A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 368 361. Destruction and Rebirth

Chapter 368 361. Destruction and Rebirth

"That's it, thank you." Xuan Hao sincerely thanked him.

"I understand, so good luck to you."

Lu Mingze sighed and waved his hand gently.

The heavy door slowly opened, and a mysterious and strange aura filled the air. Looking inside the door, it seemed that there was chaos, nothingness and silence, as if it could swallow up all existence.

"You can leave this world after stepping through this door, but I don't know where exactly you will go." When Xuanhao was about to step into the unknown door, Lu Mingze reminded him again, "This Here it is, this is the farewell gift that my brother entrusted me to give you."

Lu Mingze stretched out his hand, and a faint light twined around his fingertips, making Xuan Hao feel familiar for some reason.

"What is this?"

Xuan Hao was a little confused, what would Lu Mingfei give him?

"You should have seen it. This is part of my brother's ability. You can also call it 'humanity'. It allows you to resonate with other people's souls and see everything they have experienced. Maybe it can help you. There is help. You have eternal life. It would be a sad thing if you cannot feel the weight of life. He asked me to give this to you, hoping that you will not get lost again."

Lu Mingze showed a sincere smile in front of Xuan Hao for the first time, "This is also so that we can meet again. If you have enough ability in the near future, it will guide you back here. The door of the world will always be You open up.”


Xuan Hao felt the light integrated into his body and was slightly stunned. This was indeed something he had seen before.

Because this is what Lu Mingfei saw, and it was also what he saw when he finally projected the branches of the world to Nidhogg, but there were a few more things. At that time, he only saw beauty.

And this 'humanity' was also mixed with 'evil'. He saw the memories of many people, kind people, dirty people... It was like he had gone through countless different lives. This was Lu Mingfei's Looking at the whole world, there are not only beautiful things, but filth is inevitable, but those shining people still shine brightly.

"And one more thing."

Lu Mingze suddenly became verbose like a grandma, "I really can't stand it anymore."

"What?" Xuan Hao was stunned. What could he do that Lu Mingze could not stand?

"Your ability..." Lu Mingze shook his head speechlessly.

"My ability?"

"About your ability to 'not die'," Lu Mingze started to get excited as he spoke, "Every time I see you fighting, I feel insulted. It's such a waste, such a waste! "

"Waste? Where is the waste..." Xuan Hao looked confused. He felt that he had used it very well. The perfect berserker route, with meat, output, and health bars, could kill anyone.

"Do you know what kind of ability that is?" Lu Mingze asked.

"Not sure...you know?" Xuan Hao's eyes flashed. If he could figure out the nature of this ability, that would be a great thing!

"This is an ability that even I haven't fully understood yet." Lu Mingze was a little envious.

"You haven't figured it out yet?" Xuan Hao was a little surprised, because Lu Mingze is already a 'god' level existence now. Although he is a new god, if he really wants to fight, he feels that he should not be able to cope with it now. Lu Mingze.

Lu Mingze is the World Tree, and the World Tree is the existence that creates the world. At this moment, Lu Mingze has controlled all the power and power, and this is still his home court. If Xuanhao, who only knows brute force, really fights him He will probably be charged to death.

"Gods also need to keep learning, just like I followed my brother in reincarnation and learned a lot. But...life and death, creation and destruction, these are the supreme laws! Creation and life coexist, destruction and death are dependent on each other, they are Never-ending.”

Lu Mingze stretched out his hand, and light gathered in his palm. It was a projection of this world, "I am just a small world master. How can I fully understand such power? If I were so powerful, I would just If you can destroy or create the world, you have already become the master of the universe. You can do whatever you want, why do you still need you to help me deal with Nidhogg?"

"Ah...is this so powerful?" Xuan Hao was shocked.

"You guy, you obviously have the power of life and creation in your body, but you have never thought about comprehending it?" Lu Mingze glared at Xuan Hao, "You only think about exercising your body, are you thinking about it? Are you stuffed with muscles?”

"Uh... Actually, it's not like I haven't thought about studying it..." Xuan Hao whispered, "But it is a passive skill for me and cannot be controlled. Do you understand? It's like a power that doesn't belong to me. How can I research if I don’t have any clue?”


Lu Mingze smacked his lips, "So you've thought about it. I thought you were really that stupid."

"How is that possible?" Xuan Hao felt that it was better not to tell Lu Mingze that he had hated this power and wanted to throw it away. This was too Versailles, and Lu Mingze would probably go berserk.

"Okay," Lu Mingze sighed, "That's all I can help you with. You probably have a long way to go. Take more time to understand. There are limits to just relying on brute force. I think you should have felt it too."


Xuan Hao couldn't help but nodded. He felt it when fighting Nidhogg. Brutal strength seemed to have a limit. Once it reached the peak, it was like there was a shackle restraining him. No matter how hard he tried, he seemed to be able to Can't break free.

