Chapter 356 349. Tiamat

Lu Mingfei was surprised to find that he knew this petite figure, it was Zero!

And Zero was actually carrying his Seven Deadly Sins Sword Box that was supposed to sink to the bottom of the sea!

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the two girls who suddenly appeared in front of him and Fingel, ""


Both women turned back and glanced at him coldly.

Lu Mingfei swallowed his saliva and swallowed what he wanted to ask. The two women in front of him seemed to be a little grumpy now, and now was not the time for him to talk nonsense, now was the time of life and death!

The Dragon King on the opposite side seemed to be stabbing them all into hedgehogs!

At this moment, the eyes of the two women turned into terrifying vertical pupils, which made Lu Mingfei feel cold, as if he was being stared at by a real dragon.

Mai Shutoku holds two long swords with crimson and molten gold light flowing in her hands. Tianyu Yuzhan, just like its other name "Ten Grip Sword", is a long arc sword with a blade as long as ten fists, and Bu Du Yuhun is a giant straight sword with a length of two meters. The two swords obviously do not match the woman's figure, but in this woman's hands, they are as easy as toys!

For some reason, Lu Mingfei immediately thought of Lu Mingze. Apart from Xuan Hao, only the little devil in the world would send people to help him. Moreover, this woman said that he could not die. If he died, the boss would not be able to come back. He couldn't think of anyone else except Lu Mingze.

The sharp blade met the falling ice sword.

Lu Mingfei felt that the biting cold wind around him seemed to have stopped suddenly. It was the violent airflow formed by the two swords wielded by Mai Shutoku that miraculously suppressed the frosty wind and snow.

Her long, jet-black hair was flying wildly in the restless air, and the two long swords in her hands were swung wildly, smashing the oncoming ice swords into pieces.

Without any skills, Lu Mingfei could tell that this was "second-rate".

Shuutoku Mai gritted her teeth and swung her sword vigorously, taking a step forward every time she made a slash. She would be first-class in two days and bask in the sun in two days! She stepped forward arrogantly, blocking all her brothers behind her. The two-day first-class two-day world actually refers to yin and yang. The combination of yin and yang is chaos. It is pure power and arrogant violence. To put it bluntly, she is relying on brute force to block it now.

But the overwhelming rain of frost and swords continued unabated and seemed endless.

"She won't be able to hold on like this! We will all die when our strength is exhausted!" Fingel climbed up with some difficulty with the help of Lu Mingfei.

Blocking the attack of a dragon king was still too strenuous for this woman. The veins in her hands holding the knife were visible to the naked eye, and the surface of her skin was covered with dense blue-black scales. Even the expression on her face was stained by the dragon's blood. The relationship became a bit ferocious.

Facing the dense rain of falling frost swords, Mai Shutoku swung her sword again. The two legendary swords drew perfect arcs around her body. With the arcs as boundaries, the domain expanded, with blazing bright purple lightning dancing on it. A thunderous roar accompanied the expansion of the field.

Shutoku Maita took a step forward and stood in front of everyone. She was the sharpest sword at this moment, able to cut off everything in front of her!

Yanling·Mingzhao Advanced—Vajra Realm!

"If one person can't hold it, just two." Zero said expressionlessly and stepped forward.


She made almost the same movements as Mai Shutoku, with fine scales climbing up her snow-white cheeks, and her golden eyes burning like the sun in winter.

She waved the sword of the Seven Deadly Sins, 'Laziness' and 'Lust' in an arc, unfolding the same realm as Mai Shutoku. The two realms were superimposed on each other, and she waved four sharp swords like artifacts, facing the Dragon King. Attacking, the two women never retreated.


A cold snort seemed to hit his soul directly, and the surrounding air seemed to drop a few degrees.

The pale blue figure looked at the struggling human in front of him expressionlessly, smiling disdainfully.

She stretched out her hand and pressed down gently. The thick white fog condensed into ice, and the ice cones condensed in the sky became denser and overwhelming. It seemed as if the whole world was pressing down on Lu Mingfei and the others.

