Chapter 357 Chapter 350. Recovery

In the direction of the end of the world, a dark light rose into the sky, and the whole world seemed to be dyed black. Suddenly, the wind surged and dark clouds covered the sun.

Ports in various places have experienced tsunamis of an unprecedented scale. Not only that, but there have also been sudden earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in various places.

Overnight, fear spread throughout the world.

Meteorological stations in various places issued emergency warnings, strange phenomena occurred in the sky and earth, and disaster stars descended. But no one cares about this anymore, because everyone is running for their lives, trying to find shelter in the face of this horrific disaster.

But the meteors streaking across the sky told people that this was no ordinary disaster.

A series of red meteors streaked across the sky, seeming to split the dark sky into countless fragments, making the whole world fragmented. They fell into the world, making the already trembling earth become more agitated, and the storm filled the entire sky with volcanic ash. , the earth was cracked by the meteorite, and the red magma gushing out of the earth's veins turned everything into a sea of ​​fire.

The soaring black light was like the light that guided the destruction of the world. It rose into the sky and then fell somewhere. It penetrated the earth and merged into the crimson veins, followed by a desperate sound.

Not a crash, but something roaring in hell. The angry roar is like the prelude to the destruction of the world, and also like the horn of decisive battle.

Where the black light landed, the earth at this moment was like a scene from hell. Lava was flowing, the earth was cracking, and there was no place for living things to stand.

But a black claw ripped open the earth, setting off a red wave, and emerged from the hell.

A pair of ferocious giant eyes opened in the dark smoke, and with its roar, a storm set off in the sky. Heavy rain and thunder responded to the call of the ancient god. Played the lamentation of the destruction of the world.

The world is an altar, and the earth and sky mourn, welcoming his return.

He is back, the supreme being, the dark wings of destruction covering the sky and the sun. This is the end of mankind, the twilight of the gods.

Heavy rain and gravel washed away the thick smoke, streaked across the dark scales, and flowed to the ground, cooling the hot lava.

A ferocious face with blazing golden vertical pupils appeared, he raised his head, and a furious roar echoed through the sky.

How many years? He finally returns to the world!

So his anger burned the world, cities fell, and civilization was destroyed. From the moment he woke up, the whole world began to move toward destruction.

"This is... hell..."

Ange stared at the black light falling in the distance with a solemn expression.

The harm caused by the Black King's resurgence is much more serious than they imagined. The worldwide elemental turbulence disrupts the order of the entire world. This is an irresistible force for mankind. Even if they can successfully attack the Black King, it will probably be a waste of time. Are you excited?


"Is this really something we can defeat?" Schneider was shaken.

The real Black King is much more terrifying than they imagined. At this moment, the Black King's mere resurrection can push the world to destruction. So how powerful should he be?

Is this the power of the real god, Black King Nidhogg?

"Hey guys, now's not the time to be scared."

Angers can still smile on his face at this moment, because he has been waiting for this day for a long time.

"We have no retreat."

Everyone had no choice but to nod, because just like Angers said, they had no other choice. The resurrection of the Black King meant the end of the world. No one had a way out. There was no other option except killing the Black King. Methods can save the world.

"Have you finished writing your last words?"

Angers smiled while packing the equipment box. This S-class specialist, whose files were sealed at the bottom of the database, was wearing combat uniforms again today, with a badge on his chest.

"Are you kidding me?" someone sneered, "They are all a bunch of old orphans. Who are you writing your last words to?"


Schneider looked in silence at Angers and others who were sorting out their equipment and preparing to go out to slay the dragon, feeling very emotional in his heart.

These people are all old antiques who lived in the last century. They have no relatives for a long time. Maybe they have been waiting for this moment until now. In order to embark on this final battlefield, regardless of success or failure, this is the last battle.

"Schneider, the task of looking after the house is left to you." Angers said, "From now on, you will be the new principal of Cassel College."

"The new principal..."

Will there be a Kassel Academy after today? Schneider's voice was hoarse, and he couldn't tell what his mood was. He actually wanted to go to the battlefield, but unfortunately all he could do now was command. What's funny is that such a war does not require command at all, because it is meaningless.

This final battlefield will be a cruel and bloody fight, a desperate fight to the death.

If this battle fails and the whole world is destroyed, there will be no Cassel College. If this battle succeeds, the existence of Cassel College will also be meaningless. He knew that this was probably just Angers comforting a poor old man who couldn't go to the battlefield.

"Will we succeed?"

"I don't know," Angers smiled and shook his head, "But we always have to try. The children are also working hard. How can we just hide behind?"

He stared in the direction of the ice sea, where there were also people fighting to the death.

"We are already too old, so old that we are almost useless. We have to let out some residual warmth in the end, right?"

Late at night, sirens blared urgently in the shelter.

"Damn it!"

The elders of the committee ran out of the room before they had time to change out of their pajamas.

Someone actually sneaked into the forbidden area silently without anyone noticing! The worst part is...he actually broke the seal!