He thought it was probably the so-called 'limiter'? But he couldn't understand this mysterious thing at all, just like Lu Mingze said that the 'immortality' in him was the law of life and creation, he was completely confused.

"Wait a minute -" Xuan Hao suddenly had an idea and seemed to be connected to something, "Destruction...Creation...Life...Death..."

"If I successfully master these, can I resurrect my family?"

He looked at Lu Mingze with some excitement.

"I don't know." Lu Mingze shook his head without hesitation, "You have to wait until you reach that level before you try it yourself. I can't help you. Although I can feel the existence of your sister's soul, I can't influence it. It’s just a world of your own creation.”

"Anyway, there is hope, right?" Xuan Hao asked.

"Yes, but don't be too happy too soon..." Lu Mingze shook his head helplessly, "Understanding this kind of thing does not happen overnight. Do you know that from the time I was born, to the time I transformed this world from nothing? How many years does it take to create something? Human life is just a drop in the ocean."

"But no matter what, it's always a good thing to have hope..." Lu Mingze said and smiled, "Brother said that people always need to live with hope so as not to lose their way."

"Well, thank Lu Mingfei for me."

"Brother would probably say that he is the one who should say thank you." Lu Mingze spread his hands and shrugged.

Xuan Hao nodded lightly and smiled, "Then it's time to say goodbye."



Silence, chaos and darkness, without any light.

This is what's behind the door.

In the darkness, Xuan Hao didn't know if he had opened his eyes now, because he couldn't feel it. Once behind the door, his vision, hearing, and smell seemed to have lost their effect. He couldn't even feel the gravity on his body. It was like It's the same as being in an infinite universe, but there are no stars or anything here.

"This...where should I go?"

Xuan Hao felt that maybe he should really wait for the so-called 'god' to come to him?

His current situation is very dangerous. There is nothing here, and he can't even find his direction at all. In this chaos and nothingness, it seems that the only ending is to be trapped here forever.

"Stupid guy."

A familiar voice sounded in his mind.

Xuan Hao knew that the guy who claimed to be a god was coming, but this time was different from the past. He couldn't see where the guy was, and didn't even know if he was really in front of him. The only thing he could feel was that he was in front of him. The voice that sounded in his own consciousness.

He opened his mouth to answer, but found that he seemed unable to make any sound, or even convey his consciousness to the guy.

"Don't bother, there's nothing you can do now."

God's cold voice sounded again, "You have arrived at a place you shouldn't be. This place is not accessible to mortals like you. Even the boy who opened the door for you is not qualified."

"Human beings will always think that they are out of the control of fate and do stupid things."

"Do you really think I don't have the ability to take you away from that world directly?"

"Or do you think a new god who has just regained divine power will be able to stop me?"

"Smug human beings are always ignorant of God's favor and only think of praying to God when they need it."

"Obviously being taken away directly by me is the best choice, but you still have to stay and stage a life-or-death farewell. It's really stupid."

The chattering sound struck Xuan Hao's soul like a heavy hammer. Xuan Hao listened to all this in silence. He could only listen passively now.

"In the end, I chose the most difficult path. Do you regret it now?"

It seems that he has been completely seen through... Xuan Hao felt helpless. This god seemed to have seen his hesitation and regret, so he appeared here to scold him.

"But if you don't hesitate or regret, are you still a human being? You still don't understand people's hearts..."

Some weak voices refuted God's words, and Xuanhao also heard them. They were cries from the soul. His sister's soul hidden deep in his consciousness seemed to have awakened.

"Yes, I don't understand." God replied indifferently, "That is something I have abandoned. It is unnecessary for me."

"You won't save me if it's not necessary..." Xuanya's weak voice sounded again, "You are obviously trying to find what you lost, right? It's obvious that you are a kind god."

"God...does not distinguish between good and evil." God's voice seemed to be struggling.

"But you fulfilled my wish. This is an indisputable fact." The girl's voice was gentle, as if she was smiling happily, "Not only that, you also buried the answer in my brother from the beginning. Thank you."

Answer? Xuan Hao was stunned for a moment when he heard these words, and then quickly realized that this was what happened...

This gift is the answer, right? Although it is a difficult answer, it was indeed buried in him from the beginning. Although Lu Mingze said that this is the supreme law, it has no end and no one can completely control it. Presumably this foul-mouthed god couldn't help himself, so he buried the seeds in his body and let him find the answer on his own.

Thank you very much! Is this what is called tsundere? I don't know why, but Xuan Hao suddenly wanted to laugh despite wanting to thank this guy.

"Idiot, don't laugh!"

He seemed to be furious, this god is so arrogant~ Xuanhao was suddenly in a great mood. Although he relied on his sister to make a comeback, winning with his sister's mouth trick was equivalent to him winning, and there was no problem at all.

"Hmph, you are really boring humans. You will be trapped in this endless chaos forever. This can be regarded as getting together again."

God's voice gradually faded away, and it seemed that he really didn't care about them anymore.

"Um...what to do now?"