She is the king of the ocean and water. On this sea, no one can resist her majesty. Even the four monarchs who are also dragon kings can only avoid the edge temporarily.

The ice picks kept falling on the field, like an endless wave that became increasingly turbulent.

"Mortals, kneel down!"

Her voice was cold and emotionless, conveying a will that mortals could not resist.

Lu Mingfei gritted his teeth and wanted to fight. No one present except him could resist this Dragon King, but he didn't know how long he could last with the remaining strength at this moment.


Before Lu Mingfei could explode, suddenly, the frosty sword rain became sparse, as if something strange had happened.

The warning sign suddenly rose, and the Dragon King frowned and turned his head subconsciously. A scarlet bullet grazed her face, shattering the blue mask on her face, revealing the stunning face of a teenage girl.

The girl frowned slightly and turned her head. Her attention was on Lu Mingfei and the others, but she didn't notice anyone approaching, and it was clear that this person was so menacing!

The roar of the motorcycle was suppressed by the wind demons. Caesar rode the snowmobile up the iceberg and leaped onto Leviathan's huge body, moving forward along its rough back.

He fixed the front of the car, holding a desert eagle shooting in one hand and a hunting knife in the other. He leaned over the car like a hunting lion, ready to leap up and pounce on its prey at any time.

As he got closer, he estimated that the target was within his range, raised his gun and pulled the trigger.

A scarlet alchemical bullet grazed the target's cheek.

Caesar was a little disappointed. Although he had made good use of Kamamaita's vibrations to block out his own voice and moved forward carefully, he was still noticed in the end.

But it doesn't matter, since the bullets are useless, he still has the knife!

"She's pretty, but her mouth smells a bit stinky."

Caesar commented unscrupulously on the king in front of him, allowing the wind demon to perfectly convey his voice to the other person's ears.

Seeing the sullen look on that stunning face, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

The motorcycle crashed into the girl in front of her mercilessly, showing no mercy at all.

He would never think that the girl standing on top of the monster could be an ordinary girl. If he didn't only have these two snowmobiles in his hand, he would even want to drive a tank to hit them.

Before the motorcycle was about to hit him, Caesar jumped off.

The golden color in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and his eyes flashed with madness.



Violent blood - three times!

The golden lion exploded at this moment, and the soles of its feet stepping on Leviathan instantly crushed the thick scales on the whale's back, and the huge white whale howled.

The muscles in Caesar's calf bulged, and he used the violent blood to stabilize his body, and in the next moment his entire body shot out.

The scales appearing on the face made the lion's face become more fierce. He came with a strong wind, and the bloodthirsty wind demons moved around the lion, like the wind protection carried by the legendary undefeated king - the Wind King. Enchantment!

Yan Ling·Kama Weasel Advanced - Vampire Scythe.

The King of Ocean and Water frowned. She looked at the oncoming motorcycle and slowly stretched out her hand.

The fast-moving motorcycle exploded in an instant with just a light touch from the sharp claws.

The impact force and the temperature of the explosion had no effect on the king, but the smoke of the explosion covered the king's frost-like face.


She was a little offended by the human in front of her. He was just a hybrid. How dare he rush in front of her with such an inexplicable thing?

But before she finished speaking, a strong wind came towards her.

Vaguely she saw a figure emerging from the smoke.

The man held a hunting knife in his hand, and the filled smoke was split in half in an instant. The dust in the sky roared past with the strong wind, and the blood dyed the ice chips red.

It was this man's own blood. He was like a bloodthirsty lion, coming with a roaring storm regardless of the burden of blood on his body.

"Where's your horse!?"

Along with the lion's pounce, a continuous, heart-shaking sound sounded. It was the sound of the vampire scythe vibrating its wings, which seemed to be able to shatter the heart.