Looking at the black light rising into the sky, the entire haven fell into chaos.

Everyone knows what this means, it means the end of the world!

The elders of the committee led heavily armed soldiers to block the exit of the forbidden area, and pit bulls mixed with dragon blood barked at the entrance of the cave. It seems that he is afraid of something terrible.


The sound of footsteps came slowly from the dark hole, and the people inside walked slowly outside.

The soldiers raised their guns and pointed them at the entrance of the cave, looking wary.

It was impossible for the people inside not to hear the barking of the hounds. They should be very aware that they were surrounded, but they were still able to calmly walk out. They must have something to rely on, and they had to stay vigilant.

"What happened?" the elders of the committee came to the scene and asked.

"I don't know." The soldier shook his head, "But what is certain is... someone has unlocked the devil's seal."

"What!?" The elder's face changed drastically, "How could someone sneak into the shelter silently and still get in here?"


No one could answer his question, and no one needed to.

Because the culprit has come out.

Xuan Hao took a deep breath of the somewhat cold air. Although the coldness irritated his nasal cavity, it was much more comfortable than taking drugs down there.

At this moment, he is holding the spear used for sealing in his hand. This is the branch of the World Tree, which is the legendary 'Kungunir'. In fact, he was very curious at first about why this thing appeared here, as if it was mass-produced.

However, it is easy to understand that Lu Mingze admitted his identity as a World Tree. Since it is a branch of the World Tree, Lu Mingze can make as many branches as he wants.

"When you came, it didn't seem like there were so many people welcoming you?"

Xuan Hao looked at the people surrounding him and smiled lightly.

"But I don't have time to accept your welcome ceremony now, can you step aside?"

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance. That was the direction in which the black light was falling. If the problem was not solved quickly, the world would really be over. Although Lu Mingze said that everything would be easy as long as the Black King was killed, but He did not want the country to suffer such insignificant disasters.

"Who are you?" The elder of the committee stepped forward and asked Xuan Hao with a frown.

"Is this a 'safe haven'?" Xuan Hao asked, "Then you should be considered a member of Cassel College. Maybe you should have heard of me. I am your new school director, from the East."


Everyone realized that although they were members of the 'Doomsday Sect', they were not completely disconnected from the outside world. They had heard of the legend about the new director of the college, the 'Emperor' from the East. After all... they had also thought that if the end of the world really came, maybe the 'Emperor' would be the last hope of the world.

But now, this 'emperor' has actually released the Black King himself, pushing the world to destruction!

"Why are you doing this?" asked the elders of the committee. "Do you know what you are doing?"

They suspected that there was something wrong with the school director's mind. He actually came secretly to do such a thing. He was a terrorist! Now, the Black King is about to resurrect and destroy the world. The end of the world they fear is really coming!

"of course I know."

Xuan Hao stepped forward slowly, the golden pupils in his eyes lit up. The pit bull that was still barking suddenly seemed to be castrated, lying on the ground and not daring to move.

He ignored the gun pointed at him and headed in the direction he confirmed.

The soldiers' spines trembled with his glare. For some reason, they didn't dare to shoot. They always felt that they would die miserably if they did.

Facing Xuan Hao coming towards them, they involuntarily gave way to a path.

"What are you doing!" the elders of the committee shouted angrily.

But no one answered their questions.

Because those soldiers were trembling all over at this moment, as if they were facing a giant dragon. They were obviously standing in the ice and snow, and sweat was pouring out.

Just because of a look.

It was a look that wanted to kill someone.

"I told you, I don't have time to stay with you here."

Xuanhao walked with cold eyes.

The so-called 'doomsday sects' are just a group of cowards. They built a refuge here. They felt that mankind was destined to fail from the beginning. Instead of thinking of ways to fight, they should think about how to continue the fire of mankind and regard themselves as the last of mankind. Hope continues the fire of human reason.

Xuanhao didn't have any good impressions of these people and didn't want to communicate with them.

Because what he is doing now is completely opposite to these people.

"Just because you are afraid, doesn't mean everyone will be afraid."

A hurricane set off in the shelter, overturning everyone around Xuan Hao.

The blowing snow covered their eyes. After the storm dissipated, there was no trace of Xuan Hao except for the sunken ground. Only the cold voice echoed in their ears.

"What kind of monster is this? Is he... going to have a duel with the Black King?" Everyone was sweating behind their backs, thinking that it was a good thing they didn't take action.

Because at this moment, they all thought that this was a madman who actually released the god who destroyed the world with his own hands, and then wanted to kill the god? It’s simply unreasonable!

"It's over! It's just stupid!"

The elders wailed and cursed Xuan Hao for his ignorance.

Although this person does look very strong, and can even be described as non-human, he is a god, the Black King Nidhogg. Just the movement of resurrection almost destroys the existence of the world, just like someone who wakes up and stretches out. You can destroy the world just by being lazy. You are just a human being. What can you do to kill a god?