Xuan Hao couldn't help but think that he seemed to have no way of leaving here. It was so chaotic that he couldn't even tell the direction.

"Brother, try to feel it. Feel the direction of 'me' with your heart and soul...it may be dangerous, be careful on the road..." Xuanya's voice became weaker and weaker, as if she fell into a deep sleep again, her broken soul Can't maintain communication with Xuan Hao for a long time.

"Do you feel it..."

Xuan Hao felt the surrounding environment with some vague understanding, but he didn't know in which direction to exert force.

Feelings, this is easy to say, but if you just use force casually if you can’t find the direction, you might just fart out...

He stayed quietly in chaos, without any concept of time or space, for an unknown amount of time.

Finally, he felt the existence of this broken light spot deep in his consciousness, and he thought it was probably his sister's soul. He felt her presence. But what to do next?

"Wait, this is it!?"

Xuan Hao felt that this light spot seemed to be emitting countless indescribable streams of light, each strand of which was as imperceptible as a spider's thread.

They extend in countless directions in the darkness, forming a huge web.

Xuanhao looked in those directions and saw the stars in the sky. The stars are connected with silk threads, as brilliant as the Milky Way twinkling.

These are the soul fragments scattered everywhere, right? He seemed to understand the direction his sister made him feel. As long as he walked in the direction of these stars, he could get out of this darkness.

"I see."

Xuan Hao prepared to move towards the nearest light point, but found that his body was unusually heavy.

As soon as he took a step, he felt that his whole body was close to collapse. Just like God said, this is not the place where he should come. Human beings cannot act here.

This is the gap between worlds. Countless worlds are being destroyed or reborn every moment. Their escaping power will flow into this space. It is filled with extremely unbalanced forces of destruction and creation. It is chaotic and all living people Things get torn apart once they get here.

The reason why he didn't feel it just now was because he didn't move. He had the same power as here. He was in a state of balance without moving, but now his actions disrupted this delicate balance.

"We have to get out of here quickly!"

Xuan Hao gritted his teeth and used all his strength to move towards the nearest light point. Every step brought his body to the edge of collapse.

He had a hunch that his own strength might not be able to withstand the mighty power filling this space. If he continued to stay... he would be swallowed up!

Various substances surged crazily around him, seeming to integrate him with this space.

Basic particles, chemical elements, light, electromagnetic fields... turned into a frenzy and rushed towards him.

Matter begins to appear in the silent darkness, which is the birth of the world.

The mirror is in the water, the stars are moving, and time and space are distorted into observable vectors, just like the length, width, and height visible to the human eye.

One minute is 60 seconds, one second is 1000 milliseconds, microseconds... It seems endless in an instant. He doesn't know how long he has been experiencing at this moment, as if he is in a truly infinite space-time gap.

Xuan Hao stretched out his hand with all his strength, trying to touch the nearest point of light.

There is no feeling, I don’t know if I touched it.

He only felt that his whole body was enveloped by a torrent of chaos. He couldn't tell the difference between the north and the south. He seemed to be floating in the endless universe. He opened his mouth and couldn't breathe. He couldn't feel whether his body existed at all, but he could strangely hear his heart beating with strength. beating, blood flowing.

Consciousness gradually collapsed.

Darkness, chaos.

No temperature, no sound.

When the darkness spread to the end, the sight that should have been pitch black became a little mottled. Countless dense noises danced in his field of vision like a TV station with no signal. Noisy and scattered sounds came from his ears. The chaotic sounds gradually became clear and spliced. When they came together, it seemed that there were two people talking next to him...

It was probably a dilapidated wooden house with some air leakage. There were no electric lights, only the dirty kerosene lamp on the tabletop was beating. The tables and chairs were made of old wooden materials and were covered with cracks of the years. There was a light fragrance of vegetables coming from the tabletop. , seems to be a simple meal.

These are what Xuanhao felt, and it was amazing, because he didn't open his eyes. It should be said that he couldn't.

His consciousness is clear, and his perception of the surrounding environment has become clearer than ever, but he seems to be unable to control his body.

The faint aroma of vegetables got closer and closer, and finally it was stuffed into his mouth. It was porridge with minced vegetables, flowing down his throat and into his body.

It seemed like... someone was feeding him?

He could tell that the voices seemed to be that of a man and a woman, and he screamed in his heart that something was wrong... Could it be that he had traveled through time again? Is it possible that he is still dressed as a baby?

That's not right. How can anyone feed a baby vegetable porridge?

"Honey, is he really alive?"

The woman's questioning voice reached Xuan Hao's ears, making him suddenly feel relieved. It looked like he had turned into a baby, maybe he was seriously injured and was picked up?

But...will I be seriously injured? Xuan Hao suddenly lost his composure. Is there something wrong with his immortality?

No, there isn't! He could clearly feel that his body was constantly being repaired, but... while it was being repaired, it seemed that another force was destroying it!

The two forces seemed to be fighting in his body. Although his consciousness was extremely clear, he was still unable to control his body.

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