The young man coming on the wind waved his knife, and the whole space trembled. The violent power was overwhelming and shrouded the woman in front of him. The hunting knife came with the vampire scythe, like countless cutting blades, trying to kill the woman in front of him. Tear to pieces without mercy.

These are the claws of the lion, the tearing claws.

The proud lion faced the Dragon King with an angry look. Two pairs of blazing golden eyes looked at each other less than an inch apart. There was provocation in the lion's eyes, and sullenness in the Dragon King's eyes. Then the two eyes flashed in the wrong direction.


The blood bloomed in an instant, and was condensed into blood mist by the extreme cold.

The Dragon King was unmoved with her back to Caesar, but she could clearly see that the arm she used to block Caesar's slashes was covered with dense scars, which were the scars torn by the wind demon and the hunting knife.

Unfortunately, the wind demon didn't seem to have much effect on the Dragon King in front of her. It only left white marks on her blue scales. Only the hunting knife really hurt her.

The bone-deep knife wound made the king frown slightly. She really didn't expect that an ordinary hybrid could burst out with such a powerful force, but that was all.

She moved her arms, and the scales made a snapping sound. The cut wound was forcibly closed by her scales. Her amazing recovery power repaired the wound at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye. After a few seconds, even the blood was gone. It was frozen into pieces by the extremely cold temperatures and fell off.

She has returned to her original state, spotless water color.

"Hiss—it hurts so much for this bitch to catch someone..."

Caesar gasped for air and knelt down on one knee with his hunting knife supporting his body. At this moment, five deep claw marks appeared on his chest.

Although he predicted that he would not be his opponent, he still thought that he would lose so completely in just one encounter.

"Why are you still standing there!? Come up and help!"

Caesar roared in the direction of Lu Mingfei and others.

Only then did Lu Mingfei and others realize that they had been suppressed by the overwhelming ice sword just now and were about to be crushed to death. Unexpectedly, Caesar suddenly appeared and saved them.

Without enough time to think about why Caesar appeared here, Lu Mingfei quickly put down the injured Fingel, pulled out 'jealousy' and 'greed' from the seven deadly sins brought back by Zero and rushed out. Mai Shutoku and Mai Shu, who had recovered their breath, Zero glanced at each other and also raised his knife to follow.

Yan Ling had no chance of winning against Todoroki and the others, so he had to take advantage of this opportunity to deal direct damage!

Today's battle is different from those in the past. This is a battle with a slim chance of winning. Because they have neither the equipment support of the academy nor enough manpower to support them at the moment, it seems that they have returned to the era when humans took up butcher knives to resist the Dragon King many years ago. The sword in their hands is their only support, and their unyielding fighting spirit is the key to ushering in the new era. prerequisite for victory.

There was no such thing as 'fear' in the eyes of anyone present, because it was useless to fear the king who controlled the ocean on this vast ice sea. They had no way out at all.

Even Fingel stood up with his injured body, and pulled out a long black 'fury' from the sword box of the Seven Deadly Sins. He also used the violent blood to suppress the injury, and the desperado had retreated. No retreat.

Now there is only one way to go before a few people, kill the Dragon King in front of them.


A cold voice sounded in the Dragon King's mouth.

As she spoke, countless cold air condensed behind her, and she spread her wings. They were magnificent crystal-like wings, breathtakingly beautiful.

Her long sea-blue hair fluttered with her undulating wings, and the sea surface exposed by the broken ice undulated with her fluttering wings.

She slowly rose into the sky, like a god coming.

This king did not seem to intend to get entangled with this group of humans. She made good use of her own advantages, whether it was the glaciers and oceans under her feet, or the boundless sky above the sea.

"You have no chance of winning."

As if in agreement with Wang's speech, the huge white whale began to stir and roar.

Caesar on the whale's back was thrown off by the violent vibration.

The few people running on the ground stopped suddenly because the ice began to break and their foothold was decreasing.