"How to do how to do?"

The entire shelter began to fall into chaos. The end of the world was really coming. They came up with various plans, but found that there seemed to be no way. When they really faced the end of the world, they could do nothing but wait for death.

Lu Mingfei and others who were fighting the King of Ocean and Water on the sea also noticed something unusual, but they had no time to care about it now, because the Dragon King in front of them seemed to be going crazy since the sky changed just now.

Tiamat attacked Lu Mingfei frantically.

She felt the arrival of the Black King, and there was not much time left for her. If she could not eat Lu Mingfei before the Black King regained his strength, then the only thing waiting for her would be death.

The sharp claws left a series of wounds on Lu Mingfei's body. Facing Tiamat's full attack, Lu Mingfei was completely unable to fight back in his current state, and could only protect his vital points and defend passively.

As if feeling his mother's anxiety, the white whale in the sea also began to roar madly. The situation of Caesar and others at this moment was also not optimistic.


The sharp claws tore off Lu Mingfei's wings, and the bruised Lu Mingfei fell powerlessly into the sea.

Tiamat also chased after her, and Leviathan set off huge waves that rolled up to a few people floating on the ice floe, and then followed her mother's footsteps and sank to the bottom of the sea.

The life and death of these mortals no longer mattered at this moment, their only target was Lu Mingfei.


Fingel raised his knife and was about to jump into the sea, but Caesar stopped him.

"Are you crazy? We will only cause trouble if we go!"

Facing a giant whale and a dragon king in the sea is simply asking for death. This is no longer a battle they can participate in.

"But! If this continues..."

Fingel clenched his fists fiercely, and his sharp nails pierced the flesh. No matter how violent they were, they would never be able to grow wings like Lu Mingfei. If there were only Leviathan and the terrain was favorable, they would Maybe we can still find a way to kill this big guy. But there was nothing they could do in the face of this Dragon King-level battle.

"Don't worry, we still have support!"

Mai Shutoku looked at the sky as she spoke.

Lu Mingze would never do anything that didn't matter. It was obvious that sending the two of them here would not make it clear from the hands of a Dragon King.

Therefore, their mission from the beginning was not to rescue Lu Mingfei, but to salvage the Seven Deadly Sins and confirm Lu Mingfei's location. The first thing they do before they come is actually get in touch with their partners!


"They are coming." Mai Shutoku heard the voice coming from the earphones and smiled.

Fingel and Caesar were stunned and couldn't help but raise their heads.

With a roar, the dark clouds were torn apart, followed by wind pressure.

In the stunned eyes of the two people, the giant dragon that broke through the clouds swooped in their direction. What surprised them even more was... there were five figures on the dragon's body, bending down.

" this? Reinforcements!?"

Caesar is already in chaos, when did they raise dragons as reinforcements! ? Moreover, the sense of oppression brought by the giant dragon clearly showed that this dragon was not an ordinary thing.

"Now is not the time to dwell on these things." Mai Shutoku rolled her eyes. She was also shocked when she and Zero went to discuss with these guys, but after thinking about it, it felt reasonable. After all, how could he be if he wasn't perverted enough? Their boss's ally.

"I'll wipe it!" A scream came.

Because the dragon did not slow down after approaching the sea, but rushed directly into the sea, causing huge waves to fly away the ice floe where Caesar and others were.

Fortunately, the three figures left the dragon's back before the giant dragon rushed into the sea. One of the petite figures left the dragon's back and spread its wings. The tornado suddenly raised on the sea caught several people flying in the air, making them They slowly fell onto the ice.

"Xia Mi!?"

Caesar stared blankly at the figure with wings on his back in the sky. That face was quite familiar to him. After all, they had stayed in Japan together for quite a while, but Xia Mi had always kept a low profile at that time.

"Good guy! What kind of perverts are the guys around Xuan Hao?"

Caesar couldn't describe his mood now. He originally thought he was quite strong, but in the end he felt like he was the weakest. It didn't matter that he couldn't defeat Chu Zihang. After that, Lu Mingfei couldn't defeat him either after he transformed. , and now it’s even better, even Xia Mi can transform! Can’t afford it?

"Don't be so surprised...just get used to it..."

Chu Zihang's helpless voice came from behind. Caesar was startled, and then he realized that Chu Zihang seemed to have jumped off the dragon's back with Xia Mi just now. As for the other person...

He looked around Chu Zihang, and sure enough, there was no one else but Chu Tianjiao.

"It's fun now, are everyone here?"

For some reason, Caesar suddenly wanted to laugh. It seemed that the King of Ocean and Water was no longer invincible.

"Get ready to start working." Chu Tianjiao smiled and stretched his body, which was a little stiff due to the cold wind while flying in the sky. "They will fish out the things below soon."

"Can you please... help me fish out that whale?"

Fingel, who hasn't quite understood the situation yet, still doesn't forget his original intention, but he also roughly understands that these monsters who are coming are all teammates, so they seem to be okay again!

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