy not to know about Lu Mingfei's transformation, but they actually did nothing.

"I'm sorry, I made an agreement with someone and I can't reveal Lu Mingfei's true identity, but what I can guarantee is that Lu Mingfei is definitely not a dragon. He is on our side." Angers said, "You all know that I am the person who wants to kill dragons the most in the world. If Lu Ming was not a dragon, how could I have kept him alive until now?"

"I think I can prove this." Vice Principal Flamel raised his hand, "This guy can use everything he can to kill the dragons. No matter what Lu Mingfei is, in his eyes he is just a dragon slayer." It’s just a tool.”


The atmosphere fell silent for a moment, everyone frowned.

"There is one thing I want to confirm." Caesar stopped asking about Lu Mingfei's true identity, "According to what you are saying now, Lu Mingfei may be in danger?"

"Yes." Schneider said in a deep voice, "That thing will appear there and the target must be Lu Mingfei. There is no other possibility."

"Another question, who are the people you sent to find Lu Mingfei?" Caesar asked again.

"Fingel." Vice Principal Flamel replied.

"Fingel?" Caesar smiled softly, "I thought he was not qualified to be here."

"Don't underestimate him," Vice Principal Flamel smiled, "That's my proud student."

"Oh?" Caesar raised his eyebrows, "Sure enough, you guys are hiding a lot of things from me."

"There is nothing to hide now." Vice Principal Flamel was no longer concealing the information about Fingel, "... Speaking of which, that kid was also a victim of the Greenland Ice Incident. What a fate. Everything is... It’s like destiny’s arrangement, and it comes to an end in this sea of ​​ice.”

"The vice-chancellor still believes in fatalism?" Caesar sneered.

"I don't believe it, but I am an alchemist and I am quite sensitive to these things." Flamel smiled.

"Do you think Lu Mingfei and Fingel have a chance of winning against Leviathan?" Caesar's face was expressionless, seeming a little angry.

"I don't know." Flamel shook his head slowly. Although he knew that Fingel was very strong, if the opponent was really the first generation, it might be a bit dangerous.

"Then why don't you go to support?" Caesar asked these old people.

Angers was very sure, "Because Lu Mingfei is here, he will not lose, he will win, because this is a destined fate, not only Leviathan, but all the dragons will be killed by him."

"I see."

Caesar slowly put down his glass.

"I really don't get along with you."

He stood up and left his seat.

"where are you going?"

Seeing Caesar leaving alone, the old people were a little confused.

Caesar just waved his hand and didn't answer.

"Is he going to help Lu Mingfei?" Schneider asked.

"That's right?" Flamel nodded slowly, "That's fine, I'm worried about Fingel only."

"Young people are always passionate, and it is normal to dislike what we are doing. Let him go, he will understand sooner or later that some things are destined." Angers said.

Even Ange had to admit that fate is really magical. He tried his best to slay the dragon for a hundred years, but just like fate, he knew very well that he had reached a bottleneck and relied on himself. There is no way to kill all the dragons, even if you give him another hundred years.

So I am willing to cooperate with the devil, with monsters, with all the available forces in the world. If fate is not mine, then find the person who is destined to help me fulfill my long-cherished wish.

And Lu Mingfei was the person Anger found. Although the variable Xuan Hao appeared in the middle, it changed for the better.

Because their ultimate goal is the same - to kill all dragons.

At least that's what Angers thinks.

"Then what should we do next?" Schneider asked in a deep voice. Although he also wanted to follow him to defeat Leviathan, he knew that even if his body was gone, it would not be of any use.

"Just wait, Xuan Hao should be close to finding the Black King. I have a hunch that the Black King will wake up soon, and then it will be time for us to set foot on the battlefield."

Angers said, raising his head and looking towards the end of the world with burning eyes, "Are you all ready?"

Destiny, this is a word that Caesar hates.

Because he is a noble son, a destined leader, and an emperor who is proud of everything. He knew very well that it was the Gattuso family that gave him all this, and that was why he hated it.

The reason why he has been rebellious and difficult to control since he was a child is because he hates these things. This makes him feel like a puppet being manipulated, and everything is arranged.

But it turns out that rebellion has no effect, because apart from the name Gattuso, he is nothing. It seems that no matter how rebellious he is, he will eventually return to the embrace of the family and become the new 'family leader'.

He doesn't want to give up the honor and wealth of the Gattuso family, but he also hates the family that killed his mother?

He himself knew that this was contradictory and stupid, but... who said that the heir to the Gattuso family must be named Gattuso?

Kaiser Gullweger.

He once thought that one day he would sign his name as the heir of the Gattuso family.

Caesar took the Desert Eagle and hunting knife with him, put on thick antifreeze clothing, and rode a snowmobile toward the end of the world. The golden pupils in his eyes burned as hot as the sun. He is Caesar, born as a lion with golden fur. At this moment, he walks across the ice field like the rising and setting of the sun.

He will return with honor, this is his revenge on the Gattuso family. He wanted those stupid old men to know that the surname Gurweig had never disappeared.

He has that ability, because who inherits the family is not decided by those old men, but by his bloodline. He is a unique bloodline, and this is also destined...

Gullwig, this was his mother's surname.

But now that I think about it, it seems meaningless, because people who have died cannot come back...

"How annoying."

Caesar muttered to himself in the snow.

Because he lost completely and clearly hated the arrangement of fate. In the end, he wanted to make a comeback but had to rely on fate.

"Mom, does what I'm doing now count as escaping my fate?"

He raised his head and looked to the horizon. His mother's face appeared in the place that seemed to be shining with white light, a little blurry. The red line drawn by the fiery red light of the sun on the horizon looked like the skipping rope his mother held when he played with him when he was a child. . This boring little game was of no help to his destined glorious life as a king, but it was always imprinted in the deepest part of his mind. At that time, his mother's laughter still seemed to echo in his ears.

Don't give in, Caesar, not even once. He wanted to escape from here, even if he died on the way.

What he is going to do now is not in anyone's plan. He wants to get rid of that damn fate and save his brother who lives and dies with him. Because he felt that he was the real Caesar when he was fooling around with those guys in Tokyo. These are the only people who never thought of him as Gattuso.

The snowmobile broke through the red line on the horizon and disappeared into the wind and snow, as if it had broken through destiny. At this moment, Caesar seemed to finally get rid of the arrangements of the Gattuso family, get rid of his mother's hatred, and make his own choice.

In an igloo built on a snowy ice field.

A man huddled up and leaned against the fire to keep warm. Next to him lay a stick wrapped in rags that had been frozen into a popsicle.

The man rubbed his hands together, took out some compressed biscuits that were hard from the cold, and toasted them on the fire.


The biscuits that have not yet been completely thawed are chewed in the mouth, and the crumbs are stuck on the stubble with ice shavings. It can be seen that this man has been in this ice field for more than a day.

After filling his stomach hungrily, the man took out a detector wrapped in thick metal, with two red light spots flashing on it.

"It should be here obviously, why isn't it up there?"

There was some irritability in his tone, he seemed anxious and even a little ferocious.

If Lu Mingfei were here, he would probably be very confused that this good-for-nothing senior brother who usually laughs and laughs would show such a terrifying expression.

"How could such an accident happen?" Fingel's face was ferocious, and the expression on his face was very tangled, like anger and happiness.

He came here to find Lu Mingfei. He didn't expect an unexpected surprise. He found it. He finally found it! The thing he had hated for years.

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