The only one who didn't stop was Lu Mingfei. As Lu Mingfei was sprinting, his eyes burned with blazing gold, and the dragon's blood in his body began to boil. The high temperature caused white smoke to emit from the body surface, scales began to cover it, and bone spurs extended from his back. When he came out, his wings vibrated and brought up a strong wind! He caught the falling Caesar and raised his head to look higher into the sky.

It was a pale blue figure, standing in the sky, its vibrating wings rolled up the sea tide, the sky became dark, and waterspouts mixed with ice shards rose on the sea. The entire sea looked like a drawing of the end of the world.

Like she said, these people have no chance of winning.

Facing such a dragon king who showed no mercy, these flightless humans could only be buried in the ice sea as bait for Leviathan.

The whale song played by Leviathan is like a music of death, cheering and cheering for the death of these people.

Its mother is not some half-baked incomplete thing. This is the real king, the king of ocean and water - Tiamat.

Tiamat, she is the returning beast, the mother sea, and the daughter of destiny.

In order to welcome the awakening of the Black King, she became a complete king at all costs, but it was still not enough. The resurrection of the Black King is a disaster for the world. Even the complete Dragon King cannot escape this disaster.

She needed more power, so today she set her target on Lu Mingfei. As long as she devours him, she will become the true founding god instead of an empty shell with only its name.

"From now on, my name is Tiamat, and from now on, I will live up to my name."

She looked at Lu Mingfei who put down Caesar and took off into the air, a smile appeared on her face for the first time.

It didn't matter how many humans were there, her target from the beginning was only the boy in front of her. Seize him and devour the power in him!

Lu Mingfei looked at the Dragon King in front of him solemnly. He knew that in his current state, he was no match for the Dragon King. What was before them was a dead end.

This is a desperate scene, with heavy rain and thunder in the sky, tornadoes and whirlpools on the sea, the whole world is cheering, seeming to celebrate Tiamat's victory.

The faces of the people on the ice floe were even more solemn. Leviathan was swimming around them like a dance. At this moment, they were as helpless as living sacrifices in an altar.

Only Lu Mingfei in the sky could deal with the Dragon King. They were being swallowed by the whirlpool in the ice sea. No one could defeat such a huge white whale in such a venue.

At this moment, the white whale is just celebrating. If it is willing, it can even swallow these poor living sacrifices in one bite.

But for some reason, the suspended Tiamat also frowned. She looked nervously at the dim sky in the distance.

The dusk-like celestial phenomena and thunder in the distance were not caused by her. Although she had the power to control the sea and the ability to make violent storms blow in the sea where she was, she was unable to turn the entire world into such a dusk.

The strong wind seemed to have rolled up the clouds all over the world, and the color of the sky reflected the blood red color of the end of the world. Sand and dust rose into the sky, and rain fell from the sky. It seemed that the whole world was affected, which was a precursor to disaster.

It's like - Ragnarok!

There is only one person in the entire history who can cause such a change in this world, the Black King, Nidhogg!

In the bitingly cold ice cave, Xuan Hao raised his head and stared at the boy who was nailed to the copper pillar.

At this moment, the young man has opened his eyes. The gold in his pupils is flowing like lava, and he looks at Xuan Hao with the same look.


"Are you ready?" the boy asked.

"Are you ready?" Xuan Hao asked.

"In that case, let us begin the final war!"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Xuan Hao jumped onto the copper pillar and reached out to hold the spear nailed to the young man's body.

This is the seal, the seal that suppresses Nidhogg's soul. As long as the spear is pulled out, Nidhogg's soul will wake up and swallow up half of the World Tree. That is, he will sacrifice himself to the Black King at this moment. The old body of Lu Mingze.

The bronze pillar shook slowly, and the spear began to loosen under Xuan Hao's power.

Violent power is being unleashed, and the entire world is undergoing drastic changes.

Two pairs of magnificent golden eyes looked at each other with a smile.

Xuanhao looked at the smiling Lu Mingze in front of him, both of them murmuring the same words.

"Well, I'll see you later!"

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